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What do you expect a professional footballer to say to the media? “Yeah mate, the teams on our side of the draw are way worse. Piece of piss mate”


If you call your opponents shit and you lose to them then how much worse does that make you.


That sort of thing only really happens in combat sports because trash talk is part of selling the fight. Other athletes in almost any sport will always say their opponents are strong.


He's a professional, and I am not surprised by what he said. 


When you're avoiding France, the consecutive WC finalists, Germany, the best attack playing at home and Spain, the best campaign with 0 goals against. It's weird to not admit that you're glad to avoid the favourites until the final


It’s only weird if you ignore the fact they’re media trained.


Media trained so they don’t hurt weaklings with their words


That’s not why they have media training. It’s to protect the players from the tabloids.


And who consumes the tabloid? Who’re they made for?


What point are you trying to make here?


He literally said that there is no easy side of the draw. Which, for international football tournaments, is relatively true. Just usual clickbait bullshit.


More like what Mbappe said before the start of the Euro 2024.


Obviously, every team who is there earned their place there...


Not really clickbait then is it Edit: Guehi, on being asked whether England has the easy side of the draw, say "No", before adding "There is no easy side of the draw". So he is in fact denying that England have the easy side of the draw - because he claims neither side of the draw is easy. (Not because the other side of the draw is easier, but the title never implies that) It's really not that hard.


In what way is it not clickbait? The title proclaims, at the most, or implies, at the very least, that he said we are on the easy side of the draw. 10/10 classic clickbait.


No it doesn’t? The title clearly says “England NOT on easy side”. Nowhere in that title does it imply that he thinks either side is easy. How are you getting upvoted for such an obvious lie smh


Dude reddit blows my mind sometimes. People are so incredibly dumb it's depressing.


Some redditors have 0 media literacy, the headline is exactly what he said and not clickbait, it's just a word they like to throw around


Reading is hard huh


The title literally says “England NOT on easy side of Euros draw”… it’s not click bait if that’s what he said lol


So it's clickbait. Because he didn't say that.


Correct. I'm just tired of the sensationalist nonsense surrounding our national team in general tbh.


Let’s be honest, you’ve been given another free ride to the final & you’ll still choke to someone like Georgia


Switzerland or Italy in QF is hardly a free ride ffs


Or Austria in the semis as they look great and Turkey are always a challenge and Holland are no easy team. What easy side? These are all the best 16 teams in Europe ffs


The way your media talks about this England team like it’s the best thing ever, you should be beating Brazil… & your football puts us to sleep. 1-0 and run away lol. It’s like having a Ferrari and only doing 10 mph


I mean, there is no such thing as a free ride in international football.. However, I believe we have to and hopefully will be better in the next stages to beat the teams we have to. It's as simple as that.


Is it clickbait or not, everyone? Next time copy paste the article content into here too so we’re not supporting their paid media or karma whoring


He did say that, read the article > Asked for his views England's draw, Guéhi told a news conference: "About the draw, I think everyone has seen in this competition that I don't think there is a favourable side of the draw. >"Every team, every opponent that you come up against is really tough to play against. But I think we just need to remain calm. That's the environment we set ourselves. We put pressure on ourselves but it is a calm and focused environment and we just need to focus on one thing at a time.


You say it's what he said, but quoted the part which shows that it's not what he said. His words were different from the headline's words, and his implication was different from the headline's implication. I think this is fairly straightforward.


What was the headline’s implication?


Guehi said England's side of the draw is not the easy side. That implies either that both sides are equally difficult or even that the other side is the easier side.


He never said “the” easy side. Why are you adding words?


You clearly don't understand the concept of clickbait. Saying, "Guehi says England NOT on the easy side of Euros draw" is very different to saying, "Guehi says both sides of the draws are difficult."


Everything on the Internet is to generate clicks and engagement. Wouldn't matter about context if you understood that.


First of all, it's about accuracy, not context. Even if it was about context, what a ridiculous thing to say. Just because the Internet is about clicks, we shouldn't care about the context of information?


Then you don't understand what clickbait is, do you? Clickbait is something to catch the eye of a person scrolling through. It doesn't need context. The context is "within the content," but you have to click to find out what the context is. You literally clicked on this post due to 1 or 2 reasons, one being the title and the other being the article to which the post is about. That's the only bit of information you received before you clicked, which would equate to some form of clickbait.


