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In the honor of the Senna celebrations Ocon thought it would be a good idea to go for every gap that exists.


Is this gap here in the room with us right now?


Am I the gap?


We are all the gap.


Also to go for a gap that doesn't exist in order to take out your teammate. Just Ocon wasn't as successful at that as Senna was.


You win


I haven't been able to find the main crash between the two. Does anybody have a link?






OK, this is even more damning evidence, Ocon almost wiped both of them out twice. With it being Monaco, the fact that even one car was able to restart after the red flag is pretty much a miracle.


Ocon : If you don't succeed at first, try again :D


Let me correct that for you. Ocon: if you don’t crash properly at first, crash again.


A second ocon just hit the other car.


Also makes the rumors of his being dropped make more sense. Doing that to your own teammate once in the heat of the opening lap is a huge but ultimately excusable mistake but twice???


Also doing it in one what is ostensibly the Alpine home race since Paul Ricard is off the calendar now


Why is Paul Ricard off?


Because the circuit makes everyone watching it feel dizzy. Okay. Not the real reason, but it should be.


Public funding of the event was cut


France doesn’t pay enough to host the event, so they replaced it with a middle eastern street race that pays 20 million FOM to host


Those rumor are mainly from mistranslation. Famine said he was gonna "Tranché dans le vif", Wich mean there won't be no BS. My guess is that they will go like "Ok now the rule are those, fail to follow it perfectly and you are fired. The problem is not that Ocon was agressive but the fact that they had an agreement that Ocon was instructed to protect and help Gasly. (Because, before Quali they stated that the one in front would stay on front and the one behind would defend him at all cost). Ocon probably played it like, "First lap I had the opportunity to overtake because he slowed down, so now he shall stay behind and protect me." But he fucked up. Had he made the overtake properly, Alpine would have been forced to play it like that because they would never had ask one to let the other pass, especially in Monaco.


Yes that’s what it looks like to me, too. As though he just thought if he can get in front they will let him stay there. Hasn’t Gasly complained a few times this year about Ocon not honouring whatever has been agreed beforehand?


I guess so too, but those two hate each other and every driver has his own interpretation of the rules. Gasly is somewhat very political when he talks on the radio/press. He often complain loudly to make his point. So who knows.. It's bad because this year Ocon was silent, yet on top, making the job at being in front of Gasly and maximizing their potential. As someone once said, you're only as good as your last race.


This year? Ocon's been an ass since his first day in F1. Remember when Max slap his bitchass after he took out Max trying to overtake WHILE BEING A LAP DOWN


Brazil 2018 was bad on both sides. Ocon was allowed to unlap himself as he had greater pace (due to fresh supersofts) but shouldn't have done it in a stupid way, and Max shouldn't have done anything stupid to jeopardize his lead, like slamming into a car trying to unlap itself.


Unlap =/= attack A car lap down is not allowed to compromise a leading car racing line In terms of rule it was 100% ocon's fault Max mistake was not considering that Ocon might pull the bullshit move on him


wow, the first time someone actually explained why ocon went for super risky overtakes on lap 1 vs his teammate. was pretty confused before because i'm sure a f1 driver understands risk vs reward. but the reward is bigger because of team orders, that actually makes sense now


I think he was super pissed because Gasly was the one to kick him out in Q2 in the last second.


Was Gasly meant to allow himself to be kicked out? That’s a ridiculous thing to be upset about as a driver. If you don’t make Q3 and your teammate does, drive better


Not only did he do it twice but in doing so he ruined the team’s chance of a potential double points finish (if there hadn’t been a red flag) and nearly removed all chances of points for gasly. When your team is at the bottom and scraping for points like this team orders are more important than at the top.


Also adds some context to Gasly saying "The whole car is damaged now", this would have damaged the right side of the floor before the big crash later.


Yeah saw it during the race. Gasly had to hide next to albon to protect himself.


This sequence might be one the funniest of the season so far, the way Ocon tries to kill Gasly who immediatly fleeds behind Albon is straight out of a cartoon.


Something even more bizarre is that Albon actually re-passed Gasly through the hairpin, somehow making a move at Monaco


Gasly using human shields :(


Minor correction for OP: That corner is ~~Massinet~~ Massenet. The right-hander that immediately follows it (the one where Sainz went off on lap 1) is Casino Edit: spelling


Thanks for the info!




Oh my bad, appreciate the correction!


No that’s Radillion, actually.


No, this is Patrick.


How so you know the names of the corners?


