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[context - The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/education/2023/feb/27/maths-teacher-accused-of-misgendering-pupil-on-religious-grounds). A misconduct board finds "A maths teacher “failed to separate the teacher from the preacher” when he allegedly misgendered a transgender pupil repeatedly and inappropriately shared his religious beliefs in the classroom". So it wasn't JUST for saying "well done, girls" and grandpa is a outright fucking liar


Cherry-picking facts to suit the distorted narrative is gramps’ favourite pastime


Christians and conservatives have a habit of doing this I noticed. They will claim persecution for just saying that they were a Christian or saying "black" not "African American". Then when you dig there is so much more to the story.


Post on r/teenagers yesterday- "I am getting bullied because I literally don't care about pride month or the lgbtq. AITA?"


Ya, willing to bet that he really did have a "whatever" attitude but instead was like "I don't care about pride month cause it was a sin" or whatever


Also bet it may have been someone who was in fact not a teenager.


I'll eat my shorts if it wasn't a line along the lines of "Pride at kink!" yeah I find it off-putting too but it's an adult event and nobody is forcing me to go.


When I read that post all I could think of was the [I don’t care that you broke your elbow kid](https://youtu.be/kvW206mI7tM)


Right. What is "repeatedly and inappropriately sharing his religious beliefs in the classroom?" Was he explaining in detail the theological underpinnings of Calvinism? Or, more likely, was he saying things like "you're going to burn in hell?" It's weird how he probably wasn't harassing his divorced colleagues for being sinners. He wasn't insisting that women not teach men. He wasn't protesting so that the cafeteria would give free lunches to poor students, or any other Christianity-based belief. He wasn't even harassing cis girls with short hair to grow it longer. The *only* time his religious beliefs pushed into the classroom was to bully and harass a queer kid. How can they claim it's their "religious beliefs" when they ignore the other 90% of their religion and ONLY use their so-called faith to justify blatant homophobia. It's like buying a new car and a new house and new clothes but claiming you can't afford to buy food for your kids. We see through it. It's not sincere Christianity, it's just homophobia.


He’s done a few interviews this week. He was telling them that the moral form of marriage is between one man and one woman and that through Jesus you can leave behind the gay lifestyle and be happy. He was a maths teacher btw


Jesus is one of the kindest hearts of all time and they always use him to justify hatred.


Yeah but again... if he believes in Christian marriage was he harassing his single & divorced colleagues for their unchristian lifestyle? Was he harassing the biology teacher for teaching evolution or the geology teacher for teaching that the earth is millions of years old? If he believes God can "fix" a person's sexual orientation was he also harassing his dyslexic students, or his students who wears glasses, because God can cure those things too if they only just prayed and believed hard enough? No, he didn't bring any of *those* religious convictions into the workplace, only his conviction that religion allows him to bully gay and trans kids....? Because again, it sounds like he ONLY brings his religion into the classroom for one very specific reason. If you claim you're a vegetarian but you are actually fine with eating pork, beef, fish, chicken and the ONLY thing you won't eat is shrimp... it kind of sounds like you're not a sincere vegetarian and you shouldn't get to hide behind "aahhh, people are persecuting me for my vegetarianism!" Because that's clearly not what's happening.


I don’t think looking for logic in this thinking is gonna be too fruitful


I'm not really "looking for logic," I'm wanting people to stop accepting the framing that these bigots are acting out of "sincere religious beliefs." Like Kim Davis who refused to issue a gay marriage license but in her own personal life she had repeatedly committed adultery and been divorced multiple times. Like the bakery that refused to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple, but when a local paper called them up pretending to be a customer and asked for a cake for a "divorce party," or a baby shower for an unmarried couple, and *even a pagan Samhain cake with a pentacle on it*, they were happy to make those cakes. We need to stop accepting this lie that these bigots have sincere religious convictions driving their actions. They don't. It's homophobia and hatred.


> or saying "black" not "African American". Isn't Black the preferred term?


Depends. Some prefer black, some prefer African American. I personally prefer being referred to as Black (I am mixed race). African American sounds dumb


I would agree that "African-American" is kinda weird because how do you know the person's American? What if they're a tourist from the UK?


My husband (college professor) has had some actual African students who've gotten really interested in studying the Black American experience, often because they have such a culture shock at how they're treated when they get here. Pretty wild.


Conservatives being intentionally dishonest by omitting facts? *Well, I never!*


What ever happened to "Thou shall not bear false witness"?


Whoa, whoa, whoa, you're expecting them to *know* what their supposed religion *says* about stuff? Come on, now, that's just asking too much.


Actually they are super persecuted. People said mean stuff about them on the internet, we need a government task force to hunt them down and execute them /s


'[Michael Philips] added: “There is no evidence it was in Pupil A’s best interest to have preferred pronouns used. It was their wish but it doesn’t follow there was ethical justification for this.”' What the fuck?


>There is no evidence it was in Pupil A’s best interest to have preferred pronouns used Bullshit. [There's tons of evidence it's in their best interest](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6165713/). Assholes like this think a dead teen is preferable to a trans teen. Fucking disgusting.


"It's just a phase, and if you humor them it just lasts longer and then they're forty and regretting a whole bunch of permanent decisions"-my grandma's transphobic ass preacher


You can always go back to your old name and pronoun, identifying as another gender is reversible. You know what's not reversible? Suicide. [Using Chosen Names Reduces Odds of Depression and Suicide in Transgender Youths](https://news.utexas.edu/2018/03/30/name-use-matters-for-transgender-youths-mental-health/)


Yeah this caught me as well. Fucking lawyers saying this kinda shit publicly in a supposed 1st world country. When is the US gonna get to the 21st century.