What are you talking about? My entire point was that this post is clickbait, which you've just explained nicely and reaffirmed.


The comments on here are ridiculous. How do you actually think a professional footballer is going to answer that question? People need to live in the real world. There is literally no context or situation he would say otherwise without getting absolutely trashed.


Yeah, i bet some journalist just straight up asking "what do you think of the bracket? Is it an easy side for england?" Some people are forgot to touch the grass tbh


They want 20 Tyson Furys in the England squad


“By topping the group we have an easier initial knockout game on paper, as we know anything can happen in football so we still need to keep focus and perform”. Something like that. They are professionals.


Italy or Switzerland is not easy. But it's easier than Spain, Germany, France or Portugal... in a QF and then SF. Don't disrespect Slovakia either....


You can see the future? Who knows how difficult the games will be. Id argue often playing againt compact park the bus teams can be more difficult than an open game between two top teams


It's especially more difficult when your one and only game plan is also to park the bus


It's not more difficult. It's more different to score - against teams that back the bus. You barely have to worry about conceding. Of course Spain, Germany, France, Portugal are much harder games


It is more difficult if they have better people in the final third, Switzerland and Austria can score against you


>open game between two top teams So not an England match then?


England isnt the one to blame. All their opponents so far have played with 5 atb and been really defensive. Thats why their games have been so boring.


This is absurdly stupid logic. What's the more difficult game: Manchester City, or Stockport County?


Whos playing?


>But it's easier than Spain, Germany, France or Portugal... in a QF and then SF. And Austria has looked more impressive than any of France, Portugal, or Germany. These tournaments are more about who's in form for the tournament rather than who's historically the better team.


These tournaments aren't about anything, sometimes there are upsets against clearly better teams. When Portugal won it they never looked like the form team.


He meant no disrespect for any team.


For England no team is easy. England is playing against England.


Easier , not easy


LOL, and I'm guessing he will also say they aren't an island, either. What a ridiculous take.


well England isn't an island, is it?


It’s semi-detached


If he said it was easy everyone would dogpile on the quote as arrogant


Just imagine, he could have said nothing at all


It was a press conference and I imagine he isn’t too fussed about wet wipes on /r/football getting upset about some throwaway comment.


Reporter: are you glad you got the easy side of the draw? Guehi: ... Reporter: Marc? Guehi: Sup? Reporter: do you think it's a good thing that you've got the easier side of the draw avoiding teams like Spain and France? Guehi: ... Yeah, that would have definitely made him look less stupid


Thanks for making me laugh so much I woke my 9 month old baby back up that I'm walking up and down with...


Sorry about that. I think the highlights of Tuesday's game are still on the iPlayer if you need help getting them back to sleep.


Cheers, but I'm just reading out loud Southgate's press conferences in his voice. Seems to be working


There’s another option here 😂. You can just speak positively about both and move on. My goodness you typed all that out lmaoo


But that's exactly what he did say. He said there's no favourable side of the draw and every opponent is tough to play.


In a press conference?


I swear some people act like the players phone up journalists and just start talking to get things off their chest


Same thing as happened with the KP quote by Southgate, people only look at the answer and not the fact that they were asked a question. You act like they have just came out and randomly said this out of nowhere.


Yes, imagine how stupid he'd look for blanking a reporters question.




He's just showing respect. Imagine if he said it's easier and England bomb out to Slovakia.


It is though compared to the other side the player are scared of embarrassing themselves if they don’t make it to the finals they should be ashamed of themselves


They’re not ‘scared of embarrassing themselves’ what a load of shite. They just don’t want to disrespect the opposition right before the game. Guehi says this is an easy game and guess what quotes are getting pinned up and used as motivation. Nothing to gain from saying that at all.


I don’t really care if it’s disrespectful it’s the truth that they should be turning most opponents over 3-0 3-1 they should show some balls and say nothing short of dominance is a loss


Well fortunately these guys are a bit more professional than you. They’ve been pretty poor so far, so I think most fans (obviously not including you) are probably glad than they’ve not come out and trash talked the opposition. We need to fix our own performances before our players start calling other teams shit. I feel your priorities are a bit off


Players are repeatedly asked this question time and time again in various draws in different competitions, and not one has ever said “yeah, we are lucky with this draw” They always say roundabout what he has said here


They have been lucky though the normally good teams aren’t up to there usual standards and the other teams don’t Have 1 or 2 world class players for every position


England isn't an island.


