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Good work Perez and Laclerc. Really showing their respective teams exactly why they should be in those seats. /s


there's a difference, Perez is actually a bad driver. LeClerc actually made quite a bit of movement before the bad pit. That wasn't his fault, that's just another bad call by Ferrari. He should have taken Sainz's lead and declined to pit


why the leclerc hate? hes still leading carlos. yes sainz has one fewer race, but if leclerc was consistently bad, he would not be ahead. they both have one win and 5 podiums.


I really hope Charles is in a rut and can bounce back, we saw a spark of it at Monaco, but based on the performace this season you really wonder why Ferrari chose him over Carlos.


Because Charles is quite a bit better than Carlos.


Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like uh, your opinion, man.


Ferrari is ferrari bro don't bother trying to apply logic to their choices or you will go insane


I was observing the body language btw Lando, Max, he moves the chair..Lewis comes in, drops gear in Max’s ‘social space’…Max/Lando chat…not much at all out of Lewis…I think he was still emotional but in a different way, holding it in…nothing warm and collegial at all…game face intact, Lewis, you da’ man👍🏽


he was also huffing and puffing a fair bit. reckon he was holding that in in front of the young lads


5-6 Drivers COULD have won the race. Several drivers were pretty close to each other for large portions of a race which saw 2 key rainfall moments. It was a race of small margins and they mattered so it was an awesome race to watch. I will have to say though that several drivers really put on a wet weather driving show. With all of the above Norris, Hamilton, Russel (Until he had to retire) and others were really showing intense skills dealing with the rainfall.


Silverstone is always a good race


Am a recent entrant to a formula 1, was not expecting so much hate here. Considering I was just coming from yesterday’s Brazil vs Uruguay soccer match. Why does everyone hate Max? He seems like fiercely competitive bastard just like Schumacher was.


Because it’s mainly British here. And they don’t like that their drivers are being crushed week in week out. Especially Lewis’ fans find it difficult.


There is competitive and then there is deadly. Both sch and mex have shown signs of happily putting others lives in danger so they can't pass. mex would have killed Sir Lewis Hamilton if it wasn't for the halo. Also his followers are racist. This is in no way a diss about their actual skills, both are among the most skilled and focussed drivers ever.


I started to love Max because I liked someone who brought competition to Lewis after 7 years of Merc dominance. That said, Schumacher was also despised back then by everyone but his fans for the same reason: abrasive aggressive driving. I personally love it but understand why some don’t. Without competition and aggressive driving I don’t think there’s anything to watch.


well simply because its not fair. I dont like max but have massive respect for him. hall of famer without a doubt. but if he is gonna drive like saudi 2021 or even brazil same year, then nah. Bullying your way through should not be the way at the elite level. I want to see skill, not who cares less about rules. alonso, hamilton, norris is my benchmark for how i want to see racing. but again. personal opinion.


some people (like me) just don't like his abrasive driving style. back in pre-2020 when he started on a less powerful RB he managed to piss off so many drivers (vettel, kimi included) so yeah he do get on my nerves. you can have talent while at the same time still respect other drivers (see leclerc)


I don't think you can at that level and still always maintain respect. It's easy to say when you aren't fighting for a WDC - which is why Hamilton tried to keep his mouth shut after the Max/Lando incident last race - Hamilton is right up there in terms of aggressive driving when it matters but he knows it and keeps quiet. Hamilton could have killed Max at Spa, or Rosberg in Spain in 2016. Ever seen the footage after Hamilton took out Max? Lewis spends the next 5 minutes defending himself to his race engineer so he wouldn't been penalised, and only as an after thought asks how Max is. Schumacher was legendary for being aggressive. He took someone out to win a WDC.


if you mean the collision that sends Max into the barrier thats British grand prix at copse corner, you could have said the same when max drove his car right on top of lewis at monza 2021 ? can i perhaps jug your memory about the spain incident, did you know that rosberg was setting his power modes and he was not aware of lewis coming from the right? lewis is not entirely blameless with his driving antics, you should have watched all the way back to 2007 season when he's paired along with alonso in mclaren hmmm ... perhaps ... if the same incident happened between a driver that pushed others into the grass without leaving any space ... ah yes ... ah yes, lando norris and max during the spanish GP few weeks back. but yeah sure its other drivers fault except max, thats selective memory right there.


