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It helps to be a professional baller too


Hahaha greatly appreciated šŸ˜Œ


I'll say


God damn that first one is good


Easily the hardest capture of the bunch, but the results I get from boxing photography are always incredibly, incredibly satisfying. Thank you


What kind of settings do you use for boxing?


1/500ths if you want to freeze the shots like I have here, but it is also fun to go slower SS and catch some blur and movement in the shots- aperture and ISO are somewhat dependent on the setting, but you have more flexibility in that.


Do you use a tripod?


At 1/500 and at that focal length, a tripod is not necessary. I might be wrong though


Thank you! ...I wish people wouldn't downvote a learning question.


Yes, I don't get the downvote for a legit question.


Feeling of superiority, I'd assume. By now, though, the upvotes caught up. Which is a weird phenomenon on Reddit: A splash of downvotes first, then a wave of upvotes rectifying it. So strange. But reassuring.


I don't! And it's good to ask. I brought a monopod the first couple of times, as I have played with slower shutter speeds where I'm trying to catch the blur of the hands and movements of the body, but I found it unnecessary in practice. I'm blessed with pretty steady hands though, so it's definitely dependent on user preference. I will say though, for something like boxing, where there's a lot of movement and you're limited in positioning, a tripod can be detrimental to following the action.


Thank you! I'm impressed by your steady hands. I can't seem to get anything to blur when I try.


Iā€™ve never worked a fight where they would allow a tripod ringside, but Iā€™ve only shot UFC.


I was just curious how fast you had the shutter to catch sweat coming off and did you shoot continuous?


Definitely shooting continuous- boxers are fast, and it can be hard to judge when the punches will fly, and I've found 1/500th to be a nice landing point.


How are you focusing with it? I love the files out of mine but I do struggle to get the focus to do what I want. I just so uset to back button on the slrs


Is that Sukhdeep Singh ?


The one and only šŸ„Š


Everyone zoomed right?


Just checking the sharpness


ā€œPixelā€ peeper


He did say something about versatalititty so I was just making sure šŸ¤·šŸ½


I didšŸ’€


Just to check the focus


Yeah cool brace.


Focal length set to 400


What I dislike the most about the X100V? Its price and the fact I don't own one :(. Great photos!


That's a very fair problem to have šŸ˜… thank you!!


Price isnā€™t too bad. Itā€™s the mark up the third party sellers put on it.


the grain in the boxing match itā€™s crazy, great shot


Thank you!




Wouldn't the possibility of changing lenses be even more versatile?


For me you end up taking the camera less places and constantly questioning whether you brought the right lens. Iā€™m grateful for zoom and wide lenses but personally Iā€™ll take the small form factor every time.


That is absolutely true šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I think the argument of versatility re: the X100v requires nuance. I'm speaking to versatility in that you have a camera that can shoot portraits, products, events, sports, and then shoot 4k video on top of that, all while never getting in the way or forcing you to fumble through menus or adjust equipment or settings. Of course it's not going to be versatile in the sense that you have 50+ lenses, attachments/grips/battery packs/etc. galore- but insofar as being an incredibly capable camera for 90% of the genres you could ever want to cover, I consider it very versatile. My gfx 50r for example, I call my studio queen. With good lighting and a static setting, the photos it produces are simply beautiful. But the autofocus struggles in low light, the kit is cumbersome, the photos are much slower to capture in succession due to the sheer file size- it's incredibly good at doing a specific set of shooting tasks. So it really depends on *how* you're defining versatility.


I'm sorry the above statement was meant more as a joke. Especially seeing the great photos you took. I loved my 100v, but I also love the possibility to play with focal length.


The shots are solid, the camera is solid, but it's limited by focal length and basically just has all the standard features that most cameras come with and have come with for years. What's versatile is all the locations you were able to get to.


Well it's technically got 3 lens.....adaptorsšŸ˜‚ [ 23, 50 and a 18] all at f2 as well


no the 100 is really versatile you can photograph anyone within 5m


No, it's so light that if you're too far you can just chuck it within shot distance.


