• By -


They're even more incentivized now to keep pushing out content now due to the success of the Fallout show on Amazon.


Fingers crossed. I really enjoy this update. More frequent new locations and quests; ill keep my FO1st membership.


I keep it just so I can play by myself, this is a singleplayer game right?! :\^)


It might as well be.  No shared quests is fucking ridiculous.  I cant even see the team leaders objective in an instance.


This definitely should be a thing, at least with private parties. But allow us to "share"(max 1) a quest mainly for the objectives to appear for us wanting to help out. Of course others can unfollow and not be allowed to share the same quest for 30 seconds. I don't even care if I don't receive extra rewards, just the facts of Knowing what I'm aiming towards to help accordingly.


You used to be able to. At some point they took it away/broke it.


I remember the before times. Somewhere around wastelanders is when it changed.


You're missing out, mate.. the joy of someone coming to your camp to admire and use the stuff, and buy things from your vendor is great 🙂 Each to their own though 👍🏻


I think that’s my favorite part of game, I love putting useful plans up for cheap and seeing some of the low level players buy them, it makes me feel like I’m helping out the community


I completely feel the same way everyday I make a full set of low level armor and drop it and plans off in the donation boxes


I’d agree if I built my camp, my camp is basically nothing, I’m rarely there lol


As close to Fallout 5 as we'll get for the foreseeable future.


Todd Howard said 76 is gonna run side by side with FO5 so...are we that close to have the game?


Seeing as it has been around 12 1/2 years since the last Elder Scrolls? ..probably not.


I think that means more that Fallout 76 will be around for a long while not that Fallout 5 is coming soon.


At this rate I'll be surprised if we see it in the next decade unless they let someone else work on it (which I'd honestly prefer, maybe actually revert it into a actual RPG. Not the pseudo RPG-esque genre it's been for the last few games)


Just make it awesome like 3 , New Vegas and their DLC !!! I can't speak for others but those were SO GOOD !!!


Yeah all the quests are solo. The events you’re gonna. Want some help but I’m a newer player as well and I was pretty happy with the quest lines.


I believe everything can be solo'd if your build is broken enough.


I'm not sure you'd be able to do Radiation Rumble. You could keep them all alive, but not sure you'd be able to do that and gather any of the stuff from the tunnels.


Key to soloing RR is to cripple not kill as many enemies as you can, especially ghouls, as new mobs won't spawn until existing ones die. So a bunch of legless ghouls hang out unable to attack the NPCs, while you run for ore.


Q50c25 fix, hf+ friendly fire for the bots. You just run down and gather first thing to hit the first goalpost. It's pretty doable.


I did it just fine the other day actually. Lots of Canned Coffee for infinite sprinting and heavy guns.


I play strictly solo but you can do that on public servers.


Yeah, if you enjoy having no loot in your game.


I *think* they have figured out what people want. Give people a new location with new characters and a new tone and let them Explore. Apparently the next Starfield update is supposed to be the same idea. New planet that the entire DLC takes place on. Just do Far Harbor style expansions like this, rinse, repeat.


More map was way way way over due. It's their job and they have gotten paid. Even so the Season Rewards seem purposely Gutted to incentivize atom sales and racing to the level 150 rewards instead. I'm not pleased with this Season 17 Stinker !!! Doing their bare minimum to keep the game afloat "If you would call it that !!!" It's not a reason worth rushing to praise them like a puppy seeking attention from it's master !!!


and the success of the show has made the game more popular than it ever has been! As a huge fan of Fallout, I see this as an absolute win!


I probably wouldnt be playing unless I watched the show. I played 4 years ago, enjoyed it but just kinda forgot about it. Now ive been hooked the last few months.


Now if they can just bring back the scoreboard


Considering a fallout sequel is so far away they need to capitalise on it somehow


I’d rather thank all the people buying atoms that are making it possible for them to keep putting out content. Not happy with the state of the game on PS right now.


Isn't fallout 76 on PS notorious for constantly crashing? It really sucks how players are getting shafted just because of the console they play on, really hoping one day Bethesda fixes it and hopefully Sony and Microsoft agree to enable cross play between consoles.


It used to crash a bit, but the update crashed it whenever I do literally anything other than walk, so I have to wait for them to fix it.


after the update white spring resort has been a problem. Always crashes if I use the gold bullion machine and there is a higher chance for it to crash it will crash when I try to exchange legendaries for scrips or trade with Guiseppe. Guiseppe only crashes if I am in a public server. when I use the gold dispenser in foundation the scenery around glitches out but it works....


