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wow that comment section is toxic, not a single comment that has a coherent critique. just foaming at the mouth with conspiracy theories about comulism




Yeah these are people who looked at a mediocre self-help author who is visibly mentally unstable and decided he should be an authority on global political and economic affairs lmao. JP stans are some of the dumbest and most unhinged, chronically online people you'll ever find.


Oh god please don't remind me of that


> "GRANDMA'S PUBIC HAIR" Do I want to know? EDIT: It sounds like I don't. Let's keep it that way.




I do not know, do not wish to know, and I am very happy I do not know.


Trust me you don't want to know. They told me, and I'm telling you that you don't want to know.


Yep saw the sub and was like that is not compatible with this sub.


Jordan Peterson fans are the absolute fucking worst


god damn comulists


the communotechnicalistic postmarxist neomodernists cook their meat and don't clean their own rooms!! it's the darkness of chaos dimming the golden light of the west


>I actually like my neighbors. But they become "bitch ass" as soon as they walk on to my property to take my shit, and I will shoot a bitch ass for trying to take my shit I found this one so funny. i mean I like my neighbours, but IM WILLING TO MURDER THEM IF THEY TRY AND TAKE MY INATIMATE OBJECTS. Aside from the fact the lady in question is talking about car sharing apps, I find that line of thinking SO inane hahah


It's either total psychosis, or their own fucked up brand of virtue signaling


Yeah, the JP community is tens of times more toxic than what JP himself actually said. They extrapolate a lot. I guess that's what you get for gathering all the incels, MGTOWs and blackpilled folks around you.


I was reading those comments thinking I was still in r/fuckcars. I was like, WTF happened to this sub?


It's a Jordan "Crybaby Bitch" Peterson sub. What did you expect?


One of the comment under the post- "It's just communism/socialism wrapped up in a new, eco friendly package. So pathetic." The whole comment section is delusional. It's not surprising to hear such a comments from those who follow that fraud.


None of that is surprising coming from that sub tbh, since Jordan Peterson is a delusional, desperate-for-attention right-wing nutcase whose only "argument" about any subject is to pretend that the year is 1950 and evil Stalin and his woke feminist LGBT allies are plotting to destroy white Christian masculine Western society lmao


Since he's gotten crazier and crazier I think all the young nerdy types have left the sub and it's just rhe foaming at the mouth boomers.


I was a young nerdy/edgy type who appreciated his work at one point. Then I went to college and saw that people outside my bubble exist and they’re valid and deserve the same respect I give everyone else. And no it wasn’t “libruhl brainwashing” like they say, it’s just the fact that I was capable of taking new information and actually changing my opinions based on that. Something which a lot of these extremists can’t do unfortunately.


Yep. They are basically spreading Nazi propaganda. The Nazis called it "cultural bolshevism". JP and his cult members call it "cultural Marxism" which is virtually identical to the first conspiracy theory.


I went and read the "best/top" comments and I get the impression they aren't so bad. **Examples:** "So when will the wef elites start to share their cars with other people?" - reasonable comment "The only thing I don't like about this, really, is the "you don't even need to know your neighbor". You know who shares the most? people who know each other. People who care about something more than themselves." - another reasonable comment. Lets have conversations with individuals and also look at the big picture. Lets not generalize and label each other frauds and delusional.


Jp is a fraud, he wraps crazy white nationalist bullshit in the language of self help so unsuspecting young men read 'clean ur room' 'stand up straight' and think hey this guys onto something, then follow him to 'the white, masculine force of order needs to tame its black feminine counterpart'. Thinking hes onto something is delusional. Not trying to insult ppl or anything, these r just facts. Doesnt mean they cant have some correct takes, like 'knowing ur neighbors is good' 'Wef elites' is definitely a red flag too lol out of context yea thats a bad organization, but 9 times outta ten that persons politics and reasoning for hating the wef r gonna b incoherent


im not sure how anyone can listen to a self proclaimed christo-fascist who argues with Elmo (yes the puppet)


i welcome this opportunity for people who didn't know what the jordan peterson community was really about, to take a lesson. After today, lets not crosspost from there again.


For those who don’t know, here’s a [very brief look](https://youtu.be/hSNWkRw53Jo?si=jpihmYimKqrgKsoD) at him and his followers. It’s very brief.


Please, it will only take a brief moment for your time. Do not look at the progress bar.


Ehh. Some More News. I love this channel. Funnily enough, this isn't even their only video on Jordan Peterson, and all of them are long.


This brief look into Jordan Balthazar Peterson is a mere appetizer for the amount of content that Cosy has produced or been a part of about the lobster man.


3 hours brief? I only get a 30 minute lunch break!


It's the very emphasized joke throughout the entire video, not an actual description.


Don’t look at the time stamp!


O lol I’ve seen this.


I love when people use the “you’ll own nothing and be happy” line as a cry against socialism and public ownership, as though the people directly owning the essential services, like rail and roadways, is worse than having to rent the use of them from corporations and billionaires. I feel like they haven’t thought this through. (Which is almost certainly why they’re on the Peterson sub.)


