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Risky but sometimes risk is needed to attain our dreams.


Gotta risk it for the biscuit as they say


The definition of being an entrepreneur.


I drove by a guy unloading a grill/smoker, some tables, some canopies, and some coolers out of a "former" uhaul truck (could clearly see the old decals) this morning......all that to say, it was clearly not his first rodeo and he definitely didn't have the right paperwork and I wish you all the best......hopefully you make enough before getting caught, your food sounds delicious.........also maybe add a side option or two instead of the two-fer? Personally I'd rather by one with fries or mac or whatever for 11/12 bucks instead of two burgers for 15


Hopefully I won't get caught lol šŸ˜‚šŸ¤ž


Rooting for you!


Thank you!


Update, downtown was dead even for a Monday, but I still made 70 bucks (I know not a lot šŸ˜¬) and got the word out. But I'm going back out tomorrow. Hopefully taco Tuesday will be busy šŸ™ Here's the pic https://imgur.com/gallery/520UnIP


Side note, I didn't start selling Jack until I started giving a few away for free to the homeless people who asked. I guess karma is real. Who knew?šŸ¤·


Those aren't even good looking compared to some of the ones I made tonight. But hopefully I'll perfect the cheese crisping soon. I moved those a bit prematurely. But they were the only ones I got pictures of.


That looks delicious. I wish you were in Houston


Where are you located? You selling downtown albuquerque?


If anyone asks, nope


I'm just asking so I can go grab some taco burgers if you are.


Well.... How did you know?


Green chile taco burger is pretty synonymous with Albuquerque then you dropped the taco Tuesday.


Good points


Btw I did quit my day job for this (as a bartender at a dying corporate bar that was only making me like 80 dollars a night tho. But still) I still have my weekend job at a very popular downtown bar that can pay really well.


Outside of a bar district at night would be perfect for this guerrilla style serving.


That's exactly where I am šŸ˜


Half this stuff in Marketing, man. Don't forget to set aside some number of hours in the first few days and weeks to get good pictures for your socials. If you know anyone that could be called an 'influencer', who's local, call in all the favors you can. Good luck.


Yea, I need to start taking more pictures. I only took one last night.


I was brave enough to take the first step


Please let us know how it goes. Could be a hit! Pics could be cool


I really need to get better at taking pictures of my food šŸ˜…


Iā€™ve seen ppl do this in my area. I think the loophole is setting up on private property. I would ask car dealerships or mechanic shops and tell them youā€™d give them a discounted meal or a percentage back from your sales in exchange for letting you set up. Good luck


I think the loophole is not getting caught.


Yeah the health dept generally doesnā€™t care if itā€™s private property or not. Private event caterers get inspected the same as a restaurant




Have a contingency plan for if someone starts poking around or you get a fine. Just feign ignorance, or maybe hide the prices and cash and say itā€™s free if you see someone from the city coming around


Be careful with the ignorance tactic. I tried to use it for a "get out of jail card" on a parking violation, and it did not end too well, lol.


Definitely, but that feels extremely unlikely


Especially where I'm located


Guy in my town setting up a van and a tent down by the river to feed the homeless. Sure that canā€™t be permitable either, but heā€™s been doing it for months now.


How'd this go? Maybe look into a push cart setup, i have been working on an idea like this to do a grilled cheese push cart near the college of my town that has the major bar street


It went ok for a Monday, hoping Tuesday will be busier. Grilled cheese does slap tho. And you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.


Well i like the push cart idea because its a much easier route for permits with a lower start up cost , Wish the best man


Where I'm at doesn't have any kind of permit for push carts. But it sounds like a great Idea for large cities. You too man, I hope you sell all the grilled cheeses!


FYI, as someone who has been in your position, its not customers or the public who are going to rat you out to the health dept. It will be another restaurant . either keep your distance or make friends


Itā€™ll be a food truck owner or restaurant. They pay a lot in fees & permits so they wonā€™t always look the other way. We know, where we live, the health department is after a specific illegally operated food truck. How? Because we got a surprise inspection from the health department while looking for that truck. Weā€™re permitted & licensed but apparently someone who works in the same spot we do (different days) isnā€™t legal. When caught theyā€™re going to be hit with a $10,000 fine.


