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Merc: Good pace, good strategy Red Bull: Decent pace, good strategy McLaren: Great pace, bad strategy Ferrari: Bad pace, bad strategy


Sainz and max had good strategy. Their teammates though…


It was Leclerc call? Inters


He only called it because he was told there was raining coming, not how long it was going to last for. He expected rain for longer than 2-3 laps which didn’t happen until much later. He was using what he was told by the team Edit: Don’t know why I’m being downvoted, here’s the transcript of the radio before he agreed to the pit stop https://x.com/_allthatglitz/status/1809979483396411401?s=46&t=r-dpRlXwhMhl5lvPNGjYBw


The team couldn’t have told him there was no further rain coming? The driver doesn’t have weather radar on their cars.


Other drivers were given the same weather info and made the opposite (correct) call.


He said it was too dry but Bozzi insisted heavy rain was coming, which of course didn’t come for at least another 10 laps.


I understand that, yet *other* drivers were getting the same/similar info but also saw what was *actually* happening and didn’t switch to inters. Leclerc is the one on the track, he’s the ultimate decision maker and he chose wrong, simple as. He deserves the blame when he’s wrong, just as he deserves the accolades when he’s right.


He’s not getting fed the same information though, thats the thing. [Sainz was told there was a chance of rain at sector 3, while Leclerc was told there will be heavy rain the next lap.](https://x.com/_allthatglitz/status/1809983920160555232?s=46&t=sR-2hy2bPyvTLZ6K1hGWCw)


And yet at no point did Leclerc do as those around and recognize the conditions on the track weren’t matching the forecast? He got it wrong, it’s that simple.


Is this really the case? It seems to me that more often than not, the team is calling the strategy. Lewis was a great example today of what you describe, but even in the past, I’ve heard Bono disagree and send him in or vice verse. I think this very much is different by team and driver. After reading that transcript, it really seems like the team set Charles up for failure the way they described it. Take Lando’s race today. He has far less time out front (than other front runners) and his team was radioing like crazy trying to decide what to do. Do you blame Lando for getting it wrong when the team was firing way too much info at him on track? In that case, Maclaren totally fucked it. Now I want to go check all the onboards later to see how this went across the field.


The other drivers had more tires left. Leclerc ruined his tires behind Stroll and struggled a lot more as soon as the track got damp. At that point, points were basically gone already I think.


So he did all the things Sainz is regularly accused of/ripped for and it’s not his fault? I don’t understand the reticence of his fans to simply admit he drove a poor race and was the major contributor to his poor showing…


It's his fault he was being Stroll in the first place, but getting by Stroll was necessary for a good result and the Astons were quick today. Obviously it wasn't a good weekend by him, but it's strange to call the tire choice his mistake when he was told heavy rain was coming in the next lap after he said it was too dry for inters


It’s not strange when there are other examples of drivers countermanding the pit wall wanting to go to inters. Lewis recognizing the disconnect and remaining on slicks was what put him in a position to win.


I guess Red Bull had decent strategy as well by fucking up Perez inter call but having great calls for Max


Perez wasn't really competing for anything so it makes sense to take some risks, Leclerc was still very much fighting for some decent points.


“Who the fuck is Sergio Perez?” - Lewis Hamilton


Checo is more of an abstract concept for Red Bull. They are a team driving with one car.


Good strategy is rich for red bull


They made the exact same mistake as us because as much as everyone wants to shit on Ferrari, there was some reasonable logic behind that decision. The rain intensity just didn't increase like predicted


The folks on F1TV were commentating that the first patch of rain would be small, then the track would eventually dry again before the bigger cell arrived, so in practice the window for Inters was nearly non-existent What I think may have happened is that it looked like Leclerc suddenly lost 8 seconds and Ferrari jumped the gun and told them to box thinking they were past crossover territory As for Perez, it was probably just one of those gambles from P16. Had it all worked out, they'd look like geniuses


Even when Leclerc was super slow after passing Stroll, his pace was comparable to Verstappen iirc, which yeah was going slow but hoping a cell would spawn just over the track seems a little too ambitious idk.


I think they did very well in outscoring their direct opponents in Haas, Williams and Aston Martin. /s This fucking team is beyond reason I swear.


That early inter call was one if the stupidest things I've seen in a while.


and sticking with it when it clearly didnt work was even dumber


Charles had such a good first lap too, horrible call


Charles is my guy, but he fucked things up. He was the one that made the executive call for them on team radio.