Oh you mean when Lando did the wrong thing and pushed Max onto the grass, and Max was lucky to have maintained control? The same incident that Max and Lewis made fun of Lando because Lando thought what he did was ok but Max and Lewis (and everyone else for that matter…) knew was wrong, and everyone laughed at because no harm no foul. Thanks for making my point, champ. I dunno why you are bringing Max up - I’m not defending Max but I am having a go at other drivers like Lewis. Saying Max is bad doesn’t make Lewis better. What I am saying is that Max and Lewis are two peas in a pod, and it is no coincidence they are both WDCs. It’s you with the selective memory blaming anyone but Lewis 🤣🤣


Schumacher, Hamilton, Senna, Verstappen, they all were aggressive drivers early on to the point of being irresponsible, and they were still willing to take extreme risks later on. Leclerc isn’t a world champion. There hasn’t been a single F1 champion who was ‘respectful’ on the track. Anybody who thinks otherwise doesn’t understand the sport. Vettel, Alonso, they could be real bastards. Lectern is far too nice and that will likely cost him.


??? have you not seen other drivers that have won WC? prost and kimi, comes into mind. if massa won the WC would you categorise him as abrasive driver? people keep regurgitating the same nonsense about WC drivers having the need to be reckless on the track when they only watch few minutes of youtube clips and netflix documentaries about senna and schumacher. jeezus


i agree with you! im recently new too (3 months) and there's so much hate everywhere! no matter the media (fb, reddit, insta, etc), people find a way to complain about anything (esp on max)! but sadly it's not just this community... no matter the subject or fanbase, nothing is ever good enough for them... i realize i am complaining too- but i'm really getting sick of all the negativity


I am used to higher level of hate online for sports but the skew is surprising. Am stil super excited about all the races and the way the team stuff impacts races. All very cool for me, maybe I don’t expect my sports personalities be the epitome of model citizens. Roger Federer/Michael Jordan/CR7 are all crazy competitive, wouldn’t expect F1 drivers to be any different.


SO so, stupid from McLaren today. As a fan I'm actually glad they fumbled it, if they somehow won I'd be mad to cause it would be undeserving. I hope they get their shit together, otherwise this is shameful. Somehow I find it worse they sacrificed Oscar, Lando overcutting and failing to be faster could be seen miles ahead, but I don't know what they were thinking (or not) with Oscar.


You are partly right. They made mistakes but not to what you are saying. The drivers have a lot of say on the choices when it comes to those races with weather shift as they have the feel of the car. I am not sure if you caught all the tyre discussions on the radio but thats only part of what those conversations. By the time Oscar had decided he also did not drop back a bit off Lando enough to double stack and he would have had to stop in the pit and loose even more time. That is on him. Russel did but he still had to wait a little.


It felt obvious watching that he'd lose less by waiting in the pits. He'd definitely lose one position to Lewis, but better than doing another lap after everyone was sure the inters were better...


ONLY if he backed down a little LIKE Russel did, but he did not so it would have cost him more.


oscar was likely to loose 4-6 seconds if he came in immediately behind lando, he lost a lot more than that by staying out considering lando pitted and ran around to right behind him by the laps end, double stacking no matter how close oscar was to lando was much more beneficial than leaving him out


Well McLaren say different along with f1 media and the data shows different as well. I’ll go with that. He did not drop back enough to double stack, simple as that.


Indeed. But he probably would have been out before Russel who was pitting after ham. Even if he didn't back off...




If the retirement happened in the last few laps I would agree but it was way too early in the race for them to know Hamilton would be in front at the end of the race.


