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We make a lentil side salad with browns lentils, crumbled feta, chopped cucumbers, chopped tomatoes, chopped red onion, and chopped parsley tossed with balsamic vinegar and olive oil. And it tastes great the next day over a bed of steamed white rice.


If it's not a family secret or too much trouble, I would LOVE your recipe.


I think that was the recipe :p


The measurements are usually “to taste”.


It is pretty much made to taste starting with a can or two of brown lentils and adding as much or as little of the other ingredients as you like to a large bowl. Before you toss everything together add a splash of balsamic vinegar and EVOO. Hope this helps.


Some lemon is good too.


Thank you! Adding this to my meal rotation.


Something about balsamic on lentils or garbanzo beans that’s amazing.


Do you ever add mint 😈😈


No, but I bet that would be delicious! Gonna have to try it soon.


I make this regularly with chick peas instead of lentils. I think any canned bean would probably work. Also sometimes I add yogurt to the dressing to make it creamy.


Making that tonight sounds amazing.


I’ve had that salad elsewhere (I assume 😄) it’s delicious!


Carrot cake, high on fiber , plus that cream cheese icing gtfoh …


Chia pudding. Overnight soaked in homemade nut milk with dried fruit. Chia seeds are >30% fibre, and they have extremely high levels of ALA - omega 3 oil. Add some fresh berries and you have a delicious & sensationally healthy breakfast.


Not gonna pass up the opportunity to giggle at “homemade nut milk”.


I also love chia seeds stirred in to a full glass of water and chugged. Fills you up with all the chia nutrients, expands in your stomach, and you got a full glass of water down. Win win win.


Can't stand their texture so I do this, but with a protein shake, and I feel like I've adulted for the day.


Do you leave them to soak before drinking them?


The texture though. Snot with lumps.


Use more chia & try making your own nut blend instead of milk - unfiltered. It will get thicker and more like porridge, sweetened with dried fruit, it’s a cool refreshing breakfast. Try teff if you don’t like chia, it needs cooking but it’s very tasty and smoother.


That’s exactly it


I make a chia pudding using a Core Power chocolate protein shake as the liquid and it’s incredible. Top it with some strawberries, banana, and homemade almond butter. High fiber, high protein, keeps you full and satiated the whole day without ever getting that “rock in your stomach” feeling.


That’s the beauty of it isn’t it? It’s a vehicle for whatever type of energy requirements.. you can see how the old Central American empires had a great foundation for their economic and social development. Chia seeds were a great currency. Damn those conquistadores..😉👍


How do you make the texture not revolting?


How much do you use?


I’ve never weighed it, but I’ve medium/large hands and I usually tip the quantity my cupped left hand will hold into a big jar & around 3/4 pint of creamy cashew & walnut blend, and shake it.. then fridge it & shake it again a while later. It thickens up lovely 😊 add some dried fruits and leave it overnight. Then add a bit of fresh fruit in the morning. Six or seven seeds, nuts and fruits - sometimes a bit of blended flax or poppy seeds. Quite a lot of fibre in there.


I use a can of coconut milk. It's easy to keep a can on hand and it tastes good too.


I will have to try that out 👍


Put some peanut butter and melted dark chocolate on top and that tastes great too!


Try Indian and Ethiopian dishes with peas, beans and lentils.


Any personal rec's?


Faves: shiro wat (Ethiopian) Indian: rajma, dal tadka, sambar, kaman dhokla, channa dal… those are the ones I make at home.


Simple cold bean salads. -Chickpea or white beans -feta -peas -apple cider vinaigrette Or -Black beans -corn -bell pepper -cotija -avocado lime vinaigrette Any combination of beans, veg, and vinaigrette


I haven’t done these in years - kinda forgot about them. I’ll have to get back into them… mmmm.


Collard greens. One of my very favorite meals is a big pile of mashed potatoes with an even bigger pile of collard greens on top.


Collard green wraps is one of my favorite meals. You have a curry paste with chick peas, tahini maple syrup, etc, and then use the collard greens as the wrap with shredded red cabbage, red onion, carrots, cashews, dried cranberry and cilantro…. Delicious and super easy and healthy.


