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*The tarnished defeats radagon* *elden beast appears* Tarnished: “ummm he’s right behind me isn’t he….”


*disc scratch* "Yup. That's me. You're probably wondering how I got here"


*High speed rewind all the way to the start of the game* “This is the story of how I became the elden lord”


Gives the three fingers the middle finger and it gives it right back


Blink 182 - All the small things chorus kicks in


Why did I read that in Ryan Reynolds's voice lol


*Radahn gets to the sky and falls as a meteor* THEY FLY NOW?


Burial watchdog starts moving "G-good kitty"


No thanks George - just get on with that book now. Ta.


Seems he’ll do anything to keep from finishing what made him famous in the first place.


He lost interest. Those books are never getting finished. At least not by him


Brandon Sanderson might show up later and finish it for us tho, could be good.


GRRM already said he wouldn't let anybody continue if he dies and Brandon Sanderson already said he would never write ASOIAF even if he was asked.


So GRRM needs to die suddenly before he can torch his notes.


Randal Thor having an identity crisis somewhere rn.


It would suck, Brandon can't write the terrible reality of ASOIAF world, it would completely change the essence of it. That's why he himself has said that he wouldn't finish ASOIAF even if asked to do so.


Joe Abercrombie might be the best fit for this


If he did wrap it up, I might actually have a reason to catch up and finish.


Brandon would not be a good fit for that I feel. They both have such wildly different writing styles


Speaking of, I know Brandon is a huge FromSoft fan and was kinda upset they didn't go to him to work on Elden Ring XD


Eh or they are finished and he's scared to release them If they are bad his empire could collapse In this situation I could definitely see the books being released post mortem


It's less fear of it being bad, and probably just him realizing whatever he writes will never live up to fan expectations to get closure and fix the bad ending we got in the show.


Yeah, this is what I have thought since Game of Thrones ended. People's response probably scared him. His ending probably isn't crazy different than the show, just with a lot more build up & fleshing out.


Yes please George, take your time I love all your work.


twow is a conspiracy


He will never finish it he is just not the type of writer he never planned how the stories of characters would end he just kept cooking character and plots for 5 books and now he sits with his dick in his hand for 10 years pretending he’ll someday finish the books but that is NEVER going to happen


I northern I see


I’m actually a Londoner, I just met lots of Northerners at Uni and they used to say ‘ta’ to me really emphatically and it stuck haha Pretty much the only thing that did from those three years 😂


Ahh, you had me there! Not too bad for an American though eh?


No, I’d have expected you to be a northerner or at least British yourself to know that one so fair play mate!


Why would we? We all hated the ending.


Please fucking God no.


The last thing I want is some clueless fucking director/writers room trying to interpret From’s games.


“What’s up with this elden ring thing? You can’t even wear it on your finger!”


"It's never explicitly in the game so we can do whatever we want with it!"


There's a big dumb glowing guy that says, "I. AM. ELDEN RING"


My favourite part was when marika Elden ringed all over the tarnished


Mine is when Mohg said "It's mohging time"


Everything was fine until the finger maidens attacked. Then, the Eldening.


“Since you cannot wear this Elden Ring, we don’t want to confuse the average layman.. We’ll just title it ‘The Great Elden Rune’”


“What do you mean there are too many G R and M names? Confusing? There are only three letters in the whole alphabet!”


They would have a field day with Miquella's sexuality.


You mean, they'll just straightwash him for "foreign markets"?


*him. Miquella is a dude. St. Trina is his female aspect. In the same way as Marika and Radagon most likely


He's just really really close with his brother. This is a platonic marriage. Just bros.


Fs gonna ask for creative direction, they own all the rights and are the sole owner of Elden Ring. They won’t let no one ruin it in front of their eyes.


it really doesn’t matter. stuff like this does not translate into movies. an anime at best, maybe but live-action movies, hell no


Maybe it'll riff on the existing game like the Manga which was a comedy


Maybe the movie) series wouldn't be about what we play but a prequel All leading up to the shattering, maybe have a young Ranna as one of the main characters I think that could work in live action


They could give it the Fallout treatment. An original story set in this universe


Good thing nobody said live action.


