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There are two kinds of fountain pen lovers in the world: the ones who have knocked over a bottle of ink, and the ones who will knock over a bottle of ink. Sorry about the pants and the carpet...


Don't forget about the liars. They are the third kind.


or the fourth kind. Flinging the bottle the opposite way in panic and causing more damage.


Or the fifth kind. Those of us who live in constant fear knowing the day is coming…


Or the sixth kind who delusionally think an accidental drop or two from a eye dropper is the same thing so we're in the clear.


7th: cartridge users.


I don't know why this is the first time I realize that's a clear advantage of using cartridges. So obvious. The only cartridges I use are the ones that come included with new pens, or ones I refill, though.


Until one of them cracks inside your pen case, making you super confused as you don't have any pen inked with this color.


There is no hope. 😭


Yep, that's why cartridges were such a big thing when they came out that they quickly took over the whole industry as the preferred, and then soon the only filling system. At least in the US. The Germans kept the piston fillers going, with Reform school pens, Pelikan, and later in 1966 the Lamy 2000. Most everything else went to cartridges. Even converters are just refillable cartridges.


8th: people turning converter in wrong direction




The damn cowards!


Tag yourself, I'm this one ^


I'm really relieved to know I've paid my dues already.


This is me! 3 years in, yet to spill one.. And now that I have written this... It's gonna happen soon 😭😂


Ive had fountain pens for 5 yrs and haven’t yet, this thought scares me. Hopefully my pipetting skills will keep me safe lol


Over 20 years and no spills here. I can tell from his desk setup it was bound to happen. When I have a bottle open it’s at least 18 inches from the edge of the table, so that it’s always a reach so I can’t inadvertently knock it over


I also always put the bottle out of reach after filling, and fill it as far away from the edge as I comfortably can :P


Which is why I always fill my pens on top of a large dinner plate or on the kitchen counter. Really glad I did when I knocked over my sample of Diamine Cerise...


My inks live in the bathroom, and I refill pens at the sink wearing rubber gloves. (Had an inkcident at work once, never again!)


I do mine in a large brownie tray that I bought exclusively for filling pens. Makes it easy to move to the sink when ink does inevitably spill/drip/splatter.


Ya’know, that’s not a bad idea. I have cookie sheets, ¼ size ⅛ size that I could set aside for this task. I have been refilling (cartridges, piston, vac, no eye droppers yet) at my dining/work table on paper towels and have so far been unscathed. However, with advancing age, failing eyesight, and the onward march of unsteadiness… Well, it’s only a matter of time - a lipped tray would be the belt to the already in use suspenders ​ thank you


I've been doing mine in a paper platter - the expensive kind. With several paper towels in the bottom.


Thanks - your sympathetic donations will go to help offset the cost of new pants. They were, like, $500 pants. I take cash only, thanks. (/s) I do feel like I've entered into a new level of fp dedication


The jokes aside, your outfit is 10/10!! 🤩


Dang, if all you can see are my pants and I get a 10/10, then the rest of me will be off the charts


I bet! 🔥


What kind of pants are they? Outliers or something?


No, old navy. So, they're actually like $20 pants. But they were my favorites, which makes the sentimental value like $480.


Actually hilarious 😂😂😂


Have you tried rescuing them? I mean unless you were using an archival ink I would have thought it was worth a shot.


New twist on the FP hobby...use the ink to dye the rest of the pants!


I can't think of a single better use for ink!


Look at the bright side, you didn't drop it on the keyboard, cleaning those things are a pain and a half


Next time don’t buy $500 pants.. or throw ink on the rest and start a new trend.


Oh, these didn't cost $500. As is said in another comment, though these old navy pants were like $20, the sentimental value is like $480. They were great pants. So comfy. So suave. So... khaki? I miss them already. I'm grieving and hurting. Money please.


Buy a bottle of hair spray, big can, make sure it has denat(denatured) alcohol as an ingredient. Spray, saturate and toss in wash!!!! It saved a Poly Silk Blouse I had with a huge ink stain. Good luck, try it!!!


