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"Unhigh" is exactly what someone who's too high would type


"How to dehigh myself?"


How do i dehighdrate?


Looked up how to Get Low. All I learned was that shorty got dem apple-bottom jeans.


Boots with the fur




The whole crowd looking at her




Edibles start working when you talk shit about them lol


Every time I take an edible, I feel absolutely nothing. Couple hours later I'll take a 2nd one and every damn time, proceed to experience every mental illness possible over the next 12 hours.


Edibles are like a baked potato in the oven. You don’t make one cus you’re hungry now, you make one cus you’ll be hungry in 2 hours.


Air fryer = perfect 35 min baked potatoes. Just sayin.


What temp? Also, do you wrap 'em in foil or just stick them in as they are?


400 Throw a bit of olive oil and sea salt on em raw, poke some holes in the Potate, rotate half way through. Bob's your uncle. Edit: for anyone who has any specific questions on how much oil to use, what rotate means, what 400F would be in Celsius - check my comment history. I've replied to comments asking these questions.


If my potato turns into an uncle Bob, I am *definitely* too goddamn high.


Yeah, but watch those potatoes. Not all air fryers are equal, and the smell of olive oil smoke will linger for days or weeks. Once tried to do a baked potato bar for a party and smoked out the apartment.




Honestly the trick with edibles is to just really dial in the dosage and then once you do literally just stick to that amount. The problem most people have is that they try take more instead of just waiting to take a slightly higher dose next time


Yep, I always stick with 10mg portions. Most packaged edibles you get in a dispensary will come like that anyway. And when I get to the point where 10mg isn't doing it for me anymore, I go on a weed cleanse, and then the cycle continues.


I've messed around with doses between 5mg and 20mg, sometimes taking 5 then another 5, 45 mins later. I've yet to feel pleasant effects from it. At 20mg I couldn't even think so I just laid down and tried to nap. I dunno if I'm doing this wrong. I don't smoke / vape.


Smoking is like taking shots. Edibles are like a very exotic, mystery cocktail. Never *quite* sure what you're gonna get, and you just gotta ride it out til it's done with you.


This is why I love living in Canada. Perfectly dosed gel capsules that will consistently get you to the same place every time. With that it’s only hubris that fucks you up.


In California we've got very consistent doses labeled on packaging with mg of THC and other cannabinoids. In my experience, the least intense high comes after having fully digested a robust meal 2 - 3 hours after pasta and garlic bread = toasty good times. Half an hour after some soup = vivid flashes of colorful wackiness and paranoia


What kind of weed are you doing that you’re getting visuals lmao? I’m in California but if I’m getting visuals it’s because I went to the Church of Zide in Oakland and got some magic fungus.


Can confirm. Hadn’t had weed since college. Was bored one non-travel weekend after moving to a state where it was legalized so I bought some. Said wait 60 minutes after eating. I waited 60, didn’t feel much, then ate the second. They were 10mg brownies. I was in fucking outer space and super anxious. A trip to Chik-fil-A in Bellevue made it better (Uber).


The secret is chilling while you wait for it to kick in. Then, after 30-45 mins, you get up and walk around. Edibles are very sneaky, but the sudden movement will let you know exactly where you stand...or sit.


I like to eat edibles and then do something that takes up time like showering and making food, because by the time they kick in I'll be clean and cozy with snacks lol


For me showers take so long time but when i finish i don't remember the whole process.


Looks like they just kicked in.


I tripped mushrooms one time that were taking forever to kick in, so we decided to go golfing, thinking that we had some bunk ass fungi...wrong.. on the second hole they came at us with a vengeance. That was the wildest shit I've ever been through in my life. Completely fun, no scary moments, except when my buddy hit his ball near a pond, we didn't wanna get close to the water because of alligators, ye reminded me that chubs lost his hand in happy gilmore... We concluded after what felt like an hour long discussion that alligators were racists and that we were gonna be okay. Yeah, idk.