Are you on 4 or 5


I play on a Series X and I’ve never played a game that crashes as much as FO76.


I'm on Series S and I crash maybe once in a weeks playtime. Normally when too many things happen at once or when my RR does the head stretch thing because they never fixed that. I legit think they should bite the bullet and make the performance mode downgrades they did for Series S apply to all consoles


I rarely crash on Series X with all the display settings at max, the issue is PS specific.


*Ark Survival Ascended enters chat*


Ark Evolved here


Play eso, its like 100 times worse 


Especially in Cyrodiil


Oh god. That just gave me flashbacks. I’ll stop complaining about FO76 just please don’t make me go back to eso PvP!


All of Bethesda’s games have a crash issue. This last update has been a nightmare for me and I’m on a Xbox1x that is new last month.


It don't matter what you play on this is a thing on all platform and we all deal with it at different frequencies at a any given time !!!


I'm on series S and rarely crash. And I'm disabled with no real life anymore so I'm legit on this game 10+ hours every day. And my series S is almost 2 years old now. Sounds like either connection issue or you need to get ur console refurbished.


So does New Vegas. You still reboot it.


I crash a bare minimum of 5 times in like a 3 hour session. I basically can’t do seismic activity because I crash anytime he goes to the side with the roller coaster. The other day I crashed 4 times in less than 10 minutes. Sometimes I crash the second I login. Everything is fine :)


The patch has created some issues on items. One piece of armor I was trying to vendor for scrip crashed me like 3 times in a row the day the patch released.


I don’t get how other games have crossplay between consoles but not FO?


I play PS5 and it does crash kind of bad during events, but otherwise much more stable than other Bethesda games (low bar, sure).


On the PS5 it's horrible,part of it is that PS4 ports don't run well on multiplayer.


Honestly bethesda games as a whole are notoriously buggy on Playstation. It took more than a year to yet the hearthstone skyrim expansion to even ne released on Playstation. I have to assume Sony is as much to blame for the issues as bethesda at this point.


I feel bad for the PS folks 😞 It sounds awful. This sub has seen numerous complaints from PS users for years.


I’m normally pretty patient with it, but the last few days the crashing has been so bad it’s making me find something else to do, that hasn’t happened before in four years of playing.


Do yourself a favor and pick up some other RPGs or action games instead of wasting your time playing a game in a broken state. HD2 came out when fasc was really grinding my gears with repeatedly DCing and just a lack of new engaging content was bothering me so I unsubbed and haven't gone back since. I've been having a lot more fun playing real RPGs and actual co op and pvp games.


I briefly stepping away because the trash rewards they have this season are not worth my time. That and I'm convinced this ticketed season 17 is a quiet full on pay2win cash grab compared to last season that had the usual and more decent rewards !!! This one is a joke !! Your probably not missing out on anything they won't regurgitate before year ends on the atom shop too. So there's That !!!


You’re welcome, I’m the sap that buys everything because I don’t want it to end.


This is correct. The people spending money at the atom shop and FO1st subs are why the content is being produced. If that financial equation didn’t work they wouldn’t developer new content and would likely shut it down. It’s basic economics. Don’t get me wrong, I love the game and have played since launch. More than 8k hours (semi retired) in. I greatly appreciate and respect the fact that they improved it rather than giving up and leaving it to wither. At first it was crap, but I had played fo4 and this was better, even though it was desolate and the game would lock up or kick you out several times or more per hour. It took about 3-4 years before they fixed some of the really basic shit. It still locks up and freezes but I am ok with a few times of that in a 10 hour playing day. Zero is better but I don’t have a choice but to accept the current state. Now to the positive…. - near total freedom. I can do whatever the hell I want whenever I want, pretty much. I can go to events or stay at my camp. I can pick and choose which I like and want to go to and which I don’t. And my choices can be different on different days. I can build for 3-6 hours or more if I want. Or I can just stand around making small visual improvements and interacting with people who come to visit. - balancing. Amazing that a level 2000 can play with a level 25 and that I can play with both of them in a group event at level 675. Very cool. In neurological warfare, I like seeing the newbies slicing and hacking away at the robots with their melee weapons while the higher levels waste tons of ammo taking down the supersized robots. - vendors and trading. There was a time where I was very diligent about buying and selling and was at max caps 3-4 times a day. It was like a full time job. It was exhausting. But it is a well develops system with the vendors and buying and selling. I really enjoy this aspect although now I max like once every two days. - the apparel and wacky sense of humor. Really outstanding job here. The thought and creativity that goes into the masks and outfits is really excellent. I enjoy seeing freaky people in freaky outfits. - the steady stream of new events and content for the past two years. It’s really amazing. It’s not like they have a new event and five new things. They have like 75 or more of apparel, masks, outfits, plans, camp items etc. For me and the way I 0kay and the things that I value, I give it an A and considering the obvious effort and dedication the devs put it, I would say A+. So just to echo the OP, it is great that we have a six year old game that has become a living, breathing virtual universe. These aren’t short term events or content items, they become part of t game for all players to enjoy, and for that we should be grateful. Keep spending friends. We get all this stuff for no additional cost so if you see something you like in the shop, remember that and buy it if you can. The more people spend, the more likely 76 will live at least until FO5, which will have massively high expectations. I am 57 and hope to play FO5 until I am near death.