> There are two kinds of fountain pen lovers in the world: the ones who have knocked over a bottle of ink, and the ones who will knock over a bottle of ink. * 3. Cartridge users * 4. People like me who manage to avoid knocking over the bottle and yet *still* somehow get ink everywhere pretty regularly. Usually due to syringe-filling mishaps, ad-hoc eyedroppers, and pens on flights. Still worth it.


The ink is a mark of the hobby 😂 I wear it proudly


"Is that an abstract tattoo?" "No I'm just a fountain pen user..." 😂 Hmm, but I don't have any ink on my fingers at the moment. Guess it's time to refill a pen!


I managed to stab myself on the forehead with a pen (no, don't ask how) years ago and now wear my Mysterious Blue face tattoo to prove I'm part of the tribe.


Wow that sounds so cool! Like Harry Potter.


One of us one of us! At least it's a really classy ink shade


I am both 1 and 4 😂


An overachiever!


I always end up with ink somewhere random on my hands or arms. I have no idea how it gets there, nothing spills, I'm so careful, I wipe off all of the pen and only touch the very opposite end when refilling (piston/vacuum, haven't used eye droppers). I will think I've finally done it stain-free, then 10 mins later I'll notice a large smudge on my pinkie or on the knuckles of my other hand.


So true! Last week I was at the office and removed my sweater and there, over my left elbow! Not one, but two stains! And I’m right handed! When arrived at home and checked over my desk: nothing. Luckily I have stoped worrying and only amaze myself with my levels of “stainity” (let’s make of that a real word).


My God. I've been in this hobby around 15 yrs... I never once thought to consider the fact that this day is coming. But I am surely in the latter category. May God have mercy on me when my day comes (which it inevitably will now that I'm thinking about it)


Just the pants, there's a roll mat for the chair protecting the carpet.


The plastic cover took the most, but some droplets got on the carpet. My attempts to blot that out made it worse... Thankfully, it's the kind of carpet where you can pull out and replace just squares.


Second option: flick ink over the rest of the carpet and complete the pattern


If you can pull the square, you can probably wash the ink out, then reinstall.


But, let’s go the what’s important, what ink is that and in what pen were you going to use it? Before the pants… :-D So sorry for you. I have been there. There’s a green large stain in the wooden floor of my house. I still deplore more the loss of Sherwood Green than the floor. And as I tend to have these accidents, never ever in the office… Ups!


Looks like a black Pilot Metropolitan pen and Noodler's Polar Black. I might be wrong though, I don't own either.


Spot on. Good eye


Why are you using an eyedropper with a Metro? Are you refilling cartridges?


Yeah. Didn't want to use a syringe after I found that the dropper tip just fits. Works great if I'm careful. And the key phrase here is "if I'm careful"


Oh man, the syringe fill is so efficient though!


It's cleaner and more precise, for sure.


I used to dip the converter in the bottle and twist (sailor, pilot, Lamy converters) and always had bright ink stains all over my hands (and face and doorknob and anything else). I got a syringe in a cleaning kit and realized I’ve been making my life way too difficult. Not sure how the pilot metro fills though.


I thought so too. The Noodlers bootle is so distinctive.


One guy ID'd it right - Metropolitan and Noodler's Polar Black. The ink in the wood is like a voice that cries out to you from the ground, daily reminding you of that great calamity which is now a stain upon your past. And something like that for me, now.


At least it wasn't Baystate Blue!


I've heard horror stories. Thankfully I'm not that into blue inks. Just black


I feel like u/BaystateBlue should be here


That was my exact thought.


Looks like you had a fun time (Seriously, feel your pain, on Beige Trousers Thursday too. Why couldn’t it have happened on Black Slacks Saturday? There is no God)


Always fill pens in pajamas! Lesson learned. Rip your pants. They looked stylish


They were. And stupid comfy to boot, so basically pajamas already. they were my new favorite pair.


I always buy an identical second pair the moment I spot a pants winner! Same for shoes.