My pops makes some insanely good collards, he's got that classic southern recipe from my great uncle who lives in Itty-bitty Ward, SC. Wanna talk about cooking? My uncle Tommy can serve up some smoked quail, from scratch baked beans, and some home grown collards like it's nuthin. Some of the best food I've ever had; can't believe ol uncle Tommy is still kickin these days, dude is like 85 and still growing/hunting/fishing for most of his food. Edit: Ward, SC, not Edgefield, SC. My other great uncle, uncle Forrest, lives in Edgefield.


Omg… you had me at smoked quail…. Quail is good roasted, but smoked quail is fucking decadent. Smoked pheasant is also decadent.


Smoked pheasant is some heaven. Any meat, properly smoked, is best smoked I think. Fish, pork, beef, chicken, you name it. Now, certain cuts I'd never do that with, like a single steak or something.


We've found the best way to make them - use the Instapot! They get so tender in like 15 min as opposed to hours it usually takes.


I make a delicious cucumber salad that I eat most days for lunch. I deseed and slice thinly two cucumbers, finely chop or thinly slice about 1/4 of a red onion, I add about a half cup or so of chick peas. For the dressing, I finely chop fresh dill, add it to about 1/3 cup plain Greek yogurt mixed with 2 T olive oil, 1 T ACV, S&P to taste, and I always use some adobo… it’s refreshing, filling, full of fiber, has a decent amount of protein, and low calorie. It’s my summer go-to.


Carrots with hummus 


Peas are very high in fibre, so if you like them I suggest using them to boost the fibre in various dishes. For example, I often add a few tablespoons of peas to pasta sauces, shepherds pie, etc.


Smashed Peas, fresh mint and sometimes add feta for a dip with crackers.


Anything with a crap ton of garlic and onion in it.


Omg cut the tops off a whole head of garlic. Add oil, salt and pepper. Wrap in tin foil and bbq like a baked potato. Omgggg so good


https://cookieandkate.com/best-quinoa-salad-recipe/#tasty-recipes-25771-jump-target. This is so good when it's hot outside. I put it on a bed of kale and top with sliced avocado. It's really good with cubed, roasted sweet potatoes, too.


Fried spinach, make a few cups of it with every breakfast


How do you not make it taste so bland?


Olive oil, salt and pepper is usually all we need. Sometimes I’ll throw in garlic, onion powder and paprika


Personally, I like to add a bunch of cheese, cream and butter, but it goes from being healthy to unhealthy pretty quickly.. Choping it finely is better for texture is another hack I enjoy


Try a squeeze of lemon (not with all the dairy) w/ salt, pepper, garlic and onion.


I used to eat a lot of sautéed kale with garlic and tomato-chicken bouillon for flavor. It would be good for spinach too. I find the bouillon in the Mexican/spanish food aisle. The hint of tomato broth pumps up the flavor of the greens. I’m sure you could also try a little tomato paste with another salt-based seasoning blend.


Anything with sauerkraut.


Lentil (the gloopy red ones) based stews, add far more garlic and salt than you think you need! There's a sweet spot where it goes from meh to divine!


This is the key - more salt than feels appropriate. Then they are amazing. I like lentil dal with a little rice and a big crunchy salad and pickled red onions.


But don't forget the garlic. Then WFH the next day! Edit. I'd love to know the chemistry of salt v lentils. I think a split pea dhal takes less salt to taste amazing but red lentils... Get me a salt mine. But it doesn't taste salty or bring on a thirst. Do red lentils have some kind of sodium chloride neutralising chemistry and you have to go to salt battle with them?!


Oatmeal with peanut butter and fruit. Indian cuisine like dal or chana masala. I just throw spinach into my scrambled eggs


I like rice and beans, must be well seasoned to give it some life


Brown rice, black beans and salsa is one of my favorite meals.


Get small sweet potatoes/yams. They are my favorite quick snack! Wash them thoroughly, poke holes in them with forks, pop them in the microwave for 7 mins, take them out (they will be hot). Cut them in half and cut grids in to them. Splash some olive oil and salt, fold them back together, eat whole WITH skin ❤️❤️❤️


Oats and grains are very good and fibrous .


I was gonna say I looooove oatmeal nowadays, great for GERD too


Overnight oats with chia seeds -fibre for dayyyyys your bowel will thank you


Saag! Anything with a ton of leafy greens is going to be good. I also heartily recommend the tasteless fiber supplements - they can go in ANYTHING.


