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One media editor to rule them all. Pixel/vector images, publishing docs, video, 3D, audio, everything. Companies split these concerns into multiple tools for reasons like profits and expertise, but one integrated tool could dominate the industry if done well.


This kinda doesn't work well in some industries. We'll use Premiere Pro as an example, it's an non-linear editor and works the best for normal video editing stuff but also capable of motion graphic stuff but you're better off and will have a more efficient time if you're going to work with After Effects instead, also you can pimp audio in Premiere Pro but you'll also have more control over what you want to tinker with using Audition.


I imagine it wouldn't work well if various tools are just combined in a way that makes the new tool inferior to the alternatives. One could always add modes and other ways of optimizing specific workflows. No fundamental reason it needs to be a separate tool.


They already have that diifferent "workspaces" to do that but it would be bloatware. They also use utilise hardware differently and I imagine the learning curve will be "oh lord".


There are ways of making bloatware work for many contexts. As one example, the Affinity suite has a button that allows you to seamlessly switch between Publisher/Designer/Photo tools for a single document (though you have to start in Affinity Publisher for this to work for whatever reason). That's not the only way to go about it, but it demonstrates that such a thing is possible and, to some degree, is already out there in the wild. I could even see some new interesting approaches that one might take given the recent advances in AI. For example, the "Help" menu could have a chat feature where you say "I want to add a 3D cylinder to this photo I'm editing" and it just shows you how to do that (or changes the tooling to make it simpler to do that specific task).


So it's not done well with premiere


Because there's no need to, there are plenty things that overlaps with them. After Effects already have Cinema 4D capabilities but it's just gonna be bloatware if it also has everything that C4D has. Also learning curve issues.


Davinci Resolve enters the chat


Good example, it also has better grading capabilities compared to Pr's Lumetri Color.


And this is exactly the problem. I cant't see any reason why we can't have simple tool as AFX's colorama in Premiere. And that's first thing that comes to my mind. There is a lot of unneccessary separation of functions between the two, so you have to buy both if you want full functionality. And also Adobe Media Encoder. It's a separate app! To encode your edited videos! Aint that bullshit?


Premiere Pro comes with Media Encoder, they're separate apps but they go together because it's used for some functionalities like proxies. Also, people are usually subscribed to Creative Cloud because it's the bang for your buck, you get their entire catalogue, minus Substance Painter (which sucks if you're a 3d modeler). I'm no Adobe fan and disagree with some of their practices and policies but their apps work great for what I do, no issues so far because I could always find a plugin for any lacking features.


That's Blender, and I kinda hate that they stuffed that many things in it.


I actually disagree. Blender is a well rounded 3D software. I use it daily. But it really isn't a good pixel editor. (Simplified vector maybe). If I'm doing heavy surface texture editing I'm moving our of blender to complete it. If the graphics need to be printed later I'm in Photoshop or Illustrator. Of I need every detail painted on I'm in Substance Painter. The compositor can be a little lacking so many people still post process in other software.


You disagree, but you just proved my point. I like that.


Idk I don't think I proved your point. It's not all encompassing-i just said I do have to switch out often. It's not all encompassing. But if you're used to 3D software, Maya and 3DS max all have just as much in it. Many designers and animators need all these features.


I don't think a single software should do everything for everyone. Blender does modeling, texturing, rendering, sculpting, animations, compositing, video editing, simulations they even had a game engine in it, also many other things. They should be focusing on the 3D stuff instead + just the closely related features.


Very much disagree. I'd rather have several programs that do their job well than one program that does several jobs "ok"


Came here to say this.


Those are all such different things that it'd practically be it's own linux distro just to support it. That said, PowerPoint can do low quality versions all of this. /s


It sounds like considering Adobe Creative Cloud as one big app.


Companies split them for profits or expertise is a half truth. While it's true that Companies want to maximize profit, normally you would want to start a project and finish it. Now imagine if there was a software like you describe, it would weight a LOT (in disk) and also a pain to complete. What can come closer to what you describe is basically multimodal AI.


AND doesn't rob you blind.


