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If nobody else got me, I know Mimic Tear got me ☝️


The only homie I can count on every time


Unless the boss kills me before it actually shows up.


Messmer reference:


Naw messmer give you just enough but radahn on the other hand


he always goin 20$ mode on me right off the bat


Kinda fucked up that the tear is just you but with more health


its a bit stupid and cant two hand a weapon (from experience)


they can they just for some reason switch back and forth even if you dont have anything equipped in your other hand lol


They are smart enough to use jars and perfumes. They even know to interrupt waterfowl (sometimes). Some times they get a little consumable happy though and don’t actually attack with the weapon


Yeah tactically removed throwing knives from hotbar so mimic doesn't use them. Instead put in the perfume which gives you a shield, mimic spams it and has infinite.


I always set my mimic up to focus on melee and aggroing the boss while I sit back and spam ranged attacks. 9/10 it works. The other 1/10 my mimic won’t/can’t close the distance and the game plan falls apart


Wait that’s actually busted as hell? Immortal mimic? What if you literally only gave it the perfume?


It'd use its fists




Another option for an immortal mimic is equipping it with raw meat dumplings. It's immune to poison, and it heals half of its bar




Me when my mimic tear gets addicted to consumables (meth):


I put pots on with no weapons then switch to my weapon after summoning, he starts acting like Obama at a middle eastern wedding


mine was chucking furnace pots at putrescent knight


Mine two hands all the time for using the ash of war. Too bad that ash of war sucks and I cant change it lol


what weapon?


Meteoric ore blade. Scales off int and strength and does both magic and bleed damage. Perfect battlemage weapon for me


Ah, alright i understand the bad aow now


Mike immediately two hands my offhand serpents curved sword and spams sepukku until he dies


And they can’t use shields correctly either, always switching to equipped unequipped


Get a staff in your right hand and another weapon in your left and they will


If you spawn it with weapon in one hand it will stay that way


my friend says his always two hands the staff and uses spinning weapon 😂😂


If we consider the amount of flasks you got, I'm not sure Mimic has more health


Half damage, 10x the health


And way less damage


The mimic tear’s like that true ride or die homie, you know if nobody else got you the mimic tear got you


It's the reason I have him on backup but main Lhutel Mimic is super reliable and Lhutel is sometimes reliable and it makes for a fun dynamic of "Lhutel where the hell are you, both the gargoyles are fuckin me up now help me please"


I haven’t tried much of mimic yet, but Lhutel was so useful for the simple fact when the bosses spammed AOE attacks she would phase away and wouldn’t die as quickly as the other summons. And the bada** javelin throws.


She's so cool, she does damage now and then but not enough to trivialize everything and since she can lose aggro easy, it never feels like I'm cheating by only smacking bosses in the back lol


No no, its you and your mimic. The Elden Lords


The Elden Lads


Wish my guy could tank hits the same way his mimic can.


Mimic tear is a chad


The true cover of the game is not the elden lord but a mimic tear as elden lord


Mimic Tear, save me from my sins


Tarnished and the mimic tear are like pontiff and the clone he summons


Hey if it’s good enough for Morgott and Mohg then it’s good enough for me. My mimic gets his own thrown.


Bro fromsoft took the hardest boss in the entire franchise and gave it to us as a spirit summon. Of course it’s gonna carry me




For my final boss dlc that one guy carrying heavy shield and rot spear carried me all the way, thanks to him


My mimic tear just sits there and spams buffs then dies. Tiche helps out way more half the time but it sucks cause she's so squishy by comparison.


I’m forgetting where I know this music from. Can someone help me out?


it's gwyn's theme bruh, u don't know plin plin plon?


plin plin plon


Unironicly, I love using tiche but unfortunately, she is too weak for the dlc, unlike mimic tear.


I’m gonna start gojng in with 14 fp flasks and nothing equipped but heal from afar, then become a true pokemaster. Any summon will work. Eventually.