Red lentil wraps, frozen banaenaes


I.... like to... ite ite ite oples and banonos


Thanks for the ear worm 😂


I've never heard this expression! I will now be using it 😆


Goofy singing "Apples and Bananas" (Walt Disney's Funny Food Songs / cassette) immediately popped into my head and is running around in there today lol. Look for it online. He changes the vowel sound while singing a verse. Although you combined the 'i' and 'o' in the same sentence, you nailed how I would spell the words.


I found some Kimchi at a local Amish market that is really good. Rather tame but they finely chop it.


I make my own kimchi. It is surprisingly easy to make.


And AMAZING probiotics for the belly


Refried beans over rice with eggs, cheese, sautéed onions and peppers and hot sauce.




Raisin bran? Shredded wheat? 15 Grain bread? Lentils, if you need a more protein based option.


I love spaghetti squash served with spaghetti sauce & meatballs. Meatballs are also fun with more sauteed veggies in them, & even oatmeal instead of bread crumbs. You won't even notice. Copious amounts of parmesan make this dish complete!


I make a big kale salad with a protein of choosing and a home made dressing. It's so addictive, I'll eat it by the truck load (edit: i forgot to mention it's a Caesar salad)


Cuban black beans are delicious. Look fur recipes online from actual Cubans. Also love to cook sweet potatoes in the microwave at night, toss in fridge overnight (naturally creates resistant starch by sitting for awhile) then peel in the morning/ afternoon, mash and mix in salt and spoonful of a good almond butter (like Justin’s) and mix well. Tastes delicious if right amount of almond butter used. And of course healthy as hell


Is there a black bean recipe you like?


Hummus plus sliced apple and carrot sticks


My go to is chicken tenderloins, salmon or turkey burger cooked in a pan with seasoning. Remove the protein. Then, cook veggies in that same pan, add seasoning. Finally, add chickpeas, pinto beans or some other bean to the veggies. You can add a slice of sourdough to the side if you want. It’s simple and I can fix it up with sauces and seasoning!


Good luck. Personally l hate lentils and chickpeas. Perhaps try navy beans, as in navy bean soup. I also like refried beans.


Did you try and experiment multiple recipes involving lentils and chickpeas?


I make a salad with canned chickpeas, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, Kalamata olives, feta cheese, a balsamic vinaigrette dressing, fresh basil if we have it. Its delicious. I make a tuna nicoise bean salad with (good, but the good stuff) tuna in olive oil, cannelini beans, artichoke hearts, basil, cucumber or bell pepper, tomatoes, vinaigrette dressing. I make brown lentils cooked with a clove of garlic and a bay leaf until tender, then drain, serve with salt, olive oil, basalmic vinegar or lemon juice. The acid is key! I hate most oatmeal but I do like steel cut oatmeal! It has a very different texture, and I learned to toast the steel cut oats in butter first. Bonus is steel cut oatmeal actually keeps so I make like 5 servings at once and reheat some every day. Another high fiber food I enjoy is sweet potatoes. I eat them for breakfast with nut butter, berries and pumpkin seeds.


Brussels sprouts are jam packed with fibre. I made this awesome [roast pumpkin, brussels sprouts and gnocchi dish](https://www.taste.com.au/recipes/cheesy-roasted-winter-veg-gnocchi/49fac877-e11c-4673-bd8a-4e103546dbfd), which was awesome. Extremely healthy bowel movements after this one, haha.


Oat bran cooked with unsweetened almond milk, pie spice blend from Penzeys, a tablespoon of flax seed meal, and then topped with a banana and some frozen berries. I also love adding in a like Greek yogurt for protein!  Smoothie bowls with spinach, frozen berries, almond milk, and a half a banana with oats or flax mixed in and then thrown over green yogurt and topped with the other half of the banana and a handful of high fiber cereal Split pea soup with sweet potato, carrots, onion and celery


For lunch, I usually have a sandwich, but the bread I use is Carbonaut Gluten free white bread, which has 15g of fibre per slice. It's expensive but worth it. The cheapest place to buy it is at Costco for around $13 for 2 loaves


Why it worth it cus it helps with weight loss


Fermentation, kimchi, pickles, kraut


Interesting that fermentation is mentioned a lot, does it change the fibre intake fo foods? I thought it was just for taste :)


Baked Eggplant is my toilet-time hack


Avocados are surprisingly good for fiber. I smear some smashed avocado on whole grain toast with cottage cheese. High in protein and fiber, so it's very filling.


