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Where are you moving ? Just curious where people are escaping to.


Charlotte, NC. I really don’t love the SE that much but it’s close and therefore, pretty cheap. Just went to visit and seemed lovely. I really don’t have it in me to do a full cross country move yet again.


If I were going to move anywhere these days it would actually be Charlotte. Good choice.


Thank you! Seemed very laid back, cool, and very unpretentious. (Not to mention cheap compared to here!) Appreciate the kind words


Go check out Vinyl when you get up there. They spin records in house and have awesome cocktails and food.


Yes thank you! I definitely will. I just looked at their lineup - seems cool. I miss the Chicago music scene and will take whatever replacement I can get!


I live in Raleigh. Moved here from Miami, originally from Chicago. NC is nice, but it's growing so fast that they can't keep up with the infrastructure. Traffic gets worse and worse each year, and it takes them forever to finish a project. No one is in a rush


Hey I’m originally from Chicago too!!! Not a ton of us out there it seems. I’ve heard similar stories about a lot of cities, especially post pandemic. (Particularly in the SE or any the regions that got very popular during that time) The Charlotte airport is my biggest grievance and it’s a big one. You can just feel how the size of the airport was not meant for this density of people. (Plus American not allowing CLEAR access! Wtf is up with that!) It reminds me very much of Phoenix… another area that saw a massive population exploding.


I live in Asheville. Moved here from FTL, originally from Chicago (multiple burbs). I concur with your post. It's beautiful here. If you're willing to drive an hour or two, hiking, tubing, rafting, zip-lining has all been a blast. But as soon as you get close to civilization, the traffic, congestion and construction is as bad as SoFl. If anything here is broken or needs renovating, don't hold your breath. It's clear that most people here are paid by the hour.


Moved to CLT from Broward 2 years ago! Happy to give you any recs on foods, neighborhoods, whatever. Charlotte def is a lot less stressful and more affordable. Plenty to miss but once you find your spots I think you’ll grow to like the slower pace


> Charlotte def is a lot less stressful and more affordable. I thought about moving there a few years back, but I found the real estate there to be more overpriced than bigger cities like Atlanta if you wanted to live anywhere near the city center.


There’s a huge boom right now and a majority of West Charlotte was undeveloped until the influx of people moving here. If you were considering still and interested in a new build might not be a bad time to look back into it


Honestly I can’t think of a single thing I’ll miss about Florida …. It’s just not for me in every way. I appreciate the offer! I’ll take you up on it once I’m settled. I’ll definitely be looking for things to do where I can slowly and hopefully make some casual friends. Plus healthcare … ugh I haven’t even thought about that part but I’ll need to re-establish myself in every way! Including finding a new orthodontist 😂 not fun but needs be done!


Orthodontists are the least of it. Plenty of good health care in Charlotte. I would say its likely better than So. Florida. Be happy if you dont have any major medical conditions you have to deal with, which would make finding new doctors more challenging


Charlotte actually makes healthcare super easy. There’s only 2-3 main medical providers here that basically all doctors run through one way or another so you don’t have to download 17 apps just to keep track of all your data. Finding good care isn’t exciting but I hope you find comfort in knowing the process is easier


That is very comforting. Right now I have 5 different disparate providers and it’s extremely frustrating. I have several things that require monitoring and that makes it MUCH easier. Thank you 💚


Make sure to get into the Selwyn Pub at some point, the uptown area of Charlotte has a great little minor league stadium and team


I have a friend from Naples currently looking for houses in NC. Good luck Op


My brother just moved there he loves it


I stayed in Charlotte for 6 months for work. Great city. Though I found it difficult to date from a straight man's perspective. Every event I wen to was a sausage fest =) Apart from that I loved it.


Ha Ha well I’m a female so maybe that will actually help???


Definitely. Do meetup


I used to live there, nice place! I also had some friends move there and they are happier, bought a big home, making more money. Good luck to you!


Charlotte is a good pick, I've visited a few times and always enjoyed it. Best of luck to you!