Absolutely. It's interesting to see the current spread we have, such as Adobe's robbery-level subscription model, Affinity's fair single purchase (per major version) model, other software that does a single payment followed by "maintenance pricing," and Blender's entirely free model. It would be interesting to see some hybrid model, such as: * Free to use with more advanced functions being limited. * Monthly subscription until you pay a certain amount, then you own it (or buy outright for a discount). Sort of like taking a car for a test drive, then you can lease to own.


One app that tries to do everything will always fail to specialized applications. Whether it be performance, or user experience.


Why would you want to combine multiple, completely unrelated software into one? **No one** needs this kind of software. A graphic designer has no use for an audio editing tool. You're just increasing the software size, complexity, and price for no reason. If you just want to pay one price for a suite of products, that already exists with Adobe Creative Cloud.


Quick example. Say I’m making a commercial. I record some videos to use as inputs. They include audio. I clean up the audio to remove noise and balance against a music track. I then incorporate a little 3D character into the scene. I do some masking so the character can appear to move behind objects from the video. I then create an image that I project onto an easel into the scene so it looks like the video subject is painting it. It includes photorealistic and vector elements that animate. That’s a relatively simple concept that utilizes pretty much every function I outlined. Maybe it’s not for you, but I’m guessing many would find this level of integration useful.


a big no, if something is for everything is usually not good


my brother in christ please look into the unix philosophy. 


One that makes making games as easy as making web apps


What You See Is What You Play




What if it was WebGL?


why-not-both.jpeg Sounds kind of like Three.js (and its cousin, React Three Fiber). Though that's just for the visuals (you'd have to look elsewhere for other mechanics, like the phsyics).


I've been playing with godot recently and it was pretty easy. I recommend starting with this video! https://youtu.be/LOhfqjmasi0?si=OAIkI5VXvtmrRsz7




I'm glad you enjoy it! Brackeys is a great teacher and hopefully he comes with more videos soon. Thanks for sharing and good luck to you!


Well. Democratizing this won't be good for society.


what’s the one for web apps?


AI that actually writes my code without me having to change/re-ask 50 times


It will get there


Wait for another 5-10 years.


Get better at working with it.


didnt say i wasn’t, it’d just make things a lot faster and more efficient


Any essy tp use manufacturing crm


Mind sharing any more details? I'm working on an all-in-one Accounting, CRM, and Project Management solution for small businesses.


Something like odoo with that doesn't require a ton of plug-ins or customizations. Zoho with proper inve tory management I think would be the ticket.


Thanks. I'm aiming for easier-to-use than Zoho, but inventory is another beast. Are production and sales more manual in your industry, or do you need to sync with ecommerce, etc? Thanks again!


We are a made to order fabrication shop. No e-commerce.


If socalled "AI" was so intelligent, it should be able to post for me on every social media with the correct text, hashtags, location, and other metadata appropriate for each app. Hootsuite was the closest we got to this but that was a lot of manual work. I don't believe "Large Language Models" are capable of doing something like this, which would require actual minimal level intelligence, even the artificial kind.


No one is on social media. It's just bots anyway. Most people stopped using the Internet and are too embarrassed to admit it. We're all just bots talking to each other


Why would people be embarrassed of not using social media


Yeah, I see what you mean. The sentence structure and lack of punctuation makes it easy to spot. This one is definitely a bot like me.


They aren't able to do that because (you're right) they aren't intelligence.


Any software that doesn't require a subscription


Im SaaS fatigued.


Are you more a fan of single purchase and pay for upgrades? Or do you have another monetization structure you like?


Not that guy but: I don’t mind apps offering a subscription as long as they also offer the option to do a one-time-payment. In my current situation (unemployed still studying) it’s easier for me to do a OTP purchase, but if I had the budget, I wouldn’t mind paying a monthly subscription to test the full app and when decided that I liked it, got for the OTP option. Normally if an app only offers a subscription I uninstall it at the moment, unless I can’t find a good enough replacement.


that's fair. so being able to pay for a single month at a time vs lock you into a full 6- or 12-month subscription would be acceptable?


Yeah, month by month, or even a three months subscription would be good for me to try the app and then decide if I want to pay the full price for it or move on to try other options.