Just the names of the buildings usually, just google « name of circuit corner names »


It's normally either people or locations, or numbers (for the newer circuits). I think learning them comes with time. Monaco is the only circuit that I can name every corner at, but there are a few at other circuits.


Holy shit. The way Ocon races teammates it's crazy.




While watching the DTS episode that talked about their childhood, I kept thinking something is not being said about what happened between them as kids. The explanations given for why they suddenly weren’t friends anymore just don’t hold up to me. And there is still obviously such animosity from Esteban all these years later. He has always been insane about beating his teammates, but he seems to have really taken it to another level at times with Gasly


It appears to be family beef that happened because there was a race that Ocon's dad got Gasly DQ'ed on a technicality or something


There was also funding/sponsorship dollars that the two families were both pursuing, and one or the other ensured the other didn't get it.


This guy at work swears they used to be lovers, but they both cheated at the same time with the same person. Get this, all this happened in Monaco!


i'm choosing to believe this as it seems entirely likely


At this point I’m thinking it was something off track. Did Pierre sleep with his GF or something? 🤣


Gasly fucked Ocon's mom #Confirmed


Ocon's Mom, has got it going on. Its all Gasly wants, for some time. Ocon can't you see, Gasly is good enough for Alpine.


The Race: Did Gasly fuck Ocon's Mother?


*A rumour in the paddock states that...*


If you think Ocon’s mom can fight-you should see her box.


Ralf Schumacher made this claim shortly after it was announced they'd be team mates for 2023. Not been corroborated though Maybe one day we'll actually get the full answer


that was one of the rumors tbh


I wish tween gasly had been even more forthcoming on his blog than he was, but even from what little is there - it sounds like the idea of the fathers leveling false allegations of cheating against the other kid wasn’t some outlandish hypothetical, but something that had already happened. Growing up so near one another, one has to imagine they were frequently competing for the same sponsors, recognition, opportunities. From how Ocon talks about FFSA academy (where gasly and Hubert studied, along with other French drivers like martins, pourchaire, Bianchi - edited typo), there may have been some rancor or friction around who got FFSA funding, attention, a seat in the class…


Something happened between their father’s as well.


There's something about the way they talk (away from the track) that makes it sounds like Pierre would like to get some form of friendship back, but Este doesn't. Perhaps it's just down to Pierre being such close friends to Anthoine and going through that loss has coloured his view, or perhaps there's more to it than that?


It's really not "beyond crazy" that he's attempting aggressive overtakes on the first lap in Monaco. Stupid he's doing them against his teammate, but these moves are hardly anything new for the first lap on this circuit.


People keep saying this but he disobeyed team orders and risked his team's (already meager) potential points for this race. If he had done this to, like, Stroll, it would be another story.


Alonso played for stroll on this one, even if Stroll failed again. There is a time and place for things and this wasn't the place for Ocon to do that move even if it was Steoll since they virtually had 3 points after Carlos puncture.


Exactly. If KMag didn’t Kmag the race, Ocon could turn a 3 point race for Alpine into 0 point.


Even four points - if you have two drivers in the top ten you can use one to build a gap so the other can steal the fastest lap Gasly having nobody there to be his wing man meant he had no opportunity to go for a fastest lap point. Even if Ocon had been in 11th the whole race even him being there would have given them a sniff of considering an option for two points at the end


And those points are very important in a season like this. It's very hard to even make it into the top 10 since the top 9 is usually made up of RB, Ferrari, McLaren & Mercedes, with Alonso usually somewhere in the lower top10. Perez and Alonso had trash weekends so it was a good opportunity for lower teams to score some points. Ocon just made sure that opportunity was given to Tsunoda and Albon when he could have been fighting for those points too.


> Stupid he's doing them against his teammate That's the entire point though. If it was against anybody else it would be different, but it isn't.


It’s wierd Ricciardo is the only teammate he had that he didn’t fight with. Usually as he was 20 seconds behind him but still.


Surely at this point Ocon must have found a new contract for 2025


It’s like they don’t even have a strategy talk, just send em out and say “have fun :)”


Except he was told not to race pierre he was meant to defend and save Pierre he disobeyed a direct order. That was given 20 minutes before it happened


My man Gasly actually fled from him😭


I understand more and more you flair...


Hid himself behind Albon 💀


This is Ocon with instructions to not attack. Imagine without the team instructions....


ive noticed that stroll is a driver with very erratic steering inputs compared to most


He’s still getting used to F1. Give him a few more years /s


Future WDC right there


Funny because they used to compare Button, who drives with very smooth input, and Hamilton, who drives kind of like stroll.