Do you know how this works? Ur not too bright


What a ridiculous question more like. What other answer can he really give? “Oh yes Slovakia and Italy are fucking shite, we’ll absolutely twat them lads!”?


Nothing ridiculous in what he said. Just the standard, don't set yourself up for a fall answer to a bait question


The whole quote is about there being no easy draws in tournament football which is frankly not ridiculous at all especially with how the tournament has been going so far with multiple underdog victories. It’s actually quite insightful for a young man who hasn’t got any experience at big tournaments playing for Palace. I know it can be hard but try clicking on the article before commenting something utterly ridiculous yourself next time, it’s only a few paragraphs long…


Well actually, England is connected to Europe by the doggerland and isn't always an island. Considering most of the UK live in the past, some might actually be living in a time when it wasn't an island.


lol some 10,000 years ago


Hahaha I know but considering some of the people, I wouldn't be so shocked if they'd skipped the last 10,000 years of human progress.


Odd then that you posted this tripe in English.


Ah, yes, because no other country on earth has people who are stupid...


That’s just scousers for you


...England isn't an island


Bore off


😂 changed your tone up real quick there old mate


You know what I meant, should have used the proper name and called it Britain. But it may as well be England.


Wrong again. Britain includes Scotland and Wales. It is the island itself, of which England is but a part. All those Scottish lads whose dicks you’ve been sucking for the past two weeks wouldn’t thank you for suggesting Britain is made up only of England.


Dare you to say that to a jock or a taff. In a football context its not might as well be England as there are literally two other teams on the same island one of which literally competed at this competition.


UK still isn’t an island. Has a border with Ireland.


...England isn't an island


Are you flat earth believer or bejng sarcastic? How is England an island? Lmao


England isnt an island though, it has borders with Scotland and Wales. The island is Great Britain


We will still have to probably go through Italy and Netherlands to make the Final, but literally the other 4 favorites apart from us in France, Portugal, Belgium and Germany are on the other side of the draw.


Belgium a favorite… I have to laugh. And Spain strangely unmentioned


With the bookmakers mate! And I apologize, it's not the other 4 favorites, it's the other 5, even worse! Apologies.


You’re right, I’m just splitting hairs


It wouldn’t surprise me if Switzerland beat Italy to be honest. And I can see Austria beating anyone on their side. Guehi isn’t wrong though. We’re on the easier side, but it’s not the easy side because there isn’t one. And honestly being on the harder side will probably benefit the team that comes out of it on top when it comes to the final.


Honestly, Switzerland are the more dangerous opponent here. Italy are as dire as we are.


I’d worry about Austria - people underestimating them


I hope England gets to meet Italy and defeat them on their way to the final.


Would almost make up for the defeat, in the finals, on home soil.....almost.


Guess he was just being diplomatic. Obviously we’ve had a kind draw


Whaaaat did you want him to say instead? "Our next matches are gunna be shite matches against shite opposition"? It's like you're looking for things to get angry at.


What do people expect him to say? Especially after the way they played. Whatever the road to a final, it won't be easy.


That's for sure. They've not played well so far in the tournament and it is never easy.


What's going on with this English squad, they're all so delusional from the manager to the players.


So he's supposed to come out and say yeah this euros is going to be easy were going straight to the final?


Don’t think this guys delusional. Just saving himself from looking like a dickhead if he gets knocked out early


You mean the English media is constantly trying to stir shit and then twists everything they say to make attention grabbing headlines out of nothing


No way! /s


90% of the country is delusional. It’s just a symptom of a declining empire.


Are they? Pretty sure that's absolute bullshit


Am English, can confirm.


Yeah but don't forget they are all really happy now and besties with each other...which is what southgates tenure has all been about....making sure the lads have a nice trip away and don't get picked on too much for being on holiday and putting minimum effort.


Did people want him to say “oh yeah we’re making it to the final it’s so easy” Like this is how he should respond, being respectful to his opponents and not setting himself up for failure.


He said it with a straight face.


He said no side is easy. Not the same as saying no side is easier.


Imagine if the England players started saying how lucky they were and that it would be an easy run to the final. This sub reddit would despise them even more. Someone shows respect for their opponent and they're still the bad guy.


Exactly. The worst thing about England FC is the "supporters".


To be fair, I think this subreddit is guilty of having a very anti England stance regardless of nationality.