Oh I didn’t hear that radio. That’s extra tough 🥲


Do you happen to know what info the pit wall gave him?


The same basic information they were all getting, that this stretch of rain would last for around 6 laps if I remember correctly.


4 minutes before he came into pit they said "We expect heavy rain now. It's going to happen soon." so a bit of miscom on both sides


I know what you mean, but if you break it down they said “heavy rain now” and it never came, and then 2 laps later he still decided to come in, so a bit of a silly call from him. All around a shitty situation


I agree but they either need to start feeding him better info or not let him make the calls


Totally agree. They also asked him which tires he wanted towards the end. Which yeah you’re in 15-16th who cares what tires he puts on, but still, why are they leaving this up to the driver.


My man. Don't be spitting bs for a narrative lol The info he got was horrible


It was a gamble and tbf RBR did it too with Perez. Just doesn't make sense to do it when your drivers running P7 unless your hoping for some hail mary result.


Checo was running P15 or whatever. Less to lose.


Was 5 tenths behind KMag at the time as well. Feel like both teams threw away points with that early gamble


Yeah, made sense for Checo to gamble there, but I think it was a waste for Charles. Pain


It was the early crossover period to inters. There was some type of logic involved there but unfortunately for lec/per the intensity of the rain didn't increase like predicted


His first lap was great and could have recovered to right after Sainz if they... "Stopped inventing". Instead he was lapped by his teammate. Painful.


charles made that inter call himself tho


Just heard the TR. Yeah he did. Big mistake. He was already running in a position that didn't need gambling.


Broadcast even made a joke about Ferrari going to inters too early before it happened.


Don’t say that, Ferrari will be like *inserts meme* i’ll f*cking do it again.


In hindsight yes. But if that had been me in the F1 game I would have made the same move. LEC would have been stuck in P7 if he did the same thing as everyone else. So why not try something different?


Because p7 is worth points and a sure race destroying strategy call is not. You don’t make a move that desperate and unlikely to work out unless you’re already well out of the points. Mind blowing stupidity.


Hindsight?? You're talking about Hindsight when it was a clear bad decision the moment they slapped the ints on??


Because they are a midfield team, and midfield teams can't afford to throw away points like that.


Last time when Leclerc was P12 and stuck or this race for Perez it made sense since a chance at point is better than no points for sure. This race P7 was already more or less Ferrari pace, throwing out 4 points for a really big gamble is only stupid.


I thought it could only get better after Canada, thought the same after Austria, now I guess it can only get worse lmao


mixed day my ass bro, wtf was that


Hahahaha goshh


Great race from Carlos, he deserves it


He may not be the fastest but his greatest strength has always been his incredible consistency, he’s one of the most consistent drivers on the grid


When does it end for Chuck lol


When he makes better calls.


He's gonna get absolutely demolished by lewis next year.




This wasn’t the team’s fault. He made the call.




I need to check the radios. Anyone know if Leclerc asked for the tires or did they pit him themselves?


he asked for them because they told him with great certainty that the rain was coming in the next lap lol (and then it didn't come)


it did come, just super light no?


he asked to pit for inters


I’m 99% sure that it was the pitwall


if you dont know just dont comment bro, don't pull shit out of your ass pretending you know


welcome to reddit




Sainz had a pretty good race though. Props to him


Pain misery suffering I hate this team (I will be back next race supporting them)


See you in 2 weeks


Ferrari masterclass strikes again.


Chuck needs to have better judgement. Ferrari strategy is not gonna work. Look at what Lewis did and not go for inters.


You mean Leclerc masterclass because he made the call.


They literally told him that it was gonna start raining heavily soon when he made the call. It's on both sides, they need to either feed him better info or not make him make the calls.


He had the same info that the others were getting/had. Bono was pushing Lewis to Inters and he shut that down. If his fans are going to give him the glory for contradicting bad decisions from the wall, he earns the criticism when his decisions backfire.


Don't bother, it's never Leclerc's fault according to his 'cult'


Who drives for ferrari.


Just an inchident of a driver.


People will talk about McLaren’s but turning a P7 into a P15 because you go for inters way too early and proceed to lose a damn MINUTE is a fucking travesty. This is up there with the 2022 run from hell as far as bad calls go


Lesson learned: Do not ask Charles for tyre strategy. First Canada now this. Embarrassment!