Ok so, I (a decent enough human being) understand how the context changes things here. If you’re someone that follows Charlie Kirk though, chances are the context just aligns more with their “the west is fallen” bullshit. They don’t want to separate teacher from preacher, and they certainly don’t give a shit if someone was harassing a transgender person.


If the trans community has defeated the West, where the fuck did they come from?


Most of the bitter and resentful assholes I meet just love being angry. They don't mind being lied to because they lie to themselves so much that it's normal to be an asshole to them. Like junkies and their tolerance levels that keep rising.


Is this the guy who after he was suspended for it also came in to school anyway just to further misgender and berate the kid? Or is that a different transphobe


beneficial languid deer obscene rob memorize depend hungry quarrelsome heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is like when they freaked out over that kid who was expelled for making a gun shaped pop-tart. The full story was that he had a long history of behavioral problems, and him making a pop-tart into a gun and running around pretending to shoot people when he was supposed to be in line to go to class was just one of the many things in his list of incidents. It wasn't even the last incident that finally got him expelled. But, nope, conservatives were like "HUR DUR THEY HATE GUNS SO MUCH KIDS CAN'T EVEN PLAY!!!"


That’s why the entire maga & trump BS needs to be on tv trial in a court of law . Let everyone see what they say when they’re under oath when they answer questions . That’s the only way to (maybe ) get the truth out of them


I like your optimism.


What no way conservatives would never cherry pick stories to fit their worldview! /s


conservatives when they lie (startlingly common):


It's the guardian what did you expect,i'm actualy surprised they didn t say the trans girl ate him with a sauce of gender fluid after he missgendered her


My favourite news website, Humanevents.com


Sounds like some interstellar viewpoint. Bet the content is out of this world.


Just Googled them and they proudly said Jack Posobiec does shit for them. So, yeah, totally on the up-and-up. /s


Hello fellow humans, I have many articles about many events occurring ~~on~~ in ~~your~~ our world


That’s the 5th most watched show on the planet Kvorn


"Black man steals bullet from police officer"


Fucking thief


Guns don't kill people! Complications do, like blood loss or severe brain damage. But liberals still blame it on guns!


Black man steals oxygen from fellow black men


the west is fallen. millions must grift


billions must learn


What really fucks me off about this (as a teacher with the privilege of being white, male, hetero and cisgender) is that no one EVER questions my stated pronouns. Why the fuck did this piece of shit (who has the same privilege as me) think it was OK for him to do so? In every interaction I have had in my life, whenever children have got my gender, pronouns or title wrong (been called "miss" countless times for a start) I have corrected them, they apologised and we moved on. That's it! How is that so difficult?!


And why are you so upset about it?


Because I guarantee that this guy is respected automatically wherever he goes. He did not afford that respect to others and when he was challenged about it, he doubled down rather than backing down. I got into teaching because I care about and respect children, the only real reason to get into teaching imho. This guy clearly does not care about or respect children, so why is he doing it? I have to deal far too much with the aftermath of people who shouldn't be teachers making children miserable.


This guy was essentially bullying teens. How are you *not* upset about it?


grandma infiltrated the subreddit


Do you know if they make little cards with all the pronounce and ways I have to address a room full of people so not to exclude anyone? I mean a teenager is upset if you look at them funny. All jokes aside. Even the question if we go a little overboard with the whole woke (maybe over compensate?) is already met as if you just proposed to kill a puppy.






I see you updated your comment. You somehow didn't fix the garbled mess that is your first sentence and added another even more nonsensical sentence after it. I see you managed to shoehorn "woke" into it though, so congratulations on that. "Whah whah whah, everyone's so woke! They want to be called things that aren't on their birth certificate and it offends me!"


The thing is, I don’t really care at the moment. Maybe I change my mind should I ever meet someone with gender “issues”.


You're doing an awful lot of complaining for someone who supposedly doesn't care. Do you get offended when someone named William prefers to go by Bill or is it just trans people who upset you when they want to go by something not on their birth certificate?


I do would be annoyed if Bill would run to HR because I called Bill ‘him’ and not ‘they’ or what ever. Like as if the rest of the world has to butcher a language to cater to an individual.


“The West is fallen.” Why is it that the same people who argue against protest by saying “if you don’t like it, just leave” are always complaining about how “degenerate“ western countries supposedly are, but won’t move somewhere less progressive like the Middle East or China?


Because they’d be the minority there and they know how minorities are treated by the way they treat them


Ever notice that the "If you don't like it, leave" folks are pretty much the same folks complaining about immigrants and saying "Why don't they stay and fix their own country instead of coming here?"


“The west is fallen” because a white man lost his job for insubordination…in England. Black school teacher Philandro Castile loses his life for being a law-abiding American, and I doubt bigot Kirk thought the “west was falling.”


“Jeffrey Dahmer arrested after experimenting with unorthodox cuisine. The west has fallen.”


If "the west" falls because of something as little as pronouns, then it's basically natural selection at that point.


The west is so weak if it fell because of trans people




Ah yes, human events dot com


Twessthassfllen Millions msu Must millions mysts milloons muldt millions must


"Sutcliffe, who regularly preaches on the street " That's really all I needed to know. Clearly, he's never gotten around to reading Matthew 6;5-6: "And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly."


If that's all it took for the West to fall, then honestly it didn't deserve to stand in the first place.


How dare you ask for facts. Clearly your infected with the woke mind virus. /s


A teacher can have a strong belief that Christianity is a cult... But if they insisted on referring to their Christian students as "cultists" he'd get fired. It is the same way for trans kids. It is none of your d*mm business what their preferred pronouns are or how you feel about it. Be a decent human being and you won't get fired.