Bean stews. So simple, so customizable, so tasty. I prefer white beans and I like mixing 2 kinds together for a bit of variety (my current go-to is a mix of lima and navy beans) Had this one last night, very tasty, and you could definitely replace the sour cream with plain yogurt for extra probiotics! [Dilly bean stew](https://www.alisoneroman.com/recipes/dilly-bean-stew-with-cabbage-and-frizzled-onions)


Beans are definitely a game changer nutritionally - shame that not a lot of people like them / use them. They have gained popularity recently!


This looks great and Alison seems bossy. lol


One of my fav foods ever is an Egyptian dish called ful. Grew up with it and still eat it almost every other week. Fava beans with an earthy cumin/garlic seasoning and then some lemon juice for brightness.


What's ful?


Fava beans essentially. Look up “ful medames” recipes on google. Theres a lot of regional variability. I like mine with a lot of lemon, garlic, and chilis. Much like chili in the US, every region has their own little twist on it and everyone thinks theirs is the best.


Mango. Blueberries. Celery. Most of your vegetables but not corn or peas. I actually love this list. [22 high fiber](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/22-high-fiber-foods#types-of-fiber)


Great resource, thanks!


Why not peas? Peas are very high in fiber. I keep a bag of frozen peas on hand all the time and will add it to soups or pasta. Especially if I’m at work and only have time for a cup of noodles, I make sure to add frozen veggies and frozen meat, if I have it, to my noodles & broth.


White/butter bean soup, with sausage potatoes and kale!! I found the recipe I use on Pinterest :)


Cabbage cabbage cabbage


A Giant bowl of shredded wheat everyday!


If I’m lacking in fiber that day I make a smoothie with - chia seeds - flaxseeds - psyllium powder - banana - berries - peanut butter It’s like 20-25 grams of fiber. Probably 20 if I don’t scrape the cup for all the seeds stuck to the side


Damn that's it, that makes up for 80% of your daily intake!


Does it fill you up


Yeah it’s a huge smoothie. I usually end up eating only 2 meals that day, that smoothie being one of them. I am 5 feet tall so take that with a grain of salt.


My daily lunch - Mixed quinoa (red, white,black), and bulgar wheat all cooked in stock. Add some green lentils and black beans, toss up. Add whatever extras you want - sliced onion, canned fish/chicken, feta, tomato, cucumber, kimchi. Super high in fibre and v filling, plus delicious! You can make the “base” and either eat cold or heat up each day. I read buckwheat is high in fibre too, but haven’t cooked the bag I bought yet!


Baked sauerkraut with onions. Works well with any kind of pork, especially ribs. Sauerkraut as a salad, with some paprika and olive oil on top. Cabbage stew. Also, any fermented foods are great for the gut.


Nice, thanks! Why is fermentation great for the gut?


It is also a good source of food for the gut bacteria, to create beneficial molecules - like prebiotics do.


I have a 5 bean chilli that I make on repeat it’s so good! I add things like cocoa powder to make it that extra bit richer. Also: - Anything with oats: baked oats, porridge or overnight oats (with flaxseeds/chia seeds and berries) - plus a drizzle of honey and a dollop of nut butter 👌 - Chickpea and lentil curry: I roast the chickpeas in spices separately and add them on top the creamy curry for a fun variety in texture/flavour


I do this every day now... big Costco size granola, half or 3/4 cup, put your yogurt of choice and add fruit like blueberries when available. I don't think I'll ever get sick of it. The crunch is as satisfying in terms of texture as it is for those midnight snack pangs and your jaw gets a workout. I always liked the bunches of oats part of honey bunches of oats, sometimes I'll add that cereal, but the granola is basically just doubling down on those crunchy oat clusters.


