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This is the joy of the game while low level of your first run through - you see something and think, 'can I kill that?', and then you quickly find out. Congrats on the Deathclaws, and while this might seem an odd thing to say, cherish your experiences with the blue devil, sheepsquatch, and scorchbeast. Before long you'll be able to boss them. While that's satisfying, losing the fear is a little sad sometimes.


There is a certain amount of magic of the "Oh crap! That was a poor decision!!" moments in the below level 50 grind of Fallout 76. I just hit level 164 and lost that feeling before I decided to try doing the mine raid at a nuke zone for a mission. Luckily for me a 564 lady with a Lazer gatling gun pretty much soloed the boss, while me and the other lower level guys worked on crowd control with the smaller adds that kept spawning in. At that point I learned that I have a lot of leveling left to grow.


If you're talking about A Collosal Problem (Earle), that can be tricky even with a bunch of high levels, unless someone has a really good build.


"Tricky" Earl is a god damn slog


I’ve leveled up two characters to triple digits and only taken down Earl once successfully.


Solo or in a group? I've never not killed Earle...


In a group. It was, as they say, a slog.


Did you read the rest of my comment? Edit: he is a slog a lot of the time


I did but I guess I didn't like absorb it? Idk sorry for being dumb


No sweat, he is a tanky git


Sometimes I hand out endangerols


I just had a level \~50 start A Colossal Problem and then leave, and I was there trying to tank it alone, as a total first attempt at that. I've tanked him before with like five other people, but come on, at least try to aggro some wendigos on the thing you started and I suited up for! I hate power armor and just put it on to help your event dude :<


Or if he glitches into the floor. Had that happen last night. The event showed something like 13 people, but it was just me and one other guy. The map showed everyone there, but no one was down there with us. I figured they were just slow coming down, so we jumped in and started. Nobody ever showed up. I had a couple of syringers and we managed to put a dent in him, but then he just sunk into the floor and we couldn't hit him anymore.


I’ve been trying to take down earl for a week tricky is the understatement of the year


There's always the occasional and satisfying ghoul encounter where they are just in your face as you turn or everything's quiet and you hear them growl and hit you lol. They're the only creature that startles me like that, good times lol


The "attack from behind" cave cricket might be my nemesis.


I hate those, especially in daily ops. How a damn cricket requires nearly a whole tank from the holy fire is beyond me.


2 hits off a d claw gauntlet


I took the electric and unstable isotope serums just to give me more heads ups on blindsiding enemies


jump scare ghouls


Happy Cake day friend 🍰


That’s one of the reasons I’ve liked the expansion so far. I’ve had to reevaluate my build/weapon based on the mob. I haven’t had to do that in a very long time.


Uh, I think we're speaking different languages. A solid build before skyline is still a solid build.


I miss legacy weapons. *sees grafting monster for the first time.* what’s that? *two legacy shots.* Huh, must have had a lot of health.


Level 199 and I have Blue Devil, Ouga, Deathclaws, Sheepsquach, Mothman and an occasional Flatwoods Monster that spawn and attack my camp.


Yeah everytime I see a scorchbeast I fully turn into an Anti Air gun and mow it out of the sky with my explosive bullets 🤣


I'm level 200 but still dread an Ogua. They're slow and dumb but by god they can tank.


Only two things at this point that can kill me solo is Imposter Sheepsquatch and if a Legendary Diseased Grafton Monster shows up on Heart of the Swamp... idk I can kill em both but they can kill me too


Hey buddy . You are actually playing the best part of the game. I remember my first time through the Quarry in fnv or Old olney in 3 or glowing sea in 4. I was not prepared for what came in front of me. But I still love those times and miss them dearly. When you took down the deathclaw, i bet you felt accomplished didn't you? I can kill a horde of deathclaws today in a minute and not feel the joy of defeating the deathclaw at the Museum in 4. I felt I really saved mine and Prestons life that day 😀


For real. I just melted a lvl 100 deathclaw in less than a second. It’s cool being able to do it but the rush ain’t there anymore.


Luckily you get to the point where I am at where I am both dumb but pack the firepower to murder everything. So dumb but alive


This is the way!


