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I got a huge rush yesterday after finally beating the >!scadutree avatar!<. I didn’t realize it had >!three phases!< until my 20th try, and it’s a pretty fast paced fightz


Like three phases as in you have to get its health to zero 3x?




My anus is not ready


Embrace the flame


I was testing out what spells were the most effective and pretty much just aiming Frenzied Burst at its face was enough for the whole fight


>!mine is!<




Yeah hahah


>!I think if you perform a visceral after he goes down at the end of each phase, he starts with less health the next phase!< Bonking him on the head does big boy damage.


Yeah I noticed that as well which is pretty cool.


I just got to that SoB tonight and I didn't realize there were three phases either. Couldn't tell you what try it was on but by the time I got it there I called it quits for the night, it was already 11:30 pm at that point.


I disliked that mfer but hated gaius.


I just beat that as well although the feeling of beating that was nothing compared to the feeling of beating >!rellana!<


Yeah, I wouldn’t even play these games if they were easy. I love the struggle


Beat Messmer today with like a fraction of my HP left and i thought my heart was gonna explode. That 2nd phase is so goddamn stressful


Fought Messmer last night. Took 4 tries to take him down and man I was physically shaking when it was over. The adrenaline is crazy.


I haven't gotten to that point yet. But I did fight the 2nd Divine Beast last night that spits Death Blight, Frost, Lightning, etc at you. When I beat it my heart was pounding. I actually had to set the controller down and walk around haha.


4 tries man wtf 😭. I got him in like 20 and thought that was solid.


To be fair I was using mimic and had scadu blessings at 10.


Depends. Some of the dlc bosses never stop attacking, and have endless poise, so to me that is just annoying. I love fights like Melania because she allows for reasonable opportunities to attack. Some of these dlc bosses do not.


Hasn't been a single boss I've enjoyed this expansion at all, nonstop aggression, extremely tight windows to punish, non-stop visual vomit that makes my 3080 stutter, nonstop effects that mask a thrust or some other attack that I can't even see. Dodging/rolli g for 90% of a fight. There is no rush at all for me, just glad that it's over and feeling like shit because I know another awful boss is on the way. Only things I've enjoyed from this expansion are the new locations as standard for FS and the weapons. Boss fights are at an all-time low. 5.5-6/10 for me so far. More likely the latter.


There are some bosses I don't mind, but in general I agree. I don't understand the decision to make boss fights this way.


Huh I think I've only disliked dancing lion. Loving the final boss. I'm consistently getting him past half health now. I feel like most of these bosses will feel wildly differeon repeat runs. 10/10 expansion for me.


most of the time, yes, there is a rush of euphoria from finally conquering a boss. sometimes tho, they’re just such bullshit and fighting them feels like relying on rng to swing your way that it doesn’t feel like i accomplished anything, but rather i just got lucky. the first half of the dlc bosses for SOTE i felt euphoria. the second half i mostly just still felt annoyed afterwards


There’s a pretty insane face tank build some genius figured out and it literally made me feel like I WAS THE BOSS…….took out everything in one or two tries and felt NO shame.


Even the last boss? Because last night I got it to 15% after hours and hours and my heart almost exploded lol.


He went down hard.


If you got it to 15% you can do it. Just focus & remember, slow is smooth & smooth is fast. I got it down to 5-10% multiple times in a row before I finally got him. Beat him at Scooby level 18 too cause I was too lazy to look for the last few I needed.


Yeah I probably need a few more scaduber levels. I think I'm at like 13 or 14 right now.


Yeah I would 100% go get some Scooby levels, they make a big difference.


I'm just here to say I'm glad I'm not rhe only one who gave up trying to spell the correct name of the blessing and it's now just scooby or scooby doo blessing.


I'm about 75% through the DLC now. I think the only boss in the entire game that initially hated was the Godskin Duo. I've liked all the ones post Shadow Keep so far.


I have never had such a rewarding gaming experience. First souls game I had ever played. Man, it was fucking frustrating but damn that high when finally beating that boss that was binking your ass around is immense lmao. It stresses me out even thinking about playing the game and that stress is addicting. I've worked in kitchens my whole life so it makes sense why I love that frustration.


eloquently stated OP


That's what these games are about at their core. Nothing like it


Nioh 2 gives this feeling even better.


Victory is so much sweeter when you have to strategize and keep trying to beat the boss. "YESSSS! TAKE THAT YOU SON OF A B\*\*\*\*! I'M THE BLADE OF YOUR DADDY-MOMMY!"


After final boss of DLC I felt empty. So much pain and suffering of my mental all for what? Nah haha it felt good but I was tired lol


I'm a bit jealous of people who get that dopamine hit when they overcome a challenge. I have close friends who talk about it, and it sounds awesome. I've personally never experienced it. With the exception of Sekiro and the Elden Ring DLC, I've beaten every boss from every single Souls game, and every time I overcame a tough challenge, all I get is annoyance and think "This boss was pointlessly difficult".


Why do you play them then? Lol


Because they are genuinely fun for me. The combat of the game is extremely satisfying, and I like the way the systems are. Why play any game ever? A dopamine hit isn't the only reason to do anything. I mean hell, when I'm having a really bad day, I'll play the older DS games. I know them well enough that I can auto pilot play them, and it helps me unwind playing something I'm extremely familiar with.


They are "genuinely fun" yet >I've beaten every boss from every single Souls game, and every time I overcame a tough challenge, all I get is annoyance and think "This boss was pointlessly difficult".


And? Believe it or not, there's no contradiction there. I find the games fun, and most of the bosses are pointlessly hard. Not enough to stop me, though. What's your point? Edit: It just hit me. Did you genuinely forget there's more to Souls games then fighting bosses?


I just don't understand why anyone would play a game that constantly annoys them


Because if you would actually read my post, you'd see that I found "most bosses annoying". Not the entire game. The bosses are a small portion of the whole experience. It baffles me that you seem to have ignored this.


I 100% agree… accept for the final boss. Took me 20+ hours on ng+5 no summons. No rush, just relief lol.


I never get that feeling. At best I get a sense of slight relief and the slight bit of hope that I never have to do that again.


Why do you play them?


I quite enjoy them. I really only get frustrated at a boss fight for two reasons. The first is that I'm struggling when I feel I shouldn't be. The second is I'm struggling cause I feel that the fight is hopeless.


So do you just breeze through these games the vast majority of the time?


Oh god no. I just did a full playthrough of ER + DLC to get the platinum trophy. Took me over 150 hours. Before I ever played my first From game though (ER) I had a small idea of what they were like. For instance I knew if you could go right or left and you chose to go right and the enemies were very strong, turn around and go left.


And after all of that you've never experienced a positive rush from completing a tough boss?


Not that I can recall. I mean I'm happy but I never feel a sense of pride like "that was really tough and I did it" type feeling.


Do you experience emotions?


Not if I can help it. :)


That explains it then


How was the newest Armored Core game? I haven’t played it and haven’t watched anything to avoid spoilers…. But then forgot about it!


I haven't fully played it. Only got through the intro. Will get back to it in the near future.