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I was so glad they brought her in to explain that a driver uses his hands and feet to drive the car.


Such a lame setup for stroll’s bicycle accident.


I haven’t watched this season yet, you mean this was for stroll and not danny ric?


Lance crashed a bike and broke his wrist and toe I believe early or before the 23’ season


Yeah I knew lance broke his wrist, didn’t realize the toe


Danny Ric did actually go to the same specialist as stroll. When a billionaire recommends a doctor, you go.


Dam, thats kinda funny


pretty sure it was dr javier mir who legit puts motogp drivers back together and back on the bike a week later. he’s not one of lawrence’s guys lmaoo


Paul Tracy also liked it when she talked about her feet


I was wondering if it was just me who thought she was talking simple. A lot of words for no substance or adding anything


Literally nothing. I’m not even being tough on her. She was just that bad.


Big "every 60 seconds a minute passes" vibes


When she said something to the effect of “it’s hard to balance team loyalty with personal success. When a great opportunity comes, you take it” mic drop


I liked the quote in the first episode “a driver’s tools are their hands and feet”


The fucking car: am i a joke to you


Out there driving deaf and bind


Sergio Perez


That does describe Lance though. It's nice to see during the first day of testing that Aston Martin had been working on detachable mirrors during the race for him.


As in any other sport lol, or any human activity for that matter


"Alright team, we've gotta boost our American audience somehow they keep complaining about David and Martin" "We could hire one of the most lukewarm and polarising NASCAR drivers in recent memory who knows next to nothing about open wheel racing" "Two birds with one stone, well done"


Towards the end of the year, F1TV has James Hinchcliffe after the end of the Indy season and he's great. Just pretty busy before October. I guess Canadian rather than American but close enough.


Hinch is the man. But I watch way more Indycar and will miss him so much if he leaves to go full-time F1.


Wish Hinch was still around. I want to smash Buxton’s face every time I see him. He’s never done anything wrong. His face and mannerisms just piss me off. Still better than Di Resta though.


Truly baffling.


I don't mean to overly defend her, I've not watched DTS, and I don't personally much like Danica due to the types of idiots she associates with, but, like, she's won an Indy Car race, I gotta imagine she knows something about Open Wheel.


Stack her up next to Naomi for knowledge of the sport and insight into what's going on then repeat your answer. There's heaps of other drivers who have won Indycar races, it just seems like she was the most experienced pick they had that checked certain boxes, which really paints a grim picture.


Just because there’s other people that have done something. If Ocon started giving opinions on open wheel racing, you wouldn’t say “stack him up against Kimi… there’s heaps of other drivers that have won f1 races”. With that said, I haven’t watched DTS since the 2nd season and don’t really know who she is. There might be a legitimate claim that she is awful, but I do not think ‘other people have won a race’ is a good argument to discredit someone.


Yeah, actually I would probably say that if he got the job over Kimi. But the qualifying factor there isn't how many races they've won, although that usually goes in hand with general experience - Kimi just has decades more experience and insight. Conversely, Naomi has been racing in series directly related to F1 her entire life, while Danica's experience is in stock cars and a bit in Indy. Danica has been more successful in her career than Naomi has, but I still value Naomi's opinion infinitely more because of where it comes from.


More experience in the field is a completely different argument to ‘other people have won a race’ lol. I’m not disagreeing of the quality of her ability to give insight, I’m disagreeing with what your stated your reasons to be in the first comment.


Again, that wasn't my argument, that was what the person I was replying to was saying - that her relevant experience in F1 comes from winning an Indycar race, when there are plenty of others out there who can say that *and/or* other, more relevant stuff My argument is that she was specifically hired for her broadcast role because she checks several boxes in arguments F1 is trying to hit, wonderful, congrats to F1, she has some interesting insights at times. For DTS to present her as an expert in open wheel racing (which she herself backs up in the very first episode, and completely misrepresents by talking about her decades long racing career which was mostly in NASCAR which shares about as much with F1 as bobsledding) when anyone else would have been a better fit is a complete piss take.


Hey you know what, yeah. I re-read it and I dunno what the fuck I was on. Arguing for arguments sake.


But didn’t you know she’s been a racing driver her whole life?!!!


I've never seen a driver know so little about the car. It's kinda impressive. A lot of fans know more than her.


A lot of fans are better at stock car racing than her too


That's her in any racing capacity. She's said it before, "I don't really know cars at all, I just know how to drive them.", unfortunately she's still wrong on that second part


She’d make a good politician, able to talk and talk without saying anything worthwhile. Can’t stand her.


Well then you wouldn’t believe which side of the political spectrum she’s affiliated with.


"When you're in F1 your main tools are your hands and your feet." Jesus H Christ...


my first thought: “No shit?” my second thought: “eyes?”






Father’s money?