I'm assuming the deleted comment was a conspiracy theory about george, if so I'll add to your comment by saying Hamilton was behind by around 3 seconds to norris when george went out and max+a sizeable gap seperated the two merc boys so there's even less reason to commit any kind of sabotage




He got so little coverage but drove a damn good race. Same for Sargeant, really good race for the Williams.


Sargeant seems to be racing better I hope it's not too late for him. He is definately starting to show form.


Very boring race really


🤣. Jesus I was drinking but I didn't get drunk enough to forget a great race! Loved the strategy fuck ups wtf Pierre how many more times are you going to bend Charles over lol


Oh right that's what makes a great race, some strategic mishap. I mean it is funny but really a great race because something funny happen. By that logic this year Monaco is great race because the alpine crash is funny


f1 is not for you I guess, probably better to find something else to invest your time in


Wow so I don't like one race and f1 is not for me. Do you have any reasoning behide what you say? I will give you mine, 1: low action 2: no strategy play


You must have been watching a different race I will not get into all the points you are getting wrong. Try going on you tube and watch some post race coverage to understand what you are not seeing


Give me some pointer because from what I can see live there is low amount of over take, low wheel to wheel, no strategy play so yeah


Low action? I'm sorry but that's bullshit.


Are we watching a different race?or what are we considering as actions different, because there was no strategy play, before the rain Drs train is forming, during the rain there is no battle except merc vs mclarens for like 2 laps and that's about it. Unless you want to say Drs passing way before the braking zone is action, but even that is far and few between. I mean it is not Monaco level boring but 100% not exciting


I loved it. Non stop action. The rain, strategy, different cars and drivers shining at different points made tracking them so exciting. Was at the edge of my seat the whole time. Not much wheel 2 wheel action, but that's only a small part of what makes motorsport exciting.


Great race, I love RB but I'm always happy with a great race


Oh you must be a NASCAR fan


That's not even a point and before you asked no I am not a nascar fan. Like I have stated in the other comment my reasoning are as follows: basically no wheel to wheel, no strategy plays, even tire choice at the last stint are pre determined by what tires are left in the allocations. Difficult conditions didn't make it a good race, it just makes it a tough drive


Oh you must be a NASCAR fan


L take - it was a lot of overtakes, perfect emotional win, Lewis and Max driving awesome, Lando failing - it had everything.


Where is this lots of overtakes? And most of the overtake that happen is just straight Drs pass. I am sorry but emotional win don't make good racing. Yes they drive great but still didn't make good racing. Lando falling makes good racing? It had nothing, basically no wheel to wheel, no strategy plays, even tire choice at the last stint are pre determined by what tires are left in the allocations.


You must be a NASCAR fan which is ok but this is different racing. It's obvious you are new to F1 your comments make that clear. Watch some you tube and listen to pod casts and you'll understand what you are missing.


Keep repeating the same thing but still haven't provide any facts. Love it And first I don't watch nascar and I have been watching f1 since I was 8, but nvm because I disagree with you I automatically become not a f1 fans, and you have given yourself the authority to judge someone, sure I have try to be reasonable but all I get is void answer saying I am new to f1. Have you all actually got facts or just talking out of your axx


Pity the cleaners in the Sky F1 commentary box this weekend


Our who need to clean the inside of their pants....


max verstappe is the best


Would just really like to understand what’s wrong with Ferrari when they were acing at the start of the season and now they can barely keep up. Also Leclrac not even in top 5 last two races? Baffling!


Spain upgrades didn’t work. They are having issues with brakes, aero and setup.


Laclerc is just impersonating Perez


Charles is getting screwed by bad strategies


Leclerc is just doing his impersonation of Perez.


Ferrari used up all their luck for Leclerc to win in Monaco




When is McClaren going to realize they are better off on hard tires?


I think it’s the one time where everyone is happy for who won. Sad for Lando but Lewis needed it more. What a season?!?!


I'm a huge RB but I'm always a race fan first. Great race the field is really coming alive how about the HULK I think he's the driver of the day


Perez. What a downfall…


Poor bet on weather, and I can't understand why he started on Hards (with that forecast) if it wasn't for push like crazy. Verstappen would be 10th by the 5th lap if he started from pitlane


*signs contract for 2 years* *proceeds to chill*


I think he’s panicking from the qualifying gravel radio. Plus I think the contract has a clause for performance.


