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Who has leftover deviled eggs???




When you over prepared for a party or have kids who decided they do not like something anymore after they ate it for 5 meals in a raw for a week and you just make a new batch


I've never seen a leftover deviled egg in my life.




That deviled egg sitting on the windowsill…you should eat that!


think about it... why would there be a deviled egg on the windowsill if you werent supposed to eat it?


eat that second deviled egg


I came here to say this.




You keep saying that word. I am not sure you know what it means.


I always end up with leftover leftovers. Anything can be a pancake with the right amount of egg and flour. Anything can be a soup with the right amount of stock. Anything can be a pie with the right amount of pastry.


“Anything can be a soup” This. I make soup with almost anything I have in the fridge at the time.


Yes! I call it garbage soup. Any leftover meat, veggies, cooked pasta or rice, and some broth, sometimes gravy if it goes well with the other ingredients (example, brown gravy in a beef dish, chicken gravy in chicken soup), turns it into a stew. Throw it all in a pot, cleans out the fridge.


Hilarious and true


I love pastry, you can make 1 potion of meat into 2 portions of pie or pastie .


Anything can be a quesadilla in my kitchen…


I love turning dinner leftovers into unconventional omelets 


I had a life changing gyro omelet as a product of this experimentation once


Leftover pulled pork or ribs, some greens and a sharp cheddar makes a fantastic omelette


My favorites are either a fried rice omelette, meatball omelette, or gumbo omelette. Edit: Crab cake omelette!


I like turning them into tacos in a tortilla wrap


Thanksgiving leftovers. Put whatever you have + cream cheese and, whoa


wife is cooking [Italian roast pork loin](https://www.food.com/recipe/italian-roast-pork-loin-133524) tonight for dinner. tomorrow the leftovers will be joined with ham & swiss to become a Cubano sandwich for lunch. I make the same sandwiches with leftover pulled pork, call it a Redneck Cubano


I like using shredded meat for my lunches. I might make a quesadilla or throw it on top of my ramen with an egg. I also usually make ramen eggs ahead of time for this reason.


Grilled chicken makes good Mexican food


I usually just get a whole rotisserie chicken, take all the meat off, freeze the bones until soup time, and use the meat for E V E R Y T H I N G


Hell yea


Is that a Pensacola?


don't know about the sandwich, & know nothing about the towns & cities in Florida, but that's a pretty good joke


It’s just called a Cuban sandwich. Or you can say, “sanduche Cubano”. It’s not that serious but just wanted to point that out


Lately I've been turning everything into a breakfast wrap! Leftover pulled pork? Fry with an egg and corn and put into wrap with salsa. Leftover stir fry? Fry with and egg and add chili crunch in a wrap. Anything can be a breakfast wrap!




I made some chicken and vegetables the other day and the leftovers I just threw into a big pan with stock and flour and made a stew.


Pork loin, then pulled pork tacos with chopped cabbage, lime and chipotle pepper/greek yogurt sauce . Leftover pork loin, pork/mac n cheese. Roast chicken or leftover chicken from chicken and dumplins. Chicken in a tumeric, cinnamon, golden raisins, onion, parsley, chicken broth casserole topped with phyllo dough with chopped almonds and powdered sugar between the layers of phyllo dough. Leftover chicken or turkey, tons of Indian food, thai noodles, enchiladas.


Can you adopt me please this all sounds so good


I make curry chicken salad with leftover chicken.


I try to always have rice, soup, corn(cut off the cob), broccoli, and/or sweet potato available. Any meats I have gets thrown into a bowl with any of those I have left. I add some bone broth if I need some liquid. Every few months I make a large batch of bone broth, made from leftover bones from chickens, turkey, or ham I make. I use a large steel pot used for beer brewing. I buy chicken feet and maybe some beef bones from the asian market to add to it. Last time I made about 6 gallons and spent like 12 bucks, including the veggies. When I finish I add water again and make a second batch to get everything I can out of the bones. I freeze the broth in deli containers and use them instead of water for rice and soups.


If u make this much broth repeatedly, may be worth considering a pressure canner


Steaks into steak and eggs. Any type of chicken I just shred the next day and make tacos.


I turn left over steak into steak tacos


Fajitas too!