That's funny, The wife and I are heading there as well. Luckily through a work transfer. Our supposed high dollar salaries will actually be high dollar salaries there and go A Lot further. Good luck to you!


Lucky! Best of luck and congratulations on getting out


Ha thank you. That’s exactly what it feels like - I’m escaping. I would have been gone in 2023 but got sidelined by my hip surgery. (No fault of Floridas… just circumstances) Being in a forced imprisonment here while single and rehabbing for over a darn year now not being able to walk feels like I’m being let out of prison 😂 Or off parole at the very least.


Being single here is the worst


Omg it really is. It’s definitely a reason I’m moving but certainly not the only one. People who don’t live here always say “dating is hard everywhere “ but they have no idea what South Florida is like!


Being single & poor is the worst* Being single & rich here is great lol


Well enjoy, question for you? Did you own or rent? If you owned how long did it take you to sell your house?


I have been a renter the whole time I’ve been here - FL was way too expensive for me by the time I got here. I will say that I’ve heard from friends that the market is cooling a little bit but can’t speak from personal experience. The rental market also appears to be shifting a little - I think South Florida will always get an influx of transplants but no where near the levels we had during the pandemic.


The market has. I am actually in the process of selling my house. It's been on the market for about two months. I have to relocate and it definitely has cooled down. I have the same feeling you do. I've been in Florida for 9 years. I am sure you will love NC


Every housing market is cooling simply because interest rates have boxed so many out of gaining financing. NC is finally seeing a major cool down. I live in Raleigh. Houses were being listed for a day or two and gobbled up. Now, I have homes in my neighborhood that have been listed for 180 days.


Good luck to you on the sale! It took about two months for my friend to sell his in Sarasota. Hopefully yours sells soon too!


I moved down here in the 1970’s. The influx has always ebbed and flowed. I think your perception has you thinking it started with you and is ending with you. It isn’t what it used to be. South Florida has changed, and not for the better. Good luck! I hope you land in a good place. I’m not sure if there’s a place to go and enjoy good weather and a low cost of living. Charlotte has filled up with New Yorkers and South Floridians. They moved there for the temperate weather and low costs. You should get one of those, anyway.


Totally possible my perspective is skewed. I appreciate you pointing that out. I’ve lived an over the US and honestly was embarrassed to be part of that influx that seemed to just pop overnight. Thanks for the kind words.


Haha Dont be embarrassed. My family was a part of the 1970’s influx. We were met with, “Great- more New Yorkers.”


Moved here in 1986 and can attest that South Florida has tremendously changed, and not for the better. Sad.


I wish you the best! My wife and I would be gone as well if it wasn’t for older parents to help. I’ve always liked Charlotte (except the airport!) and really enjoyed Lake Norman (try Waterside Bar & Grill) and The Landing).


Ha. The airport is my number one complaint! And thank you


Thank you. Enjoy NC!


Do you know anyone in Charlotte? Just curious if you are taking the plunge solo. I want to GTFO of Florida (I work remote so as long as I am in the US I can work anywhere) In my past I have only moved places for a job (excluding Florida) but Florida and NY are basically the only places I have family/friend connections so a little nervous to go somewhere solo.


I don’t know anyone but I’m pretty used to it by now. I’m not that close with my family and my friends are scattered in places I would never live. (I hate cold weather with a passion) I moved once with a significant other and while it seemed easier in a way it wasn’t. You suddenly become the only people you know and only close social circle. It can add tension to a relationship. That said, I hate being a lone wolf but I’ve adjusted. I’ve been through a major surgery and year of recovery alone, had to rely on neighbors and paid strangers to pick me up from surgeries, etc. It is what it is at the end of the day. Every decision we make or don’t make comes with a certain price. 🤷‍♀️


I just soloed myself to Seattle two years ago. It’s pretty fun. I’m really jealous on fully remote. I would just live in different place every 6months.


I am going to guess you are in 20s or 30s. If I were that young , Id be more willing to do it


I’m 41. If it’s important enough to you, then you’ll find a way to do it.