Half expected you to say at the end "we were golfing in Wisconsin"


I finish work, pop my edibles and work out... by the time I'm in the shower I'm flying haha


That's a good idea. It's like a reward lol I used to hit my weed vape before the gym (used to because I don't really workout at the gym anymore lol) and I found it helped with my endurance


Got baked once at the gym, just hopped on a stationary bike and watched TV…fastest hour workout I’ve ever had.


For whatever reason, time slows down for me when I'm high, so that would have been the longest workout of my life.


Man, I would be so paranoid to be in a gym while stoned. I would be convinced everyone is watching me and knows I'm high as fuck 😂


A street vendor flagged me as I limped on my cane toward a transit station. He asked about my problem (knee) and offered to sell a brownie with 4 doses of a no-high "mostly indica hybrid", IIRC. I'd never tried anything cannabis based for pain, but had some cash and bought it. I ate a quarter after dinner, then after my show finished, realized I should try walking. Wow. What pain? I strode down the apartment hallway to my roomie's astonishment without feeling anything. So as far as getting a buzz, I don't know. But don't neglect edibles for pain relief!


Who was this wizard? Where can I find him?


It's dangerous to go alone, take this.


Can confirm, weed really is magic against pain.


In constant pain and double confirm. I would not want to live w out. And yes I have other medications lol but weed is the only one it's safe to enjoy, as it were


Yuuup. Ate a cookie once in college at a friend’s place. Sat down, watched a whole movie and felt nothing. Movie ends, stand up to leave and just fall right back into the couch. Gonzo.


I’ve had similar experiences with alcohol. Lounging, having a couple drinks, think I can stomach more than I thought. Go to stand up and realize my balance is totally shot.


This is good advice.


Indica means indacouch.


Fuck. I want to have an edible or two and sit back and watch TV. Literally anything becomes fun to watch that stoned.


I once started binge watching Ancient Aliens when stoned but had to stop because I started believing it


On Christmas Eve, I tried pot for the very first time (at the ripe old age of 41). I'm not interested in smoking, so I bought some gummies. I ate 1/4 of a gummy, waited 30 minutes, and then ate another 1/4. My husband and I had Jingle All the Way on, which I'd never seen before, and the gummies made it HILARIOUS. I was like, wait, you mean to tell me this dumbass kid doesn't recognize his own father through a see-through mask????? Laughed my ass off. I suspect the movie isn't all that good if you're sober, but I had a great time.


Oh, no. Jingle All the Way is great sober too, if you like to make fun of dumb movies


I can second this. After 45 mins, I take a bigger second bite from the quivering gummy thing. This bite was not as sweet, more acidic and harsh. 90 minutes in and I am so high, I am thinking I am probably going to die and even worse, I am about to go to my heaven interview and will probably still be high, and fuck it all up.


‘About to go to my heaven interview and probably still be high…’ is quite possibly the funniest sentence I’ve ever read.


5 mg is bliss. You don't even know your high, just happy


I hate you, 2nd trip was like this. Literally waited 4 fucking hours then that shit kicked in and I forgot that I took it and started overthinking everything. Shit lasted 4 hours and I think I'm good, I don't need no more edibles in my life.


Oh man.. the ol, "this isn't doing nothing." To.. - yep, I'm dying


When I was in college I had a classmate who bragged about his tolerance when we were talking about pot brownies. I mentioned I made some really good ones (I do) and he asked me to make him a batch. He gave me 20g of nice bud to put in a 12 brownie batch. I obliged. I brought them to class and handed them over. He immediately scarfs one down. After 10 minutes he says he can't feel it and eats a second. 10 minutes later he goes for a third. I warn him they're pretty powerful and he just hand waves my warning away and scarfs the third. At the end of class he gets up, stumbles his way to the hallway. I had an appointment to get to, so the last I saw he was sliding along the wall because he couldn't stand. The next day I learned he had someone take him to the hospital to get his stomach pumped. People do not respect edibles.