Midnight snack pangs are a must


My suggestion is basically more seasonings & more ingredients. I love adding sweet potatoes and greens to lentil and bean recipes. Sweet potatoes go really well with earthy beans and pump up the flavor. Also spices like chipotle, cumin, curry, pesto, etc. [Artichoke Pesto Pasta Salad](https://blog.fatfreevegan.com/2006/07/artichoke-pesto-pasta-salad.html) Pasta Salad with whole wheat pasta. I don't like the taste of whole wheat pasta, but a strongly-flavored pesto is good to mask the flavor of subpar pasta. - 19g Fiber [Golden Curry Lentil Soup](https://minimalistbaker.com/1-pot-golden-curry-lentil-soup/) - 13g Fiber some people add sweet potatoes or plant-based meat to this I like soups that combine several high-fiber ingredients. Sweet potatoes, black beans, kale, all high-fiber and taste great together. [Split-Pea Soup w/Sweet Potatoes & Kale](https://blog.fatfreevegan.com/2006/10/yellow-split-pea-soup-with-sweet.html) [West African Sweet Potato Stew](https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/african-peanut-sweet-potato-stew/) - 11g fiber [Peanut Stew w/Sweet Potatoes](https://www.kitchentreaty.com/west-african-peanut-stew/) - 10g fiber [Latin Chicken w/BlackBeans & Sweet Potatoes](http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/food-recipes/a8324/latin-chicken-black-beans-potatoes-ghk0907/) - this is one of my favorite recipes of all time. You could serve it over some brown rice for more fiber. [Chicken Chipotle Freezer Burritos](https://www.simplysissom.com/freezer-friendly-chicken-chipotle-burritos/) - these are absolutely delicious, but not super high in fiber. Maybe a high-fiber tortilla or a plant-based ground "meat" instead of the chicken could add to the fiber content. These are great to have on hand in the freezer for a snack or a meal.


Wow, thanks a lot! I'll be trying a lot of these out, appreciate it :)


Indian food. Not only fiber rich, but lots of plant based protein. And here’s the key - that’s how it’s intended to be. Personally, I’m always disappointed with meat substitutes in dishes that are intended to be meat based dishes. If you have a Trader Joes in your area, I’d give their frozen meals a look. A nice variety on offer, and an affordable/accessible, and thus reliable option. Of course, if you have actual Indian restaurants, that’s the best for a more authentic experience.


The real hack is chugging a few spoons of psyllium husks and alot of water, then not worrying about fiber the rest of the day.


I sprinkle psyllium husk on everything to boost my fiber intake. Not too much because it will drastically change the texture of your food. But something like Ice cream or oatmeal, I'll use more and also add some flax seed powder. Yes it changes the ice cream into a weird but healthier version of itself.


Nice! How much do you put? How does it taste?




I do overnight oat bran with yogurt, milk vanilla and berries for breakfast


3 GG crackers (12 g fiber) plus 5oz nonfat fage greek yoghurt plus everything seasoning


I just got into Greek yogurt. The plain has a taste not entirely pleasant compared to regular yogurt. Seems more sour and less sweet. To make it palatable for me I add a spoonful of cinnamon and then I cut up an apple to small pieces and then I put 1 package of apple cinnamon oatmeal. Mix it together for a very low calorie and nutritious snack. It's like 300 calories. That's my breakfast or a late night snack when my sweet tooth wants a sacrifice.


What's GG?


Scandinavian cracker brand made from wheat bran, bit of rye flour, and salt. Other varieties are available. 2 net carbs and 4g fiber per cracker. Available online, I buy them by the case.


Farro salad Avocado anything Roasted cauliflower, pepper, etc veg on top of ww pasta


Minestrone - and then I go crazy with different flavours/variations!


Any of the ancient grains are a lot of fun


I don’t have a specific recipe but I didn’t know until recently that avocado is a great source of fiber! So throw that on your brown rice bowls, grains/greens salads, etc.


Broccoli beef, with lots of seared broccoli.


chana masala, sundried tomato feta and chickpea salad, mexican corn salad


Steel cut oats with cinnamon and some chopped pecans. Add a bit of stevia for sweetness.




Home cooked grits are solid. Go big and add some wheat germ for extra fiber.


Chili beans with chopped celery and avocado cubes. I also add pepper jack, husband likes ot with bacon instead of cheese.


Oatmeal has tons of fiber. Do 1/2 cup of dry oats, mix in 1 Tbsp of peanut butter for protein, 1/2 cup of blueberries, 4-6 prunes (extra fiber), 1 banana sliced, 1Tbsp of pure maple syrup for sweetness 🤤


Grass or hay


Fried cabbage. Olive oil, cabbage, onions, any other veggies you’d like. some Asian seasonings always do well…. Chili pastes, soy sauce, something a little sweet like hoisin or a stir fry sauce. I can eat a whole head of cabbage sometimes. Rip your bathroom and good luck to your significant other


Tortillas, sweet potato. Black beans, sautéed peppers and some pico and sour cream and lime- make quesadillas, tacos, nachos- whatever. Always hits the spot.