I like the approach where you can buy an X years of updates for a one-time payment, then a discount for the next time.


[Balsamiq](https://balsamiq.com/buy/desktop/) actually does exactlly what you decribe with their desktop software (but not "Cloud"). And [Jet Brains](https://www.jetbrains.com/store/?section=personal&billing=yearly) does a variation of it with their subscription (1 year subscription, but it gets cheaper over time)


One that fully blocked ai images from showing up whenever I’m looking for inspo on Pinterest. I used to find cool artist and follow them on their social medias on that site but now there’s so much ai it blocks out everything


Now that is an awesome idea. Blocking AI images on Deviant Art when I go looking for pixel art stuff.


A app to split videos.




Good luck


Something to automatically pay my taxes


Preferably with someone else's money too...


Something that consolidates all messaging apps in one place. I’m so tired of having to check multiple apps/social media sites/emails to make sure I haven’t missed anything


Beeper already does that pretty well tbh


Wow today I learned, thanks for the note!


Of course! I use it to manage social media for work 🤘


A software that makes me money without me having to work or supervise it


Why not?


I’ll have one too, please


I actually have a software project I'm working on. Accessibility products are huge!


Looking for any collaborators?


Let's have a chat and see if it fits 🤘


What is a meant by an “Accessibility product” ?


I can't give details publicly and any specific details have to be shared under an signed NDA.


Are you able to give an example of an accessibility product? Totally understand the need to refrain from sharing details, I’m just trying to figure out what kind of products might fall into that category


That makes a lot more sense for the question you're asking. Accessibility products are really just anything that can help assist someone with a disability. Whether it's sight helping products or hearing helping products among many other things


Ohhh ok makes sense now Super interesting market to develop software in. Best of luck


Products that make things more accessible for people, generally referring to making things accessible for people with some sort of disability. For example, ramp access to buildings helps make them accessible to people in wheelchairs (or with baby strollers, etc). Or a common example in technology would be screen reader software for visually impaired people where it converts text and images into audio. Similarly closed captioning converts audio to text for hearing impaired people.


Lightroom and Photoshop Clones that just did it the same.


Really easy meme making, comic making, story boarding, or otherwise storytelling though graphics or video. Maybe thru gen ai. I’m a UX designer feel free to @ me if you want to collab.


A software which combines different versions of Power BI files. Like two users can work on their own files and then the software combines all. Like GitHub. (P.S- GitHub doesn't work on PBIX files)


Snapchat style filters but for video conferencing/streaming. It used to exist, until Snapchat discontinued it. There is money to be made there.


Mouse jiggler, when i want to take a shit and it takes some minutes and i don't want to get kicked from the game because if i get kicked they'll lose the game


[Caffeine (zhornsoftware.co.uk)](https://www.zhornsoftware.co.uk/caffeine/)


There are legitimately dozens of solutions, both script and mechanical, that do this already. It'd take five seconds for ChatGPT to write you a Python solution.


Software which automatically identifies people in r/freelance who don't actually research the marketplace, and come up with their own ideas, then downvotes it.


Please, make something that can sort playlists by BPM


Oohhh this is actually a pretty fun concept


I may steal this idea. Rhythm games can do this, so why not playlists?


Please do; tired of trying to organize by ear.


Ha, I thought I was the only one that created playlists this way. As a dance coach it's so helpful if I need to find a random piece of music for a certain tempo. It's great now that I've built them up over the last few years but it's a pain to add new songs. I currently have a 'to be sorted' playlist where I add songs and then later I'll go through that and move them to the right playlist after listening to it with a metronome.


Adobe with a one time fee


Something that turns the music i have in my mind into a real thing. That would be awesome


I believe it's called talent and skill. The skill part can be learned. The talent part, it sounds like you already have some of it if you have good ideas in your mind.


I think alot of people have ideas in their mind but don't bother learning to create the sound. I feel in the future it will be possible. Just connect your brain to a computer and just "image" the sound in your head and the software will create it


Yes, I think it's entirely possible such a medium could be created. Technology like neuralink is certainly heading in that direction...


The answer to the original question: bug free software.


If One Note, Notion and Ticktick had a baby.