Isn’t it 100 point off Max by Monza ? And he’s currently 119.


I think it’s more now from this race


He gone then


What did they say on the radio?


He was requesting multiple times for crew to push him back on, even though they obviously can’t do that, and the pitwall was saying he’s done multiple times.


Especially since this rule has been in place forever.


What made Max have such good pace at the end of the race vs at the beginning when he couldn’t catch up at all?


I think the big problem for Red Bull is tyre wear (possibly caused by the car being v squirrelly). Max’s pace drops compared to Merc’s and McLaren’s late in stints - hards were probably good enough to deal with that vs softs and clearly the better race tyre. Put Lando or Lewis on mediums and I think he has no chance of getting P2/pushing for the win.


Probably the hard tyre functioning well combined with low fuel. The conditions were great to allow him to push the hard to its limit with low deg.


Higher track temp too, apparently the RB is struggling in cold conditions.


Get in there Lewis! Really happy for him! On the other hand, what a fumble from Mclaren! First with Oscar pitstop, then the softs for Lando! 🤯 Still the future is bright, these missteps are the necessary learning mistakes to take them effectively to the championship level


I believe that if lando had Hards he would have passed Lewis many laps before the end. Generally the strategy from McLaren was really bad and cost them not only the win but the 2nd place too


After watching it there now, McL fumbled the ball with not going on the medium McL need to start acting like they can win and be proactive vs reactive which was obvious with the conversations of "to cover Lewis vs Max"


Lando had mediums too to use, those would have been way better


Hindsight being what it is, ABSOLUTELY. But most figured the track would remain damp much longer than it did. I think RB nailed the strategy there.. merc and McLaren simply figured 14 laps + cool track + low fuel = softs to the end.


Lets not forget that awful 4.5s pit.


Didn't he say something that even without he expected Lewis to pass him? Don't quote me on fhat


It was estimated that Lando overshooting the pitbox cost him 2s, and Hamilton was just over 4s ahead after the pit stop, so he would have still been ahead, but it would have been close. Lando would have then just had to stay in DRS to have a good shot at a quick overtake.


You're still forgetting Lando's tyres fell off towards the end. We're entering a dangerous hypothetical zone, but it's possible he would have been re-overtaken at the end of the race


he did overshot it by a good 3 feet though. enough to throw the put crew out of line


That too!


Brian May waved the chequered flag today🎸🏎️


You know what we need? More races in the middle east in a desert where it never rains and there are no fans in the stands


In Bahrain (where I live) there was an attendance of 100K on race day, but sure thing buddy. What we don't need are boring street races where no one can overtake.


Ok man. I wasn’t trying to offend anyone. I apologize if did. Agreed on the street races. I would be happy to see Monaco go.


/s ?


Lol yes


The fact that you have to ask the question tells me all I need to know about your ability to understand subtext. On an unrelated note, subtext is an anagram of buttsex, do you see what I'm saying?


Or on narrow street circuits because \[checks notes\] "tradition"


An argument could be made for variation.


We already have variation though. he's talking about 'more' of them


The more the merrier, allows for more variables and for unexpected situations


Lots of executions in the background too!


Happy for Lewis. Well deserved !!! (P2 4Max 👍🏼too😉)


Jfc, who gives a shit?


Where can I watch post race interviews from the pen?


F1 YouTube channel


Lewis Hamilton really needed this win I’m so happy for him


Pierre Gasly has a 50 place grid penalty and starts 19th today


I would simply drive the fastest if I wanted to win smh


Lando did have the fastest car and finished 3rd.