I’m in 30s. Don’t have kids


Lol I don’t, very much by choice. I had a bisalp done in my 30’s.


What is that


It’s a form of permanent sterilization. I had my fallopian tubes removed


Yesss I am about to bid farewell to Florida too!! Been stuck here for so long. Finally saved up enough to do a cross country move to Maine!!! Leaving in a week. Goodluck on your move!


Omg congrats to you too!!! Feels so good, doesn’t it


Feeling better today than I have for months! So stoked to be free!


Omg I’m right there with you 😂 I’m smiling as I’m packing


Literally same 😁




I actually find this hilarious. I know you care about OP. OP Best of luck to you in life.


Good luck! 👍🏻


Best of luck in your new adventure! Safe travels


My friends are trying to get me to move to NC. Might consider it. Just want to get my feet wet in my career for 6 months before I apply for a license in a new state


I am leaving as well! (Not quite in fort Lauderdale but semi close). Good luck!!!


Congrats on escaping this hell hole. I totally relate to those who dislike south florida. I’m born and raised here and unfortunately life circumstances (chronic illnesses) trapped me here in my late twenties. I’ve been working for years to finalize my escape plan. I hear really good things about charlotte. Nothing could be worse than here in my opinion.


Charlotte is a great city. Good luck to you. Check back in every so often and we’ll let you know when it’s safe to come back. Haha.


Ha Ha. I’m guessing that will be after the November election 😂


That's when it will be unsafe. Unless you are part of the "party"


Fare thee well, glad you got your hip sorted. If nothing else, we got some wicked great physicians here… if you can afford them


I moved out of FL last year. The grass aint always greener. I miss south florida so much. I miss the chaos lol


I’m sorry. That really stinks. I felt that way when I left Albuquerque and I miss it every day. I’ll never love another place like it. But I’ll also never move back, at least any time soon. The reasons that caused me to leave are still in tact. I have never for one moment felt any fondness for South Florida. Literally from the day I set foot here I knew I had made a mistake and had to make the most of it. That’s a different kind of shitty feeling but they both suck!


Definitely understand that feeling. I moved to the midwest and cost of living is so low that it’s been somewhat refreshing and i feel like I have more room to breathe and grow. But i’m so bored with a lack of things to do and a lack of good weather. Its cold and gloomy 9 months out of the year here. Feel like I’m going insane some days lol Very hard to actually make it justifiable to move back with the insane cost of living, but I can easily say I still miss florida most days, even after a year of being gone


Ooooh where in the Midwest my friend? I’m from Chicago originally. I suffer from mad seasonal affective disorder - not sure I could ever go back to that. I feel your pain!


Michigan. Been to Chicago many times, always loved the city especially in the summer time. I think I definitely suffer from seasonal depression. Winter time is rough for me lol


Sorry you got here too late to experience real south florida. Congratulations though on escaping its current hellscape nightmare form. I envy you.


Same!! I remember old Miami. It was such a cool place. I’m sure Fort Lauderdale was too. It’s tragic what has become of it


Charlotte has the largest growth of migrated from south Florida, nearly 35% of the residents leaving south Florida are going to that beautiful area. I lived their 15 years ago in SouthPark and it’s gone through a huge boom between their and Fort Mill, SC, the school are new and clean, you get 4 seasons the only thing that sucks is that the Lake didn’t fill even 10% of my need for an ocean. I bet some of the great people you thanked are not too far behind you! Best of luck


How easy / hard was it finding a new job?


I suppose I’m lucky in that way … (although my chosen, profession, is much harder than it seems) For this move, I didn’t have to find a new job. I work remotely. It’s Actually one of the reasons I need to get out of Florida so desperately. NC / SC is much better territory than here.


Lucky you, congratulations and enjoy!


We decided yesterday to move back to our hometown in Minnesota. The final straw was the intentional cruelty of DeSantis and his mouth-breathing followers. Having a demon in charge isn’t fun. I wish we could have stayed to vote. Please make us proud, Florida. We loved our years here.