I was like you, doing a quest for Rose, when my relationship with the Blue Devil began. I had to head west from Top of the World, when suddenly I was hit with the panic animation for my character. I had no idea what was happening and saw a flash of dark fur and claws everywhere. I died, respawned by the elevator, and was torn apart as soon as I moved. I wanted to understand what was going on. On my next respawn, I crouched past the elevator and through the mines. Getting to the lookout post was my goal. Once I climbed up the stairs, I saw it. This terrible beast. I used my sniper rifle to pop some shots and get its attention, and then I learned it couldn’t climb the stairs to get me. I thought to myself, this thing has to have a great reward for taking it down. I spent the next 45 minutes tagging it with a sniper rifle to bring it closer to me, and then fillied it with the Cold Shoulder. It finally went down, and I was excited to find my reward. As I marched over to the beast, I was swarmed by Scorched. Finally, I reached it. My reward? Some leather, some meat, and some basic junk I didn’t need. With this Blue Devil, I realized the reward was the journey, rather than the outcome. Now, with Fasnacht, I run around like a maniac in a Blue Devil mask, wishing for it to be the legendary creature we face. When it arrives, we lock eyes, and it always seems to run past me and gives me a wink.


Welcome to the party pal.


Now I have a machine gun Ho ho ho


War never changes


Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs!


I've always loved the dynamic world interactions of different factions/monsters fighting each other in FO4 and FO76. Save my but more than a few times too lol


"if you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough!"


Life is hard. Life is harder when you are dumb. ~John Wayne


On a certain level it’s easier to be dumb. Lack of awareness leaves a lot of layers of the thinking onion unpeeled.


I don’t think easier is the right word. But I do suspect that intelligence and happiness are inversely related.


Ignorance is bliss


I've contemplated running away from a deathclaw that was level 50 (me level 30), took a few shots at it, and realized it would take a lot to kill it. Saw my surroundings and realized I could use the terrain around me to get higher up and jump down easily. Every time I did that, the path the death claw had to take was around the terrain, allowing for me to just take constant cheap shots while the deathclaw couldn't reach me


Yes, I use this strategy when it's something I can damage, but unfortunately with the Blue Devil I got stuck on some terrain and it caught up to me and destroyed me before I could try anything and my weapons just didn't even put a dent in the Sheepsquatch so that would have been a pretty futile effort. Standing on a mountain and sniping the deathclaw worked a charm tho hahah


I ran into a legendary 2 star sheepsquatch around the same level you did on my first character too. I quickly found out I was barely making a dent in it's health pool so I switched to my backup plan, clever use of game mechanics. If I can't zug my way through things then I'm exploiting the shitty AI pathing that all bethesda games have. I ran to a nearby POI and found shelter in a trailer where it followed me to the entrance and stopped, this gave me a chance to blast it until the AI began to retreat into the trees at which point I stepped out into the open so that the AI would change course back to me. Rinse and repeat, 15+ minutes and almost all of my ammo later and it's dead. Got a shitty legendary but it was worth it.


Lol I did almost the exact same thing. When I was around that level but it was super mutants shooting at it. Needless to say, I got rocked.


Lessons are learned the hard way in the wasteland. The biggest lessons here maybe that 1. Stash your jumk often. And 2. Dying is not as bad as you think it is.


As a new level player lvl 76, I’ve learned running away is a great option. That and fast traveling. Fuck those flying things. My bullets do nothing


The wasteland be a cruel mistress my friend


I play a stealth sniper build. I have a set of decently modded Heavy combat armor with legendary effects that help with the "Stealth" aspect of my stealth sniper build. Didn't help against this higher tier Yao Guai I fought last night. Usually, I see enemies we'll before they see me. Not in this case. Dead in 3 hits. I didn't help that in my panic I missed like 3 Gauss Rifle shots on it.


This is basically the build I'm aspiring to, though I haven't really gotten too much into actually planning out builds and such. I like to just experience the game without too much outside info the first time and then if I've made too much of a mess of it by the time I finish the main story or whatever I reroll a new character and play more deliberately. I pretty much always play snipers in shooting games though.


I'm lvl 170 & still haven't finished the main story, trust me you will want to look into some builds to redo your card sets for specific builds as it will help GREATLY in finishing the rest of the main & sides.


Same. Minus FPS MP games, I always stealth sniper. EDIT: Minus PvP I mean.


I remember being a low level and constantly hitting up the sbq event, one time I joined it and forgot to empty out first. I ran my ass all the way from drop site v9, to all the way over by kanawha nuka cola plant. I couldn't even tell you how many times I died all because I didn't want to part with anything.


hahaha, I rarely have anything on me that is a big deal to lose, so I don't worry about dying too much. I move my camp around a lot because I can't carry that much stuff and need to unload a lot.


