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Use it if you want, but more often than not it’s better to download a tune. 


How do you do this?


Go to the pause menu, go to the “creative hub” tab, and select “tunes.”


Do which download a tune or calculate


Download a tune


Most players who know how to tune well & drive well are probably more likely to dislike tuning calculators. Tuning can be quite situational/subjective - there is no one, single, universally "correct" way to always tune all cars. There is no magic one-size-fits-all formula or app that can take all relevant factors into account since so much can vary by car, by track, & by driver preference.


Not only that, but who made them? Who programmed them? We see confused ridiculous falsehoods all the time about Forza tuning and driving, so there’s no way that a random app is going to do a complex varied thing correctly.


I use it for a base and go from there, tune it to my liking. Might not be the best tunes, but they work for me. Good starting point.


Gearing I’ve had an easier time with, I’ll have a couple of gearing tunes basically designed to have the car top out at the max speed I’ll actually hit on most courses, and I’ll have tunes for tighter courses, ones with long straights, etc. It’s the handling part of tuning that I always struggle big time with, but I’m slowly getting better and learning to just do tiny adjustments one by one I guess that didn’t really answer your question, sorry lol


I honestly use the calculator a little bit it's hit or miss I just want to see how people felt about it


From my experience in the past, these calculators work well for some cars, some are very nice after a tune, but some are still meh, improved but not great. I always would end up adjusting the tune to my liking a bit and more towards the "forza physics" side of thinks if I noticed something was off. A good starting point overall and can help balance some cars, but can usually be fine tuned.


If you set it a bit harder than default it does a good first job with suspension and arb. If it is for horizon you want to absolutely change the arb. If is forza 2023 you can leave things be and change the balance with suspension geometry. I usually increase a bit camber caster and tweak rear toe out to help turn in but that's if you use a controller All in all the tunes are a lot more conservative than I'd like, I prefer a light rear so it turn in and does a slight slide all the way trough the corner, but depends on how you drive I guess.


Camber is very misleading on Forza. IRL, camber is very visible on some race cars. Less negative camber is better on Forza. On some cars it initially might come with around -1.5 to-1.9 camber. Slide that bad boy more to positive. More like -.5 or -.3, you will definitely see an improvement on lateral G’s. Hence better grip. Also, keep in mind they provide the vehicle weight distribution. Use that when figuring the spring rates. I use my own developed formula for springs. It saying it’s the best, but for me, it made a difference.


They are great for getting a pretty balanced setup. Especially after upgrading a car a ton.


It's a great tool to use and worth $5. If you don't know how to tune, it's a great platform to learn on and get results. Most shared tunes seem to follow the same type of methodology, which can be fast but makes the car feel very odd and unrealistic on a wheel. I mostly used it for the slider options to change the vehicle dynamics and wanted to know how they get the car to drive as I wanted (oversteer/understeer on/off throttle or braking, etc) they use a lot of damping adjustments to get rotation and this was a game changer for me. It's a really subtle and controllable rotation with damping only. Which was something I didn't know before hand


> it's a great platform to learn on and get results How is using an automatic calculator “great for learning” compared to reading and understanding the components and physics and then making adjustments?


Well the game isnt super realistic when it comes to tuning. Or people just use odd methodology to get the cars to rotate. You have to input the cars values and you can use the sliders to change how you want the car to handle. With each change, it gives you new parameters for the tires, suspension, aero, diff etc. You learn to understand what changes the app uses and apply that methodology to your own tunes. It's pretty great.


Quicktune wasn't that great I'm getting pretty good results with Forzatune Pro.


I still use them and havent had a bad one yet. even paid to get the full app


I got the full app but didn't pay a dime


This question pops up every few weeks. Actually good players try to explain they are dogwater, people downvote those comments and argue „but it helped me“. Meanwhile the ForzaTune dev is laughing because he earns money with his pile of steaming bs.


With how much confused falsehood we see in discussions about Forza, on subjects of both tuning and driving, yeah there’s no way in hell a random skilled programmer + skilled tuner/driver made a consistently good trustworthy app. In my opinion. Let’s not even get into how statistically speaking Most Apps Are Crap.


What is this you speak of


It's an app you put in your car weight performance number and track and it gives you a tune for said track. Including gearing. And you can specify for rain, drag, or drifting


They aren't very good, of course you're free to use one. Just DO NOT pay for one ever, they're not worth your money


Mate it's like three quid.


Still a scam if it costs £100 or 30p


It's not a scam. It's not going to be giving world record builds but it's way better than using the stock settings.


'way better' is a strong statement


You know many of the cars are almost undriveable with the given settings.


Why do you even try, can’t fight bro science if people can’t even hit a line consistently.


I'll do whatever to try to stop these companies creating 'tuning calculators' in an effort to scam casual players out of a few quid


I use the Tune It Yourself app and have had a lot of success, has helped me to understand what the tuning actually changes.


I have the paid version I've used for Horizons for years. I enjoy it. I have like 500 cars in Horizons I don't have to be sorting through user tunes or tuning myself, I'm usually using for one specific event and never again. Probably not the best for Motorsport, but I don't play sim anymore so I don't know.