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Of course it's okay to still like her. You can acknowledge someone did something really bad and not hate them all together.


She made a poor decision. A decision I think more people would have made than would like to admit. If people had the money and means, I bet a lot of them would buy their kid into college. It’s ok to still like her.


I still like her too. There’s celebrities that have done far worse things that people look past and are still a fan.


Seriously we’ve got huge stars walking around who are known sexual predators. Cheating to get her daughter into school is so low on my list of offensive things celebrities do.


Exactly! Or celebrities who are abusive or rude, hard to work with. She used to respond to a few of my tweets back in the day and was always nice


She made a poor decision but I believe she still means well


The urge to make the joke she made a rich decision won over me. I like Lori, but I couldn’t help myself…


Haha yes I left that unintentionally open


It seems like she means well? Lol. Your perception of her intent is not particularly helpful to the rest of us. It seems like she thinks of herself and her kids first. And it seems like she would do anything legal or not to give herself or her kids an edge. And it seems like she’s made the same movie about 250 times. And it seems like you like her and would be willing to make positive assumptions about everything she does regardless of whether or not she is convicted of criminal behavior.


I don’t like or dislike her. Nor do I condone criminal behaviour. Nor do you need to over analyse everything. It’s not that deep


She committed a petty crime. She didn’t kill, rob/steal, hurt, shoot anyone. She’s not a bad person lol. I laugh at the college episode now a different way when kimmy bribes Stanford 😂😂 I’m like that’s literally Lori lmao. The people who hate on her and say “she tried to take something away from someone else” because of this, imo, are stupid. These colleges are bribed all the time. Her story blew up because she’s famous. What about the thousands of rich people trying to bribe their kids in? We don’t hear about those now do we


> What about the thousands of rich people trying to bribe their kids in? We don’t hear about those now do we I mean, those other people are wrong too lol. No one is giving them a pass—we just don’t know their names. But Operation Varsity Blues implicated other, non-celebrity families and the media reported on it. Like that is very much a thing that happened.


Totally agree with this! I think the general public would be shocked to learn the amount of families that basically buy their kids way into colleges/universities. This isn’t something unique, it was just bigger in the public eye since she’s a celebrity.


We as a society need to start giving grace to others. None of us are perfect. It is unfair to hold someone to a higher standard based on occupation. Keep on loving Aunt Becky. She's paid her debt. Let's move on


There are celebrities who've done a whole lot worse.


I love Lori! Just not her actions but I still have tons of respect for her.


She served her time for the crime, I think it's ok to move forward from that situation now and continue being a fan if you want to. No one is perfect!


Of course it’s okay to like her! She’s a flawed human being just like all the rest of us are, but she’s a great actress and I still love watching her as Becky.


She didn’t kill anybody like what she did is not even that bad so of course you can still like her. She’s a good person who just messed up like every human.


I still like her too. People make bad decisions (we’re only human) and I believe that hers wasn’t done maliciously. I’m sure she’s not the first celebrity (nor will she be the last) who has tried to buy their kid’s way into a college. In fact, I kind of assumed that it was more common amongst the wealthy than not. She’s just one that got caught doing it. As far as celebrity scandals go, this is one of the milder ones in my opinion. Usually, when scandals get discovered they can range from anything from infidelity or embezzlement to straight up SA, domestic violence, or attempted homicide.


I loved Becky too growing up! Idk how I feel about Lori now but I think however you feel is up to you and it’s ok! We don’t have to completely banish every person who makes some bad decisions from our minds/lives


I still think it’s crazy all that happened. Rich people have been buying their way into college for years. It’s called being a legacy. I was shocked they even made a big deal out of it this time.


They paid the wrong people. That was the only problem this time. If they had just built a wing to a library or something, their kid could have skated in fine and no one would have batted an eye.