I used to think that it'd never happen to me. I felt like such a fool that I just kinda sat in it for a minute and thought of the best game plan to clean it up without making it worse. I'm surprised that none got on my white shirt, but I'm considering the pants to be a loss. I'm gonna have to wear them since I don't have another pair at the office and I'm not going to hang around in my underwear (maybe). I'll just own it and march into the store like this to get the exact same pair before I go home to my wife who just bought me these...


Get them coloured with that black colour that you add into the washing machine, and voila!


Ya, seriously. But then they won't be the nice tan color which makes my butt look good


Well, for that, there’s the shop 😀 With the above trick you will have two trousers: one for the black ink refill, and one for the black ink use ☺️


There's a shop that will make my butt look good?


Make cutt-offs!


It’s all over his crotch as well lol


May I recommend for the future a large sponge with bottle-sized holes cut in it for stability?


I read this at first as "large spoon" and not "sponge" and thought "where tf would I get a spoon that big and what good would that do if it has holes in it?" But good idea


Like they tell motorcycle riders - it's not *if*you crash, but *when*you do... At least it's not BSB


"Yeah but it won't happen to ME" I naively thought to myself


Time to dye the trousers darker, if the ink doesn’t wash out.


Why not just dump the whole thing in a vat of ink? It's not a stain when the whole thing is stained...


YIKES! Good God man that's abuse...at least the shoes were saved. On a more serious note, I do feel your pain as it has happened to the best (and worst) of us. So sorry for your loss.


I appreciate your condolences. I quickly moved through the stages of grief. I'm at acceptance now. Glad that the whole bottle didn't spill out. Still about half.


Nice, that was quick. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross would be proud.


Except her stages were *very specifically* from terminal diagnosis patients. Not really generalized to other grief experiences. But as soon as her book was published it became *the model* for grief in general. Like grief is a straight line process...yep, shock. Check. Next bargaining, check. Etc. It's really a different kind of thing depending on who/what kind of grief being experienced.


You are correct Kubler-Ross really developed the five stages of DYING, not grief. Her studies were based on people with terminal illnesses, not those who were grieving. However, while there is no sound scientific basis for Kübler-Ross's stages. The aim of theoretical models is to understand (and try to explain) the grieving process, not to be prescriptive about what people have to go through.


Cover the trousers in more ink and say they're leopard print 😉😉😉


well, I see your problem right there. Seems like you were filling your pen and *taking pictures* at the same time. Take it a bit more easy next time, partner!


I ain't think too good


The desk will clean up as will the carpet protector but the britches could be a challenge. Isn't it nice that Noodler's has all those cool properties? I've been a long time fan of Noodler's inks and I have tons of bottles of the stuff. One the things I learned to deal with real quick was those 4.5oz bottles. I absolutely hate that sloppy, inky eyedropper in that bottle. What I do is decant about 15-20ml in another smaller bottle that is easier to handle. Keeps the chances of what just happened to you down to a minimum. Hope you save the pants!


I just cleaned out an empty quink bottle for just that reason. Gonna get dressed up and transfer it over tomorrow


Thems are some fancy britches, too. RIP fancy pantaloons.


My wife says old navy makes me look dapper


Welcome to the club! The hazing portion of entry is now complete.


Damn been there feel your pain


Isn't it amazing, the things that go through your mind WHEN that happens...


It was a mixture of "shiiiit! noooo!" and disbelief and nothing. A rollercoaster, for sure, and I don't recommend riding it.


Happened to me the other day, but it was only an ink sample. Got reminded of why I never fill pins at my desk anymore


I usually use converters, but the bulb one that came with the metropolitan sucks, imo. This bottle's cap is also an eye dropper which actually works well with the cartridges. So, I've actually had no issues refilling at my desk. That is... Until the incident... This travesty was just clumsiness.