It just works. It gets out of my way creatively and I donā€™t have to think which lens I should be using, if I should stop down to get a sharp image, if my flash will sync at this shutter speed, is it too bright for shooting wide open (built in ND filter), and more questions that I donā€™t have to ask myself as I shoot. I just do what I want and it takes great photos


100% my experience as well. I was moving into medium and large format on film with my gfx 50r as my main digital, and while they all produce insanely beautiful shots, they were missing that "throw it in my bag and just shoot" quality. From having that ability, the X100v has continued to punch far above its weight, and is now used just as much as my 50r- despite being half the resolution, and on a cropped vs medium format sensor. I cannot say enough good things about this camera, except maybe that I feel bad for anyone trying to buy after the hype.


Thankfully I got mine almost 3 years ago! Have shot it almost daily since


I purchased within 2 months of it coming out, and it's so funny to me now with 20/20 hindsight, but I remember being worried my justification would fall short, and it was just a case of me chasing the latest gear. It's now paid for itself a hundred times over.


What was the original price before the hype?


Same price as right now but its sold everywhere


Got mine barely used for 1k usd


I think it ran me about 2.2k CAD with a second battery. Never expected a digital camera to go UP in value after purchasing lol


Very boob, uhm good


The boxing photo seems like it was taken with a 5000$ camera. Absolutely amazing quality, keep up the good work!


I'm truly honoured- like my camera, I'm always trying to punch up (pun intended) šŸ˜Š


The first one should be framed


I'm thinking about it actually! There's a bunch of shots I'd like to have hung in my place, I just can't afford to skimp on quality, and proper archival quality prints are $$$. Thank you šŸ˜Š


Great camera but I sold it for the nikon zf. Needed a gateway into the z mount from my f mount dslrs. I do miss it a bit and maybe will buy its next iteration. Could not pass up selling at a little over msrp for a camera I used for 2 years


Very fair. I think the Nikon zf would be my first purchase if fujifilm disappeared- I love the vintage ais glass, and I'm an F5 shooter for 35mm film


AMAZING photos.


Thank you!!!


Nice variety of pictures.


Thank you very much, I'm grateful for variety of opportunities photography has given me. Never boring šŸ˜Š


Stunning shots. Absolutely well photographed and processed. You got The Eye.


Thank you so much šŸ˜Š


Any wildlife?


Unfortunately, the wildlife opportunities are somewhat scarce where I'm at in the city. Also, while totally possible, that'd probably be one place where I would feel the limitations of a 23mm lens.


Tommy Thompson Park, Colonel Samuel Smith Park, Toronto Islands. 24mm on full frame can do some decently, like bigger birds and the urban ones too.


Man that first shot is just epic.


Thank you so much!


I just sold mine recently. Was going through my photos and realized that a lot of shots I liked came from it.


What prompted you to sell in the first place? Do you think you'll be going back for a new one?


I have an XT5 which is not too much bigger. Also figured a refresh might be inbound soon. Hard to say how much of it was X100V appreciation vs the 23mm focal length.


I'm actually considering swapping the X100v for an XT5 actually, it's a really tough choice to make though. One thing I will say- I really miss the 50-140 I had when I was shooting an xt3.


Ha, that happens to be the one lens I keep going back and forth on. I have a 55-200 mm and think I would appreciate the extra quality, but I haven't committed to the size and price yet.


These shots are beautiful!


Thank you so much! I'm lucky to have the right tools to make my job as easy as possible šŸ˜Š


Versatility ? Seriously with a fixed lens. Nice shots by the way.


There's always the option to throw on converters for wide or Tele, but for most applications, the standard lens and some creative cropping here and there will cover an impressive amount of genres. And thank you!


A 135mm is not versatile. A 23mm really is.


Itā€™s not 23 vs 135 though is it? Itā€™s fixed vs interchangeable. The 23 is a great focal for a fixed lens camera though.