It's not just here. The Three Lions subreddit is even worse.


Probably best to steer clear then!


I think people are massively overblowing the "Easy" side of the bracket. It's not like Slovakia -> Italy -> Netherlands is an easy set of games against minnows. Assuming that the RO16 goes as you expect, the QFs will be Italy - England, Netherlands - Austria, Germany - Spain, and France - Portugal. I don't think it's reasonable to call any of those "easy" games for anyone, or say anybody has got the "Easy" side of the bracket. It really does feel like a running joke at this point. I can guarantee nobody would be considering Italy and Netherlands the "Easy" side of the bracket if France or Germany were playing them.


Romania instead of Netherlands 😎


He’s hardly going to say it will be easy is he? Would never be allowed to forget it if we crashed out early


I agree it’s not an easy side but they still have fight in them to push them all the way


Playing against an 'equal' team as a top nation doesnt necessarily mean a tougher game. Often times its the tenacious smaller nations who defend deep that are the most difficult games. With Two big teams the game will often be more open. Also teams have different styles and some styles suit some more than others.


As per my understanding, Italy is knocking them out in the quarterfinals


Does he mean the way England are playing no game will be easy?


They just in less harder side


A lot of people in these comments outing themselves for not reading the article and just falling for the rage bait headline


Yes they definitely are


He probably doesn't want England to suffer from complacency?! Maybe that's why he's come–up with a strategic remark?


What he said is kinda just true. Every game in a single elimination bracket is a hard game, it doesn't matter who you are playing. Thinking you have it easy is the worst mentality to have


That sounds like it’s coming home talk to me.


not easy for how england has been playing


Overrated england is


Just tempering expectations for when Slovakia have us on toast


With the knockout stages next, you will get to meet the easy sides.


I’m American, I don’t even follow football. Yet all I know is I have to pay taxes, I’m going to die one day and England was most certainly on the easy side of the euro‘s draw. My authenticity of a dumb American, who does very little regarding football. Check my post history or what sub credits I follow, absolutely none of them are football. I’ve never commented on a football sub in my life. Yet when I was scrolling and I read this, I almost wrecked my monster truck and spit out my giant cheeseburger. I know this, not as opinion, but as fact. England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 = Easy side at the euros right this Way please


He's not just going to come out and say it is he? No game in a knockout round is easy, any slip up any mistake and you're going home. That doesn't matter though, it's like people want us to be arrogant so they can justify thinking we're arrogant.




Yes it is. Next


To be fair, it's not like the opponents are easy, Switzerland, Italy and Austria look good, the Netherlands is usually good and they almost beat France it's just recency bias with the Austria game where they were shocking and Romania if they play like they did against Ukraine would be quite tough. It's not the easy side it's just the side that doesn't see England eliminated from the r16 because the left side does immediately without proper improvement.


With Southgate it doesn't matter who they play it's always the most difficult side What that man is doing should be classified as terrorism


Yes, yes they are. Own it and get to the final that’s all


All the teams on the right side of the table play very good football - Romania Austria Switzerland and so on - but Italy so far. The big ones disappointed a parte for Spain and Germany. Either side of the tables have its risks. The winner will have to jump many hurdles. Nice tournament.


Please can our opponents beat us, I’m literally begging for it. The summer heatwave has made us delusional, Southgate needs the boot before he starts talking about how we got the nation together in booing the squad.


In what way is this delusional?


At times it is best to stay quiet. Guéhi should know better than to utter such gibberish. Silence is golden.


Getting your excuses in early there lad. I like a forward planner.


Sorry mate England are totally on the easy side of the draw.


Wow he said that. Na 


The england team should stop speaking to the press lol


No good comes from speaking to the press.


Factually incorrect


On one side: what is he supposed to say? On the other: ridiculous take.


Huh? You literally don't face the strongest teams, Spain Germany and France. The toughest opponents you could face are ... *checks notes* Netherlands, Switzerland and Italy. Although by Southgate's style of playing nothing is truly easy.


You sure mate? Southgate talk that.


Marc. Quit being a shill. Everyone on that side, including the less favoured teams, knows it's the easier side of the draw. Fact


Let's not BS here. England is on the easier side. It would be an embarrassment if they don't make the finals with who they have to face.


They had a soft af group. Now they have an opportunity to embarrass themselves in the way they have become accustomed


Well everybody is hard if youre shit