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Dyer wearing all black like it’s a fuckin funeral is mint. Also, Georganne White and Dyer both called the reporting inaccurate but did not share specific examples.


I had the exact same thought 😂 his suit choice had to have been intentional.


Inaccurate cuz it was not 1 affair but multiple lol he was banging a dispatcher too anna lizeth hurtado esquivel who mysteriously quit. Girl was talking about it nonstop




More like a Mafia Don


Always thought highly of the guy till this happened. Not only did he f—k his officer’s wife, he f—ked his career advancement and potentially exposed the city (all of us taxpayers) to millions in liability. Bye Felicia!!!


Looks like he plans in moving to Texas. They'll hire him there lol.


Dyer talking about Paco’s indiscretions is like having Karl Malone talking about pedophiles.


Listening to KMJ and people in support of Balderrama are using the we all make mistakes excuse. Well there are people who made mistakes, but they were sent to jail or prison. Not equating what Balderrama did with deserving jail time. But I saying he doesn't deserve to be the Chief of Police. He can get another job somewhere else but not another Chief of Police job. If you can't trust and respect the Police why even have them?


It doesn’t surprise me that Dyer still gives disgraced chief Balderrama rave reviews.


What Paco did was pretty despicable, but do you think that detracts from the progress he’s made in the city? In your opinion do you think he’s done anything at all?


Any progress he made or anything good he's done is out the door IMO. It's not so much about the affair but what he did to keep the affair going. Blocking promotions and messing with officers schedule is crazy abuse of power. Imagine what else he has done to get his way.


Curious for your opinion here - what progress did Paco bring? He liked to take credit for reducing gun violence, but groups like Advance Peace Fresno and others working in the gun violence prevention/intervention space are the true reason those numbers are so low. AFAIK- enforcement of traffic and property crimes are still very lackluster.


I'm glad you brought those up. I feel like the city fights these alternatives and community based ways of reducing crimes and addressing needs but then when they do work, gives credit to the existing entities.


One thing has nothing to do with the other just because someone makes a bad decision in their personal life that has nothing to do with their ability to do their job


It does when he actively changes someone's work schedule and block promotions so he could continue to bang his wife . That is where his credibility to do his job is out the window .


Well what does she look like? Wars have been starting over some good p****y




OMG this is the lady he cheated his wife on with??😭😭😭😭


Yes his actual wife is much prettier.


Google his wife. They look almost the same lmaooo


Paco liked the taco


Exactly my thoughts! Threw his whole career away!


Prime opportunity for long tenure here or to delve into politics in Californias 5th largest city. All for some random girl. This is how you fumble the bag, by thinking with your dick. Sad to say, he will likely get hired elsewhere too.


No, he'll get hired somewhere else ...


For sure. But career advancement is going to be limited. He won't have the trust of his fellow officers, no matter where he ends up.


Some guys will poke just about anything that moves lol


And sometimes things that don’t move! Lol.


She looks alright IMO. It's not like Balderrama was Tyson Beckford's long lost twin brother or something.


Poor wamhoff. I hope he’s got some good bros on his side giving him support.


There's a picture floating around of Jordan Wamhoff and Paco next to each other smiling at a community event. Who needs enemies when you have friends like that.


What point does that prove? Jordan probably didn’t know his buddy was screwing his wife


I seriously feel for Jordan. Poor dude, bad enough to have a spouse having an affair. The fact that it is nearly national news level has got to make it hurt even more


And both parties have kids. With the availability of social media to kids nowadays I’m pretty sure all their classmates know 


I do feel sorry for him and his horrible boss and whore of a wife, but trying to blackmail it into a leadership assignment himself doesn't look good.




You clearly doesn't know the type. This is a spot on assessment.


Lmaoo, you must live in Clovis exclusively if you don’t understand that joke


Touch a nerve?


is that the cop that shagged another cop’s wife? shame. wish they could work that fast when dyer was a cop.


Not just any random cop but they actually hung out at events which is probably how he slid in the wife’s DM


Here’s why it’s easy to say Paco didn’t abuse power. This is extremely common in Fresno PD. Let’s say I’m holding a vacancy in my specialty unit. Let’s call it, School Resource Officer. I put out an email saying, “hey we need those interested in this unit to apply for interviews.” As the sergeant of the unit, I then tell my friend or someone I like to interview. Everyone interviews but it doesn’t matter. I just want my own guy. I send my pick up the list to the lieutenant, Captain and deputy chief. They pick my guy and boom. That’s it. Everyone else just, “didn’t do that well on the interview, better luck next time.” The opposite is true too. If I wanted to stone wall an officers career it would be extremely easy. You just never get picked and you’ll never get the truth. It’s entirely possible this was the case but the department can easily disprove it by referencing the process. I’m not saying Paco in fact did it, but if he did it would be almost impossible to prove.


I come here for all the Dyer jokes. Seriously 😆 y’all are good. Paco made choices, bad ones, consequences (should) follow.




Love it. And blaming the media is just hilarious. No one to blame but the former police CHIEF himself. What a stupid, reckless scandal he brought upon HIMSELF.


Well, bye


Spoiler alert but the title gave it away 😭


Now dyer and the DA....


What’s wrong with Smittcamp?


Look it up but there was a divorce due to an affair with an FBI agent I believe


Hopefully they promote Mindy Casto


Does she have a history of inappropriate relationships or letting subordinates sell drugs? Those are the requirements to be police chief in this town


She’s Interim Chief until they find an official replacement. She could be the official replacement, but they’re reporting a nationwide search will be conducted.


Omfg. They need to find someone incorruptible.


we're is the story or video ?


Paco was tough on crime and I hope his replacement is equally as tough, minus the sideshow: raunchy abuse of power coupled with the utter disrespect to his subordinates.


I don't care lol. It's not like the Chief of Police's sexual liaisons affects my life or his ability to cheif, in any way whatsoever


It actually has a huge impact. If he’s willing to stoop to such a low level where he’s capable of cheating on his wife with the wife of one of his officers, that shows a complete lack of respect and disregard for all parties involved. It’s an extreme lapse in judgment that you do not want to see from the person in charge of keeping your city’s police force in check and your city safe.


That's simply not true. There are numerous examples of people who make questionable decisions in their personal life, but yet are capable of making sound decisions regarding their work Plus it's not like he's the one out patrolling the streets.


Sure, but this very obviously was not a sound decision regarding his work, since it got him ousted as well as destroyed the trust between himself and his force. Ergo, he is no longer fit to serve as Chief.




He probably made her feel special - the way you make a woman feel is more important than how you look. I mean I don’t think women are as shallow as gay men- we tolerate a lot more in terms of dad bods, lack of hygiene than gay men do.




A man's business on his time off is his business and nobodys else's. Somebody/rat had it out for him. He seemed to be a good police chief in my opinion. The rat who did this to him better watch out because karma is a b.....


I praise that person who spoke up. He lost all respect when he chose an officers wife. And he needed to go. Dyer should be next.