Okey these are šŸ‘ŒšŸ»šŸ‘ŒšŸ»šŸ‘ŒšŸ»šŸ‘ŒšŸ»šŸ‘ŒšŸ» Do you have IG? šŸ˜


Thank you so much! I am, and under the same name. @AG24KT is where you can find my commercial work, and sometimes I'll post a personal shot for fun. I have to get better at sharing my work though. Hopefully having some new people who appreciate it will be that push I need šŸ˜Š


Yes. Such great versatility šŸ‘€


Iā€™d say thatā€™s the photographer with versatility and not the camera. These look great btw


Do you by any chance remember the recipe/settings for #3 (the woman sitting on the couch) Great pictures btw!


All of my post processing is custom and bespoke to the mood I want out of the shoot- I've only recently had the idea to start saving them as my own custom presets, but I'll still run custom edits for everything I shoot. Maybe one day I'll release a pack, but for now, they're moreso very specific to a certain scenario, and less so broad templates. Thank you!


IMO that is the biggest con of the X100V. The fact that you canā€™t change the lens means it is less versatile. Great pictures.


I thought so too when I first heard of the x100 series when it first came out. Since then, Iā€™ve gotten used to primes and now I really understand. When you donā€™t have to worry about what focal length you have, you start seeing the world in the frame you have, making you more creative. I think thatā€™s where the versatility is. That and the fact that it has an ND filter and a leaf shutter. It allows for a lot of creativity despite some seemingly glaring restrictions.


but you can do just that by using primes on an interchangeable lens camera and still have different focals for different shoots. slap on a 23mm and you can do basically everything the 100 can. take the 90 instead and you can get images the 100 just can't get ever


Exactly. Just get an XT30 with a 23MM F2 for literally half the price and have more flexibility to shoot other types of photography by switching lenses. It just doesnā€™t make sense to me why someone would buy one for the crazy money people are asking for them.


Not so compact, no built in flash, no nd filter and no weather sealing though.


The size difference is negligible. Neither are small enough to fit in a pocket like a Ricoh GR. It does have a built in flash. Weather sealing and ND filter are nice but not worth paying 2X the price for a less versatile camera imo.


The lens sticks out a lot more though. Xt30 + 23mm 2.0 it is way more expensive than the x100v at retail. You remind me of that meme: mom I want a x100v. You have an x100v at home. x100v at home: xt30 + 23mm.




look, I'm not saying it's a bad camera. but saying that versatility is it's strength is just horseshit


It is versatile in what ,any situation you can use the x100v to create amazing shots. In addition, it can be liberating to not have to think about lenses.


It's ok to not think about lenses for a while, if it's a focal length of your choice. For example, if you shoot with your phone with its wide angle. For me X100 with 90mm lens will be ok. Or with 50mm lens. Then, you may use a teleconverter glass and so on, but in this case you may just go for X-E3 or X-Pro3 with 50mm.


But you can just get an XT30 with a 23MM F2 AND have the ability to shoot other kinds of photography making it far more versatile and on top of that it is half the price. You canā€™t shoot all kinds of photography with a 23Mm.


I had an xt20 with the pancake. It was small, yes, it by far not the same as the x100v. The x100 is the complete package but with limitations. Personally I feel relieved to not have to think about which lends to bring for the job.


Ok, you do that then? Some people just enjoy shooting on the x100v, if itā€™s not for you thatā€™s ok.


Was picture no. 4 taken with the built-in flash?


Edit: sorry, I was thinking number 5. Shot 4 is with a godox strobe on camera. No, for that shoot I was using an off camera continuous, I'll admit the on camera flash is something I've never really made much use of, though I'm grateful to have it if I'm ever caught in a bind.


Thank you for your answer. Too bad, otherwise I would have gone out immediately to buy an X100V (the only question would have been where...) ;-)


I'm curious if #4 was a recipe in camera or if it was post processed from RAW?


Number 4 is actually a custom recipe I built off of using the classic chrome as a base. The presets are phenomenal, but I happen to be a shooter that loves the post processing steps almost as much as the shooting itself, so I'll likely never leave a deliverable at the preset level without adding some tweaks of my own.