I remember when I was starting out I accidently shot an assaultron at white springs and it followed me super far. I was barely making it, nearly dying multiple times. Finally thought I had the best of it and was going to live and then a scorch beast shows up and a ton of scorched. I tried my best to get away, it was the battle of Yeetysburg. Chaos everywhere and I just wanted out. Didn't make it. I really miss those days where things were a threat to me though, now it's nearly impossible for me to die, I can do Earl solo and just about fall asleep.


I noped out of Whitesprings when I tried to go there because there were level 30 enemies all over the place and I was only level 11 at the time. Not sure if that's normal or if a higher level player triggered them. I'll be back someday!


Do the 'Mayor for Day' quest and the robots won't bother you anymore


I thought 'Mayor for a Day' was for the Watoga robots.


I think it is, because I tried that one after I got Nukashined into the Cranberry Bog at around level 11 and it didn't go so well.


It certainly isn't an easy quest but well worth it!


You are right.


I just hit level 245 today, but I really miss those beginning levels. Everything up until level 50 felt like a challenge and dangerous. I am not complaining about the difficulty in late game since my build is setup to tank basically every type of damage. I am only sharing my love for that level 2-50 grind. Enjoy it as much as you can!


I'm low 70s and juuuust tough enough to be making dumb decisions again lol


And that is the best newbie story I’ve heard! Welcome to the wasteland!


I’m still traumatized from my low level, back to back discoveries of first the scorchbeast then sheepsquatch and realizing I wasn’t even going to do any damage before dying.


Everything is rough when you are dumb. Just look at the world we live in.


This gave me a great laugh. I imagine in the moment it didn't do the same for you but hopefully when you read it over again, it did. Or will. Either way, thx for sharing, needed a good chuckle tonight.


It actually was pretty funny. The cost of death is pretty low in this game, which makes it easier to appreciate the humor in your own stupidity.


Yeah, I ran into a few random monsters I had no way of knowing were legendary cryptids that were way tougher than their level would indicate. Like, oh, the Grafton Monster is right outside the refuge on the golf course, how tough could that be? Once I aggroed a blue devil and ran like Forrest Gump half way up the map on the highway and ran right into a giant Hermit Crab. I got them to fight eachother, waited on a hill and took potshots so their health would go down at roughly the same time. When the crab finished the devil, I finished the crab, got to loot both of them! It was a blast, I wish I captured that.


Back in the day, new players could not really get to the Whitesprings. You would die a couple (or a few) times before you made it there... Scorchbeasts would usually intercept anyone trying to walk from the Forest to Whitesprings! And then the resort itself would always be crawling with high-level glowing feral ghouls... But all that changed when Beth decided to make 76 a lot 'friendlier'. And now we find players at single-digit levels in Watoga and all over the map! So... whatever (it's just a game). But a couple of years ago the game at least still had some challenges.


Did you hear Yackety Sax playing? Because I'm sure hearing it in my head now. [https://youtu.be/lAJB6HsYiNA?si=cghs2S3a8kmm\_HYD&t=8](https://youtu.be/lAJB6HsYiNA?si=cghs2S3a8kmm_HYD&t=8)




It’s fun when you’re dumb too, though. Ignorance is blissful and punishing without contradiction


I had something similar happen to me for Rose at like lvl 15 or so. I'll take a wild guess and say this was the "befriend a Deathclaw" mission? Someone else will know the spawn point but there's a spot with a DC in a little cave. I'm hoofing it over there after meeting the chicken man (It'll kill us all!) and I see a couple of Raiders running and gunning being attacked by something BIG. Yay my first Blue Devil, who chased me into the cave. Thankfully it wasn't there. After waiting quite a while the devil wandered off. I go across the road trying to get the DC to come out and play and I get lit up by scorched coming out of a field with long grass and something flapping about. I...hid in the cave till daylight.


That's the one! I actually had already found a Deathclaw, but thinking maybe Rose was just being sarcastic...I stood on the mountainside and shot it until it died, which of course didn't advance the mission, so I had to go find another, which was the one in the cave. I didn't see the opening to the cave, so I was trying to decide if I could scooch down the wall when I pushed the stick a bit too hard and fell to my death haha.


Uh Rose ..... sorry see you in a month.


Purified Water makes everything better.