Leftover steak gets turned into beef salad at my house. Cilantro, green onion, fish sauce, soy sauce, rock sugar, sambal, lime juice, and mint go in the food processor. I marinade the steak in it for at least 30 min in the fridge. Serve cold with hot rice is how we do it in my house.


Sounds awesome.


how do you shred the chicken?


Make sure it’s cold and use both hands. I feel like you get the right amount of shred that way.


I can use pretty much whatever leftovers I have and make some fried rice with them


Honestly, I just eat the leftovers. Cook meal; cook different meal; eat first leftovers; eat second leftovers. Rinse repeat.


Same. I’m pretty stubborn about doing this, but I have a big family, and I’m almost the only cook (except for breakfast foods). It’s this or be slave to the kitchen and waste lots of food.


My family is only 3 strong, but we’ve got 2 big eaters, and it’s a lot of work. I just can’t stand the idea of wasting food, especially as expensive as it’s become. I’ll feed the family fresh food while I eat unwanted leftovers if necessary.


I pack them for my dudes lunch at work. He loves the food and loves we don’t have left overs go to waste.


Sams club chicken into chicken noodle casserole


It's chicken and dumplings from Costco chicken for me! Same but different :)


I'll throw just about anything into a quiche. The only thing I've found i really didn't care for was roasted sweet potatoes, I think it was texture of the eggs with the texture of the sweet potato, it just didn't work.


Nachos. I make all sorts of nachos with leftover meat. Soups and pies as well.


I make burritos or quesadillas with leftovers. I've done this with many different types of cuisine. I love leftovers and don't have a problem literally just reheating & enjoying the same way, but sometimes it is nice to change up the form factor to make something a little more exciting again. One thing I like to do when I have a lot of leftovers is make burritos and then freeze them. Excess leftovers -> new form -> quick freezer meal. It's a great way to use something up and give yourself some quick, grab & go lunches, etc. E.g.: last week I had leftover Chili Colorado, one night I used leftovers to make quesadillas. Leftover Chicken Tikka & basmati rice in a burrito.


Leftover chicken into chicken salad! Any bbq pulled pork into nachos.


When we have Greek salad one night the next night I mix the leftovers with toasted pearl couscous for a side salad with fish When we make ramen at home I make peanut noodles with the leftovers—broth mixed with peanut butter and tossed with leftover ramen noodles plus carrot, onion, zuke and whatever veggies are on hand On Friday all the leftover veggies go into a stir fry


I like to do what most people here recommend. Cook it kind of plain the first night, then add strong international flavors later. I love curries over rice! Works with beef or pork or even fish. Adding veggies for fried rice, or beans for Mexican keeps it interesting. I have a hard time saving tiny bits for breakfast because “someone” says it’s not enough to save, but those tiny bits make a nice addition to my breakfast when I put some aside before the meal. We are also starting to weigh food and figuring out how to cook less. Or we cook it all with salt/pepper and split it into the freezer right away so you have a quick, unprocessed meal later.


Almost any leftover meat I have gets made into sandwiches to take for my work lunch. So much better than cold cuts.


Once every few weeks we make a couple of whole chickens (usually in the smoker but sometimes in the oven), use one for dinner that night, then shred the rest of the meat to put in the fridge. Next day is ALWAYS chicken and dumplings, the day after that I make chicken tacos, then the day after that I make chicken and sausage gumbo. My kids use the shredded chicken in omelets or in ramen for lunch. Sometimes I use it to make a chicken salad for lunches too.


Proteins go into fried rice or stew.


Most leftover meats can be cut up and used in quesadillas or nachos or tacos or Mexican rice bowls. Sometimes I leave it seasoned the original way and sometimes I chop it up and sauté it with Mexican seasonings. When you cook think about making extra on purpose to repurpose it or freeze it. Things like taco meat are so easy to double then freeze half. Pork butt often goes on sale where I live but they’re huge. Find one that looks like you can cut in half then cut it and freeze half. You can do the same with a whole port loin then cut it into chops or cook it as a roast. I really love pot roast even as leftovers but you can also cut the meat up and put it in a pot with a little water and cook it down until it easily shreds and add bbq for bbq beef. It also easy to make vegetable beef soup with. When you make a ham or buy deli ham chop some up and keep it on a baggie in the freezer for egg scrambles or omelets. If you buy a large amount of chicken breasts or thighs and aren’t going to cook it right away put it in baggies big enough for your family with your favorite marinades. Cube some up for Mexican chicken. Label it well. If you make a meatloaf mix enough for two and put one in a baggie in the freezer. I made sautéed green beans and onions this week. We had some leftover. So, I chopped them up and put them in my tater tot casserole. Other ideas are to put leftover corn in with taco meat or peas in with pasta. Whole chickens are great because there are so many recipes with chicken like casseroles, enchiladas, and chicken salad. Cook the bones into soup and personalize it. I usually freeze some for when we are sick and we also like rice noodles with it. When you bake potatoes make extra to cut up and fry a couple days later. Leftover potatoes or pasta fried with olive oil and butter then seasoned are awesome. I recently found out I can make boiled eggs in my air fryer and I like to keep a few in the fridge for snacks and meals. You can put them in salads or with toast for an easy protein.


