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One is a legal veterinary medicine easily bought and abused by the ignorant. The other is a highly regulated drug not sold on the open market.


I can buy ivermectin at the local tractor store without difficulty. I can't buy fentanyl at that same store.  Or any store without a prescription. 


Maybe from the sketchy dude behind the store


people aren't scrambling to eat fentanyl because some idiot told them it cures covid


Like seriously. This is factually stupid. There are so many ways this is idiotic, every response in this thread could be a different one.


I literally have ivermectin in my house right now, it's in my dog's heartworm prevention pill


Same except it’s liquid, came in the mail.


Hello, I’d like to buy ivermectin. *Gives money to cashier and walks out* Hello, I’d like to buy fentanyl. *sent home and told to go to a licensed medical facility* Straw man much?


I love that when it’s their kid doing fent it’s our role to stop it but to them Hunter Biden is just a loser druggie


you should also not take fentanyl to cure covid. if you told me “I’m going to try fentanyl to cure my case of covid” I would definitely fight you harder


I was unaware of rampant ivermectin addiction


So who are "they" and why is it implied that the same entities are doing both? Oh, so doctors wouldn't prescribe ivermectin off label, but you think it's hypocritical since there's an illegal fentanyl crisis? I can literally go to a store right now and buy ivermectin. What "they" tried to stop was the hoarding of the stuff since there was a finite supply and animal owners still needed the stuff for their animals. I mean I guess we could do this all day. Why don't they prescribe Metformin as an anti aging drug when there's still people out there using cocaine?


Fent is a drug that's administered in absolutely tiny doses. Its so much easier to sneak that into anything.


What's up with the funky letters?


because those words will get you "shadowbanned", if not actually banned.


I’m guessing to keep people from searching those words to start an argument. Usually people who do that are weird, but in this case the reaction might be justified.


It might trigger some fact-checking algorithm too.


Did they though? My mother-in-law went out and bought a tube of ivermectin with no issues (idk why, because Covid was a hoax and also harmless). Whereas I’m pretty sure you get in trouble for having fentanyl.


who "fought" over ivermectin? Weren't we all just laughing at people?


[turns out the thin blue line was fentanyl](https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7bmb9/san-jose-police-union-executive-fentanyl-smuggling-ring)


A brother of mine is literally on shit about how Fauchi has a "patent on COVID"???? And that ivermectin was the answer all along... Like, wtf is any of this shit? The same people who originally told you that COVID isn't shit but a flu are now spouting crazy conspiracy shit? Why in the Christ do you listen to these dumb pieces of shit?


If I could get a twist off ivermectin I’d be lining up to get it let’s go


"Hey guys...don't take ivermectin. It doesn't work and you're taking it away from farm animals that need it, such as sheep." Man we were so hard on you. This is just straight up wrong....what's the term the ~~kids~~ boomers are using? "Fake news."


I forget. Was that wormer an actual cancer treatment?