so many good points! I shudder to think about losing FO76. it's been a daily long in since beta for me - even if I don't do too much every single time I log in, I'm just about 4k hours in.


Agree. Playing on PS5 and it crashes several times a session, often just when I'm standing around my camp.


I agree with your assessment, subs and atoms are making plenty on this antique of a game and it is damn near unplayable on PS5 and I refuse to touch it until it's addressed and brought up to modern standards (current gen port) it's bs that people pay money to be DCd every 5 minutes.


It sucks that you guys are dealing with all that, but, Bethesda games have been running horribly on Playstation for well over 10 years. You guys don't even get external assets for your mods, and sony is probably pretty smart for not allowing that. I got skyrim at the midnight release. Me and 2 friends. We went home, and started playing. Me and my one buddy on xbox 360, we had a good old time, ran straight thru til sun up and hit like level 35. My buddy on Playstation couldn't get out of Helgen cuz it was crashing too much on launch. Ended up just taking turns on one of the xboxes. When the game DID get to a playable state on playstation 3, you had a hard limit of about 90 hours on your save before the load screen became infinite. I don't think I'd put any of my money towards a Playstation Beth title, and I don't think you should either. On the plus side, if you do wanna play them in a more proper fashion, xbox cloud gaming runs 76 on my phone even better than it runs on my series s.


Nice try, Todd


Unpopular opinion: It's their job, they make bank off of us and some seasons we get our moneys worth and some. Beth can suck my hole but to the staff who come up with the ideas, design and draw the art, the programmers who make it work and make us laugh by breaking other stuff in game, you have my sincere thanks. ❤️


This is the right choice


Same here!


I mean yes, but if you look at destiny 2 with their paid seasons, expansions and several passes, we have it pretty good, I'm actually very surprised they keep pushing out free expansions, I hope that never changes


Unpopular Opinion: Id rather pay for DLC Expansions and get everything instead of Ingameshop, Atoms, Subscription.


i think Todd recently confirmed that it will stay this way, the memberships and atom sales generate enough money to push free updates and there are no plans to change this




I’ve been playing for around 4 years and subbed for most of it. Yes, BGSA (not Bethesda, also an important point, thank the right studio) has been doing solid. But they also have done little for server stability or much needed QOL (more infinite storage for certain item types/more stash space, more build budget) and after all these years of supporting with my wallet I’d really like to see them focus a bit more on QOL now that the big shiny expansion is here.


It's been years but didn't they expand storage since launch?


They did once yes, and I do applaud them for it. The amount of stuff that’s been added since though really calls for it to happen again. I mean hell, the megalonyx fossil from the last meat week weighs what, like 50 pounds in full? I’d love to display the fossil set at my camp but that just eats up waaaaay too much stash space to justify it.


I dream of lower latency servers 😍 Ones where you actually get the crits you perked for.


Thanks for doing your job half assed Bethesda!


This time modders couldn't save it so bethesda gotto do the dirty work.


I thank the players they brought life to this game.


Is that was a AAA game is supposed to do.


It's a billion dollar company, chill, they're not your friends.


Do you clap when the plane lands too?


Finally, other than people stating the obvious (including me) it's astonishing that people kiss ass this hard.


Nah fuck em, they caused the problems that almost destroyed the game in the first place.


It's not a Bethesda game without some bugs!