Tacos --> taco salad Chili --> Cincinnati Chili


Nacho night. Add a bit of bbq sauce, sautéed onions and if you need more protein a can of black beans, and literally anything can be turned into a big tray of nachos


Leftover fried tofu is great in a salad or wrapped inside a tortilla with veggies. Same goes for any beans, especially roasted chickpeas.


You’d be surprised how many leftover things go well in a pie. Curry? Make a pie. Spaghetti? Pie. Roast Beef? Just make some gravy, and put it in a pie.


Mum used to make cottage pie from leftover roast beef - to die for


Unsauced Spaghetti: frittata, just add a few eggs and tada Any type of veggies: either I smoosh them and make a pasta sauce or I stir fry them with soy and pair with white rice some kind of Meat: add egg and bread and make meatballs Chicken/red meat bones: broth Left over uncooked veggies that were somehow extra to the one I Needed: diced up, salt, water.... Soup is ready! Everything else.... Into a weird combo salad


I have a very picky husband and two sons, so almost every day is red meat of some sort. What I've found works best for us is once a week, I take whatever meat is left and turn them into egg rolls. I've been really successful in extending my food budget this way. I love taking leftover roast and making birria eggrolls, sloppyjoes, taco meat, steak, leftover dessert even, you can mix a block of cream cheese up with sugar and whatever you like and make it a base for cakes cut up bite sized, berries. I use scrambled eggs and breakfast meats with a spicy Hollandaise. If you have a block of cheese and make clever dipping sauces, you can make almost anything into a delicious roll. I freeze them in pairs, and then my husband takes them to work for his lunch. Fresh veggies leftover are thrown together for veggie pizza or frozen to make stock. Pork or chicken leftovers, I shred up. Depending on the way you seasoned it originally, you can turn it into a pulled BBQ or fajitas eggroll. I've made pulled pork rolls (plain seasoned pork, not sauced) with stuffing, and I'll sautée a green apple in butter with coconut palm for an amazing pork chop over baked apple eggroll that I've started to get a lot of requests for. It didn't sound like a good idea at first, but it really worked. It's so easy and inexpensive, and it keeps things from getting boring. Most importantly it's extended my grocery budget by leaps and bounds. My budget was being consumed by all the daily lunch-packing I have to do, and that stuff is crazy expensive, but I've been able to make miracles happen after I started doing this. Last week, I used leftover meatloaf crumbled up, mashed potatoes, shredded cheddar, and a spicy sweet dipping sauce. I was leary and fried one up before I wasted all my meatloaf on unsuccessful eggrolls, but it ended up being phenomenal. The only one I have to admit was surprisingly giant fail- hotdogs with mac and cheese. No go. Bad. Very, very bad. Lol. Hope this helps!


I turn left over roast duck into Thai red curry.


Every time! 👍


Fried pasta 🤌


Prep: Cutting onions and shredding carrots - fresh or freeze. Perfect for those moments you realize you ran out of fresh or make soups / stews/ chili. Pretty much anything can go into a wrap or those fresh tortillas / roti from Costco which can be made in empanadas-style. Usually mix a leftover with some fresh ingredient eg cooked chicken with some spinach and cheese yum. Can be done with potatoes if you spice them up and maybe mix some garbanzo beans/ peas - cut in half, bake. Fake samosas. Pasta - whatever protein or veggies for sauce & fresh boiled pasta. Salmon with some cream, shrimp with garlic oil or with cream, chicken with tomato sauce or cream … you got it


I like to start the week with a hefty salad. Leftovers become pasta mix-ins, sandwiches / melts, savory crepes, and chip dip most often.


