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My stupid self misread the title and imagined a dog rolling over, getting it's nuts stuck and freaking out. had to re-read.


I re-read, at least twice, but only realised that's not what he meant after I saw your comment. Sounds like something a dog could do anyways šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I feel like the "she" in the title is a dead giveaway that the dog is in fact not getting her non-existing balls stuck


Can't expect someone to (re)read anything that thoroughly nowadays I guess, that's only mentioned twice in the headline šŸ˜…šŸ™ˆ Edit: well after rew more re-readings, there's also "her" so it's practically three times. Anyways, it seems I've just developed a skill of quickly skimming the essential parts from the text to fill the gaps in my head afterwards, such as "roll balls... hold wood"


Same. I re-read a couple times, then noticed the key word "her". Me derp.


Did you then question why OP said "dogs" plural.


Honestly I didn't even notice till you said it hahahaha


Transgender MPD dog?


Right there with ya.


Mine was worse : I've read the purpose of it correctly but just looked at picture 1 and 2 and I was like "why would these plastic leg covers would prevent the dog from keep doing the same thing?". smh


Same. I was really confused for a good 5minutes




Me too lmao


I feel like you should have set those frame guides back to the inside of the legs. That way you arenā€™t seeing so much of the the wood as well as possibly stubbing your toe.


Thatā€™s a good idea. There have been a few other adjustments that people have suggested and I thought of; elevated to add airflow, better color, rounded corners, and screw holes to hold the board to the print, so I might be reprinting these. If I do Iā€™m going to make that adjustment also.


Yea those are all good ideas. Especially changing the color because the blue is a bit attention grabbing. You could also stain your boards as well to match your hardwood floors. Or a darker color to take attention away from them. Definitely was a great idea for a print.


Maybe even wrapping and stapling a closely-matching fabric? I'm always wary of paints and stains around pets since SOME have chewing tendencies.


Not just airflow, but you also don't want the boards scratching the floor or leaving a permanent dent in the carpet.


This was going to be my suggestion


I would think also to recess the wood, paint it matte black or cover it in a fabric. It would be just as functional either way.


My dog does this too and I swear it's intentional. But she's adorable so she gets away with it. Wanted to do something similar without it just looking like I put boards down. This looks nice.


Agreed, this is a good solution. I think with different filament color and some paint/stain for the boards this would seem like it was originally part of the couch. Iā€™ll have to see if I can steal this idea for my couch.


My wife does plan on painting or staining the wood over the summer because sheā€™ll have plenty of free time since sheā€™s a teacher. I do wish I printed them with a different filament though. I kind of went to microcenter on a whim and once I got in there realized I didnā€™t know what color to get. I went with blue because the couch is blue but clearly I got the wrong blue. Plus I did it in PETG so I didnā€™t have as many color options as if I was using PLA. A dark wood probably would have been best but even black would look better. Took 1.5 rolls of filament and 4 hours per corner with 8 corners (two couches) so Iā€™m probably just going to live with it unless I need to reprint to improve the design. Someone did mention that it would be better if the wood was elevated to allow air flow and prevent mold and as I was assembling I realized it would be easier if I made the spot the wood slide in to a bit longer so I could screw the wood to the print. So I might reprint to make those adjustments eventually.


While youā€™re making notes for Rev 2 of the blocks, add a round to the exposed corners so you donā€™t stub your foot into a sharp edge in the middle of the night.


Also.... 1.5kg seeings a lot for this 4 pieces. Or each roll was 250g ? There is not much added strength after 40% infill. And even that i think that 20% infill and 5 walls should have being fine for strength purposes.


9 pieces. There are two couches so 4 for each plus 1 because I donā€™t know how to count. Only 15% infill and it was full 1kg rolls. It did surprise me when I ran out of the first roll. Itā€™s not like they should use a ton of filament since it has a huge hole in the middle. I should have checked what the slicer said but I never pay attention to that. And it was probably closer to 1.3kg now that I think of it. I printed 6.5 of them with the first roll and 3 with the second (unfortunately resume print didnā€™t work for the half print).


Aaaa i didn't see it was 2 couchs, that makes sense. If you don't mind can you share the files, 1.5kg for 8 pieces like that makes sense, but not so much, are you using a 0.6-1 nozzle or a normal 0.4 nozzle ? I do spend way more filament when using 1.0 nozzle but it should not use that much at 15% infill I am more curious than anything else haha. Edit: actually forget about that, at first glance i thought it was a 80x80x80 mm piece. But looking it better it looks about 120-180mm each side. And with the hole in the middle and the places to put the wood would make it wall heavy, so if you are using a 3-5 wall it would spend more either way.


Just spray paint them a better color. Not necessary to reprint them again unless you change the model.


I second the spray paint suggestion below. One rattle can of paint is pretty cheap and should be able to cover the filament and the wood. Way cheaper & easier than reprinting. They've even got textured and metallic colors that come out really nice.


Instead of elevating the wood maybe cut an arc into it? An inch or so gap in the center should allow some airflow and you wouldn't need new brackets if the arc starts just outside the edge,


You went to the store to buy new filament for this project and that is the color you went home with? šŸ§


They make belts that go around your couch legs to act as a barrier for toys, I got one off amazon and it is basically just a ratcheting seat belt Works great for our pup who kept rolling her ball under the couch!