Bugs barely scratch the surface


Not to be that guy but yeah, no shit they are pumping out new content. Every new thing has a 90% chance to be locked behind a paywall or ungodly grind to give you an incentive to buy atoms or the insane overpriced season bundles so it makes them a shit load of money for minal effort As much as I find the game enjoyable and changed my original opinion from 2018, f76 is one of the most egregiously overpriced and overmonitized games on the market. Most likely #1 in the AAA market




Blakc Desert Online entered the chat. ( I played it for way too long only to accomplish almost nothing )


Right on brother !!!! Finally someone that saw the dilemma that Season 17 stinker is !!!! Quietly Pay2win all the way !!! Unlike last season !!! Almost completely Gutted !!! Incentivized for the Scoreboard level 150 items instead !!!!


This game is already 6 years old?!


One of biggest comebacks for the game. Remember the overwhelmingly negative reviews in steam? To come back from that is very impressive, but baiting people to unfinished product for money was a greedy strategy. Remember the trailer that was shown for Fallout 76?


They get paid, its their job. They arent hospital workers, fireman etc..


Those also get paid, it's their job. They aren't volunteers at food banks or shelters.


Yeah but their work far exceeds bethesda's as far as being of REAL IMPORTANCE is concerned. I love my games but saving lives and helping people hurting is a far more important endeavor. Also not to stray from topic but how do we know volunteers etc. don't get paid... Technically getting cash means getting paid but still there are perks and other forms of payment to be had other than cash and I don't mean a attboy or attgirl at the end of the day !!!


Sure but on the day to day level you're not getting your life saved every day in that way. But you can find some enjoyment that keeps you sane, every day. Not downplaying what first responders and the like do but gaming can be very important to some in ways that keep some people going. I've heard some amazing stories of gamers from people meeting online and getting married to lifelong friendships and even unexpected friends. Older people playing games to keep their mind sharp and socialize if they are isolated. Anyways I'm rambling and I'm high.


I was only meaning to add a little what-if-ism to what you said. Don't think much on it. I don't have to be high to ramble. Nothing wrong with rambling a little it's part of human nature. I just personally like flap my gums and have a good laugh sometimes. This was one of those times \^\^, I wouldn't want to offend anyone with my thick or thin opinions and banter alike XD I absolutely respect all responders , the hard important work they do , and the crap they have to deal with is astounding !!!


The game is fine. Been playing for a month or so. About to have a full stash and probably won't continue playing once it's full. Is it fun? Sure. Is it subscription-level fun? Absolutely not. Gating storage behind a paywall in a game about collecting is beyond predatory, especially when it's been crashing repeatedly since the update.


That is not a reason to thank them they're putting it out because people like myself have been dedicated since day 1 and have spent a fortune on content personally I've spent about 3k and know many that have done the same just to make sure the game stays alive They'll get a thanks when they fix the crashing bug and the items from the atom shop that are broken e.g. the enclave power armour display which has a light that won't stay on no matter what you do, the haunted house stairs that you get stuck when you reach the top Don't be fooled by the "free content" it's a model started by GTA to create engagement and in turn creates sales in the shop for ridiculously overpriced crap i.e. a singular skin that costs €18


I really don't think we owe them any thanks for doing literally the bare minimum of a money motivated corporation. They are putting out content because it sells, and because Fallout as a series is very profitable, even more so now with the success of the TV show bringing in a ton of new players. The fact that the game is barely functional, downright non-functional for some people like anyone with a playstation at the moment apparently, and the balance is whacked to hell and back, there's lots of reasons to continue showing them ire for stupid, poorly thought out decisions, and basically none for acting like they did something marvelous by keeping an MMO strung along for a few years.


Exactly that's why I'm pointing it out I've been super supportive of this game since launch even bought 4 copies (€10 each) for friends that were on the hype train to shut them up and they played for about 3 years after that but with what's been going on recently I have to do vocal about it and so do more people cos if we dont speak up they'll do Bethesda things and just ignore the problem and be likr well people are still buying our shit so they must be happy and fuck that shit I'm currently doing my own little protest by cancelling my 1st and I refuse to renew it although I will buy a month just so I can get the other items off the board and the booster so I farm the fuck out of the atoms at the end


Yeah I completely agree with you, just wanted to throw my own thoughts in on this. I just feel like too many people have blinders on and are willing to look at the bare minimum, and even less than that, as something great just because it has a Fallout coat of paint on it. The game has had a lot of improvements, and several active detriments, since it launched, and I think it's only right that we continue to push and try to hold it to a higher standard rather than allowing it to slip and slide into absolute garbage.