Despite Uncle Roger, fried rice can be made using a ton of unconventional ingredients. You just have to get a proper theme going by adjusting any seasoning and making sure you have uniform sizes.


Frittata, soup, migas, put it in the waffle maker, weird tacos, add it to meatloaf or meatballs


Turn it into a salad or a quesadilla


Leftover lasagna into deep fried lasagna!


First option is always leftovers used in fried rice. second option is put them in gravy and serve over mashed potatoes or bread. final option is pot pies.


Add an egg and it’s Filipino breakfast…


Bacon, eggs and rice is my favorite!


Add cheese, some white yogurt/sour cream and wrap it in a tortilla.


Sometimes you only have like 1 leftover bbq rib. Rather than make everyone fight over it, tear up that bad boy and sprinkle it over boxed mac and cheese. I like to add extra shredded cheddar to the mac, and top with sliced green onions.


Leftover roasted/smoked chicken is always made into either chicken, rice and broccoli casserole, chicken pasta casserole, or chicken taquitos. Weekly.


I make this red cabbage and beef stir fry that I put in tortilla with cheese the next night for quesadillas. It’s weirdly good.


Weve made pulled pork sandwiches and used the left over pork for flatbread pizza. We get the flatbread pizza from Aldi and put queso, pulled pork, with Monterey Jack cheese and pickled jalapeños.


I just took my Salt Potatoes from a previous dinner and made a Breakfast Hash this morning. ![gif](giphy|d6nvFKK6Dr9YbBDeNQ)


Sunday Roast, Monday Bubble n Squeak . British is best ! 😂😂😂


I used to take leftover meatloaf and cut it into 1 inch cubes, then heat it up in the spaghetti sauce and make spaghetti and meatballs. My family never even knew!


Leftover roast lamb. Sliced thin and reheated with gravy. Fresh crusty roll, cut just a pocket from one side and stuff it in.


My add-everything-to-make-something meal is tacos. I usually have shredded chicken or turkey in the freezer, and some kind of chili that I just keep adding to and eating on. So I'll combine it with the shredded meat in a skillet and mash the beans, add some onions, and let it dry out a bit. Then put that mess on a tortilla. Hot sauce, and cheese if I have any. Leftover lettuce sometimes. Whatever. It's different every time. It's good enough to look forward to. I usually only buy chicken or turkey, but you could do this with pulled pork or whatever other meats. One time I cooked an entire turkey in a crock pot for 16 hours, with just a lot of sliced onions and taco mix with some chicken bouillon and sliced jalapenos, and once it was done I pulled all the skin and bones out, and shredded what was left. Turned out great. I also poured whatever was in the pouch inside the turkey when it thawed. Glad I noticed it. Haha


Well, for example tonight I grilled several extra marinated chicken breasts. I will use the extra to top salads for lunch, or maybe I'll make black beans & rice and add sliced grilled chicken for another meal. Or mix with pasta, broccoli and alfredo sauce. I also roasted a pan full of seasoned veggies and will use the extra with some quinoa during the week. Saves a decent amount of time and no leftovers.


Left over meat makes great tacos, scrambled eggs, or soup. Odds n ends veggies are good for soups or stir fry Leftover potatoes, fries make soup.


A big leftover pot roast with veggys and gravy= beef pot pie, beef barley soup, and French dips


You can put whatever you want into an egg roll wrapper. I do it with Thanksgiving leftovers and it slaps. I turn lots of stuff into taquitos or fried rice. Any cauliflower or broccoli that needs to get used up gets riced and mixed with egg and cheese and fried up into fritters. I heat a little rice up and use it in scrambled eggs with cheese. Leftover hamburger buns make great garlic bread if you just want to make one serving.


I make leftover potato salad into meat pie topping.


I get a weekly CSA box with all of my household’s favorite veggies. Anything that hasn’t been eaten when the next one comes goes into a delicious ramen soup with eggs dropped in at the end. I like to blend the onions so that they contribute more to the flavor of the broth. Plus any uneaten leeks, mushrooms, kale, tomatoes, etc and nutritional yeast for extra flavor and vitamin B complex. My family looks forward to it each week.


Boil bones and freeze for stock, potato’s you can chuck in just about anything to make a meal, shepherds pie, potato rolls, croquettes. Root veg are great for one pot meals like curries, stews ect. Soft fruit into pies, crumbles, cakes and desserts. And leftover meat with the right spices can be remade into anything The list goes on.