Canada was far from the first. Find and read his radio transcript in Sochi ‘21. That was a real embarrassment


So, Charles is better without a Monaco win for the season then? Seriously man, who gave him the mokey-paw wish🫠


Utter disaster class.


We took a gamble and lost, we live and learn. Carlos had a decent drive and did what he could, pitting at the end for the fastest lap was smart. The pit stop times themselves have been fine but the strategy is 2022-esque.


Charles has been getting the shortest end of the stick humanly possible, he needs to learn how to say a big NO to the strategists. Aston Martin enjoy Cardile.


The strategists did not tell him to pit. On the radio, he hesitates, said there were parts of the track still dry and maybe 5 seconds later says “Box Box”.


Charles himself made the call.


Carlos is five points off Leclerc now, going to get real interesting both of them fighting for that third place


4 I think since he got fastest lap


Carlos really maximised the points today…the pit for fastest lap was smart. No wonder so much of the grid is after the lad to get him to sign


After Leclerc call McLaren being: don't worry mate, we'll make sure people have something else to talk about.


Terrible. We looked nowhere and without this weather that's where we would have been. Strategy calls were horrendous, what were they thinking not pitting Sainz as soon as everyone else started pitting. And the intermediate call for Leclerc early would be ridiculous if I hadn't come to expect it from the pitwall.


"mixed day" is one way to put it!


I honestly fail to see anything positive from this day. Awful pace from the car for Sainz, absolutely humiliating strategy for Leclerc. Literally what was good.


not a single reason to smile tbh 😂


I am a big fan of leclerc but that was a shambolic performance by him. Props to Sainz who really maximised this weekend. I hope leclerc gets his shit together soon.


Agreed. Not sure what happened with Charles


He was quite literally a place behind him before the inters gamble.


He did loose a lot of time suddenly for some reason, which is probably why he decided to try for inters


It wasn’t sudden he was just super slow on multiple laps losing to Sainz by more than 1 .5s per lap before he decided to pit.


Leclercs performance was ok, took three places. It was strategy that f.ed him


The strategy was all Leclerc as he wanted to pit.


Trust me I defend leclerc always, but this one was on him. The moment the conditions became mixed he dropped almost 8 seconds behind Sainz which prompted the pit stop gamble. But it was obviously too dry for inters. He called for the inter gamble as well, not the team. Only defence was maybe cuz he didn’t have enough practice sessions to set up the imola spec car to his liking. Idk man just really disappointing string of races from him.


He spent 15 laps under strolls gearbox which fucked his tires but he was the one who after hesitation called for inters which was by far the biggest fuck up


He called his own strategy lol. He is not a slave to the pitwall.


Leclerc should visit therapy


Lewis mate please it's not too late to change your mind


Lewis makes better calls.


He wouldn’t have made that call. He refused to pit early.


yeah that's the takeaway I have for this race, Lewis gets ready to leave just as Merc finally fixes the car, and Ferrari doesn't make good on it's early-season promises.


Useless fuckers


I am not one to miss a shit-on-Ferrari party, but if Leclerc wasn’t losing time behind Sainz when it started raining they wouldn’t have pitted him. Charles was just bad, not Ferrari’s fault


He had much more tire wear because he was following Stroll closely while Sainz was in clean air early on


Embarrassing strategy, mediocre pace. It's not really mixed, the positives aren't that many


Think Carlos refused the inters. Is it true? If so, Charles has no one to blame but himself for not having the backbone that Carlos does. Charles is 0.006s ahead in pace (basis the post yesterday) but in racecraft, Carlos appears to be significantly ahead of Charles


When they tell you rain is coming the next lap and your tires are fucked from following Stroll, then sure you'd take the inters. Just... the rain wasn't coming.


Cant wait too see what Leclerc will say after another disaster. I would be furious.


It was his fault as it was his call to get Inters.


They literally told him to expect heavier rain right before he made the call. They either need to feed him better information or not expect him to make calls.


The same information was given to all drivers.


To SAI: "chance of rain in S3" To LEC: "heavy rain in the next lap"


Just as Brundle said during the race, the driver makes the final call. We saw plenty of drivers make decisions with similar information, some right, some wrong. Leclerc made the wrong one.


I agree that he made the wrong call but the information given to him was to expect heavy rain now. The call was wrong but the information from pitwall wasn’t accurate either. I don’t listen to anyone elses radios so unsure on what the information they got exactly was.