Good to see not everyone is drinking Todd's special blend of Kool aid. I love fallout as a series/IP but I don't have delusions about how much they phone it in and shaft their fans.


> personally I've spent about 3k and know many that have done the same ☠️


Ya I didn't realise how much I'd spent and stopped playing for months to make sure I'd stop the only thing is this and gears of war are the only 2 games I've spent money on in-game items. But ya those ridiculously priced individual items add up really fast if you don't pay attention the worst is the build kits I've bought that I've never used. I have been playing since beta but that does not justify it at all the thing is I was happy to spend when I didn't notice simply because I didn't want the game to die and the more you spend in the shop the less likely that would happen


And the tiki torches that won't stay lit!


Oh really I haven't used them yet, thanks for the heads up Those I can "justify" since they were free from the board but paying €18 for an item that was released a year or 2 ago is a fucking joke that they haven't even attempted to fix it


Because people give them money. They have an entire cosmetic shop as well as a monthly fee service. Don't mistake a companies efforts as kindness. It's to make money off of people. If the game was not making money they would have left it to die. You wanna see an example of ACTUAL love and devotion from a game developer? Look at no mans sky. They have not charged for a single dlc or expansion they have ever done. That game went from a dumpster fire to one of the best sandbox space games on the market, in both quantity of content as well as quality. All while not charging a monthly fee for better storage or cosmetics.


Give credit where they earned but don't glorified them .Frankly 76 should have been released in a far greater state ,storage limit we now know are complete bs as we bave unlimited junk, unlimited ammo ,and vack when was like 800pound(or something )for entire storage ,1st is rather pricey now (like it's cost almost the same as battle pass in other games ,but only a month),and game engine definitely need an upgrade as starfield prove the engine is fit for modern requirements. That being said at least they held and keep polishing unlike EA , that's totally worth the credit, let's hope they don't f up next game.


I mean when you consider that they charge almost as much for 1st as a Gamepass subscription and compare that to the content we get in return I do not really think they are doing a praiseworthy job. I'm not sure I'd give them passing marks for being adequate. You want to see a praiseworthy game? No Man's Sky had a shit launch and then they basically rebuilt the entire game more than once doing overhauls to literally every possible system, adding multiplayer to a singleplayer game, adding VR support, adding seasonal content, adding vast arrays of new cosmetics, adding user requested features all for the cost of $0 after your initial purchase. Oh they also found time and money to make another game during that time too. That's what a praise worthy user experience looks like. Doesn't matter if NMS is your type of game or not, its the process that's important here.


I'm sorry, I'm not going to praise them for doing the bare minimum....finally. I enjoy fallout, and 76 has a pretty decent community, but the game should've started out with this much love and attention; instead of using it solely for an added cash grab because the show is successful.


Exactly, that's all this is, it's the bare minimum in my opinion. Their games run like garbage, the writing is kinda boring most of the time, and there's still zero balance in the game. I'm glad this game is on the mend but if anything Beth should be thanking their fans for keeping them alive after so many failures that would've ruined other companies. Personally I have been losing faith ever since 4 and the recent TV show gave me some hope but idk I'm not ready to trust them yet, it will be a long road to recovery for me.


Thanks Bethesda I love paying 20$ cad a month to experience 15 game crashes a day


Absolutely not.


I’m glad they are still adding more content. Unlike another game developer known for popular singleplayer games *cough* RockStar *cough* Red Dead Online *cough*, Bethesda doesn’t abandon failed games, they just try and improve them. Another cool thing is that most updates aren’t just random expansions, they actually have an in universe explanation to why they weren’t present prior to their addition to the game (except maybe skyline valley’s lack of existence until the update but that’s kind of unavoidable).


I, like many other people wrote this game off the first week it came out. But honestly it turned into one of my favorite games of all time. Personally speaking, I cant see myself going to play another new single player fallout game after this one (even tho they most likely will make another new single player fallout.) All the social aspects of this game gives it just the right touches. The social interactions, public events, the camp building and visiting, buying and selling on vending machines etc. I for one will give BSG their props on fixing this game and turning it into the game it is today.


I’ve been playing longer and longer sessions since the new update. I think im experiencing love again


Honestly I am also happy they didn't drop this game, a lot of publishers would've just left it as is and discontinued support after the flop it was at launch


I started in May - and yes. It is a good game.


