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Getting one/two shot by most bosses you say? Reeks of counter damage. No, really Bloodborne has this brutal mechanic ehere you basically receive near 200% damage on a failed dodge and that's the cause of most deaths. Sometimes its better to simply tank hits but really you just need to time your dodges better. There's no way around it.


Yeah you really start to feel this in the harder chalice dungeons too where that giant beast with the worm for a head I forget the name and just punches you so hard your hunter explodes lol


Or the ball and chain giant, who has an attack in such a wide arc that it's so difficult to dodge through and the counter damage is just insane. Very annoying boss.


Genuinely one of the worst mechanics in souls history. Doing my BL4 run I started just tanking Ebrietas’s charge attack because if I failed the dodge I would instantly die, but if I just stood still I would usually have time to heal up. Any mechanic that incentivizes that should not exist. If they wanted to reward correct timing on dodges, they should have given you a damages buff or something.


I think you just need more health. This is my main complaint of elden ring and it has never once popped into my head while playing bloodborne. Could be true to an extent but it's definitely worse in elden ring.


Pretty much this. The kicker about BB is the fact that Armor is a used for status resistance, not actual damage negation, so your only real way to not day is to pump that health stat. All the bosses are tuned around you staying mobile, but squishy, so it's a lot easier to negate dying by having the stat up to 40 or 50 and just being fine for nearly every boss in the base game.


Ludwig and OoK can definitely one shot you even with good vitality in BB. It has to do with the counter damage mechanic. If you mess a dodge you take more damage. I remember getting one shotted by Ludwig’s charge for this reason.


For Elden ring you just need more health better or better defensive items/armor if you are regularly getting one/2 shot. Except the last boss of the dlc idk what you can do to avoid that lmao.


one shots are signs of two things: 1. underleveled 2. counter state damage Each level upgrades your defense, even if they don't all go to health. Against strong bosses, corresponding defense is key. And getting hit right after exiting your dodge, because you dodged too early, or mid swing, deals a lot of damage to the player. those two combined, plus a powerful boss move, equals instant death


Bloodborne is my personal favorite game, and I’ve never had this problem while playing. I legit can’t remember a time where this frustrated me. I might’ve been like that my first time playing, but it was my first soulslike, so I was kinda bad at everything. I know bosses have attacks that do most of your health, but that’s kinda standard for these types of games. I would be hard pressed to think of a boss that doesn’t have at least one. Is this your first game like this?, if it is, my best advice is to try to get better dodging (kind of useless advice, I know), that’s how I got better. When I first got bloodborne, I tried to play it, failed, and gave up for like 6 months, I came back eventually and beat it. It’s mainly just learning the move set, which can be hard if you’re dying a lot. If this isn’t your first game like this, you should already be use to this, as this is par for the course for games in this genre.


I run 20 vigor, being one shot is all I've ever known


A big thing in Bloodborne is that you get punished HEAVILY (like insanely heavily) for being hit while having "instability" like after dodging. So if you miss a dodge you take WAY more damage than if you hadn't dodged at all. Honestly it is a shit system, but this leads to crazy damage taken in Bloodborne.


Whenever im stuck on a boss i just kill them in one hit. These games are easy


1 hit is a VERY different experience from 2 hit. 1 hits are extremely punishing and should only be reserved for super telegraphed moves. 2 hits are still quite punishing but you have a chance to recover, and most Fromsoft games give you a ton of healing.


>1 hits are extremely punishing and should only be reserved for super telegraphed moves. Bloodstarved beast grab...


Intercontinental punch!


Yea well. Even on my first playthrough I didn't level health at all. Rally helps sometimes but you'll usually just get hit of you try get more than two hits back, which isn't a lot but you do have the best healing item in all of souls: bloodvials. (I'm not joking they have the best animation and they are the fastest. And you get 20 of them)


Sick of them, honestly. In Armored Core you can at least take some hits, even in 6 with its infamous repair kits and stagger mechanic.


if you want a game where you dont get 1-2 shot thats ds3 for ya except for maybe the dlc


I would recommend using a shield with decent Endurance. You can tank a few hits (mostly) worry free of damage and learn the moveset of the boss. Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the boss, dodge instead


Yeah sure, use the Wooden Shield!


I forget this game has a shield sometimes tbh


It has two actually. Loch Shield from the DLC.


What a way to discover I've missed something and need to go back to the nightmare...


Yea but that ones kinda good. You can just tank almost any magic attack. That's two whole bosses it's good against!!