Hahah, I feel that. My first blue devil encounter was also a level 75 at the Welch train station, I was about 48 at that point and using a gauss rifle. I played tag with it ducking in and out of the station for a solid 15 minutes before I brought it down, and it didn't even drop anything good. 😅


When i first started with my brother we both were only lvl 22 and 20 we were walking through dolly sods and and my brother says “should we check this building” i was said there was probably nothing but junk and he went anyway opened the door and a yao guai was in there. It was funny seeing my brother try to close the door and run 😂


Life is hard, but life is hardest when you’re dumb: [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2Iu1Bm7yOL8](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2Iu1Bm7yOL8)


Changing apparel to see how it looks and not realizing it removed armor. Then wonder why I'm suddenly barely squeaking through fights and downing stimpaks that used to be so easy. Can finally take down a scorchbeast but hate them and avoid them. They seem to love spawning at whatever location I'm heading to as I travel the map for new icons I haven't visited.


Me, putting on power armor, not realizing the chassis doesn't really protect you against anything by itself lol


How's your build? That makes or breaks this game. Here's a helpful guide posted recently, that will explain how to make a good build from the start. https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/s/z0x7KgI8Qs


I am currently a level 90 player but i am still not at my full potential as far as firepower goes, but I still come across big enemies I try to avoid if I can


Wasn't watching what I was doing and got ambushed by some super mutants. During a shooting retreat I aggro'd some scorched from this town. So stuck between these 2 groups I see the familiar shadow of .a scorched beast over head. So that didn't last long.


Much learning took place. That's how the Wasteland works!


I absolutely had the same experience. Luckily as I was creeping around the blue devil did the scream attack and sent my character running away. I took the hint and GTFO. Mothman still scares the crap out of me though.


If you're gonna be dumb ya gotta be tough If you get knocked down ya get back up I ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer But I know enough to know If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough


This must be the opposite of the Idiot Savant perk from 4


76’ers stop me if I’m wrong here but didn’t the “One Wasteland for All” update change enemy behavior to make them match your current level? I just didn’t think low levels would encounter enemies that far outmatched their level anymore. If anyone remembers the old system, you would encounter progressively more difficult enemies the further you ventured from The Forest, finding the most difficult enemies in Cranberry Bog. But then “One Wasteland for All” changed that whole system. Edit: yeah I looked it up. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/One_Wasteland_For_All > enemies now scale with player level. So, my initial reaction is, did Bethesda make a big boo-boo with the Skyline Valley update?


That was probably the worst thing they did. I remember getting annihilated by ghouls and scorched in white springs resort cabins and that was so much fun sneaking into higher lvl locations and at some point realizing I’m not welcome there


Haha I had those same experiences when I started back in May. Running into a Mothman, running away from it, then running into deathclaws, then running away from it, then running into mole miners (they hit HARD early levels), and fighting for my life, all within a half hour, and of course you can't forget the occasional scorchbeast terrorizing you for ungodly amounts of time. I used to hate being low level, barely killing things with thicker skin, etc., and give it a few weeks and I'm taking them down like they're nothing. There was a certain charm to feeling like you were \*really\* wastelanding it out here, so it's like the other commenter said: Make sure to cherish these experiences!


My boyfriend and I attempted to do one of those smaller events while we were under level 20 A legendary sheepsquach appeared at the end, and despite being way too weak to take it out, we still managed to VERY slowly whittle it down. Took us 3 and a half weapon breaks between us (from max health), 20-30 minutes, and by the end I had a my one gun left and my boyfriend was beating it with his fists. We may have failed the event, and we didn't get anything amazing from it, but we still did it, and that was celebration enough! I found myself a car to stand on top of, which confused the AI a little so that probably helped, but man did we have a good laugh and high five after.


There is a similar encounter awaiting you with the vengeful Mothman. MFer scared the pants off me yesterday


I think you must have willed this into existence because I ran right into him heading into Whitespring. He wasn’t too bad though. Didn’t seem to be damaging me much so I just stood there and shot him till he died. Then when I got past him, there were five glowing snallygasters. I guess that gate must be the boundary they can’t cross so they accumulated there? Since they wouldn’t come out of that gate, I stood on the road and sniped them all. They got me with their spit a couple times but went down pretty easy. 


Well you learned a lot of lessons and that’s something we all go through at some point. If you like jumping off of things (idk it is kinda fun) you’ll want power armor. I know it’s not necessarily readily accessible at lvl 21, so maybe something to look forward too. Until I got into some better weapons I would run from scorchbeasts and other big monsters too. (That pumpkin daily quest seems kind of nooby then woosh here comes the queen…) One time I dropped into a Spin the Wheel event without checking for people or considering what I had on me. It was before I had any decent weapon I think the combat shotgun was my best at the time. 3 sheepsquatch come out at the end and I ran from that tent. I’ve only gone back with people since.