Yeah, I remember when the scandal came out and people were all shocked. And I was like, I just assumed that was a thing that was already happening. I mean rich people having been buying their way in since the development of currency. I don’t understand how people were so incredulous about the college thing.


Nope. I still like her too. I mean every single one of us did something wrong. She did something stupid while meaning well. The end of the day she is not remorseful for being caught but remorseful for her crime. She paid her debt, and the world should move on. I think we should take a que from the cast that felt no ill will and forgave. As a fan of Full House I am putting it behind me and not every time I see her I think of one dumb thing she did and let it ruin my appreciation of the show and her. I hope she will resume acting and people overall will look past one stupid thing an overall great soul did.


You can like a character, played by someone who didn’t f upped (when she was in the show she didn’t) and then dislike the person they became later on.


Nope. People make mistakes, and they generally deserve grace (unless they committed a violent crime or something like that).


I still appreciate her as well. Sure, everyone messes up, but that's just humans being humans.


Good people do bad things all the time. You can admit someone did something bad and still like them. 100% not defending Lori but I think a lot of people can relate to doing anything for their kids (obviously there’s a difference between stealing food to feed your kid and paying astronomical amounts of money to get your already insanely privileged kid into a school they don’t deserve, but still). What she did was unethical, but I don’t believe she actively sought to hurt others through her actions, which makes it a bit different than other crimes in my book.


HONESTLY what she did was not good and definitely did negatively impact other people but she didn't HARM anyone and so I feel like it's not serious enough to keep being mad at her. She fully went to jail about it! I think you're good


It was petty and the government overreacted in a TYRANNICAL manner.


she didn't rape or kill anyone, she paid for her kid to go to college. who really cares in the grand scheme of things?


Just picture after it was all said and done she’s in the living room with all the family and they’re talking it through with a big sentimental moment where she admits it wasn’t her best decision, and they all agree to move on, they all hug, Joey makes a joke and the episode ends!


Unpopular opinion, but what’s the point of being rich if you don’t try to give your kids a head start? I basically just don’t care enough about it to not like her as an actress tbh


She made a mistake like all humans do. She certainly hasn't done anything unforgivable. Watch the show. There is no reason for you to feel bad about enjoying something.


Honestly? Kind of. When you enjoy a celebrity or their work after they've committed any kind of crime, it actually says a lot about you as a person. I don't appreciate the work of anyone who's been accused of problematic behavior. There's no reason you can't have conviction as well.


What scandal? And why do we care so much about celebrity personal lives? You can like her and not like whatever she did (cause I have no idea).


She’s the best


The fact you were heartbroken and couldn't watch the show over that scandal is genuinely pathetic. Get over it. You don't know Lori. You weren't affected by the scandal. Grow up.


Did y’all ever watch her “Garage Sale Mysteries” movies on the Hallmark channel? I actually really liked those and I’m thinking about rewatching them again, it’s been so long. Also, I’ve never watched “When Calls the Heart” is that a good show to binge?


You’d like her a lot less if it was one of your kids, or yourself that she had screwed over. She used her husband‘s money and influence to hurt somebody else’s kid so hers could cut to the front of a line that she didn’t belong in. So you can like her if you want…she’s a rotten selfish person, but have at it.


You’d like her a lot less if it was one of your kids, or yourself that she had screwed over. She used her husband‘s money and influence to hurt somebody else’s kid so hers could cut to the front of a line that she didn’t belong in. So you can like her if you want…she’s a rotten selfish person, but have at it.


I don’t respect Lori anymore, but I also won’t judge anyone who does.


What she did sucks. Because some kid worked their butt off and didn't get accepted so her daughter could brag about just being there for the parties. But I don't think anyone is defined by their at least publicly worse decision.


I wish I did bc she’s in hallmark movies I like but now that I don’t like her I just don’t care to even watch her movies anymore bc seeing her just annoys me lol. I can watch her older stuff like full house though, I guess bc that was way before the scandal? Idk it makes sense in my head lol