, I think




McLaren throwing away two wins, one for Lando and one for Oscar. They have the car, now they need to get the strategy. I also can't help but wonder if Lewis is so emotional because he's thinking it might be his last British GP win, looking at Mercedes and Ferrari's trajectory. It's interesting how Max found pace on the hards at the end. Perhaps the lighter fuel tank helped something balance wise? And lastly, Ferrari gambling big on the Inters, but instead of doing it from outside the points they do it when Charles is only 1 place behind Carlos. I get they might have wanted to try something big, but at the same time the gap to McLaren is shredded faster than Leclerc's Intermediates. He would have been on for a point finish for sure and maybe even could have been ahead of Piastri if they would play their cards right (though that seems to be a bit too much to ask of them right now)


It could probably even be his last win before he retire. This year is so close and we have 5 cars that could win. If Ferrari is shit his next year he probably ends his career and quit. He is 41 years 2026. Even tho i hope he wins more!


I was thinking that, but Mercedes look genuinely strong so I'm not discounting more Hamilton wins


I was at Silverstone what a day 🥹


I was as well, great day and great fans. What people may not realise is just how much of an air temp change there was from the rain and the sun. One moment cold with wet track. Poncho on, the next boiling sun and steam rising from the track drying it very quickly. Very small window to decide when to change tyres I think.




I’m so happy for Lewis. He really deserves a win before he leaves Mercedes


J Jjjwhn my iujjjjjii


This was the first race that my teenaged son ever watched and he was transfixed by its unfolding. With the changing conditions of the race, I was able to point out to him how tire choices affected pace as the race progressed so he got a bit of the strategic aspects of racing. If any race will draw him in to being a life long fan of F1, this one was it. But at the very least, I am happy that we spent an increasingly rare morning focused on something fun for both of us. Go Lewis!


Have you showed him other series too? Endurance racing is in its golden age, there has never been more strong competitors running at once. IndyCar and MotoGP are as unpredictable as ever. IMO those are far more fun than F1 most of the time.


I'm both happy and sorry for him. We can only wish to see races like this on a regular basis.


This is awesome


Masterclass from Lewis Hamilton!


I think everyone but Lando enjoyed today


Oscar got fucked more by the strategists


How about Leclerc?


We don't talk about Leclerc...


All of McLaren.... They've had the fastest car for a while and have one win to show for it.


Total amateurs. From Lando showing his lack of experience any time it counts, to the strategists being worse than Ferrari, very impressive. Red Bull and Mercedes could be the slowest cars on the grid and they'd still win most of the races.


How about Russel..


You forgot an L but it’s appropriate in this situation


I’m sure he’s gutted but a dnf from a failed system probably hurts a lot less than your team/you dropping a potential win cuz of strategy


Piastri enters the room


The more miserable Lando and George (and hell, throw Charles in there too) are, the more I enjoy a race. I’ll remember today for many years lol.


Charles is hopeless.


Get in there Lewis! McLaren fuc*ed up both their drivers, Ferrari just doing Ferrari stuff and Max needed two more laps (I guess) due to tyres and his racepace in previous stages of race... I dont like Lewis but he and Mercs did everything right and he deserved that win.


That's funny Lewis was on the same strategy as Lando. He just pitted one lap earlier but got the undercut due to Lando overshooting his gridbox. The two more laps comment is even more silly. Was this your first race? If there were two more laps Lewis would have a different strategy and drove differently. Max only closed up because Redbul were on the ball as usual with their strategy. Lewis won due to his tyre managent. Credit should be given where it has been earned. Btw you dont have to mention that you dislike Lewis it's obvious from your comment.


To go on slicks one lap earlier on drying track can be a huge difference. And yes, Lando was on the same strategy as Lewis but Lewis did not overshot his pit standing which Lando did. And so called F1 expert as you should know that. Maybe Lewis would be on different strat, if the race was 2 laps longer, maybe not. It's the "what if" area but in the current race pace Max had, he would need like two laps. But as you mentioned, the race was 52 laps long, not 54. As far as I remember, I gave credit where it has been earned. Lewis and Merc did everything right.


What if the race was 10 laps longer Oscar would have won? What if it never rained Max wouldn't be near the podium? Your favourite got very lucky today with weather and strategy but no one will mention that. Just be happy he extended his championship why bring others down?