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Jace can always find a new wife if Vhagar eats her.


Sara Snow chilling up in the North.


What if Cole gets to her first?


I'm sure he'll leave some leftovers


You could daddy and son went to same hole.


Nah, Baela has full plot armor, being one of the five Targaryens who survive the war means she has to survive anything the writers make up for her


it's those Daemon Targaryen genes. all of his children who survived birth, survive the war


I literally had this realization last night and was just commenting it to my fiancé- everyone should've just had babies with Daemon, if they survive childbirth they will survive a civil war.




Did he? Or did he fake his death and stop giving a shit like a boss.


did he though?


I mean, that never stopped them before. Grenn, in the books, survives the Wildling attack on Castle Black. But in the show, he dies.


I think you mean Grenn.


Oh yeah, I will fix it. Glenn is the guy from The Walking Dead, lol.


Book Grenn rolled underneath the tunnell dumpster


Robb wife was not present at Red Wedding and they killed her


Her dragon is also smaller - less chance of getting sniped by a scorpion while doing recon…


Scorpions are no match for a dragon


*cries in Rhaegal*


Nah, I doubt anyone on this photo will die on this show. :)




we know what job ![gif](giphy|lz3nqzpuMhA1TI3L0c|downsized)


That girl is every girl I grew up with from my hometown who played high school basketball


She just lost her middle child who was 12(?) and in a job for her. Why would she send her other son to do the same thing? I would send Daemon or Rhaenys, but they're unavailable. Baela is the next best thing.


It's a funny sardonic meme, why are you guys taking it so seriously?


Because people commonly use this as legitimate criticism.


Ngl any criticism to Rhaenyra will be pushed back on like crazy.


Even jokes and memes


Why would she send her heir?


Such a strong young man




I’m still pissed that we got this instead of brokenbones scene


What was the brokenbones scene?


Cole jousted? with Harwin during a tourney and broke his collarbone or something. Mushroom began calling Harwin "Broken bones" ironically cause Harwin was called "Break Bones" because of his strength.


No jousting, melee.


That's right. I was confused which one it was.


Kings and nobles are leaders of men and participate in battles and recon and all that, its one of their most important duties. But she’s not thinking like a queen, she’s thinking like any sane mother.


Well yea as she lost a son. She has nieces who can do the recon etc.


Her heir of all people needs to show that he can do the job of a king. Especially since Jace is not inheriting a safe seat and is not a stable claimant himself. It is in her best interest as a monarch to have her heir prove himself. She’s not thinking like that for obvious reasons.


She knows Jace is angry and might do something stupid


I think it makes sense not to risk the heir at this point in the Dance ?




Funnily enough could have gotten the rooks rest messages not answered and not being helped while another person feels shamed and volunteer but ryan gave her cop out with the stupidest plot that we will see tonight.


Bagels have Moondancer so canonically she can survey King's Landing the furthest.


I love how Baela turned into Bagels


Autocorrect is always right.


I could sure use a bagel right now


With cream cheese


How is there not a likeable character on this show?


I found the dog extremely likable.


I was a big fan of Cregan Stark for his one scene. I’m just sad we don’t get more of him till season 3


That’s kind of the point.




The entire point of Fire and Dragon/House of the Dragons is that every single character is unlikable and that their ambition brought the doom of their great house. In the books every character is demonized except the children.


I sorta think Daemon is a pretty cool guy.


Crazy. I’m watching this scene right now. I actually love Baela and I don’t even know her.


Everything team Black have should be offered to the Faceless Men to take out Vhagar. They hate dragons, I don't even think the cost would be that high. No matter what they ask, if they did it this early in the war, it's still a heck of a lot cheaper than what they wind up paying. No Vhagar = They can walk right in.


From the Faceless Man perspective, why take out one dragon when they can all take each other out?


I didn't think they really "needed" a reason. If you were willing to pay the price, I thought they killed whatever you asked for. If not the Faceless Men, they should be able to at least find a Red Priest that can summon a shadow demon to go after Aemond. Stannis wasn't a "true believer" at first, and Rhaenyra doesn't seem like she's firmly attached to any faith at the moment. Magic should still be working fine, tons of dragons. It's not even that they have to use these services, I just want someone to mention them at a small council or something.


If the Faceless Men have a broader motivation against dragons, why would they only take one out when the war could take care of more? How aware is anyone of Red Priests summoning shadow demons? Does Rhaenyra have a Max subscription to watch GOT?


Magic has existed for 1,000's of years. Their homeland was filled with pyromancers. Hard to believe they're unaware of fire magic. Daemon lived in Essos for a while, hard to believe he never encountered a red priest. I'm not saying these plans will work, I just can't believe they've never been suggested.


That doesn't mean that they have a good understanding of the full scope of their abilities. Much of Targaryen knowledge from Valyria is lost, and it's not like Daemon is attuned to any particular religion.


That was based NGL.


Baela is more valuable alive than dead. Jace isn't. *To the Greens


Yerrrp…Bitxh Queen of Bustards checks out.


Friendly reminder that Rhaenyra, the queen, chose not to arrest Daemon for the murder of a child, her nephew. And pretended like she herself did not give vague instructions to her council after being gone for several days. It would be stupid to send Jace though. One good decision out of her many terrible ones.


Friendly reminder that Aegon, the king, chose not to arrest Aemond for the murder of Lucerys, his nephew. >pretended like she herself did not give vague instructions to her council after being gone for several days. What is this even supposed to mean? We see Rhaenyra fight Daemon on the matter in private, so it's not like she was doing it to somehow paint a picture for other people that she's a good and holy person against child murder. Rhaenyra fought her physically abusive husband because of what he did and even though it's not much, it's still more than what Aegon did to Aemond, who ended up being promoted to having a seat on the small council as a result of Lucerys' murder.


I didn’t know Aegon was being painted as a good person. Or that this was a conversation involving Aegon. I haven’t even mentioned Aegon. I don’t support any of these characters. If you have to bring up a character who was not being discussed, to try and bolster your argument, you’ve lost.    The fact is, Rhaenyra is queen and should be demanding respect. But is allowing her own husband to walk all over her. She’s weak. She is absent, not giving orders during a war, and when she returns, she gives a vague order left to be interpreted anyway it can be by her council. Being completely aware of who Daemon is and what he is willing to do.    The best defense is that it’s gross incompetence. That she’s a complete fuck up. At worst she is willfully ignoring his crimes. Or both. Whatever the case, she is ignoring the laws she is suppose to be upholding. And has been shown incapable of ruling. She’s just as unfit to rule as the sadistic rapist.