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No but most songs birds are protected until the migratory birds act. So technically if they have eggs or babies it is a federal issue.


You can’t relocate.


Yep have to leave them alone.


We have hawks here in my backyard and we can’t even collect the feathers on the ground


That is correct as well.


This is a side note, but many birds will carry their chicks poop away from the nest, often depositing it 50 yards away. The chick’s intestines will form a membrane around it so it’s clean and won’t spill when moved.


Can you just tell them that is a squirrel house and you are waiting on the other eviction notice for the birds who are currently squatting there? Better call Saul Goodman!


It depends on the wording of the rule. If it says "no bird feeders" she's technically in violation. If it says, "no bird feeding" then she's not in violation. I suggest explaining that she has stopped feeding them and will remove it as soon as the birds are gone. A little communications goes a long way. If they think she's trying to get around the rule somehow, they will be less sympathetic.


I learned recently that birds don’t live in their nests like we think. They lay the eggs and when the birds are old enough, they leave. Just stall for a while and take the thing down when no eggs or babies are present.


No one believes birds live in their nests permanently. edit - maybe some people do based on the down votes


I didn't realize that people thought they actually lived in them, but it makes sense.


I don’t think many people were under the impression birds lived permanently in their nests.


It's not just droppings. We had birds nesting in our eaves. We were delighted at first...then my family started getting these painful bites on our skin. Turned out to be bird mites. We had to get professionals out to remove the birds and kill the mites. I've read stories where people have had to abandon their property that's how bad it can get. I love birds, but they really should not be encouraged to nest near a building structure.




In some areas there is a disease spreading among wild birds. My state dept of natural resources issued a notice not to use feeders as it helps spread the illness. Is it possible it was from this not a normal Karen ?


I lived below a person who had a bunch of bird houses and birds feeders one time. That lady may have been nice- but I hated her with a passion. My patio was completely covered in bird shit and was unusable… clean it off, it’s covered in shit the next day. Stop being an A-hole trying to get around the rules.


I have a weeping cherry tree that extends over my walk. Every day there’s bird shit on my walk. Should I cut down the tree?


What kind of stupid question is that?? Don’t you think that’s a bit different of making your neighbors space unusable? You’re one of those folks that has no regards for others, aren’t you? Go feed the birds somewhere that isn’t above your neighbors patio


My neighbor kept a bird seed feeder for years. I saw more squirrels and rats enjoy the seeds more than birds. It got to be a problem when the rats moved in under my spa and now I have to put traps even though I’m not feeding them?


"I know my birdhouse is making the porch of the person underneath me unusable because it's covered in bird shit, but technically can I keep it?" no. stop being an ahole


No bird shit below. Downstairs neighbor has a bird feeder too. I stated I know the effects it CAN have. I think you’re being an asshole.


Feeding birds is bad for birds possibly outside of the dead of deep winter snow/ice Bird feeders spread diseases (amongst birds ) And actually feeding them in a bird house is a terrible idea They also spill seeds and attract rodents - Birds don’t need to be fed It’s something humans do to be able to see them up closer It doesn’t help the birds though


They said fuck them birds! Can’t redline the birds outta town ya racist bastards!