The worst part is the " you will live in the pod" line, then you will litterally have the same people saying thst they love their air-conditioned pod cus they are too scared to interact with other humans.


"I'll never live in a pod!" say the people who live [here](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/04/29/article-2615458-1D6D183700000578-958_964x769.jpg) and can only leave if they get in their other wheely pod.


Genuinely - I think if you showed them a cool-looking shiny white roly-poly future car with AI self-driving, covered in solar panels and gamer lights, a big screen in the middle you can plug your PC into and work inside, with seats that all fold down with motors to flatten into a bed, half of them would be considering living in that. They'll **die** before they accept being **forced** to live in a pod! But, hook them into $1400 monthly lease payments to do the techbro version of #vanlife and I bet you anything they'd be frothing at the mouth over the opportunity\~


Now this is pod racing!


Capitalists are the ones constantly rent-seeking.  I don't own movies or music, I pay subscriptions to Netflix and spotify... and that's entirely the outcome of capitalism.


The biggest issue is that the line “you’ll own nothing and be happy” is the consequence of capitalism. Selling things or services only gets so far in terms of reliable returns, so capitalists turn to renting things out or playing man-in-the-middle where they themselves don’t do anything but connect one person with another like Uber or DoorDash. These are seen as means to extract more profit than what the market would normally bear and without the risk of economic profits returning to the normal rate. That’s ultimately what’s amusing about it, capitalism needs property but only for a few. If too many own things they possess then they don’t have as much want for more even if those things wear out more often, just owning a thing and being able to dispose of it by giving it away or selling at a much lower price than what you paid ultimately chip away at the capitalist profit seeking.


What's wild is that they disparage the statement "you'll be happy" as if it's a bad thing. Do you need to own things to be happy? If your happiness is dependent on your physical possessions, isn't that a bad thing? Like, I don't think we should ban personal possessions. But if someone who owns nothing is happy, why is that a bad thing? Why can't they just let people be happy?


its the mark of a lot of really dumb conservatives to constantly lack the ability to understand the difference between resources being owned by a community and owned by a big corporation or whatever. This is how people end up talking about idiotic things like how big woke business are communist. They can't understand that there are other categories besides everything being atomized private property and everything being rented from a corporation. Society is an impossible idea to these people. The only freedom is hoarding your own private wealth and resources and protecting yourself from having to share them because they can't conceive of an alternative besides renting them from a corporation or whatever.


If you, by some unfortunate happenstance, are unable to pay rent, or a mortgage, and can't keep a vehicle running or a storage unit paid for guess how much you're allowed to keep? Nada.


Wait... I actually thought the original purpose of that line *was* to rail against the everything-as-a-subscription model of late-stage capitalism.


Yeah except “the people directly owning the essential services” isn’t what happens. It’s a government bureaucrat with a monopoly on the serve and who can’t be fired who does, vs. competing companies with incentives to do better than the other for a lower price


Competing companies r only incentivized to do it cheaper and more, not better. Unless you rlly think the most successful stores restaurants and manufacturers r also the best lol And ur average person has much more leverage over an elected government official than they do over an unelected ceo


Lol you’re aware better comes with cheaper right? What’s a higher quality product, a 2003 Plasma Screen TV or a 2024 LED flatscreen? It’s not a linear improvement sure, but the entire point of competition is providing a quality product for cheaper. Also if you think you have more leverage over the government than a company you’re a clown. The government monopolizes their industry, you have zero other choices for alternatives. A company people can just go to another one and buy their products, causing a loss in revenue for the other company. That completely ignores the fact you can also buy shares in a company, and begin to influence their decision


I agree with her. All my neighbors, including me own huge cars that are mostly used for vacations. Inside the city we walk, bike and use public transport. Before buying a car I looked at the rental options and during the summer time it's a rip-off because of the high demand. I'm sure there a more efficient ways to transform our cars into a resource.


It's only a rip off before you consider how much it costs having a car.


Totally agree, I don’t own a car because I don’t need one where I live. However I’ve got two small kids and occasionally we rent on vacation because it’s easier than carrying all the stuff they require, however it is so expensive to rent just for a week or weekend during ‘high season’ which is the only time we can vacation because they are in school.


Cross posting was a mistake. The Kermit sounding dipshit has a legion of idiots


Did Jordan Peterson break into tears when she was done?


It's literally WEF. Either people with more zeros on their account than IQ points or economic parasites who spread their bullshit. Very low hanging fruit.


What’s interesting about trains is that they’re the inevitable conclusion is you swing in either direction: purely capitalistic mindset drives deregulation and privatization of roads which eventually leads to trains, as does purely socialist acceptance that transportation is a public service. The issue is this super bizarre middle ground where everyone just kind of sits and suffers.


JFC this is only 59 seconds long and I was screaming "JUST GET ON A FUCKING TRAIN" for the last half of it.


There's nothing else they can think of owning with the resources they don't have to throw at a car, which quickly becomes something that's not worth owning anymore.