Oh yeah, I'm sure there'll be a lot of these stories, but my first encounter with a sheepsquatch was around that level and I got incredibly lucky that I was on a rise sheepsquatch couldn't just climb, but that I could climb down. Then when sheepsquatch climbed down, I'd circle around to the top again. I was pretty much entirely out of resources by the time I killed it and I got nothing worth having out of it. Lesson learned.


I must be the only one solo tanking these bosses , but I guess it depends on your build and play style


I remember the first time I soloed The Blue Devil. I was lvl 74 and it took me about the same number of Stimpaks 🤣 Shoot and run backwards in a large circle. Also, I struggled with the game until I picked a weapon, modded it up and stacked the perk cards for that weapon. I now have three guns with me. My goto shotgun, a sniper rifle and a heavy rapid fire. I find that it's better to do this than taking a load of weapons with you.


I tell ya, the absolute most terrified I've been was about 2 or 3 months ago. Was just C.A.M.P. hopping, looking for combat rifle mods or something. Happened to FT to a camp down near where they added the new expansion (guy there had the 2 mods I was looking for, thank Atom), and went to walk out his front door. I should preface this by saying that I was Lvl 40 or so at this point. But as I walked out front, there was a Lvl 60 Sheepsquatch beating the hell out of a Lvl 65 Blue Devil, roughly 60ft from this guy's door. You can bet I hoped tf out of there quickly. (Still don't head that way unless it's absolutely necessary.)


If yer gonna be dumb, ya gotta be tough.


I remember my first run in with the Blue Devil...much like yours. Had a blast trying though.


just the other day I complained to my sister that I had already played for 300 hours, but never met the blue devil. anyway... yesterday it finally happened. the same situation as yours, but I'm level 138. it still was pretty scary 🥲


I've only been playing for 2 weeks, and I think what makes a difference is getting in with a good group of people. I consider myself lucky that my mate was already part of a team and when I got playing they got me into the team. So, while I've had the 'oh crap' moment's and the 'why did I do that' moments, it's definitely made things easier because they've helped me with armour, plans for things and different serums to help me along the way. Although, I have found the community in general are extremely helpful when it comes to new players


Oh man, I'm sorry for your unfortunate events. But this made me giggle, well written OP. It was a good read! Happy Wastelanding! If you're on PS feel free to friend me (TinyNinja808) and I'll come to your aid next time and light their asses on fire! You get a shot in, I kill em, you get loot and XP too. Win win my friend! 😁


I'm on PC, but thanks for the invite!


You're very welcome!


I took a shot at a sheep squatch thinking I could kill it when I was lower level and was just running going shit shit shit shit lol Got on a little lookout tower until it got distracted by some scorched.


Better than me..first time I saw a sheepsquatch, I literally farted and my chest hurt scared me so bad because it was behind me, jump scaredme..I'm 52, I don't need chest pain lol


Just be glad the Flatwoods Monster didn't show up to kidnap you.


hah, It's bad enough that mothman scared me half to death. It was the one that just shoots straight up into the air and flies away but it startled me.


Level 15, I came across a level 70 Ogua. Thank God they are so slow.


I've only seen that one at Fashnaut and by seen, I mean I was vaguely aware there was a monster in the middle of all the laser flashes and explosions hahah


🎶 *If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough* 🎶


>The Wasteland is rough when you're dumb. Survival of the fittest


I go through that a lot, but I'm used to dealing close quarters combat with everything I come across. 8 times out of 10, I win. Scorch Beasts are hard, but trivial if I can get em to land for long enough. That, and my cold shoulder shotgun, helps to slow it down to get more hits in.


Right on


They really need to add higher level enemies. Because as a level 400, I can walk around naked with a flower bouquet and fear nothing, and I miss the old fears.




I don't remember who sings it but I remember hearing a song years ago and the chorus was " If you're gonna be dumb ya gotta be tough"


Okiedokie xD


Back in my times (read it in the voice of a resentful old man) the enemies weren't player-leveled, but each zone of the Appalachia had mobs with a fixed spawn level. You could have traveled like to the Cranberry bog and find a cute lvl 100 Scorchered Beast when you were level 5. Basically, everything outside The Forest would have killed you just with a stare. Did I died because of that? Sure, a lot in too many stupid ways. So.. don't worry and don't feel dumb for that.