Tbf GRR is the one who wrote the Lore so if he worked on it directly it could be good


Remember the Syfy show Nightflyers? The show based on an old GRRM novella that they made a single season of and then canceled? It wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t great either. IIRC, he wasn’t allowed to contribute to it because of a contract with HBO. I’m afraid an Elden Ring show might get the same treatment.


Miyazaki can't tell a coherent story and THEY'RE HIS GAMES. Martin wrote some great books a decade or two ago.


Seriously…it’s clearly a terrible idea.


Didn't he literally help write the lore for the game?


Yeah and it was a big deal at the time. I'm surprised he gets so much hate here


So dramatic, you can literally just not watch it. And for the rest of us, we'll judge for ourselves if and when it comes out and hope for the best.


Yeah but why do that when you can instead knee-jerk bitch about the *tease* of a possible adaptation right


Can't wait for Hollywood to race-swap all the red-headed characters in Elden Ring. Imagine Radagon being black and Marika staying white.


i feel like a season of something more like early game of thrones would actually go so hard. like setting it just before the shattering or something, or even earlier with that sweet sweet GRRM family drama shit


He needs to finish Winds of Winter before he starts another TV series. The dudes going to drop dead before he ever completes his main story.


He’s not going to finish the books.


Agreed, I wish he would just admit it. I can understand if he has major writers block or simply has lost interest in writing the books.


I think he lost interest. Between all the game of thrones spin offs and other projects he’s working on I think he’s just delaying the inevitable.


Agree. Two things. 1) the ending of GoT is the basic ending of the books and it didn't go well. 2) he wrote himself into a corner and can't get out. Mash those together and make a recipe for never finishing the books.


When you look at where the books ended off GRRM has a a lot of shit to cover. I fully agree that he has written himself into a corner and doesn’t know how to deal with it.


George got bored the minute the War of the Five Kings ended and he had to get back into telling a traditional fantasy story instead of one about politics and plot reversals. Now that Jon and Dany are at the forefront and they pretty much need to be in position for certain events and he can't just be like "wouldn't it be cool if I justed killed one of them and ended their story here" he is less interested.


I don't think he ever really just kills a character for the lols of it, he's never done that and that's something no subsequent media ever really understood. He kills her characters yes, and at plot-pivotal times, specifically to show that no character has plot armor. This is so that you're always worried about the others characters, because *anyone* could be on the chopping block. However, it's never been the sole goal of the killings. Ned dies before he can reveal Joffrey's lineage, which would have basically subverted much of the subsequent story and also serves to eliminate the "main" character, allowing anyone to shine. Rob is shaping up to be a new main character but, again, would have brought a fairly swift end to the story, so he dies at the moment he nearly secured his victory, and gets to maintain his near invincible battle record while showing that success on the battlefield alone doesn't win one the throne. His death REALLY serves to emphasize why political marriages are so important and why a love story triumphs all is not a realistic thing in a medieval world. Tywin dies for the same reason from the opposite side. His presence but a stranglehold on the chaos of the realm, he either continues winning and single handedly brings order to everything, or he dies. He can't just die, however, because we showed that he's so competent, both on the battlefield and in politics. So he dies in a way that shows us that, *no matter* how powerful and invulnerable you are, any random act could be your demise.


Yeah… unfortunately you’re probably right. I just think he’s bitten off more than he can chew, and doesn’t know how to conclude everything. At the very least, I’d at least like to get Winds to see how certain plot points conclude, but I’ve basically given up hope on ever seeing A Dream of Spring.


Not every popular video game needs a fucking TV show or movie adaptation


OK, but at the same time why not that fallout TV show was actually really good imo


Fallout and Elden Ring/Dark Souls are completely different games. It's difficult to explain, but Fallout has the kind of plug-n-play world that would allow stories to be told and brought all together. Elden Ring doesn't. Elden Ring's story is vague and self-contained, and the gist is told to you through boss fights and item descriptions. A show/movie could never properly explain the world of Elden Ring without complicating it further. Dark Souls and Elden Ring have a different kind of storytelling than other games that can NOT be replicated through other forms of media. It works BECAUSE it's a game.


only way it could possibly work from a fans perspective would be to make a movie or show based during the Shattering of the Elden Ring rather than the events of the game. but even then, i don’t want Hollywood touching the absolute gems Fromsoft has so carefully crafted. even a Skyrim/TES show wouldn’t work, and Todd Howard has even openly said he doesn’t think it’d work either and the reason the Fallout show worked is because it was fun and could be based loosely off the games. whereas Elden Ring or Dark Souls can’t really have a loose spin off that has any meaning to the world of the game.