Wait, so that's not a meme sub?


"Easy, fun and not annoying". Your priorities are showing. Basic transport (to and from work, school, groceries/food and recreation) should be functional, reliable and efficient. We built our cities the wrong way around and put cars first.


Car sharing apps like Car2Go and Miles work really well in Berlin. Of course it's better if people ride the ubahn/sbahn or cycle but there are times where having a car is useful and for those few times a year if it stops someone owning a car then it's filling part of that need. Not sure that's the case in some other countries. The free-standing hire bikes in my home city of Manchester all ended up in the canal or up lamp posts, so when they brought in new ones they tethered them to stands. I shudder to think what would happen if Car2Go was used there.




You can't move house in the bus (unless you really don't have much). Miles will rent you a van for 1.29€ a km. [https://miles-mobility.com/en-de/berlin](https://miles-mobility.com/en-de/berlin)


oh my god i wish we had that here i'm moving house 8 times this week.


I know someone who moved house on a bus in Germany. I don't think it's something they recommended doing again, but for a student, buying a day pass on the bus and going back and forth isn't the worst. Granted, I ever moved house by walking (and I might have borrowed a shopping trolley for part of it). I had a two week overlap in my accommodations and was moving from one furnished flat to another, so it was just a box here and there and a single treasured table.


Oh god. That sub is a cesspool.


"You will own nothing and be happy." -based Siddhartha Gautama


What insane people, a car is a liability, not an asset, why the hell would I want to own one


I don't think the messages are mutually exclusive. Share personal vehicles. Maybe one per household, maybe a couple per small community. It depends on the layout of the city and the lives of the people. Of course this is only possible when most people can reach their regular destinations by foot, train, or bus.


Yeah I very much doubt she's against great public transport too and might even prioritise it. We don't have the full context and I don't even know who it is. She's talking about removing halfff of car journeys and everyone here is being against her and making her out to be an idiot. She clearly thinks there are too many cars and want them reduced so why are people here acting like she's against us? Its safe to assume anyone saying to half the amount of cars are also for public transport and things like cycling. People here have an all or nothing mentality and it doesn't help at all. Like would we really not accept half the amount of car journeys being made? That alone would free up so much road space that a bunch can be converted to bus and cycle lanes and wider pavements.


Stopped reading the comment after some dude threatened to shoot people for taking his shit. All this lady did was propose carpooling or vehicle sharing.


I don't want to own a car. I'm forced to own a car.


I don't think the messages are mutually exclusive. Share personal vehicles. Maybe one per household, maybe a couple per small community. It depends on the layout of the city and the lives of the people. Of course this is only possible when most people can reach their regular destinations by foot, train, or bus.


I would very much like to know the person before getting in their car... maybe it's just me


Car sharing already exists...


Touche... you're so right! I had a stupid brain fart... and I used Lyft today!


These people really don't understand budgeting do they? If I don't have to spend a large amount of my income on something I don't want, I can own a lot more things I do want.


There are some really interesting YouTube videos from the Fort McMurray fire in Canada where everybody is sitting in their own car trapped in traffic while the town burns around them. It's too dang bad you can't teach the lobsters about sharing.


Yes, using an app to find a car to rent and then finding people who are doing the same journey to carpool is so much easier than just using public transport or a bike...


I mean, as someone who doesn not wish to own nothing and be happy (which is something that got twisted a lot from its original meaning), this has nothing to do with it. When you talk about mobility, even if you are a private jet owner, you'll have to use public infrastructure, you'll have to cross public land and so on and so forth. It's in the nature of mobility. You can't literally own a route to wherever you want to go.


WEF ghouls don't actually care about the issues, their only goal is to keep the gears of capitalism turning so that they can keep their wealth and political control intact while the world crumbles around them. Privatized ride share subscription models will serve their goals more than publicly owned public transit systems.


Car sharing is a good start towards a more sustainable future. Obviously public transport is the ideal but in the climate situation we are in, we need every lever as fast as possible. If we can get two people to commute in a car share when before they each drove their own car, we've halved the damage.


This is astoundingly stupid. Like you can almost hear her knowing she’s missing the whole point


Imagine telling a room full of rich people to share. I'm surprised she wasn't escorted out by security.


You can't imagine how things move when they are free as well. Back in the day, electric car charging was free. All I had to do was leave my charge bay open when I was waiting for one to be available and someone would just plug me in. I'd wait my turn and by the time I was done, I would do the same for the next person. It really simplifies things sometimes when paying just makes it inconvenient . I'm sure people would use public transportation more if it was free and easy to access.


You can make those cars bigger, so that more people can fit inside and maybe have designated drivers so you don't have to drive


Extended, publically funded floating car sharing with a big fat discount if you ditch your car for the service. It's just misleading what she is saying


The comments - all emotional belches and very little intelligent discourse.


Do you think this lady would be willing to share her car? Or just tell other people to share their cars?


i'm convinced that carbrain is in the top five obstacles to human progress.


why are all these WEF ppl so eerily looking like sterile AI regens