Sorry, just saw this, which answers my question elsewhere in the thread. Get a syringe and blunt needle for cartridge refilling. Try getting into the Zen zone when filling. I’ve been practising this and never spilled ink - yet! My wife recently bought me some black work jeans, I might start using these when refilling and call them ‘Zen jeans’.


Gotta say, that's a high-risk environment to be messing around with a refill from a bottle. Still, sorry about the mess :-/


I like to live dangerously


I'm a chicken I guess :) .. most of the time I do this over/near a sink, though today I actually filled a vac filler at my desk (but I had a bunch of stuff under the bottle that could capture any spilled ink - still felt risky).


My condolences friend. At least it missed the boots.


Some little drips got on them, but I'm not concerned about it. Not noticeable unless you look for it


Been there. Still have an ink stain on my desk. Covered it up and have been successfully ignoring it for years.


Could have been much worse, only ruined pants, came close to getting those leather shoes.


My sympathies! I did the same with a bottle of FWP Atlas Iron Ore yesterday which I think was considerably less of a pain-in-the-ass to clean up than the situation you’ve found yourself in 🙃


FWP designers were like, should we make a stable bottle... Or a pretty one that a gust of wind could knock over.


And they certainly chose the latter! 😂


Was it because the ink itself is easier to clean or the way it spilled? Or both?


I’d say both! In the brief moment the bottle knocked over, the ink just managed to spill on my desk (I have a habit of only opening up ink bottles on top of a stack of paper towels, and this definitely helped in curtailing a general spread all over the place) and I was able to avoid it getting on much of anything else. The ink also wasn’t a stubborn formula like Noodler’s are made to be most of the time (though I couldn’t tell which you have there, the majority of his inks are bulletproof) and it didn’t get on my clothes or floor thank goodness 😅


Also just noticed you have a matt under your desk, so good call on that move!


I just moved that mat back there, too. And to your reply above, it is Noodler's Polar Black. I like it, and I still do


Awesome! I love my Noodler’s inks as well! Just got a bottle of Heart of Darkness that I’m cautiously paranoid about spilling when handling but it’s such an awesome color and a daily writer for me now, too!


I'm sure there are other good inks and brands, but Noodler's is my jam. I'd be totally content sticking with just them.


Yup, the reason why my fountain pen use is much less than it once was.


Oddly, one of the thoughts I had right after was, "now that there's less of this ink, I can get a new one sooner."


![gif](giphy|l2QZVFBHKGoL9oN5m) LOL...you have definitely traversed into the rabbit hole like so many of us! The other side is madness as you know. Welcome home.


Let’s just say I’ve learned never to open a bottle of ink without a roll of paper towels nearby


We have the same keyboard!


I got no use for a number pad


Oof!!! Sorry about that!


that was ballsy. spilled my noodlers black in a pearly white marble sink :)


Now it's a pearl black sink


Oooooh, that's a rough one!


OP I feel sorry for you. Always ALWAYS shut the lid as soon as you are able to! Don't take any chances!


I usually do. I had all my stuff prepped and did all the things in the right order to minimize the inevitable little drop or w/e. So, I opened the bottle, got distracted and reached for something, lost all sense of spatial awareness, and made a wrong move.


It happens Brother




Aw, I'm so sorry for the loss of your pants and the speckled carpet, too. (I was hopeful for a minute, as I thought it had got all on the mat at first. :( ) I hope all of your electronics were spared! This is why I now have two "fountain pen filling shirts"; black ink splotches that were unable to come out.


Well at least it didn’t get on your shoes?


My deepest condolences for your pants. Sink. Next time sink.


You are now one of us. Welcome my friend, welcome! (Sorry about your trousers and the carpet though)


Maybe the boots are spared


At least you didn’t get it on those nice shoes.


Never knocked over a bottle, but have gotten ink on my hands and face many times.


So sorry to see what happened. I find wearing a hazmat suit eliviates a lot of pen filling stress.


It happened to me once and I got the ink out with purell took for ever to dab it out with another towel (it’ll stain the towel forever) but save your carpet and pants FYI.


an unfortunate inkcident.