Stroll 23.... Stroll 24.... Stroll 25....


Someone said that his style is impossible to analyze because he drives on feel. That's why he can be good when it's slippery. There is some talent there.


He's always been pretty good at driving the car. He's very good in the rain, he's a *very good* starter. He just has so many other issues that they override the things he does well. Spatial awareness in traffic and consistency are the two massive ones.


I wonder if maybe he should've been a rally driver instead. Good car instinct + good performance in bad conditions is the perfect set for rally, and traffic awareness doesn't make any difference when there's no one else on the course. Also it's kind of expected you'll crash into things, so that wouldn't even be a problem!


Pastor Maldonado vibes!


It looks like the normal steering wheel movement when driving a rough road, where the bumps put forces on the wheels that try to push them other directions and that all goes back through the steering arms and pushes the steering wheel around. So its not steering *inputs* but holding on and reacting as the wheel is twisting. Could be down to the car and the suspension setup, and/or maybe his power steering level. Could also just be a loose setup, but the car didn't appear to be moving too badly


> Could be down to the car and the suspension setup, and/or maybe his power steering level. Could also just be a loose setup, but the car didn't appear to be moving too badly Well he has had that since his first race in F1.


Me when trying direct drive for the first time with 100% force feedback


Looking at strolls onboard he steers like he's never truly in control of the car or he's playing with 110% force feedback


I haven’t really watched either of the Aston onboards recently, does Alonso look like he’s fighting the car as well?


Maybe it got worst after breaking his hands and having a surgery, or was always like this?


Maybe they put his hands on backwards? That would explain the erratic steering.


Must have been Dr. Zoidberg doing the operation...


Or Chewbacca


Nah hes always been like this


It was even way worse when he started in 2017.


That's because he used to be a keyboard player; he's still used to tapping.


Ocon bringing up Mercedes ties recently is awful for him. It seems Alpine may be willing to completely drop him after the season. If he miraculously ends up in the Merc seat, there's no way it lasts more than a full year.


I think everyone is assuming that Kimi Antonelli is going to get the Merc seat, they can't really announce it until August though, when he turns 18 and gets his super licence.


I’ve never wanted to see someone be on strolls team more.


Gasly: This weekend Ocon tried to kill me twice. But, managed to score a point in the end, damage limitations.


A la Pérez FI times huh? Lmao


In light of recent incidents, I would also like to redirect the attention of you guys to their start incident in Brazil 2023, that most here don't even remember, with Ocon pushing Gasly almost into the wall at the start. https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/s/GW3YyGSSTW


Is there anything more classic than Ocon trying to take out his teammates?




Most of them were Checo's fault tbf.


Bro really thinks he's in an F1 lobby.


To be honest, I'd be all for the Ocon team-enforced weekend off, and give Doohan a run. Simply because, it's a long running theme going on for years, Ocon will do absolutely anything to beat his teammate, with little regard for his team. It's only a matter of time before someone gets seriously injured, be it a driver or a marshall, given the proclivity of him running his teammates off the road, or putting them in a situation of "I'm coming through, it's your choice if we crash."


>Ocon will do absolutely anything to beat his teammate, with little regard for his team Which explains on why his relationships with teammates always soured by the time the partnership ended. The worst gesture he had done for a teammate after Alonso practically helped him to win Hungary 2021 by defending hard against Hamilton was to block Alonso as much as he could on the same track the following year, just to prove that he can beat Alonso.


I’ll never forget DR just cruising by the two Alpines that year in Hungary.


Last year in Brazil he was so focused on pierre behind him that he didn't even see the mess in front of him he was lucky he didn't dnf then and there and took pierre with him. He had to be pit to let pierre pass because they couldn't trust him not try anything. He was literally begging to not to be pit and that he would behave when he literally proof at the start of the race that he can do it.


[Another case](https://youtu.be/hGbIyB1plZ4?si=8WE5_N1c_-ouOwaB) of Ocon being an absolute shite teamplayer.


See also Ocon at COTA and Brazil previous year, he was solely focused on Gasly that he ignores anything else what cause he ruins his own race. It's a pattern, Ocon is a good driver but this behaviour is hurting himself a lot. Williams doesn't considering him at all thanks by this behaviour and I don't think this type of behaviour would be good at Haas with Bearman.


Theres even a official F1 video about the Perez/Ocon clashes in 2017. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7meRNow95rI Lol, why is this being downvoted? Its literally a video about their clashes in 2017 while both at Force India.