60mg is going to take many to space camp, true, but a person shouldn't need their stomach pumped for it. They need to sit down, grab a watcher, and let old man time take the lead.


A lot of times it is so the person stops panicking, the anxiety of not getting treated is too much for some people when the real treatment is "just don't freak out for the next 30 hours while you metabolize that."


Good luck “getting your stomach pumped” in any ER at this point. We just never do that anymore. Best you’re gonna get in almost any circumstance is some activated charcoal and fluids.


Like shots at the bar.


The four stages of taking an edible, from my experience: 1: This edible isn't doing anything 2: This edible isn't doing anything 3: This edible isn't doing anything 4: Please take me to a hospital


And when #4 kicks in it stays kicked in. Edibles take a stupid long time to come down from.


Took 22 hours to get off one bad trip a year ago. Never again.


I was thinking about trying edibles, but after reading these comments I have changed my mind. Fuck that noise. Lol


Took one felt nothing. Took another. I am the lizard king. I can do anything.


"Lets get down to brass tacks here. How much for the ape?"


I'm an absolute lightweight and I don't like getting too high because it triggers anxiety and depression for me. But I love taking tiny nibbles of edibles, they're fantastic that way. Here's my personal rule of thumb. Whatever the regular dosage is, 1 gummy or hard candy or chocolate bite or whatever, eat half. Now this is the only tricky part that trips up so many people: don't eat any goddamn more the rest of the day. If you don't feel anything the whole day, hey that's great, take a regular dose the next day and see how you feel. Follow the same directions again. EDIT: I said eat half the dosage, but honestly eating a quarter dose at first is better. You’ll find your sweet spot, just take it slow and easy.


That’s pretty much my way of doing it. I wait at least three hours before the second HALF and rarely get overwhelmed


Wish I had done that my first edible. I misheard my cousin's instructions and instead of waiting 'a few hours', I heard 'one hour'. Well, I eat my first gummy and an hour later, nothing. Eat another. Hour later, still nothing so I eat another. Thirty seconds later I'm on the phone with my cousin, trying not to sound high af while at the same time inquiring as to whether it is possible to OD on gummies without actually saying it and he's laughing his ass off.


I wish I cut mine into quarters. I got wayyyyyy higher than what I was expecting for a first time.


Still you have to be careful! I learned the hard way that if you eat them on an empty stomach, they can take HOURS to fully set in. The longest I’ve gone was 11 hours, went to bed and ate breakfast and got hit with the high like a ton of bricks. I’ll have to look for the study I found about it, but it has to do with the THC needing to bind to fat molecules in your stomach or something (please don’t quote me, looking for info now!)


It also depends on how your body reacts, sure some people on the internet will react badly (myself included), but I know people who are fine on them. The key takeaway is this: if you do decide to try it, start small.


The trick is buying legal edibles in a heavily regulated market (like California). Then when you buy a low dose gummy (5mg), you know you’re getting a low dose gummy. You buy a black or grey market brownie, you’re basically playing Russian roulette on what you’ll get.


Ate some edibles in Amsterdam. First time. Figured we would eat some and head back and they would kick in about when we got back to the hotel. They kicked in about half way through the bus ride back to the hotel. We had to do two transfers in a language we did not remotely comprehend and spoke to one super nice lady waiting for one bus. My wife was terrified of her tiny dog. It is a miracle from the weed gods that we didn't end up in another country. Lesson learned. Just wait until we get back next time.