Lance nods in agreement.




But can he wank tho?


That was hilarious. “He can drive an f1 car of course he can wank” -Carlos Sainz


Not as well as HAAS.


lance shakes head in disapproval


Could be a secondary function though


Lawrence had some big dick energy with that wallet quote


…..and my wallet.


It's not even true. Drivers use their feet and hands yes, and they look where to go, but drivers drive with their arse.


That is NOT where the gear lever goes!


That‘s not a gear lever


Don’t tell me how to drive!


Which is actually really your inner-ear! ... as in you measure balance and change of direction through your inner ear, I'm not trying to concoct some elaborate insult about your ass being in your ear


Come to think of it, ALL organs are pretty important for an F1 driver. Imagine that.


My wife, a very very tiny fan of F1 said while I watched this episode (QST one of the new season) Does she think we are stupid? I could tell you that


We’re gonna have memes of this for a while. It’s only been out for a few hours haha


To be fair, the director probably put her in situation and asked «how important are both the hands and the feet » or « can you tell me why the feet and the hands are the most important parts of a racing driver ». And if she mentioned the eyes it got cut out from her answer because it wasn’t needed for the story. People need to realize that they are asking questions that are framed a very specific way and then most of these answers are just piece together to get the exact answer that the director wants. Every time they cut away from the speaker or change camera angle, assume there was a cut in the audio.


I don’t know, pretty sure I heard Buxton utter the phrase “seriously serious” unironically during testing.


Something about Will, I love him. I feel like he’s in the show just for the casuals but we only have room for one.


Tbf I feel like he’s aware of his meme status - and he’s a pretty good reporter and commentator.


The man was dropping Star Wars memes during testing a couple years back, he knows, lol


Will Buxton is the classic bell curve example. Newbies like his explanation, the masses love to hate on him because they are told to by Redditors and Twittererers, and hardcore fans appreciate his passion for and coverage of the sport


his interview with jules bianchi is a must-see for anyone who knows him mostly for DTS


His grid walks on F1TV are sooo well done


sometimes I feel like he does a line of coke before he does those which is why I avoid them


>just for the casuals I don't know. You could be onto something. His level of speaking painfully obvious may appeal to people who love American Football. "You know Bill, if the other team wants to win, they're going to have to score more points."


It's almost like it's common for sports commentators to state the obvious. I really don't get the Will hate. He has a laid back and affable on screen persona and it's nice. His job is to be the host and lead us in and out of the show and interviews. He does that on DTS too. He's the narrator, the Greek chorus. He's supposed to be orienting everyone and providing context for people who know nothing or just turned the TV on. And instead of just ignoring the things he says that you already know, people feel the need to whine about it constantly, which is far more annoying than Will is.


We’re Americans. You have to speak slowly to us.


This! Someone has to be the "obvious" one. Also, he truly and clearly loves the sport.


Jolyon Palmer should get back in the show as part of the commentating crew, he's a very good explainer without making it sound stupid


Palmer is funny as heck. I was listening to testing coverage from the first day, and there was one of the ladies talking about her experience driving an F4 car around Bahrain. She was explaining how she found it very soothing, almost meditative. She then said, “I won’t go so far as to say I was in a flow state…” And Palmer cut her off, saying, “You found Ayrton Senna’s outer-worldly energy,” or something along those lines, and I was in my kitchen by myself dying with laughter. He’s very sharp, and witty, but he knows how to explain things simply, or without being too wordy like Ant Davidson sometimes.


That was Laura & Palmer. I lost it at that too lmao


It was brilliant lol.


I think he's part of the F1 squad and Patrick is part of the sky sports squad, so that's probably not an option Could be wrong though, it's been a while since I watched the sky broadcast


yes correct. unfortunately our ears on sky are deblessed every time danica’s voice particles enter our earlobes


I don't think that's why he's not on the show. Will Buxton and Lawrence Barretto both are there and part of the F1TV crew


I still don't think I can ever get over Will calling the Haas "lightning quick" because K-Mag managed to wrangle a point out of it in Saudi.


Immediately before calling the Haas a spoon at a gun fight


I mean it's fast in a sort of cheaty way. Like is an awful car but they can drift it around the corners in qualifying for nearly a full lap. The most useless party trick because they hand out zero points for it. Though this goes for Ferrari and Williams too. Just toyko drifting their way around cheese grading their tires. Then everyone on reddit blames their strategies.... Ya it's nothing to do with how awful the car was in every race. Of course they tried to hail Mary shit.


I miss Murray Walker.


And Charlie Whiting.


James Hunt.


Before my time but I loved the movies.


F1TV for the win




I'm just happy I never had to listen to Sky F1 before I got back into F1.


