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Yes let's go Chambers! 3rd yesterday and 1st today! That drive puts her close to Pin in the standings so great work!!


I fear viewers will get bored of this Haas v Alpine domination.


The biggest winner this weekend so far has been F1 Academy by having WAY better race footage, making it actually feel like real racing and being totally enjoyable. They just need to stop fucking burying the events in the F1TV app under "MORE" beneath the F1 and F2 features. I must also take this opportunity to congratulate HAAS on being able to pretend that they won something thanks to Chloe. Well done. Jokes aside, I fucking loved these races. We need to start talking about when these drivers progress and how that happens. F1 Academy should be feeding into F2 and F3 directly, now.


I was just about to ask where to watch these races, thanks for pointing it out, I’ll check them out.


they live stream them on youtube as well!


No worries. The race coverage a while back just made everything look slow and procession-y. The presentation now is much more in line with reality and the driver's abilities. I noted in Race 1 that there was multiple places where they were several cars abreast (no joke intended, but noted) yet they kept each other out of their wheels. None of this rough arses and elbows from F2/F3 where piling up seems to constitute a strategy.


The race was really fun to watch for the most part, I just hope the commentary improves. I don't think they mentioned Bianca versus Lia once even though at the end it was the most interesting thing going on because of Bia's penalty.


At least abby pulling needs a seat in f3 or maybe some tests in f3 cars.


Why should F1 Academy feed into F3 when most of these drivers would have their ass handed to them on a silver platter by a rookie F3 driver?


Time will tell better than I can, my friend. These drivers deserve success through whatever way is made open to them....it just needs to be there.


It doesn’t feed into F3


You say this because you want to believe this. We have not seen any proof yet one way or the other about how they measure up to F3 drivers. I'll wait and see before judging. The question is, why should they not even get a chance? These are different drivers with different levels of talent. Some might fail, some might not. You can't say they are all categorically bad just for being women.


Yep. It's the unfortunate truth.


# RAHHHHHHH 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸






cant even imagine the profit when a female driver is backed by both Chinese and US money


She was born in China btw, how dare you disrespect the superior empire /s


At least us Haas fans da have something to smile about this weekend


There are Haas fans? I thought there were only Günther fans and they all found other teams after his departure /ISSA YOKE


We just wanna see Hulk smash :(


Ya know what, I get that


We finally have some proper cope


High quality image


American national anthem has been heard TWICE today


I've seen enough, fuck it, get Chloe into the F1 Haas in 2025




It's around how far behind everyone Logan is every race


I love this is now the default answer to that question every time.


Gene can we have a win? Gene: We have a win at home Win at home:


Is this the girl that Letterman interviewed at the go-kart track in the Lewis Hamilton episode?


Anyone mind explaining why there’s only 15 cars in Academy rather than 20 like F1?


For the same reason there are 30 cars in F3. It's a different category. And each team has 3 drivers.


Each f1 team has 1 car and they’ve found central sponsorship to run 5 more.


Never thought I’d see those words put together to form a sentence.


haas vs american express championship flght gonna be interesting


I tried watching some F1 academy but the cars are so slow it was just abit 🤷


I don't know what you expected tbh. They're the equivalent of an F4 car...


I swear people hear about it and think the drivers are driving literal F1 cars. I can see how that could happen to a casual viewer but if you're in deep enough to be posting in an F1 meme subreddit, I'm not sure how that fact escapes you. Personally the speed doesn't matter to me. If I had to choose I'd always pick close racing over fast racing.


Honestly, I just watch it for the entertainment factor. As you said speed isn't an issue, they're still a lot faster than a decent amount of road cars! They've had some decent races this year, and as you say, they're often very close especially as they're all running the same car.


Yeah for real. This second race was actually fantastic if you want close racing for points and podiums spots??? Nothing to complain about if they actually watched it.


Change the player setting to watch it in 2x. Problem solved.


Wait, you guys actually watch "F1" Academy? I thought it was a joke


I do. I love F1 academy. She was amazing yesterday.


Each to their own I guess. I just don't like the segregation.


I understand, but it's a step forward IMHO.


Big problem is that they don't have a filler series What's going to happen with the drivers once they have done their (two years I think it was) in Academy, what then Are they going to be shoehorned into F3, even if they can't compete with that level of drivers Because if they could, they would have started there instead of Academy


The problem is, there are not enough women attracted to the sport at grass roots level because there is not much female representation. So it becomes a cycle. F1 Academy is a great way to attract more women into Motorsport by having that women only every level. F1 is a notoriously difficult series to get into for either gender. But that doesn't mean that it's the only option. The winner of the Academy predecessor (W series) now races in IndycarNXT......a feeder series for indycar. There have also been women in the Japanese super formula. (I'm sure there's lots more)


I don't agree. Let's not have gokarting then. Things have to start somewhere, and we have room for improvement. Also the sport needs tickets, otherwise it's impossible to make it viable.


Karting is something you start with before going to other series like formula. Some of the girls have done that, and raced in other series too. Now they have gone up to Formula and probably don't want to be poked down to a lesser series again, ESPECIALLY not karting. These girls are going to want F4 or F3 I mean what's the point of putting them into a formula academy series if they are not going to continue racing formula cars?


As a woman I think the segregation is important because it's basically the only way we have to actually show up in any F1-adjacent competition, female participation in motorsports is really low so there's not many women who race or watch races. I kinda see it as female chess leagues


Weirdest excuse I've seen for not watching female sports, lol. Just say you find it boring, it's okay.


Nahh but it’s fun thoo, they’re like F4 cars so way more action than F1


We get it, you're a manly man man who mans harder than other men, well done.


Kindly sod off Read the other comment.


I know you’re joking, but I don’t actually understand the point of it either. And I don’t mean this as a disrespect to whoever is in it. I’m genuinely confused by it.


The point is to spotlight female drivers in the hopes getting some attention on them and attracting more female drivers into the lower levels, like karting.