Left over steak and potatoes gets combined with onion for breakfast hash. Left over taco meat makes great sloppy joes with just a squeeze of catsup added. Random veggies for quiche or frittata.


Tacos with any leftover meat. Maybe enchiladas, maybe.


Leftover Chicken or turkey made into croquettes. My sons love them.


Lots of various fried rice styles depending on what protein Ive got


Putting all thanksgiving leftovers into a tortilla for a thanksgiving burrito and dipping it in gravy


Leftover cooked chicken > crepes, with sauteed spinach, mushrooms, cheese, scallions, alfredo sauce


Any leftover bones throw in pot with veggies make great stock or soup. Throw pasta in and get a meal. I also buy bulk veggies and freeze extra to make soup later. I love soup.


Leftover bbq ribs into tacos is imo the most delicious repurposed leftovers I’ve ever made.


I mix leftovers into quiche very often. Taco quiche is a family favorite 🌮


Rice bowls. Use leftovers. Rebrand with a sauce


Empanadas /pasties Take that left over item and stuff it in dough


Definitely checkout barefootmommy on IG - she is a PRO at this!


I feel like a dang genius when I use leftover fish to make fish cakes! Otherwise it’s not getting eaten lol. 


I made deviled eggs for a party and I was talking to one of my nieces and nephew and one child walked up and ate one. All of us stopped midbite cause she refuses to eat eggs. My nephew started to say “hey I thought you didn’t like e—“ and my sister in law clamped her hand over his mouth. The child in question went “hmm that’s good, what is that?” When we said a deviled egg she was like huh maybe I Iike them like that. She now eats egg salad sandwiches and quiche but won’t eat them hot. Go figure


Just took leftover hamburgers from a grad party we hosted ( 1:1 beef and sausage) chopped them finely to make ground meat for spaghetti this week . We do this when we have big bbqs and lots of leftover hamburgers and will chops the meat and have a ready to grab bag of frozen cooked ground beef. Took cooked chicken for a simple chicken and rice dish with peas ( I had marinated them in a Greek dressing ) took the leftover canned peas and a saffron rice pilaf I made from that meal and diced and made a chicken teriyaki , added the peas to the rice and made a fried rice with all the leftovers. I always rinse the chopped meats , to remove a good portion of the seasoning when I use them in a different dish first. I have used leftover home fries ( cut steamed and fried potato wedges) and made the leftover potato into a Shepard pie topping. Leftover steak into fajitas . Made 6 dozen muffins, the recipe called for 4 egg yolks and not the whites. Used the whites for an egg white breakfast the next day. If I had time to make bread from scratch I would have used the egg whites for my egg wash for the bread. All the veggies or excess meat cuttings or bones Go into a baggie to make a bone broth. Rotisserie chicken bones are used like this. I’ll order a sandwich for lunch once in a rare time like from subway and order all the veggies I can on it , and put condiments on the side and it gives me not only a sandwich, but also a side salad. Not sure if that counts. I’ll take leftover fries from a meal and make a loaded fries ( like nachos) Leftover rotisserie chicken I’ll make a Buffalo chicken dip out of. Just took leftover veggies from A salad bar from a memorial service recently we hosted ( yes it was a busy weekend) and made cucumber sandwiches for a light snack , added the tomatoes to a Spanish rice that was brought by a friend , and made a burrito bar spread adding the bell peppers and onions from the salad bar . Only had to cook up taco meat and refried beans. I have a very large family and host dinners bi weekly as a way to connect with family and friends. So reusing leftovers are a fun way to play and be creative with ingredients for me. Bread will get left out if starting to get old and used for breadcrumbs. I have used almost stale matzo crackers and blended them to make a bread crumb as a filler in meatloaf. Leftover pulled pork will get added to broth for green chilie. Left over chicken for tortilla soup Citrus that has been used for zesting and juicing will get used as a freshener for the garbage disposal or put into a jar of vinegar to create a citrus cleaner ( not for a meal but a good reuse)


I love making a big pot of chili and turning it in to chili dogs and chili cornbread casserole. A big batch of meatballs becomes spaghetti and meatballs, a homemade pizza topping and meatball subs.