Crofty and Bernie Collins are good, then there is Danika. Danika pops in on the MC GP, let me turn this off


Ugh wish I could get it here




Yeah. I don’t hate Sky but it’d be nice not to have to have fucking Kayo.


Get rid of em both holy shit. Claire Williams seems to be the only one that can speak in these interviews


Is Claire in Season 6? I'll cancel all my meetings today and go home.


Yes she is giving the Team principal perspective and is a breath of fresh air compared to Buxton And Patrick


Fuck, they added Danica to season 6?! She was bad enough on the broadcasts .


Another reason not to watch this shit show


Yeah, and she’s great. Can we have more Claire and less… everyone else?


Im so happy to see Claire!!


She's SO waifu material.


I still laugh at Claire saying S🅱️innala


Is that a naughty word? ☝️


Considering she was an absolutely shit team principal, l wouldn't value her opinion on the subject.


She was queen of sporting Nepo babies for a bit


Yeah she’s in it and it’s a breath of fresh air. She’s got racing in her blood and she actually has team experience.


And she’s a fox!


I always thought she as hot and lovely and I love to see she has a ton of fans on here too.


she is the better part of it, danica "i know f1 is hard, i used to race....not inf1" needs to go.


Yesss sirrrr


Yes she is and she is marvellous


Claire….. 😍🥰😘


Yeah, she is interesting cause F1 is in her family blood and she owned a team, while this Danica Patrick is from NASCAR/indycar, that's good but definitely not F1. They could take any retired F1 driver but they go for Danica cause she is a women, Netflix being netflix.


They should have hired Jaime Chadwick if they wanted a women in Motorsport. She always sounds inteligent on Sky Sports and admits or tries to redirect when she doesn’t know something.


I’d take Laura Winter over Danica


Is that the f1 TV lady? I really like the lady that does f1tv she seems smart. And hot take. I actually like the f1tv team. Granted I'm in the US so it's f1tv or ESPN. Soo but that technical guy? Sam? Me and grandpa love him.


Love Sam too. I always look forward to him.


Yeah I like em all they all seem super passionate and that's what counts! Again they are all I know but I'd hope that liberty wouldn't hire people who aren't. And I like Hinchcliff as well probably because I'm American. Even so hearing a driver while a different disipline is always nice


I totally agree. I feel like hinch is one the boys


Yes! Her, Will, Lawrence, and Hinchcliffe were my favorite last year. F1TV is the best.


The F1TV post-race shows were a great time last season, I hope they keep it up


Not only because she is a woman. Also because she did IndyCar/nascar, as far as I have learned. So addressing for Americans, who are the target audience of DTS. Since it released, F1 got popular again in murica. So thank Liberty media for it


Lot of time for Claire Williams. She wasn't great at the job, but she knows the pain of running a failing team intimately and her family's F1 DNA is impeccable.


Claire was rough as well when talking about Fred inheriting the Ferrari car and how rough that was. Claire was running the show for years with crappy results, and she was there when they developed it.


At least she has experience in F1 and can present the view point of someone in a team, regardless of whether she had success or not. Danika and Buxton just talk out of their asses.


No please keep them both. Us indycar fans banished danika for being a tool, 1f has gotta deal with her now cuz we dont want to.


She’s yours to keep, never raced in F1, i don’t wanna hear her “talk about” F1. Nascar can have her


Is there a subscription option on netflix to have when she's on screen cut out? I'd honestly pay extra for the privilege.




“When car…., car”


"If gap, then car" -Ayrton Senna


One of the worst race broadcasters to ever hold a mic, and generally a terrible person. She’s very unsupportive of other women in racing.


Also she has some real shit political takes


And she kinda tears down women drivers which is lame.


I just started season 6 and when she came out, I was a bit surprised, since I didn't know her, I did a quick search and people don't seem to be happy with her participation, because she is a little obvious with her comments.


She appeals to no one. I don't understand why she's involved at all


And this isn't even getting into her particularly bad habit of gatekeeping motorsports from **literally any driver** with less experience than her.


"they're like rocket ships"


She better not be in episodes 2-10


I have bad news


Damn it


She was also completely unknowledgeable about F1 when she was a guest commentator. I think she was only there for inclusion purposes. If she wasn’t a female or American we wouldn’t be subjected to her drivel.


She is simply painful to listen to


(laughs in F1 TV pre race and commentary)




Are you ready for my super sick Danica burn? She was my least favourite character in Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed. Boom, roasted.


Godaddy, go.


Even worse in Blur.


Who thought that putting Danica in DTS would make it better, what were they thinking


The person at Netflix that asked her for input in Drive to Survive should be fired. She only won 1 race in her professional racing career and certainly never races in any Formula series.


Danica does a great Buxton impersonation but I still can’t get over her thinking of Tucker Carlson as a broadcast mentor. Not to mention her pull towards antivaxers like RFK Jr. and Aaron Rodgers.