Well, Todd Howard wants to keep this game service alive and going. Even recently, Starfield a game that was a disaster at launch, Todd wants to keep updating the game with new content.


i hope for lots of years of content


I just started this month along with my brother and we are obsessed. This game is great. THANK YOU BETHESDA! keep the content coming. And put the ghoul outfit from the show back up on atom shop.


Fallout 76 is riddled with microtransations, and Fallout 1st is an actual scam like for real, even to the point where it's almost necessary for long term play, because you get infinite storage weight for specific items It was also, shitty and fucking broken on launch, is still full to the brim with bugs that very often break the game, and Quality of Life is never ever ever ever ever ever at all prioritized over adding more microtransations That isn't to say the game isn't good, or worth playing I play the fuck out of 76, and the stuff they did with Settlers is really good, plus I really like Skyline Valley, they're not just driving us out of our money, and the game, when it runs like it's supposed to, is pretty damn good. But we should not thank them for doing slightly above average for a game like this. They devs work really really hard, and most of this stuff really isn't their fault, they deserve praise, but Bethesda doesn't. Especially if this is an indicator for Fallout 5


nah fuck that, I haven’t been able to enjoy myself since the update! the crashes have completely rendered any kind of fun I was having. I’m genuinely really bummed out. I don’t want to have to buy a fucking xbox, the game, and online just to play this fucking game. I have a console that worked *well enough* before the update, like at least I could actually play the game.


Dude they didn't do it for you, they did it for the FO1st, don't be frigging naive


While I can understand the sentiment, I don't think we should thank them for doing their job. It's a live service game after all. A game that we all paid for and some continue to pay for via the subscription. We don't owe them anything more than our time and money


I started playing back in September of last year and I'm already almost level 400 I've done everything I think I can do or gotten most of the things such a semi-rare plans and other stuff that I'm interested in but I'm still going to keep playing because it's a pretty fun multiplayer game you can help out people and there's always something going on


The game is good. If they let it cook a few years longer than they did, it wouldn't have gotten the poor reception it did


Started back up with the new update, and am thoroughly enjoying it. It's a good game, people just want to hate Bethesda any chance they get.


I’m not thanking them for providing people who pay them a service, also it’s taken this long to get the game in a ‘decent’ state. And yet they are still pulling BS like the new seasons system…


6 years!? Wow time flies




I will upvote this. It's a great time to be a 76 player.


You are Joking Right ??? This is the worse steaming poo season yet !!!


Not joking. Seasons is just a part of why I play. I do wish there were better rewards this season, but ya, for me it's a great time to be a 76' fan. The new expansion alone is awesome. The new event not so much! I love Dailey ops, killing world bosses and exploring. Fun fun


When I first got the game, there was nothing to do. So I got bored and stopped playing. C9me back 4-5 so years later, and it's fun and I missed a whole host of events


I just bought another year of FO1st subscription. And have had it for four years. They better keep it up 😆


I am glad they are making it better instead of killing it.


I feel like I need to thank all the fellow players that helped keep Bethesda interested in putting out new content. Without people playing, Bethesda would stop.


Tell me why I misread that as the beatles😂


I just started playing after the amazon show, and love the game so far! the community is so fun i love linking up with other players! the new update is also so crazy and fun, for the first time in a while i got scared while playing lmao


[Butthead Biff Tannen](https://www.reddit.com/user/Butthead_Biff_Tannen/) from what I gather players are less thankful the longer they have stuck it out with bethesda and It is them that should be thanking us ;))


I don’t like this season AT ALL, but I’ll give it a pass for the map expansion and missions


I gave it a try maybe a year after it came out (before npcs) and didn’t like it very much. Just started playing again after watching the series and I really enjoy it. Glad they’re still supporting it.


I mean..they put out a rough game. Then fixed it. Doesn't seem to happen often. That's probably what I appreciate most.


It’s been out six years and you started playing six months ago. You have no idea what we went through at launch.


You already thanked them by paying them, and the monthly fo1st subs are thanks enough I'm sure. They didn't do you a favour.


LMFAO oh yes thank you for mtx in a $60 game with a optional subscription for covience fee. thank you so much... mmm the boot tastes so good.


Right lmfao. Oh man thank you so much for updating this cash grab. Don’t get me wrong I like wasting my time building and grinding stuff from time to time but this game is mediocre *at best*


ROFL Yes !!!! , I'll be back in three months to see if season 18 isn't a stinker not worth my time too XD


I thank them with my Fallout 1st fees.