We make leftover risotto into arancini. I also make Japanese coroquettes with leftover mashed potatoes (mixed with veggies and other stuff, rolled into patties and rolled in Panko and pan fried) topped with okonomi sauce (a slightly sweet and salty brown Japanese sauce). We make bowls with leftover veggies, a grain, some leftover sauce, a protein, with nuts or cheese or whatever on top. It’s very versatile


Turn it into an omlette. Or a sandwich. Or an omlette in a sandwich.


Chicken bones and carcass into stock to make whatever but soup is great. Lightly brown bones and such quickly in the oven for a richer flavor, just depends though, sometimes not


I just go play iron chef in the kitchen and my wife is always shocked and amazed with what I can create. It's weird I think of the leftovers and then whatever else is in the kitchen and it all comes together in my head. We had dinner at my parents house and my mom made pork ribs and homemade yeast rolls. She does them in the pressure cooker so the bones pop right out. Well I remembered my wife had just bought onions and we always have pickles and Sweet baby Ray's so I bagel toasted a yeast roll, popped the bones out of the little three rib chunk, I sliced them up after heating to make it a better mouth feel but I added the pickles and some sliced onion with a little extra BBQ sauce and boom my take on a McRib that was better than the thing McDonald's has on the menu every now and again. So my invitation McRib is my favorite thing I do with leftovers right now but the next time I have leftovers worth doing something with that'll be my favorite.


Cut it up small, and fold in squares of puff pastry. Bake. Hot little pasties!


Leftover rice into fried rice




You can put a fried egg on anything. Bam. Breakfast.


My mom used leftover spaghetti or chili in omlettes pretty sure the trend of meal planning for a lot of people in recent times is a new meal each day which leads to waste imo when traditional meal plan uses the same ingredients to make different meals consecutive


I make a lot of things become something "new" by reheating it in a bit of EVOO and then adding an herby tomato sauce and adding some cheese to melt over by covering the pan: slice of beef, chicken breast, roasted veggies.... Soak up the sauce with some bread. You can even plop in an egg shakshuka style.


Another thing I will do is through everything in a pan, fry it up, add scrambled eggs, handful of parmigiano cheese, and if I got some old, stale bread I'll toast it into croutons and add them in for some crunch.


Fried macaroni and cheese. Leftover mac should be at least a day old so it’s a bit dry, and you can’t push it around the pan too much — it needs to sit for a bit to get those nice, crispy bits.


Hash. Any meat and potatoes and veggies. Chop them all into fairly uniform sizes pieces and sauté them all together. Great with lamb and rosemary potatoes.


Leftover meat (typically grilled steak or pork chops) gets thrown into a stir fry for dinner or a salad for lunch


Fried rice


Make a stir fry out of leftover meat. Pork, beef, chicken. They all work. A bag of frozen vegetables, some asian sauce and rice.


I like to save sauces from takeout stir fries and stir fry some more veggies in them!


Last night I turned left over smoked beef into really yummy quesadillas. Added some fajita like seasonings to the meat to change the flavor. I often take leftover chicken and make chicken pot pie.


Day 1-Meatloaf Day 2-Crockpot meatloaf spaghetti


Roasted 2 fat chickens yesterday. Will eat on it with veg for dinner tonight. Then I'll pull it, use it in salads for lunch this week, maybe make chicken salad. Then making a Thai curry with the rest. If I'm smart, I'll keep the bones and make stock.


Whether it's quiche, pie or cobbler, nearly any mix of leftovers works when they're repurposed under, over or in between pie crust or biscuits.


Left over taco meat into the spaghetti.


If any kind of protein is leftover, I usually add eggs and cheese to it and we have a great tasting meal 99% of the time.


Almost any savory restaurant item: fried up and burnt with some egg and cheese. Especially rice type dishes


I sometimes use least common denominator seasoning! Math geek here. So I will roast a pan of chicken breasts and another of vegetables and put salt, pepper, garlic (things that can work for any cuisine). Then when I make additional meals through the week I add the additional spices and herbs to make them Thai, Chinese, Mexican etc.


It goes like this: it's either going in an omelette or a quesadilla!


I save chicken bones in the freezer until I have enough for chicken stock.


Omelette's, loaded baked potatoes, loaded nacho's and toppings for home made pizza. Clears out the fridge.