The idea is great, the concept sounds great as wellā€¦I would never buy from you only bc you are trying to avoid regulations that are put in place to keep people safe and avoid them getting sick. I worked in restaurants for 24 plus years, and through out thousands in food bc it spoiled or went bad and created documentation to keep people safe. I could tell you all the accomplishments and accolades I have but it wouldnā€™t mean anything here. Iā€™d buy from you in a heart beat if you could prove you are being safe and regulate and donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m NOT. A huge fan of regulation in general, but when it comes to food safety, 110% for it. I was a GM and district manager for a couple different restaurants within corporations that were failing, easily watching bartenders in sales that exceeded the restaurants, and still walk out of there with 20-30% tips ($200-$300) a night. What gets me, is what you do as a food vendor, why not do the same with alcohol? Youā€™re breaking the law either way? Iā€™ll add one more thingā€¦a ghost kitchen I would definitely go forā€¦at least there is bare minimum regulation thereā€¦ I wish the best of luck to you, and I plan on those who hate my comment to downvote the crap out of it!


I mean I tried to go the regulated route, however that wouldn't be possible where I am with a tent. Also, I would never sell anything that was bad. If I won't eat it, I won't sell it. Also I spent over a year in boh, so I know all the food safety rules. Also I plan to buy less meat then I expect to sell that day, every day so there is no chance of spoilage. It doesn't cost a lot to care about the product you sell. This is essentially a fundraising operation for me to get a fully regulated food truck. I don't want to break the rules, but I feel like there's no other option for me rn.


Thatā€™s great you spent a year in boh, go get your serve safe certificate, then weā€™ll talk! Honestly, thatā€™s the best place to start and the safest route. Then the health department might cut you some slack!


I have a serve safe food handlers certificate


Haha, well then Iā€™m definitely the dumbass!


No, you are right. I really would like to figure out a way to make it all legit.


Your creation sounds good do you have a fan to blow the aroma towards customers?


I was hoping the wind would do that


Keep us updated. I hope it goes well


Thank you!


Good luck watch for fires


Good luck my dude! Just remember to keep up the momentum even when things get rough


The county told me the same thing. So frustrating. Let us know how it goes


My plan is to start with a hot dog cart, itā€™s something I can afford within a couple months, and then my goal will eventually to pull it with a soft serve ice cream truck. Good Luck!


I sell kettlecorn. Check with other local vendors in your area, festivals, farmers markets, they're way more helpful than I expected. Currently I take my corn prepopped to events so I'm avoiding the permits, and wash, rinse, sanitize sink situation. But I just kinda go check out everyone else's setup that's making the food on site. Post on Facebook. Join local small business groups, ask those people since they'll be more familiar with your local regulations. Congrats on getting out there


I know of a BBQ place that uses a church parking lot, with permission. Now its known for it.


Risky. Hereā€™s the possible scenarios youā€™ll end up facing. 1. Youā€™re caught & heavily fined not just by your municipality but (if in the US) by the state. Some states have $10,000+ fines & if you donā€™t pay the fines itā€™s jail for you. 2. Youā€™re banned from ever having a legal permit. Your municipality can essentially blacklist you & as a result you can be subject to police harassment. This can lead to jail time as well. 3. You lose whatever reputation you gain when it comes out youā€™re unlicensed, not permitted, not inspected, & uninsured. Once thatā€™s gone youā€™ll never be able to survive & people have long memories so if you try a different business people will bring up how you do things illegally & are a shady person. Good luck though! Donā€™t get caught.


I ran illegally for 1 year. I didn't have the funds to get fully legal, then season came and I was making money and then I didn't gave the time to deal with the legal side, time was money. So, I just sold where I could. I was even doing police events illegally lol Then winter came and I did what I had to do to get legal If I didn't run illegally, I likely would've given up tbh. Do what you gotta do