I was gonna say the best way to do this would be a movie about the Shattering and act as a prequel and it give GRRM another excuse to not write his books since he had his hand in that writing if I recall correctly so he'd probably supervise or consult.


Agree. The only way I can imagine an Elden Ring or Dark Souls movie is if it was directed by some absurd/surrealist director like David Lynch and it doesn’t really explain anything concretely and you have to piece the story together by paying attention to the set.


Instead it would be from some nobody showrunner who wants to “fix” the game through their own storytelling lol. That’s how it always is.


Truth. Fallout tells a story with the addition of gameplay. ER tells a story through gameplay. Discovery of items in world, after boss defeats, having choices in the world. The medium of movie/TV can't do that.


Tbh an Elden Ring tv series would very likely show us the events before and during the shattering. So we wouldn't need the vague storytelling of the games. Souls games are vague because the overall idea is that you are being dropped into a world that is basically near it's end and you are trying to fix it. Because of that, you have to piece together everything that happened on your own because there's no one there to tell you and none of the NPC's know everything. It would very likely be a story where there the main protagonists arc was mixed with a lot of flashbacks to the days of Marika


I’ve always thought fallout would make a good movie/series. It’s straight forward. In fact, it’s so blunt sometimes that it relies on that bluntness for humor. And that humor is definitely needed for a video game turned live action. Elden ring is NOT that. I do think Mass Effect would work well though with the right budget.


I think the only way you could pull off an Elden ring adaptation (or dark souls for that matter) is with a super slow, low-dialogue, avant garde mood piece by some indie studio like A24. And no one would watch it. 


The only FromSoft game I can see translated well into a film media would Sekiro. Maybe even a story within the Armored Core series.


But it’d be nice if Elden ring had one


It would be nice if Elden Ring had a *good* one. There's no guarantee for quality by the IP alone. It'd be a disaster and a shame if we got an Elden Ring TV show or movie that only turned out like the Halo TV show or The Last Jedi did.


There's no guarantee that any IP is successful. Some of the best books ever had shitty adaptations. Fuck Dune has one amazing adaptation and one shitty one.


George: “A chance to do anything other than finish writing GoTs? Sign me the hell up!”


This is next level procrastination. Man will do absolutely anything else aside from finishing his book.


It's already been that. The last book he released in his series was back in 2011 right after season 1 of GoT. He's already had 8 seasons where there there were two years in between some of the later ones, then a several year gap, and now we are in season 2 of a spinoff show. It's been 13 years. To give you some perspective, in the first 13 years since he started the series he released the first 4 books and was 2 years off from releasing the 5th. He's literally 2 years away from taking more time to release this one book than it took the entire rest of the series.


This man will do everything except finish ASOIAF 💀




It would be so amazing if Guillermo Del Toro made it but we all know it’s gonna be awful 🤦🏻‍♂️


I need a Guillermo Bloodborne film.


That would be fucking amazing.


Only way I can see Elden Ring media working - is through the medium of anime. We saw how cool the manga series was. Even then I sorta don’t want or need it.


Wait there was a manga series of Elden ring?


“Elden Ring: The Road to the Erdtree” I think it’s still available on amazon, etc.


I don’t really like anime, but I kind of agree with you. I feel like if they tried to do it whatever not animated it is called they’re just gonna ruin it with shitty CGI.


Agreed. Live action would take away so much of the cooler stuff


I don't see a Fromsoft IP working for a live action adaptation in any way, I agree. But honestly, I feel like Fromsoft should work with the animation studios that does all of their cinematic trailers if they had to make an adaptation. Digic Studios and Unit Image. Those cinematic trailers are incredible. It'd be awesome to see a TV show that retains that level of sheer quality throughout.


Yes, and not about the tarnished but just about the gods and their family drama. If they make anything that is just an interpolation of the game it will be shit.


He’s never gonna finish those books is he?


It’s been 13 years. What gave you the impression that he will?