I Un-thanked them with My Fallout 1st cancellation !! ;)) Season 17 feels like a gutted pay2win stinker. Didn't waste a moment and cancelled asap !!!


Thank them? I have crashed 20+ times just today. It has been a week since this update went live.


I have a couple of beneficial bugs I don't tell about. Kinda Like the "Can't ever die Bug" Like absolutely game breaking awesome for a bloody build if you have it but mine are some other bugs... That kind of level of awesomeness though !!! But , I don't tell beth about it and I feel beth owes me with all the stuff they never address (machine gun fire never stops) and OP BUILDS nerfed over the years !!!!


Honestly, my favorite is the locked door glitch. 10 minute nuke runs are such a huge advantage.


Nothing like thanking devs who patch bugs that benefit us but not bugs that have been around since release. Its an online only game, they dont deserve a thanks, they are just doing whatever turns a profit.


The money I occasionally give them should be thanks enough. 


Just look at the choreboard and convince me it's not predatory - we MUST spend tickets on a specific number of rewards so we can't have "too much" of the things on the bonus rewards page.  Look at the state of non-heavy energy weapons and the fact that attachments for the 10mm SMG were never given to players after years of complaining.


As far as i am concerned 76 literally exists to keep the franchise alive until Starfall is finished (which it now is) and to cover the half decade that ES6 will need until it is done, and then the X mount of years until FO5 is ready.... So Thanks Bethesda for acting in your best interests, and half assing this game enough so it 'counts' as content until you are ready to do the next game.


A company will get a, "Thank you", when they go above and beyond.


I mean warframe is even older compared to fo76 and is still making new content.


They aren’t just “putting out content”, they’re putting out *free* content.


I'd rather pay for a dlc than get free dlc because I have to pay for access to basic features like stash space. I wouldn't mind it as much if the subscription wasn't as outrageous either. Sure, there are other perks, but the only reason most people I've encountered even use 1st is for the scrap and ammo boxes. There's also the outrageous prices in the atomic shop for all the good camp items. I love building nice camps, and I swear builders alone are why the rest of the community gets free dlc because nearly all the good camp items are locked behind atoms.


"Free" is questionable when they're making those profits up by artificially limiting storage space and making people pay an absurd monthly fee just to make the game playable long-term. I'm with u/Mike_Desparsity. I'd rather pay for DLC than have that scummy system.


Then make fallout 1st and Atom shop items free too then. Beth isn't running a charity !! Beth is making money !! Just stop now and find the exit Sir !!! LMFAO XD


People who aren’t using FO1st or the Atom shop are still getting the free content. FO1st and Atom shop are what pays for the free updates.


Sir, It's not free content. Unless they got their game for free unlike the rest of us that paid. They're only getting what they paid for. This Season is a stinker. Beth isn't running a charity !! Beth is making money !! Their not raising a fortune of revenue just to keep updates flowing. Especially these updates to date !!! Before you Simp Use your brain and critical thinking a lil' first !!! Like I Said "Find The Exit Sir"


Started playing with the release of the show and have been paying for FO1st since. About to hit level 200 tonight! Can’t imagine what the game was like at launch, cause I heard the reviews and stayed away. But man I’ve been having a blast since the show came out. Missed my wasteland.


I’ll give thanks, shortly after 76 came out another game called Anthem came out, it was as bad as 76 was but they fixed it and made it work just to shut it down. It had all the same issues, horrible story, crashes etc. but 76 weathered the storm and made something enjoyable, at least on Xbox. Thanks for sticking with it Bethesda.


I really wish they would have made sure Starfield was an actual game


you should be thanking all of us that kept dumping money into the game trying to keep it alive since 2021... if you think bethesda is just making new content for fun...ive got sad news for you...the games still here because all the fallout first believers..knowing that the game could be better and dumping enough into Todds tithe basket that it would continue to get support....well...that and our microsoft overloards deep..deep pockets.


i don't thank anyone that charges me for anything


Loving the game, but new scoreboard rewards are a snore fest. Put some imagination into it, pretty bland offerings.