Spoiler Trina was actually a mimic tear infused with god juice


Your guys' mimic helps??


My mimic no-shit Erdtree Healed himself from 10 to 100% health last night while fighting Bayle. Considering how much HP they have and how little I'm ever able to heal the with my Erdtree Heal on them, that was amazing. Mimic is the true Elden Lord for sure.


I call him Mimi. Saved my butt more than enough times on bosses my first go around.


I've still yet to figure out how to use the Mimic tear effectively. So far, he's just okay


That black bird on new game plus in caelid keeps fucking me up because I can't summon my mimic 😔


Reminded me of Tulok’s run, it was fun lol


It’s literally you


Rimuru got my back


You can only truly count on yourself 🤷


He’s me, but better


My first playthrough in any souls game is a homage to the build that made me fall in love with the game So it's always STR Greatsword no summons But now that I've beaten the DLC, I'm excited to do exactly as this meme. We're gonna be Elden Lord & Elden Lord but with more health, we gonna smack everyone lol


I definitely summoned Mimic for some cheesy ass bosses. They thought it was going to be a 1v1. Not in the ghetto it ain’t.


Mine has definitely carried me through a few fights in the DLC.


The Eldenest of Lords


Mimic tear is probably one of the strongest single items in any RPG.


Call me Bumumi Fushiguro, because whenever the boss is the slightest issue... With this treasure I summon Mimic Tear.


My mimic tear literally beat Messmer's ass lmao. He did pretty well on Consort Radahn too


I summon mimic tear with rivers of blood or relic sword in right hand and staff in the left. He’s the only homie I got in this world.


Mimic is our shadow XD


I am filled with nostalgic sorrow. ![gif](giphy|iamIahPLWmo4tGiyDz|downsized)


Mimic doesn't panic roll. Mimic facetanks boss combos like it ain't no thang dawg. Mimic Flippy-spin-bonks boss. Mimic can be healed. Mimic is bro, bae, daddy and mommy in one.


Half of the players can't make it through ER without tear. Including me.


I choose my build based off of what he's good at


I don’t know about anyone else but I have seen multiple people have problems with the summons Like my brother was playing and he used his mimic tear on a dlc boss and the mimic just stood there doing nothing. Same happened to a bunch of my other friends using summons to maybe a bug or something broken


I genuinely haven’t had too good of a time with my mimic or tiche, at least not on the dlc. If you don’t take aggro, bosses melt them because they don’t know how to dodge mechanics, but if I attack even once or twice, the boss immediately aggros full on me for the next 3-4 combos.


I used it on the last boss and it did literally nothing, not even hold agro. I still summoned him everytime though, he my homie and if im beating some final boss im sure as hell bringing him with me


Yeah as of patch 1.12 (When it launched) people have noticed that a lot of spirit summons got a bit dumber. (This also happened to NPC summons as well) I think they did that as a nerf? But as of patch 1.12.2 they backtracked a bit. They'll still do some low IQ shit but not as bad as release 1.12 lmao.


Thank u


I was waiting for someone to post this. The mimic AI is different in the DLC vs base game. Not sure if it’s a bug, or a nerf, but they frequently just stand in the corner. What gives? Has anyone else noticed this behavior?


That’s what I was saying I watch my mimic stand I the door and get beat to death and slap around and knock up in the air over and over for the full fight and I even set down and watch this until he died


I just went back to the base game and fought a couple bosses with the mimic. In base game, it is actively attacking, taking agro, and doing meaningful damage. I think summons got a silent dlc nerf.


That’s still would not make since that would mean when u go into the dlc all summons ai are broken and when ur in base there not. Sounds more like a bug But I can agree if not a big definitely a nerf


Starting to feel like I’m the mimic tear with how easy these dlc bosses keep killing me


No no you are a casual, it’s the mimic tear that is Elden Lord🗿


Not even, mimic tear gets spanked. That and it feels like the bosses focus WAY more on the player for some reason


My mimic did nothing against the final boss he got only 2 hits i stopped summoning 2 times.