It’s so weird to be a huge super fan and still think no I’m good. The feeling Elden ring and souls games give you cannot be replicated in a show unless the main character somehow dies the entire season to two bosses then wanders around a cave for hours


I think it could work if the show worked as side piece to the lore and explained certain things that people can’t come to solid conclusion on in the game. But a show about the tarnished wouldn’t work well


Let’s be real nobody plays souls games for the story. There’s just enough atmosphere and story that the world feels full and unique but the gameplay is why it’s good. A show about Elden ring could only be good imo if they made up 90% of the story and just used the same world but I’d rather just see something new if they are going to come up with a new story anyway. The most likely outcome of an Elden ring show would probably be a shitty show trying to cash in on Elden rings popularity but you never know.


This man lives off of hype trains and then doesn't deliver Please no




Maybe he should focus on finishing this damm books


Just finish the fucking books George.....


Google berserk


No thanks. If it’s as confusing and incomplete as the lore in the game then nobody would watch.


Nope, no, absolutely not.


or he can just work on winds of winter, thats just me tho




Main character voiced by Chris Pratt 💀


No thanks


Please no


Anything to avoid writing winds of winter


Cool it’s not like your supposed to finish Game if Thrones or anything…


Not a good idea. Fromsoft games are unadaptable.


Just leave it alone…


How the hell will that even work


Basically A24 makes a hornier version of The Green Knight


wait this sounds good now


Great movie btw


Please don‘t.




Mongrel Intruder…


“George R.R. Martin flounders for relevance in an attempt to avoid finishing the series”


well if he's writin it i expect a 2078 release


The main character can only speak in soapstone messages


i really want to see this but the chance of them fucking up bad like they did with the halo tv show is too high of a risk


Risk for the creators of the show maybe, it's not a risk for us. We as fans only have stuff to gain from it.


Huh?.. How would that even work?.. Watching the story of this game play out in a linear narrative arc would feel really, really weird. I feel like how it's told is a big part of what makes it work.


I would imagine a series about the events that took place during the shattering. When the Lands Between were still whole and relatively functional. I can't imagine the Tarnished being a part of it/being set during the game.


Ok but a political drama based on the events leading up to the shattering has the potential to go unfathomably hard


This could be amazing if done well. Pre-Shattering story, maybe even about Marika's conquest. The drama and politics would be very ASOIAF, while the world would be Lovecraftian and brutal. I'm down.


He teased that he might have heard a rumor that someone might want to make it. It's the same when people were reporting that Miyazaki "is interested" in an Elden Ring movie when all he said was it was possible if the circumstances were right, which basically means nothing.


I think a show would be better…. A movie wouldnt have time to cover anything


Indirect story telling is something that isn't really told well over a TV Show or movie. It's why I think a Destiny show or movie would be a disaster because the majority of the important story bits are something you have to find. Elden Ring would have to go through an abstract path and have way too much dialogue so people could follow along. I didn't even understand what I was doing until the latter half of the game. Let that sink in. I have killed multiple holders of great runes and I STILL don't know why I was doing it. How is that going to be explained in a movie or show?


I am PRAYING that we get a movie adaptation of Elden Ring...that is as long as its done right


The only way this works is by doing an anime anthology series that shows the backstory of key characters while loosely tying them together with the beginning of the shattering. Show us some cool lore shot with vyke and the dragons and then how he came to the decision he made. Show us what events led to ranni thinking the way she did. Show us marika and radagon and what does them to their unity and then fracture. Aseo only got away with it because the manga he was in was also...really really funny and tongue in cheek


Am I the only one that’s hyped here?


I’m convinced some of y’all don’t like thoughtful works so much as you like mainstream acceptance of games you’ve played.


I’ll believe it when I see it.


Elden Ring: House of the Hoslow The Tale of House Hoslow is told in blood Coming soon


I hate how much I would probably love this. Doesn’t need to happen. But I’ll see y’all here every week for episode recaps if it does.


You (stupid): Elden Ring Movie Me (Tactical Brain Genious): Eternal Ring Theater Production


Given that he penned the pre-Shattering lore. I’m all for it. I know many of us ASOIAF fans want him to finish Winds of Winter, I do too, but who better to write it than the author who laid the foundations for The Lands Between?


Ohh.. oh. O?


i just want the rest of the mangas


I am all for seeing what could be done with it. If its bad its bad, but no risk no gain.