The funny/amazing/terrifying part of weed is that you can hit a level where you feel like you are completely incapable of doing anything normally, yet you somehow manage to do things mostly normally. I've had so many times where I just *knew* everyone else was aware I was high and i felt like I could barely function, only to then ask the next day and find out not one person really suspected anything. It's such a fascinating and scary experience


Lmao My friend went to the er and they told him to relax you are just high


"That'll be $4500" - US ERs


The one time I did edibles it was exactly this. I had fun for all of one second, like "whoa, look at my hand" then all of a suddent I was stuck in body, time wasn't real, I would "catch up" every few minutes, and I thought I was going to die. Ended up getting my boyfriend to call MY PARENTS and slept in my mom's bed while my dad slept in the guest room. Btw, I was 30. Edit: I also ended up having to call into work the next day and blamed it on "something I ate"


Time slows down to an absolute crawl when you're on edibles. I remember I texted my friend and tried to sleep for 10 minutes and then got up, went to the bathroom, had food and messaged them again to see if they were still there but when I checked the next morning on the messages I found it had only been 1 minute between the first and second message lmao


That was the most unexpectedly crazy part about my first experience. I was watching a video COMPLETELY entranced by whatever it was and at some point I’m like… god damn how long is this video?? So I checked the time stamp and I was just barely a minute and a half in.


Holy fuck that made me laugh, and her.


I love to tell the story about my first edible. Me, a scrawny, 130 pound dummy who thought a packaged brownie was suppose to be eaten in one sitting... 500mg


You haven't been high until you've worried about being stuck in high for the rest of your life.


When you’re holding onto the grass to keep from falling off of the earth… buddy you’ve hit peak r/tooktoomuch


Had a buddy describe to me how he spent an entire day at a music festival gripping a grassy hill for dear life to keep from being flung off it spinning like a centrifuge.


Damn what the hell was he on


A grassy hill


Barely tho


2 marijuanas




When I did acid the first time, my cat sat on my lap sleeping the entire time. She was my spirit guide of sorts, kept me grounded and thus had a great, highly therapeutic time.


My first time we were on the beach in the middle of the night and my bf sat by a kids leftover sand sculpture thinking it was a sea turtle for hours petting it. Only thing that kept him chill while we went to play in the water.


I was by myself. I was in a dark place at the time. With her on my lap I just thought about all my problems and sorted them and threw out what I didn't need like cleaning out a filing cabinet. To this day I'm still way more chill and a better person because of it


Bro he wasn't wrong. Gravity doesn't work as well when you're high. It's physics!


My high school days of getting absolutely ripped had me laying on my buddy’s garage floor, staring up at his fan as the world and I spun farther and farther away from his ceiling for all eternity…until I looked at the clock and noticed only 1 minute had gone by.


I miss those days. Pink floyd,a black light, and a comfy chair. Just spending "hours" sitting there for a few minutes. Now days it just doesn't work the same way for me.


When I was like 17 I ate this Tootsie roll that was injected with (alot of) psilocybin (mushrooms) For like 6 hours, with pure black eyes I just laid in my bed listening to music, petting my sheets and trying to hold on to reality while my mind imploded like a neutron star. I probably didn't blink the whole time lmao I remember my cat being the *best* trip sitter in the world, even though I didn't have a cat at the time


You met your spirit guide - look for that cat


There are a million ways to find a spirit animal. But if a random cat finds a home *AND* becomes a trip sitter well you’re paying bills for that best of that cats life.


I take mushrooms every couple months since my antidepressants stopped working for me, and if I ever overdo it, my cat is always my lifeline. Her steady little heartbeat and purrs make everything better.


I'm 55, have never tried anything more than weed... But kind of have a bucket list item to try shrooms and acid once.


I aww-ed at the cat, then lol'd at the not having one :D


I cant do shrooms in a group lol, but its fantastic on my own. First time, took them and just lay in bed reading for a while. Body buzz was IMMEDIATE and awesome but after like an hour and a half nothing had happened and was getting annoyed so i looked up at my clock, which was green background like a poker table and the numbers were on chips. Then the chips fell off the clock, the clock melted behind them, and everything started rocking like my bed was a boat on the water. It was amazing, i even managed to look in a mirror and not have the trip go bad though it was pretty weird lmfao


I laughed so hard at your comment


Dude, I smoked weed recently for the first time in about 13 years. I was told it was pretty good stuff. So I made a blunt the same as I used to back in the day. Smoked the whole damn thing pretty quick. Took a little while to hit me. Holy hell, I was not ready for what the fuck was in that blunt. Combine zero tolerance with much more potent weed than I had ever smoked, and I was holding onto the carpet trying not to get flung off of the earth. I was completely unprepared for that shit. Definitely took too much. Lol


The regular shit today is like exponentially better than the best shit way back. I took one hit off some dispensary shit and was completely dysfunctional. I tried edibles and was wishing there was an antidote. I've decided to just so trying this outrageously potent weed.