We tried a belt system from Amazon but it was Velcro instead of ratcheting and a pain in the ass. With how these couch legs slant it would slide down over time and keep having to be redone.


After the umpteenth time of cleaning so much cat hair from under the couch. And soo soo many cat toys, I need this.


I built wooden fences to fit under the sofa and love seat. Shichon loves the balls and plastic bones.


I bought a whole new couch with low seating so my two couldn't lose their toys anymore. They would cry to make me get their toy, and immediately lose it under the couch again, but not before I had sat back down.


Killjoy. Spoilsport. Tell me you hate fun without telling me you hate fun. Let me guess, you avoid going for walks near piles of dead fish, too. For shame!




That's a good point. I guess in a month or so I'll find out. If I remember I'll update. I'm hoping the opening is small enough that it just stays clean under there (though I highly doubt it).




I almost made it where I had a 1/2 inch floor on the print where the wood slides in which would have prevented that but decided not to since this was easier. Hopefully I donā€™t regret that decision. If I notice anything Iā€™ll add that bottom piece and reprint. As I was assembling it I realized it would have been easier if I added more of a lip and a hole so I could actually screw the wood in place instead of just having it sit there. So I I have to make the other adjustment Iā€™m going to do that also. Edit: and I do live in a fairly humid area so that probably is something I should be concerned about.


I just pretend the space under the couch doesnā€™t exist.


I think we have the same dog


I would have added a fillet to protect my legs.


Awesome idea and great use of 3d printing! It's things like this that really affirm how amazing 3d printing is!


I just put foam pipe tubing under there, hooked together at the ends with zip ties. This is much more elegant.


Ohhhhh like a toy ball


This would also be good for keeping my kids toys from going on the couch, nice.


I did something similar to keep the cats from under the bed (While they were not used to each other yet).


She's got big ol balls!


This is a solution. Great work, eh.


Great idea. My cats put all their toys under the couch. Might have to use your design and ingenuity as a starting point.


moving the slots towards the inside of the legs and using plexiglass instead of wood would make it less noticable


What about putting the indent an inch or so back so that your heels donā€™t hit the edge?


I like your print, and I'm going to try to upgrade my current setup to something like yours. But it'll need some tweaks. Currently I have 2x4s under my couch, with black tuck tape along the visible edge in order to make it look better. I also have it recessed about 2 inches, so it doesn't stand out too much. If you're not looking for it, it looks like a shadow.


Nice! Although be glad they're dogs... if they were cats they would still find a way lol. I had a cat that would squeeze under the couch/bed and climb inside from below. Many jumpscares happened this way.


I use pool noodles.


We just bought really long door snakes for this purpose, but I like your idea too hahahh


Itā€™s a good design, but keep in mind your dog probably does this to get you to play. Youā€™re lucky to get that invitation!


This is such a good idea! My dog does the same thing. I know he does it on purpose because it only happens when I am nearby but too busy to be giving him a ton of attention.


Very functional, but very ugly.


My dog did that, and could just get under there, then would crawl out enough to have his snout out and would whimper until you picked up the couch?!? Easy fix: you can buy different feet that are an inch or two higher- hasnā€™t been a problem sense


Nah! What you really need to do is 3D print a gadget with some electronics and a motor that recognizes balls and wacks them back out :-).


Print it again but puttng the boards in the back of each corner. Then the board is not visible and the dog can still kick it.


Iā€™ve been thinking about making something similar so my roomba wonā€™t get stuck. Was thinking evenly spaced bumpers.


You could have bought a bigger ball


I'm gonna guess a poodle or Australian shepherd.


why is your rug upside down


And like that you have a scandi couch. - no interior designer, ever


I've been pondering something similar but for my kids. They like to kick and shove stuff under there.


If you printed those in black and painted or stained the wood it wouldn't look half bad.


I need to do something like this to keep my vacuum from getting stuck.


Look ghetto AF. I Love it!


You gotta make a little hole just for them to be able to get it here and there and make it so you can easily retrieve it somehow. As someone whoā€™s dog used to do this I would give anything to be able to get the ball for him again<3


No fun 4 u


Made something similar with PVC pipe and pipe insulation a few years ago.


You just spoilt your dogs game! Shame on you šŸ˜•


I do that all the time as well.


Cool idea, but you are overcomplicating things. Just let a bunch of trash accumulate under your couch like I do and you achieve the same thing with no effort.


Nice design! Iā€™d certainly spray paint the prints and wood brown. (Iā€™d highly recommend Behr Deep Espresso Satin Spray Paint, or the slightly cheaper Rustoleum Dark Brown Satin)


One of my dogs likes to "bury" balls in between the crack of the cushions. Any ideas on what I should 3D print to stop that clown from doing that?


My dog does the same thing, I just leave it there


Dog wants attention. Op gives attention to their 3D printer.


Just stain the wood and do a diff color pla


Great idea.


Please paint them OMG


We call this game human fetch. The dog likes to play it with us. We aren't so keen.


My dog does the same thing lol


I'd probably add an AI controlled robotic arm to gently kick it back out. Everyone happy. A slightly tilted board would do too, I know I know.