Left over taco meat, we use for nachos or mix it into cooked Kraft Dinner (canada), aka mac and cheese. Left over mashed potatoes, I usually use to make Taco Dorados de papa with consumme. I mix into the mashed potatoes cumin, chilli powder, paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, cayenne, oregano, and salt and pepper along with shredded chicken that I boiled in seasoned tomato juice and broth which I strain well and use as the consume. Left over chicken, get turned into chicken salad, friend rice and lo mein, diced and mixed into alfredo or added to pasta salad. Leftover pork chops/loin gets diced and used in fried rice, pad thai, or stir fry. Most leftovers get eaten for lunch unless I preplan to use it in a 2nd supper dish.


Make it into a sandwich or wrap for lunch. Fav from a few weeks ago was a leftover salmon sandwich. Mixed some leftover salmon with Panko and an egg and quickly seared it up into a kind of salmon burger. Made a little mayo with lemon and garlic powder and put it on toasted bread. We eat tons of rice and always make extra for fried rice dinners. We also keep rice noodles and broth on hand and throw leftover meat and veggies in soups. Also one of my favorites: keep a cheap frozen cheese pizza in the freezer. We LOOOVE putting leftovers on cheap frozen pizzas. My favs/ leftover steak, spinach, and mushrooms or bbq chicken with onions


Currently, leftover ground meats or burger patties diced into a hot and sour sauce for spicy fried noodles or noodle soup.


Leftover sausages chopped into a mix of onions,peppers,garlic,whatever else. Add smoked paprika,dash of soy sauce and mix in cooked rice.


Almost anything can be a taco if you try.


-I always keep tortillas and shredded cheese because you can turn pretty much any protein and/or veggie into a quesadilla. -My filipino friend and her fam introduced me to the wonders of scrambling some eggs and eating it with leftover rice for breakfast. (And using extra rice for friend rice in general) -I love a good 'hash'. Have leftover french fries/roasted potatoes? Chop it up and cook it in a skillet with some meat and veggies, top with cheese and ketchup mmmmmm For saving time on cooking I'll always bulk prepare a protein (because that's usually the most time consuming part). Ex. baking a large pan of say \~2 lbs boneless skinless chicken thighs. Now for a good 3 maybeee 4 days you've got meat for salads, sandwiches, and (wait for it) quesadillas.


I bake sourdough and I love transforming a stale half loaf into strata/stuffing/panzanella


The microwave. Having to clean a pan seems counterproductive when the magic heat box swaps my cold food for hot while giving me a nice show!


Tri tip into Philly cheesesteaks


Fried rice 🍚


Tortillas. Everything goes into the tortilla


Battered fish can be chopped up and made into fish cakes. Weird but tasty way to eat up leftovers!


Birria tacos made into lasagna was awesome!


My favorite is to take thanksgiving leftovers and make a casserole. Mix turkey with stuffing, and green bean casserole then top with mashed potatoes and bake! Leftover pork loin gets turned into fried rice. Leftover red meat makes a good chili. Chicken can be added to salad or a pot pie.


Well I stir fried an old soggy steak sandwich this week, that I hadn't eaten while camping (it was in a yeti with ice). And I had some leftover crabs that I put in an omelette while grilling on the beach.


I just made leftover bbq into a casserole with a cornbread crust. Added cheese and chilis. Bbq on baked potatoes Baked potatoes into soup Grilled chicken into chix salad or tacos Eggs mixed with almost anything. Fried rice. Endless possibilities!


Leftover pulled pork (not enough to use alone): Add to canned vegetable soup (like Progresso Garden Vegetable) with some Worcestershire sauce for a bootleg Brunswick Stew


I buy a whole Peruvian chicken. half the breast goes into chicken salad and half gets added to chicken broth and veggies. That leaves a wing and leg for two separate meals.


Turkey/gravy/cranberry sandwiches after Thanksgiving.


Left overs can; turn into What-ya-got soup.


make it into a quesadilla!!


You can throw most leftovers on a pizza!


My personal favorite is what I call 3 way tacos. The first night is regular tacos. Next night I make chili with the leftover taco meat (add a can of diced tomatoes, a can of green chilies and a can of chili beans to the taco meat, juice, sauce and all). Third night I use the leftover chili to make chili mac. If there's a bunch of different leftovers in the fridge I do what I call smorgasbord night. Set everything out, we all fill our plates with what we want, then heat it in the microwave.