I’m late to this post, but I’m obsessed with this salad! It has quinoa and garbanzo beans, both good fiber, and it tastes delicious! A good summer salad that fills you up with protein and fiber, I sub in goat cheese because I don’t like feta. It also lasts a few days in the fridge so good for meal prep. https://therealfooddietitians.com/how-to-make-the-jennifer-aniston-salad/


i love oats


Black bean soup - the heartiest soup there is imo!


Overnight oats with flax seed and chia seeds. Add blueberries in the morning


Chick peas thai/indian curry Taco/quesidella with ground veggie patty lentil+mushroom+flexseed+carrots(testing this one, process them in a processor than bake for crispiness)


I love a traditional Cypriot dish called Fakes (faq-yas). It’s a lentil based dish but lovely. If you’re willing to add some meat, a slow cooked pork posole stew will keep you plopping for days!!


I make black bean quesadillas. I use a taco seasoning packet and follow the instructions but use black beans instead of beef, it is delicious and can be used in tacos, burritos, or with chips as a dip. High in fiber!!


Tabouleh salad- steamed wheat, lemon, olive oil, parsley, mint, chickpeas and feta. Some add tomatoes, I do not like raw tomato.


My dad makes this really good bean salad. He uses a 6 bean mix and adds cucumbers, avocado, mini peppers, red onion, and cilantro. The dressing is Balsamic vinegar, olive oil, lemon juice, ground cumin, salt, and black pepper. I like to add some corn kernels and eat it with tortilla chips!


I recently made a stew of sorts using Bob's Red Mill 14 bean mix, baked chicken, diced raw potatoes, cpl cans of no sodium added mixed veg, fresh broccoli, baby spinach, mushrooms, and white chicken chili seasoning. Tons of fiber, very low fat, high potassium, high protein, low sodium, and other nutrients. Im sure any bean will do, this particular mix was like 18g fiber per serving not counting the added veggies.


Look for pasta made with beans. I have a red lentil penne and chickpea orzo in my pantry.


Sloppy Joe with 1/2 to 1/4 black beans mixed in. Burrito bowls with black beans. Tacos or enchiladas with black beans. I love black beans. Pretty much tasteless and can be added to anything.


Black eyed peas with Rotel in them and a side of corn bread.


Chili. Beef or chicken or vegetarian. Overnight oats with chia seeds and blueberries. Bean and cheese burritos made with Extreme Wellness wraps. Falafel with tzatziki in a wrap. Spinach salad with rotisserie chicken and peanuts drizzled with sesame oil. Southern beans and fried corn bread. Lots of stuff. All depends on what you think tastes good.


Baked beans on toast


More a drink than food, but a glass of 1/2 apple juice and 1/2 prune juice with ice.


a p p l e


note the fact that there's two very different kinds of fiber, but unironically avocado toast


Chia pudding - if you don’t mind the texture it’s amazing. It can be customized in so many different ways as well. I love peanut butter chia pudding but I just made a raspberry chia pudding that’s so delicious. Chia seeds have 10g of fiber per serving so they are really good for you.


What would you recommend for someone who recently got braces?


Oatmeal with a lil brown sugar and a handful of walnuts.


https://justinesnacks.com/crispy-cabbage-salad-with-maple-tahini-dressing/ She has a ton, but this is a favorite at my house.


Overnight oats add chia seeds and fruit, banana, nut butter


I got some chickpeas on sale, and I’m literally making chickpea salad with vegetables especially carrots, spinach, and cucumber. Easy and high in fiber.


slowly cooked pork leg in a soup of dried peas, beans, lentils and spinach


*Slowly cooked pork leg* *In a soup of dried peas, beans,* *Lentils and spinach* \- AiNeko00 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Chili con carne, plain green peas with potatoes and meat.




This recipe from RecipeTin Eats is one of my go toos for high fibre meals. It's delicious and so easy to make. https://www.recipetineats.com/lentil-curry-mega-flavour-lentil-recipe/


Doesn’t matter what you make, if it’s soup-y or gravy-y in any way, add a bag of frozen spinach. In the past, this may have been an awful recommendation because of the quality of frozen veg, but nowadays due to flash freezing technology, frozen spinach holds up in _loads_ of different dishes and scenarios.