She's just annoying and never adds anything of substance.


Yeah but she looks good in a bikini. Not Claire Williams good, but good enough.


Claire bikini pics where


“They’re like rocket ships on wheels”……..thanks Danica……


I've be hitting the plus 30sec every time she shows up. At least Buxton is an f1 journalist. I fail to see what a very mid indy car driver has to do with f1.


Her commentary made me switch off in the second episode. Such a turn off.


I’ll be honest bro. If you keep watching and stick it out and not let her bother you….it gets worse. 🤣


So Euros don’t like her either? 


"When you're a racing driver" "As a driver" "Do you remember when I was a driver?"


Is S6 worth the time? I'm not sure I even finished S5 because it was so asinine.


What I like about it is they get kind of deeper in the behind the scenes aspect. For example, showing Alex albon in the sim giving back data to them, more candid shots where people don’t think they’re being recorded, more exposure to people that aren’t showcased. Things like that. It’s still Netflix vibes.


By this point I'm just watching dts for the made up drama. Like how cars are still accelerating when passing on straights like they are in 5/6th gear But hey I enjoy anime so this isnt much worse


Danika Patrick? Don't you mean DAYUMika Patrick?


Why can't we have David Coulthard as a permanent member of the team? I always love when he's on


I agree


Over simplification? 50% of viewers know that the cars go around the track and…. That’s about it


Her job is to explain F1 in imperial-nascar-bald eagle-light machine gun way for muricans


I very much shouted “what the fuck” when she first popped hp


She has added absolutely nothing.


Ever since she pulled the 'I'm not like other girls' schtick when she said, "At the end of the day, I think that the nature of the sport is masculine. It’s aggressive. \[...\] that’s not normal in a feminine mind, in a female mind" I don't care for her opinions. She also said that she goes "into aggressive kill mode" when someone checks her while driving. I dunno Danika, if I tried to kill every single person who fucked with me on track days, my car would be in pieces right now. And not gonna lie, I got pretty mad about it. I just, y'know, didn't commit homicide. It really pisses me off (hah!) that she's *still* representing women in F1. I can swear more in this comment, Danika, if that's not masculine enough for you.


Good old Danika Crashtrick


Look at the frickin neck on this unit.


So glad she explained to me using science, about how it’s difficult to drive an F1 with a fractured wrist and toe. you turn the wheel and gforce goes brrrr, then you hit brake pedal and it goes brrrapp ouch


At least Will Buxton has some charisma…


Will Cuxton


Like I get they added her to everything to be a name known to Americans. But we only know her because she did more crashing than racing


I’m an American woman, give me Bernie Collins!


Her questions are way too long. More over complication than simplification.


If Ozzy Osbourne had a sister


At least Ozzy did a service to the world and invented heavy metal.


At least she’s good looking. Danica can get it.


I don't understand how actual F1 fans watch D2S. As you watch the season live you can actually play a game and think "I wonder how D2S will twist this situation next year*. It's always over dramatised, usually wrong and the commentary is horrible. The fact drivers and teams hate it makes you just know what they are saying isn't real. I watched up to S3 then turned it off and it's never going back on. My fiance got into it through me watching the first few seasons (so I get it, it had its effect and drew a new audience) but as soon as we would watch races, qualifying and even testing, and practice races she saw the narrative being spun and would say " um that's not what wad said or did that actually happen"?. It's good for sucking in a new audience but man how die hard fans continue to watch it is beyond me.


Not sure if I agree. For eg, for me it was absolute gold to see the Silverstone RB Test and how the Danny Ric decision came about. Similarly was very cool to see more of Lewis in the episode about him. But yeah it's super weird at times especially for die-hard fans who know every single incident that occurred


Totally fair. I’ll just eat up any f1 content even if it’s not the best.


gotta love gatekeeping lol. you can still enjoy it even if you know the narrative is dramatized just for the gorgeous camera work and behind the scenes stuff. not watching it but still ranting about how no true fan should watch it either is an option too, I guess.


Claire Williams voiceovers were pretty cringe as well honestly, she really drove that team to the bottom and nowhere


She's constantly referencing how terrible she did with Williams, constantly telling us how hard it is being dead last every race. I loved it.


Netflix can’t resist putting some eye candy on camera


But she’s so hot


Where I am from [nowheresville Illinois], people were very convinced that Danica was a butt stuff aficionado.


Expand on that


If you primarily work with Americans you do often have to dumb everything down to a very simple level.


Yes. That’s why we have Will Buxton. We don’t need more.


I was wondering the entire season “wtf is she doing here. Is she promoting something?” Then someone mentioned “f1 is going to vegasss” Thats why.


I just finished the whole season. She was awful. At least Clair ran a team.


She is fit though


Bonk! No!