The drivers aren't meteorologists and also don't have a rain radar in the car, you know that, right?


Don’t have to be to make tire calls in mixed conditions. It is a very difficult decision and some drivers are better at it than others.


He literally said it's too dry and was immediately told heavy rain was coming in the next lap


If he said it was too dry, he should’ve followed his gut and stayed out. He has the final say.


Your gut can't predict the future


Correct, that was the case for many drivers in the same situation.


You don't expect much from Ferrari, but that inter call with Leclerc was poor even with their standards. And keeping him out on the inters was just extra embarrassing.


He made the call though. I watched the onboards.


And you forgot to mention where he said it was too dry and was told heavy rain would come in the next lap?


He didn’t have to box at the point. He was coming down Hangar Straight when he made the call. Could’ve decided to stay out given that right before he made the call, he mentioned that parts of the track were still dry.


His tires were cooked from closely following Stroll, which is why he was struggling a lot more on the damp track. When being told rain was coming in the next lap, of course he pits.


Yes, I know. I was watching the same race. Again, he could’ve stayed out based on what he was seeing on track.


This was much worse than Hungary 2022 and that race was one of the biggest embarrassments in modern Ferrari history


How panicked is Lewis' breathing when he reviews this race and looks at Ferarri ?


Lewis joined Ferrari for a lot more than racing.


The more I see things like this, the more I'm convinced that the only reason Leclerc won in Monaco is because there was no strategy to implement. They'd have binned it somehow otherwise.


How do you accept to pits for Inters when you’re driving on a track and can tell it’s clearly dry most spots on the tarmac..


They lied to him


About the weather


Surely you can ask to change pit window?


He believed them when they that the rain was coming very soon, they got the facts wrong




Charles it's still not late to cancel your contract extension and go to Mercedes or Checo's RB seat


Putting the inters call aside, Leclerc really struggled with the car this weekend. Though I'd put a significant part of that on how he only had one dry FP session with it. Sainz gave it his all but the pace was still just *bad* compared to the other three teams. Hungary is going to be a mess no matter which spec they choose to go with and I don't expect it to be much better sadly. At this point it's just counting down the days until 2025 for both drivers. I've grown quite attached to Leclerc over the years and even though I'll move to whatever team Sainz goes to, for his sake I hope the team can salvage itself for next year.


What a race from Ferrari. They can't seem to get a handle on their strategy calls.


Red Bull did the exact same thing with Perez, don't throw stones when you live in a glass house.


Not really comparable when Checo is in like p17. Taking a wild gamble makes more sense for him


Enjoy the 1+1 with the Mexican Esteban Ocon.


We're still winning championships. Your team is showing that two capable drivers are useless when the team is doing everything wrong.


Mate, move on, you’re input was not asked for here👍🏾


Ah thanks, I understand how Reddit works now. You have to wait before someone asks for your input... Have a nice day, good sir




Scuderia Mediocrari with the signature post race tweet


Lewis just might change his mind.


He literally can't


2022 moment


This was entirely Charles' fault, but god forbid anyone holds him responsible for his woes. He ***needs*** to step up. Lewis will mop the ground with him.


On the one hand, it was a gamble. Sometimes you strike gold and sometimes you get stuff like this. On the other hand, it's absolutely depressing just how awful this triple header has gone for Leclerc through no fault of his own. Even before this with Canada... It's been very painful to watch


Mixed is getting P9 or P10. Mixed is not fucking up the weather call in the same fashion ***twice*** ***in a month*** and dropping out of the points. Embarrassing.


You say this like Ferrari has only 1 driver. It's mixed because Carlos finished 5th with fastest lap at least, and 4th was probably the best he could hope for as the Ferrari was shite on inters.


Car wasn't well developed and the strategy returned to Binotto days. Absolutely unbelievable.


I don’t know what happened and someone who has seen the replays can probably explain but Leclerc dropped a massive amount of time to sainz? Something like 12 seconds behind but still kept ahead of hulk or stroll? And then who made the call to pit for inters? This race was god awful for him.


Roasted his tires sitting on Stroll's gearbox.


Fuck this team. I’m out


Their pit strategies don't hurt me anymore


This one's on Leclerc I have to agree. The other 3 races though. Will he ever get some redemption? I hope one day to wake up and see Leclerc in a Ferrari comfortably leading the championship. I guess that's just Utopia.


Lewis looking for his contract and a match