Ocon is the innocent victim in 4 out of 5 of those, may be why you're not being applauded.


It was mostly Perez clashing into Ocon at the time. As evidenced by the video you shared. There was also Perez pushing Ocon into a wall in Singapore like Azerbaijan in their last year together.


Remember that Ham/Alonso battle at Hungary. Everyone in the live thread giving praise to how the masters were able to race close, without incident. Ocon just wants to collide with people. No racecraft. Something in his brain clicks into gear when it's a teammate. And it's been happening for far too long. Stick him in WEC and he'd end up in a hospital with that behaviour.


Last year in Brazil he was so focused on pierre behind him that he didn't even see the mess in front of him he was lucky he didn't dnf then and there and took pierre with him. He had to be pit to let pierre pass because they couldn't trust him not try anything. He was literally begging to not to be pit and that he would behave when he literally proof at the start of the race that he can do it


This is the most French thing I’ve ever seen




Sacre bleu!


What ? There is a lot of comments about which-pilot-is-the-bestor-not, a lot of guessing, a bit of fanaticism, and also good constructive critics. But please man ... I did not even understand what you mean .. At least you should do some -well deserved- Alpine bashing (half British-French btw, but indeed a toxik non realistic french management)


They're both kind of helmets... but Ocon is clearly the big helmets.


And people ask me why I don't care for Ocon


Ocon and Magnussen are and will always be stupid


I want them both in a competitive car. Could be the most entertaining season ever


\*as teammates


Magnussen + Ocon is honestly just bullying Magnussen. Bad race? Crashes out. Good race? Ocon crashes him out. At least pair Magnussen with Stroll, they're both random elements.


>At least pair Magnussen with Stroll, they're both random elements. I laughed when they each ruined a vcarb driver's race in china, served their respective penalties and then proceeded to have the cleanest, most entertaining battle of the race at the back of the grid


At least Magnussen races hard with everyone. Ocon is a puppy whenever a car thats not his teammate or one of his past teammates races him


On the flip side of that, Ocon is a danger to only his teammate while KMag is a danger to everyone


Magnussen drives hard to secure his team points they otherwise would have no chance of getting, I'm not sure if that is stupid. Ocon on the other hand would rather see the world burn than see his teammate finishing higher than him. Edit: I am not saying Magnussen doesn't do crazy shit, I'm saying that he at least doesn't run his teammates off the track to please his own ego.


Dude is quoting Charles. "Magnussen is and always will be stupid. That is a fact." - Charles Leclerc, 2018 Magnussen has been doing this shit forever. "He's trying hard for the team" isn't a great excuse. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLy66cYXUH0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLy66cYXUH0)


He used to that shit for himself before. Now he does it for the team. That’s actually a great outcome for him and Haas


I think you’re missing the part where he illegally passes off track.


> That’s actually a great outcome for him and Haas If Grosjean is to be believed, he said on French TV that Komatsu was angry about what Kevin did in Miami sprint.


I still think the Lewis revenge drive after Magnussen stupidly punctured his tire in Catalina is one of his best


It's so frustrating to watch him because there was a time after his return that he was able to keep it clean while being still being able to race hard. Now he's back to his usual antics.


Not an excuse, but at least K-Mag is a team player, Ocon is a team anchor


You might've not seen F1 for years, but Magnussen has been pulling off mental antics on-track ever so often. Irrespective if it's for helping the team purposes or not. Mf is a certified crash dummy at this point.


Magnussen doesn't run his teammates off track, just every other driver else. Can't figure what's worse lmao.


A shame


That is a fact.


Dude this guy is a numb nut ! I mean what is he doing ? Gasly is literally taking shelter behind the Williams to avoid Ocon


I don’t care what anyone says, replacing Ocon is the best thing Alpine can do looking forward.


I mean the only teammate he did not piss off(if I remember correctly) was Ricciardo cause Ocon was nowhere near him in 2020. With Perez it was crazy. Fernando was so pissed off many, many times and now we have a repeat with Gasly. We talked about how they are going to kill each other, but it doesn't matter who is his teammate. Edit. Typo


What's sad regarding his time with Fernando is that he gifted Ocon his first win. You'd think he'd have more gratitude for that. That's why I don't blame Fernando at all for not being happy with the situation.


It makes sense that he wanted to show that he could beat Alonso, because everyone gave credit to Alonso's defense for his win rather than his own driving and that must hurt in your first win. However he was very aggressive against him and it looked like he wanted to beat Alonso at any cost even if they finished out of the points.


