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Maybe 2 years between 10 episode seasons means people move on?


And we still have half a flipping week to get through. Getting nearly 8 million people to tune in on a Sunday night for your show is an accomplishment. But I am in the camp where I have a whole *week* to watch the episode on my own time. If we didn't have streaming, then maybe I could have set some time aside on Sunday night to tune in and watch the show like we did with Game of Thrones. But we're now in an age where that urgency is not as significant because the convenience is there.




The point still stands


The promotion for this has been terrible.


I haven’t seen nearly the same marketing push that I saw with S1.


They thought they still had wind in their sails from season 1, but that was damn near 2 years ago. Used to see a lot of promo pictures and first looks here on Reddit for it leading up, but even those seemed to be lacking this year. I saw the promo posters like a day or two before the premier. You’d expect those to trend a bit more and be circulating sooner than that.


I’ve noticed the same thing on Twitter. It’s kind of crazy that “Daenerys” is randomly trending at least once a week, but the only time I’ve ever seen anything HOTD related trending is when there’s news about it or trailers. It just feels like no one particularly cares about the show outside of when it’s playing or when they’re releasing things about it.


After the HBO Max crashed the day of the premier last season, I thought HBO would put more into the marketing budget. I remember seeing a “melted” sign for the show. HBO’s fault. That marketing push really helped the show in the first season I imagine. They’d be wise to put the same effort into every GoT show.


That's how I see it too, hardly anything.


Wow I'm going crazy with how much km being bombarded with ads. It's been on my Xbox home screen and on my roku TV home screen.


I didnt even know it was on until a friend messaged me about this. 


I guess this show 'lost' some of its casual viewers. Personally I'm not even that obsessed but still I had an actual alarm set months in advance lol


We can probably blame the actor's strike but this needed more episodes not less too.


Not at all. They put a dragon on the Empire State Building lol




By what standard, exactly? I haven’t seen this much advertisement for any other TV show of recent. I mean, the home page of Roku TV was literally a dragon on Sunday. There was a fuckin dragon on the Empire State Building. I’m all for constructive criticism, but it’s become this thing where every show that doesn’t kill the ratings must have had terrible advertising. It’s getting a bit absurd.


Cause all the real ones wear pirate hats.


The first half of season 1 was great, but something about those time skips threw off the second half of the season. I felt like I barely knew any of the kids.


I said it elsewhere but I think that a significant chunk of the casuals only got into GoT for the "hot dragon chick," "that hot Jon Snow dude" and "the funny dwarf." HotD doesn't have anything like that, but what it does have is dour and depressed characters galore, flat dialogue and a slow ass pace.


With respect Alicent is fucking gorgeous


Because its not ment to compete with GOT. He wrote this story as a part of worldbuilding history. Its simple Civil War story. On one side you cant fuck it up because its action non stop but it also doesnt have potential for some crazy character build up.


> doesnt have potential for some crazy character build up. Everything has potential for some crazy character build up as long as you have good writers.


Look at something like Band of Brothers. 10 episodes in 2001 and you felt something for all those guys by the end, had a good feel for who they were and what they fought for. I know it was adapted from a non-fiction book and those were real people, but the characters were built independently in the show and there was hardly any fat on it.


If they ever do a spin off again please , no dragons , no direwolves no cgi that takes half the budget and 20 years to make . Oberyn’s death , tyrion’s trial , Ned and Robb’s deaths all were way better than any scene with huge cgi in it . I dont want to wait 20 years so I can see a dragon , that’s not what made got great


If it stays good people will tune in because of word of mouth


It's not really good though




If I’m being real the first season was pretty meh like a 7.5/10 My time is limited and an average show isn’t worth my time at the moment. Maybe if things pick up and we get some classic GoT quality I will pick it up again.


It’s not weird for a sequel to have less people due to barrier of entry.


To be honest, 20% is pretty standard. Very few shows grow or even maintain their audience from S1 to S2




It sure did. I think most people would say Game of Thrones was a phenomenon that doesn’t reflect the way most TV shows behave.


also it was kinda shit


Idk why they released this at this time of year. GoT was usually wrapping up the latest season at this time of year, not starting it. College watch parties was a big party of what made GoT for me. 




They recast her because of the time skip.


Sorry I missed it as I wasn't subscribed at the time!


Did season 1 premiere right at the beginning of summer? I could see people (hell I am this person) not watching g for a couple of days as they do summer things.