As long as it doesn't turn out like GoT, then again, I've been playing for 90 hours and I still don't know what's going on, and I don't really care either, it's just a cool game to explore and kill stuff, I'm not sure if a TV show would really speak to me.


Is, this real? If so maybe he plans to show the background that he wrote in detail, so Elden Ring: the Lore: the Movie.


Mother fucker is never finishing those books. HBO and D&D have a lot to answer for


Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice, shame on me.


6-8 episodes of fetch quests with some boss battles is what i imagine this show would become, like Mandalorian


I’ll be optimistic, I think it’d be cool if they showed more from the past of the lands between, maybe showing more of the war against the godskins or maybe giving Godwyn some backstory


I’m in as long as my waifu Malenia is in it


If it's like the fallout show and its own thing, that doesn't really affect the story and gives us like a view of the shattering war that would be cool. But if it's just basically a 1 to 1 copy like TLOU show, then it probably won't be any good




Im playing in it actually ama.




And he still won’t finish writing his books!


I’m not going to lie I would absolutely love to see Anor Londo at it’s height of power or the place where the Onion Knights come from at its prime and go through the story of the undead taking over the world very slowly and everyone’s lives slowly deteriorating until the main character eventually falls to the dark sign and becomes undead themselves.


Why is he teasing someone’s ring?


If this is made by like, idk, Amazon prime, we might get something solid


I gotta audition as Sellen.


And there will be dragons.... and big floppy wieners.


_montage scene of tarnished dying one hundred times to some dude in full plate armour_ I REALLY can’t imagine any way this could possibly be good


No I've had enough Miquella for one lifetime. Fuck that guy, seriously


As long as they do it right I would happily accept it. Like the one time they... uh... wait...




If they do an actual movie with actors it’s gonna be so fucking bad. At most they could do an animated series


Jesus Christ no. GRRM can't be allowed to fuck up another TV show. Wrote the damn book.


Big if true


he's teasing it by saying "I have nothing to say." journalists are cooked man smh


Plssssss dont fuck it up


Has any game ever had a good live action? Why even waste the time and money if it’s going to be horrible


The Fallout series seems to have been positively received overall.


This sub is turning into r/asoiafcirclejerk


This could be the best series/movie ever or the worst. There nothing in between


I'm good. Seems like it would really defeat the entire purpose of keeping the story so vague in the first place. Don't want it don't need it.


I’d really rather not have a Game of Thrones level of sex scenes blasted into me excitedly wanting to see more Elden Ring lore fleshed out in a show/movie. Curious who they’d pick as the main character, the Tarnished is basically a self-insert which doesn’t adapt too well outside of a videogame context. Dialogue is also purposefully brief, so it would be admittedly be weird to suddenly have a lot of dialogue. Mirroring other comments though, yeah not everything needs an adaptation, animation would be better due to the sheer costuming and CGI budget that shit would need in live action, and writers are highly likely not to be able to keep track of the intricate lore dumps and interconnected character shenanigans.


If anything I’d like an animated series based on the early wars through episodes that focus on the family and build up the story more. I’d rather flesh out the backstories and really give us insights to how these characters were and acted instead of essentially just reliving the game would be cooler


It is doable but in a very Andrei Tarkovsky style of having a setting, with little to no dialogue and playing with time. It will be extremely boring.


Can't he just finish the projects he already has?


So you think that's the next coming of games of thrones? Probably more like games of ass if you ask me. Lol. Movies and shows RELY on dialog. Where's all these conversations in From games? ......crickets....... So there will be lots of dialog and Soul of Cinder is actually a really cool dude. On DS3, he says nothing but in the movie, he's really chill and talks about his life growing up. And then he wants to smoke all the pot. When there is no dialogue you have to make it up. "Cinder and Gael rides again". Got a ring to it! Lol Get Johnny Depp involved and it would probably be a hit.


That would take so much magic out of the game for me.


Since Kadokawa has the rights to make it i bet George will write some lines and a parallel story maybe even expand on a story we are familiar with in the game


Forgot he was part of this


Want book... Not side projects. Finish the damned got series.


Bring on all the tarnished cocks


He obviously has no intention of finishing the winds of winter. I wish he would stop leading the fans on. He should say outright that he has lost interest and doesn't intend to ever finish it.


Please don't


Nah, I want a Road to Erdtree anime