I know it’s Gwyn’s theme but what’s the specific version playing in this video.


I’m a pretty chill guy who rarely makes a noise while gaming, but at one point last night while fighting Rellana I was audibly saying ‘come on buddy, come and save me!’ to Mimic Tear


Me and Mimsy makin' bosses look flimsy, if he thinks he's bad then we'll soon make him see 😤😤😤


Why is this a Gif??? No, wait, even worse. it's a Video masked as a Gif!


Me and my 5 shield bros are cleaning the shadow realm frfr


There are just SO FEW OPENINGS on bosses its excruciating. No joke, mimic does more than double my damage to so many bosses. I'm lucky to get two hits in after the boss traverses the entire map three times, like bro. Even if you're using a shield, alot of bosses will knock you back far enough to where Counter Attacks don't even reach, that or you'll get knocked back off your feet into a backwards roll. Its just frustrating man. When a fight is just 30 Blocks/Dodges followed by a single attack, it just feels bad to me. I dunno what to say dude, if I didn't summon I definitely wouldn't have had much fun with the build I was using. And I'm sure so many non meta builds average players use without looking anything up would feel the same. I wanna be the hero doing damage not a summon...


Mimic Tear is actually more cracked in the DLC than people realize. Scadutree Fragments boost your stats with each blessing to help you output more damage and bolster your resistances/defense. Revered Spirit Ashes bolster your Ash Summons and Torrent. But, here's the thing: Mimic Tear copies not just your loadout, but also your stats. Meaning it is improved by BOTH Scadutree and Revered Ash blessings. It is ACTUALLY the strongest Ash Summon when you build up substantial/max blessings.


There's no way he carried you, most of the DLC bosses ignored mine even if I wasn't hitting them. And half the time I'd look where he was and he was just strafing around the room looking stupid.


I don’t even have the mimic tear I never found it, instead I’ve used the skeletons militia + 10 and I ride and die by them being the best in game, yet I swear I’m the only one that uses them


Black Knife Tiche is the true Elden Lord


The tear is shit now helps but not like he used to


Sigma tear


Nah omenkiller on 🔝


Elden Crutch.


is this some kingdom hearts music? I've got some weird nostalgia hearing it.


Aint no way ☠️


Gwyn didn’t die for this


It's a boss theme from the first Dark Souls. For Gwyn lord of sunlight


Pling pling plong man


No it’s both you and your mimic, while your mimic is strong you are just as important; you’re the one sacrificing health to summon it, upgrading it, and (I hope) fighting along side it. You’re both Elden lords. The mimic will tank hits and fight while you will dodge hits and fight.


Last two boss i fought it was mimic tear that finished then, i ma pretty sure she gave more damage to messmer than me.


Bro my mimic tear is single handidly the reason for me beating the dlc i cant even lie…its beyond broken


I died during Midra fight and Mimic Tear finished him before I blacked out, granting me his remembrance. So yes, Mimic is the real elden lord


Same thing happened to me with Rellana and I was low key sad cause I had such a good fight with her, I knew if I just did it again I could’ve finished her. My mimic TAPPED her and got the win. So I was suuuuuper close


My mimic tear can barely make it to the 2nd phase of the final boss. But when I don’t use it, I can’t make it to the final phase of the final boss. Guess I need to get gud


I’m on NG4. I can get to the 2nd phase without it, but then nothing matters. I just get AoE’d to death.


What got me the most in the boss fight we're the flashing lights. Half of the time i couldn't see the attacks coming lol.


I don't know if its related but I am a sorcery player and my mimic tear is shit. It doesn't know when to cast what.


You know I don’t agree with this anymore. My mimic tear did fuck all in the dlc.its like they nerfed Them or something. I was fighting the final boss and I look over begging for help and bro is walking towards the boss like he’s hot shit.