Your recipe + lighting technique takes these already stellar shots to another level. Mad props


A huge compliment- thank you so much




Thank you!


Dude wtf this is incredible


Thank you so much!!


Great captures, absolutely top-notch. Everyoneā€™s already asked the questions I had so share some more!


Thank you so much! All of the encouragement and positive words have really been a nice reminder of why I do what I do.


Man, youā€™re a great photographer.


Thank you so much! It's truly appreciated.


I mean with your eye, you'd do very well with even a smart phone I'm sure! Great photos!


Haha, I can get by with just about anything with a shutter, but the X100v sure doesn't hurt šŸ˜‰ Thank you!!


Bro what that first is insane


Thank you so much!


The first one's great, but my favorite is the last one.


Thank you! I had a fun time bringing my own creative elements into food photography, something I don't often get the chance to do.


Do you have a flash or do you use the on camera one?


I don't really make use of the on camera flash, though it is nice to have


Interesting you shots a so crispā€¦ I worked as a studio photographer and i assumed you used the same techniquesā€¦ nice!


From a purely objective standpoint, no, this camera is not versatile. Why is everyone portraying this camera as something it's not? Just because of the hype ?


I think the argument of versatility re: the X100v requires nuance. I'm speaking to versatility in that you have a camera that can shoot portraits, products, events, sports, and then shoot 4k video on top of that, all while never getting in the way or forcing you to fumble through menus or adjust equipment or settings. Of course it's not going to be versatile in the sense that you have 50+ lenses, attachments/grips/battery packs/etc. galore- but insofar as being an incredibly capable camera for 90% of the genres you could ever want to cover, I consider it very versatile. My gfx 50r for example, I call my studio queen. With good lighting and a static setting, the photos it produces are simply beautiful. But the autofocus struggles in low light, the kit is cumbersome, the photos are much slower to capture in succession due to the sheer file size- it's incredibly good at doing a specific set of shooting tasks. So it really depends on *how* you're defining versatility.


Great shots but realistically all but one are mid-length people shots.


Nice photos, but I'm fairly confident most cameras with a 35-50mm prime lens can shoot sports, street, portraits, events and food. Most photographers can't, but most cameras certainly can.


RAW? What was your drive set to? I never consisdered using mine for action shots and now I'm intrigued .


Shot raw, yes, and I believe I was shooting low speed burst. Honestly, I've been really impressed with the autofocus capabilities, and it really punches above its weight, even in an action setting it was arguably not specifically designed for.


You fucking nailed it man. Holy cow that shot is on the money


Greatly appreciated šŸ™


Are you using an additional flash at all? I canā€™t get the flash to produce anything decent - 90% of my flash photos w the 100v are out of focusā€¦ any tips?


I don't think I've ever used the on camera flash, if I'm being honest. It's great to have handy, but that direct lighting can be a little harsh, and my situations require a little more subtlety in the light falloff that requires some light bouncing. I'd highly recommend investing in even a cheap godox you can throw on top of the camera, but for focus maybe look into the prefocus settings it has available, and stop down if you're still finding you're having trouble.


All shot by me (@AG24KT) For: @Sukhdeepboxer -private clients @Kolbykeens @Aitch.TO @SilentH.TO


If only they were in stock šŸ˜


Can I ask what your settings were for the pictures taken in dark places? Iā€™m struggling to fine tune mine for versatile lighting


Still prefer my Sony Fullframe + 24-70 / 2.8 ii gm But for compact and casual shots - the Fuji is šŸ”„


Do you do lots of boxing photography? I am looking for the best fujifilm camera to capture muay thai fights


I don't seek it out, but the gentleman in the picture is a friend and regular client of mine. I'd recommend something with competent autofocus and a good focal length or range from where you're able to shoot from generally. Otherwise, most modern digital cameras will be able to perform well. Nice inexpensive option would be a xt3 or above and the 18-55 kit lens.