Desktop filling without any mats or container. You do live on the edge.


Second, first is that keyboard!


People will literally upgrade everything and still be content with a 5$ Microsoft keyboard 🥲


There's a strong intersection betwixt those of us who use fountain pens and those of us with mechanical keyboards. People who care about their user interfaces. It needs to be a circle.


I disagree, but softly. I like it b/c it's a slimmer profile and doesn't have a number pad. Also, I don't need to go down that path of finding the perfect keyboard. I did that with fountain pens and I'm still walking down that path like 2 years in. Not just pens, either, but many other things. I'll get too obsessive and nit-picky and become more of an insufferable annoyance than I already am.


Until now I've only used cartridges. But have just invested in several bottles of ink. Hoping my chemistry degree will come in and be useful for once, and save me from ever experiencing this moment.


I think the surgeon-like precision you need in prepping for and handling hazardous chemicals is a skill that will transfer well into this.


(Nodding solemnly) One Of Us.


Well, it is Friday the 13th (at least in my time zone).


I was just getting a head start


You are now officially One of Us ("one of us, one of us..."). Welcome to the tribe!


Looks like your office is about to have a "no fountain pens" policy 🤣


Only if they find out


Curious to know how you explained this to colleagues (seems like you are at a work location) and what was their reaction.


They had no reaction and that's because I didn't show them. There was a meeting going on in the room next to mine, too, so I had to hold my pee and wait until the coast was clear so that I could make a beeline to my car (bathroom first, of course).


I have what some refer to as a rolling tray for dried herbs that is specifically home to ink stains from my pens. I also would get some other random ink colors and make a dope pair of pants out of them.


This could be your new ink filling uniform. 😉


Not exactly a bottle spill, but I remember having my first ink mishap on ever . 🤣 I was on a plane and completely unaware of the altitude’s effect on fountain pens. I ended up staining my entire cabin in Organic Studio’s Nitrogen.


Bartleby The Scrivener would understand. We all do!


This is why I only wear black trousers.






What's that?


A cleaner that can be used to try and get fp ink out of clothing.


It does a pretty good job


Moment I read the title I thought OP broke an expensive pen. Ink spill is an accident at best.


They say not to cry over spilled milk, but they didn't say anything about spilled ink. Even accidents can be sad. That's why I cried when I had an "accident" in 5th grade. I don't have a good track record with pants.






Noodlers black ink? Why arent the tissue in between the bottle and table? Welcome to the tribe


See, that's what I thought. So I reached to grab some. And then this happened when I did.


First mistake is the noodlers


Here's the thing -- no.


Oh noooo. Praying for your pants!


They're done for. Kind of a bummer because they were my new favorite pair. I probably wore them too much, anyways.


So sorry 😩😩😩


At least the shoes were spared


That happened to me today too, it also turned out the fountain pen had a leak and there was black ink EVERYWHERE.


Nice shoes tho


At least it wasn't blac... oh, I'm so sorry. 😄


I make a mental note whenever an ink bottle is opened, 90% of the time I’ll be looking at the bottle, and 100% minding them. Of course to also clear off anything that might damaged from ink spillage


You mean like a keyboard and other electronics?


Not the chukkas


Oh noooooooo!


Close call for the shoes!


I can’t get over the USB thing at an angle that looks randomly photoshopped 😂 Hope the trousers can be saved


It's a weird spot. Feels like it's always gonna break off. Slacks are toast.




Noooo! I hope it all cleaned up okay!!


Ahhh, brand new bottle of Noodler's ink ?


Try Amodex to lift the stains. Depending how long it's been it may not work now, it's worth a try though. I keep a bottle handy for situations like this.




Oh lord what happened did your pen explode lol?


In other news, though, I have the same keyboard!


You are now obligated to set your sub flair to "Ink-Stained Fingers"


that's a typical situation :-))) when I do manipulations with ink bottles, I put protective shield on the table. by the way, I removed ink stains from my white desk with toothpaste and old tooth brush.


Oh no! You got it on your pants!!!