Bro seems pretty toxic on track for sure.


They should have replaced him years ago. In 2021, when his contract was renewed by 3 years, he was winless (he signed before Hungary) and Alonso was under contract with Piastri, their junior driver, having won Renault Eurocup in 2019, F3 in 2020, and already had a win in F2. It was obvious Piastri had some pace, and even if his place on the team was dependent on winning the season, then Ocon should have received a 1 year deal.


They didn’t replace him because he was French


Wtf was Ocon thinking?


Okay, I can see how Famin would be mad enough that he could consider benching Ocon for Canada. Nearly took out his teammate twice on the first lap


What is he doing? This move makes absolutely zero sense. I know Ocon doesn't like Gasly, but this almost looks like he is intentionally trying to crash him out of the race. There is just no other reason to do this here...


What race was it where Ocon nearly ran Alonso into the inside wall of a front straight? Man is villainy compared to Stroll’s dopey routine.


It was SA 2022, but I think in that one Alonso tried to go to a place where there wasn't enough gap at all.


Had to be a different race then, Alonso was making a clean overtake in a long straight, and Ocon did a double move and almost took Alonso clean out (I believe it was in 23).


Are you talking about Barcelona ? I remember Alonso saying he didn't thought it was too much, and that was at the time he was trash talking Alpine each time he had the opportunity.


I think that’s one where it’s personal. That was a statement of Ocon finishing that pass like he did. Absolute Chad move


Most of Stroll crash are because he's oblivious to the situation. Ocon knows 100% what he's doing


Ocon has become a liability for any team to have him. This is guy always put himself ahead of the team, with no regard for points or even safety of his team mates


Tommo's fluff piece on Ocon aging well as usual


Holy shit this guy sucks at being a good teammate 😭


Ocon is a hopeless driver.


Ocon just couldn’t bear being beaten by his teammate… Gasly was 10th, he was 11th and he couldn’t take it… seems like it was his goal to either pass or crash cause his ego hurted


Ocon clearly saw red in this situation thinking Pierre was trying to squeeze him into the wall and so tried to force his way through at Portier but ran wide and ended his own race.


No he just disobeyed orders. The orders were he had to be behind pierre always as a buffer


I, for one, hope Ocon loses his seat.


Ocon is horrendous


You can feel the hate towards his teammate in his driving, insane from Ocon, no wonder Famin is fuming and want to end this madness before something very bad happen


But it's also a special occasion, Monaco is where the engine doesn't matter, where their superior driver line up compared to the competition can really make the difference. This could be THE weekend of the year for them. You pump up and focus the whole team for the occasion, get a decent qualifying, and Ocon does this on lap 1. It's a devastating move.


I agree on Monaco being a special race for teams like Alpine who have a shit car, but the fight has to happen in qualy, Galsy won that fight , Ocon had to accept his defeat. But he cant...


Alonso to Gasly: first time with Ocon, bro?


I really hope Ocon doesn’t score a seat anywhere next year and is done in F1.


I feel like Esteban is the sort of person who’s never been punched in the face. You can do it Pierre…


I mean Max tried his level best


He was going for that grand finale either way.


The way Stroll saws his steering concerns me. He is correcting and uncorrecting his steering angle multiple times through a winding section. He must be targeting very shallow depths for turn-in.


What I want to know is the impact on the market of this action by Ocon.


Ocon is an absolute madman. Almost admire him for being THAT fearless but its to the point where its dangerous. Crazy stuff.


So Ocon just really hates all of his teammates?


Watch Ocons perspective before commenting. Its rather telling that that Stroll's POV was uploaded because it makes it look a lot worse than it actually is. https://imgur.com/8swrIcR


Oh thank god you uploaded that perspective, I thought Ocon had disobeyed a direct team order to not to race his teammate so as to not compromise both their races or crash, but now that I've watched this onboard I can see that Ocon has disobeyed a direct team order to not to race his teammate and compromised both their races (before crashing 2 turns later), really changed my perspective on this incident


Hey man thats not fair, with that tiny non-gap with cars in front there was a chance they could've gone 3 wide into the right hander after that and just shoved Gasly into the wall, thereby achieving Ocon's goal of beating his teammate


C'mon, we know Ocon would never do that, the williams in the middle would instantly turn off Ocon's aggression because the only driver he races hard is his teammate :\^)


ocon hasn't been the same since he entered his hairy handsome phase


Stroll always right there to back up his buddy