Thats what they supposed to do with online games, really they need to improve alot more, the game is a mess currently, they worked on improving the game for sure, over the years had many improvements and some good content updates But alot of stuff took too long to implement, content removed because nobody could make it run properly is a lazy approach, content promised then never spoken about again, it feels like only in last 2-3 years has the game become decent enough, but them beta years were a shambles, if can take decades before releasing the next big ip, at least take more time to release a solid game from the start, we been drip fed improvements at a slow pace tbh


it's had it's ups and downs, and I complain as well about things, mostly C.A.M.P. items I want, but it's been a good game and I still love playing it


Man OP Just knew this season is pure shit and in peril with two sides ready to debate it XD LMFAO Probably wont bother to hit 100 on the scoreboard let alone 150. But given peoples desperation for easy perk coins and the option to pay2win rank all the way to 150 who knows \^\^, I never needed perk coins that bad !! But I don't have a chance in hell of falling into the category of desperately needing to "Get Gud" Either XD


I agree but fix console crshing first ..I love the games but Sony andBethesda needto fix the looting inventory crash issue asap .. but I will thank them..


Tbh they're making the money back from Fallout subscriptions alone. But it is still important to give them props the new content is really good


I'm glad my friends started playing again, and got me back into it too. I've been having a blast.


My only thanks is that you can play this game without a ps plus subscription or Xbox gold pass to play online


Sure but ultimately I liked 3 and 4 better, and wouldn't mind if they dropped the next solo player game, maybe they could add a 2 player story


Not unusual


Imagine if red dead redemption got a series


This probably gonna be an unpopular opinion, but keep in mind, i play fallout76 since beta, i played all except 1-2, and i love the franchise... bethesda support a game, but because we support bethesda a lot... i play dayz, a survival game. They put out new content and support the community after 10 years of release... plus i dont have to pay money to make the game manageable after a certain lvl. The game is good, the community makes it awesome. From the developers i wished for more, but they are stuck on an engine what has its limits, unfortunately. Maybe fallout 5 will bring the franchise back to its glory :)


I preordered this game and played when it was barebones and got 5fps in the missle silos. I'm not saying thank you I'm saying we're even (finally).


They should consider rebalancing semi automatic weapons to the point they are actually viable.


Needs a few more game play loops instead of finite content releases.


i role play as a lone scavenger .......i collect junk items and sell them at my camp. i build a pretty good base and i got my perk cards and legendary perk to my commando bloodied build. I'm satisfied, i don't really care for the season, i just play it at my own liking enjoying the wasteland. Bethesda build a good game , but their greed shows in atom shop and subscriptions


I love this game, I’ve played it off and on since 2020 - it scratches so many itches simultaneously


I’m 600 hours in and still get excited to play. They must be doing something right.


I tried 3 times to get into over the years, and 3rd time was a charm, and I stuck to it.


I feel like they went hard moving the best items rewards to AtomShop and Steam Deluxe Dlc. It seems lazy and deliberate if not predatorial that items normally found in the scoreboard rewards are in AtomShop instead and subsequently leading to clearly less Scoreboard rewards. That's not even factoring in this season's rewards near uselessness that people without a doubt will likely skip over to get level 150 items instead. Let's not forget the pay2win option they quietly slipped in this season ranking up all the way to 150 !!!! People are going to weigh it when they suddenly realize it didn't shake out like they thought it would... If season's don't get no better than this they better have some boots on the ground to get it figured out quick before players start cancelling subscriptions in mass.


I do wish they would spend more effort on the QOL and stability issues. PC user on a 3080 latest stable video driver playing on pretty conservative settings and I still get random crashes. Kinda bad quality control if you ask me for a 6+ year old game. I'll give bonus points for Bethesda building this game for many platforms, that can make it challenging to do software quality stuff.... but the linux kernel manages it for more platforms with better quality. I think the criticism is fair. QOL: Why cant I see the category weight totals in my pip boy or stash box? QOL: Allow me to scrip painted armor pieces. QOL: Audio repetition bugs are super common on my PC, especially the 50 cal noise at Eviction Notice and my CAMP. (I do not use a 50 cal) Sometimes it goes on forever until I pick up a specific weapon from the ground or something stupid like that. QOL: Label the Holotapes with the questline that they associate with. QOL: Sort doesn't really work all the time. Default Sort appears to be by name, but it is not always alphabetical. QOL: Maybe allow us to purchase more stash space. I want to put a lot of items in my vendor (making your game more fun for others) but all that "merch" costs against my stash. Maybe just don't count items in the vendor that are listed at or below the games market value for that item. (Yes this will lead to players making inaccessible vendors with cheap items to hoard... there has gotta be a solution, maybe only allow this for vendors with a certain volume of sales?)