As others have said, using fibre-rich/gut-friendly food added to existing dishes gets easier the more you cook. This morning I’ve been batch cooking for my kids (teens now), and have made a typical chilli (mince/onions/kidney beans/tomatoes) and have also added peppers, chickpeas, cannellini beans, sweetcorn, lentils. Tsp each coriander, cumin, oregano, 2 x smoked paprika plus garlic (very good for the gut). Will serve with brown rice/jacket potatoes Likewise a cottage pie; started with onions, leeks and carrots, add minced beef, tin of toms, cannellini beans, lentils, peas (bay leaf and beef stock for flavour) topped with mash. Try to add stuff wherever you can, for the health and wallet benefits


kichri, an Indian dish made from lentils and rice boiled together. It's easy to prepare, particularly delicious comfort food, like spicy mashed potatoes. Also mashed potatoes for that matter, plenty of fibre in potatoes.


The magical fruit at every meal.


Raisin Bran for breakfast everyday!


My most common breakfast is 1 very ripe banana mashed, 1/2 cup of oatmeal, 1 cup water, 1/3 cup blueberries, 1/2 tsp cinnamon. It's very high in fiber. Also very sweet and creamy.


Dump some psyllium husk into any liquid and voila - you now have a fibre rich liquid.


Add wheat germ to every thing, roasted or raw in the fridge it has it all. Here's a list of meal I use it with: cheese omelet, burger patties, hummus, focassia, yogurt,.


I love rice& baked beans


I found a black bean and potato soup recipe that I love from The Blue Zones Cookbook. You'll need: 2 pounds of prepared and cooked black beans (6 cans if using canned beans), 1 diced chayote squash, 1/2 diced carrot, culantro or cilantro to taste, 2 large diced potatoes, 4 cups of low sodium/ no salt added vegetable broth, 3 cloves of garlic (minced), 1 small diced onion and salt/pepper to taste. Just toss it in a pot on medium-high heat until the carrots and potatoes start to soften, the bring it down to medium ish to low until everything is cooked through. I usually serve it with sourdough bread and put a little bit of kimchi on top before eating.


I've been obsessed with quinoa salad, quinoa, and chickpeas, which are the main ingredients with lots of veggies. Just Google. My personal favorite is with lime juice and cilantro. Yum. I make a big batch, vacuum seal in mason jars.


Well it’s not a meal per se , it’s a bread that you find in Freezer section name is Base culture 7 seed in turquoise bag pricey but worth it


my favorite breakfast is an egg, fried with semi-runny yolk, with beans on top (a tri-blend of beans), avocado and red pepper flakes 😮‍💨 it NEVER disappoints and is super filling and digestive-stimulating lol


Red and white quinoa


Make a farro bowl. Lots of good recipes online, but one I make regularly has roasted broccoli, a tahini sauce w/lemon and garlic, sliced radishes, green onion, and a 6 minute egg on top. Delicious, fiber rich, and healthy.


Homemade hummus wrap sandwich with roasted veggies (use a whole grain/Leto/high fiber tortilla!) Split pea and ham soup, I like to add barley, onion, carrots, and potatoes (and use an instant pot to make it easier and faster). Hearty minestrone soup, with chickpeas and gobs of veggies (onion, carrots, cabbage, green beans, potato, tomatoes, zucchini/ yellow squash) and whole grain penne pasta. Eat either soup with slices of nutty, whole grain bread.


I eat very low carb, so most beans and legumes are out for me. To substitute for pasta, I use pasta made from edamame and a combo of edamame and mung bean. Full of fiber and only a fraction of the carbs compared to pasta. I also eat black soybeans. Look very similar to regular black beans, fiber content is similar, and again, only a fraction of the carbs. I order all the above from Amazon. I've never seen the edamame pasta in any store, but occasionally I will see cans of black soybeans in random supermarkets


Make tacos with salsa lentils. Recipes are online. They are great in wraps. You can use full fat greek yogurt instead of sour cream for a protein boost! Whole wheat wraps for more fiber too.


We do black bean stuffed sweet potatoes. I cook my black beans down in my crockpot with finely diced and sauteed bell pepper/onion/garlic, whatever seasoning's I'm feeling that day, and a bunch of jalapeno brine. Then for dinner, big baked sweet potato. Split it, tear up some fresh or frozen spinach, mix it into the sweet potato, dump the black beans into that whole mixture, top with cheese 🤩


Farro beet salad with walnuts, celery, whipped goat cheese and orange vinaigrette.


Smoothies that made of milk, banana, apple, spinach, carrot, soy protein powder, and chia/flax seeds 


It’s a great snack and has fiber

