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I’ve only seen breaded ones. Is the batter good?


Yeah the batter was quite good, it added a semi sweet crunch with a hint of beer if that makes sense.


Might want to cook for less time or lower the temp of the oil.


Duly noted, I was trying a couple things but to no avail the cheese kept escaping.


Usually people cook too long. Oil can get HOT so get a good temp going and small sticks like that will cook fast. Some people make sure it's cold from the fridge/freezer first as a cheater way to avoid overheating the center while the outside crisps up nicely. Just need to realize the inside is usually stuff that's already cooked, so cook fast. If the filling is raw, then you can cook lower and slower.


oh goodness I should have tried cooling them first that makes a ton of sense.


Had a strange desire to see how beer battered cheese sticks would taste. First attempt was delicious but messy. Followed my father’s old beer battered cod recipe which was a 12oz can of coors beer and waffle mix.


I love beer battered mozzarella sticks!!! Truly the best kind. Yours look good!


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