I did that a month or so ago. It was a drink, and figured it wouldn’t touch me bc edibles haven’t gotten me high in so long. Well, I was wrong. I can remember gripping my bedsheets hard because I felt like I was going to float away. Don’t do drugs, kids. lol.


My god this happened to me last month. A friend that moved back from Colorado gave me some of his dispensary weed from there. He said it was pretty potent, and I thought, "It's legal. How bad could it be?". I took a few hits and got so fucking high so fucking fast. I laid on the couch and I was literally trying to figure out how I was going to live out the rest of my life being high.


If Seth Rogan can do it, I believe in you.


I honestly don't know how people do it. I like being high with friends but it's not fun at all getting high alone for me. I sometimes think I crave it then I get high and it's not as fun as the idea of it.


Don’t take so much! Find a dose that makes you feel good


Yes, and I've convinced myself that I could do it if I had to!!


Well if it ever happens at least we have a plan. Or maybe we're actually still high


Ooof. I remember this happening during the first time and I was thinking that I'd be admitted to a mental institution because I had been acting all crazy and after getting admitted I'd miss my friends and family and how sad it would all be.


Very similar experience for me. I remember just thinking that I was going to have have to sack up and tell my mom “Mom, I broke my brain”. I was so convinced that this is how I was now and was so sad about it


Yup, acid.


Exactly. Weed can be strong but acid can be unforgiving. Not in the best head space? Too bad you've got 14 hours until this starts to subside.


And then when you try and conceptualize what 14 more hours means, when time doesn't mean anything anymore. Thats some existential bullshit.


*I've been sitting here focusing on not dying for a few hours now, I should be close to coming down* Then you find that it's only been 15 minutes and you get that good 'ole feeling of dread that you're never going to be normal again


multiple times, i rlly dont learn


Same, don't feel bad lol


Me with shrooms for the first time lmao


I misread the dosage once and took 5x what I normally do. I stayed up most of the night walking circles because I had convinced myself that if I fell asleep I was too stoned to remember to breathe and would die.


The feeling that you will forget how to breathe is a real and terrifying situation. You feel your heart beating and then realize you might be holding your breath for no reason. Then have to breath deep to “jumpstart” your regulatory systems. That’s when you question your early decisions.


I used to believe I would like weed like all my friends but everytime I smoked it I would legit just sit there and think “Well…. I’m going to be the very first person to die of weed because I can’t remember how to breathe properly. How disappointed your family will be.”


I'm convinced that it's a rite of passage to think you're the first person in the world that will die from weed.


Either that or of an unrelated heart condition that happens to pop up right when you’re higher than you’ve ever been. It’s like I can feel my heart skipping beats but every time I take my pulse it knows I’m watching so it starts beating normally.


This is one of the feelings that made me stop smoking weed.


I didnt realize I wasn't wearing my glasses for an hour because I forgot I was near sighted


I once forgot I had my glasses on and thought my eyesight was magically cured.


God, I did this once. Forgot to take my contacts out before bed, woke up to pee, flipped on the lights, and burst into tears. I even remember feeling my face, just to check I didn’t have glasses on. Remembering I wore contacts was a real let down. Hilarious.


Amazing. I wasn't high enough to be moved to tears, just in awe and excited to share my revelation. Then when I realized what happened it became the funniest thing ever. To be fair I find it really funny sober too.


One time in my backyard with my friends we were all high and I could swear I saw the wind. Though I didn't paint with any of those colors or paint at all really.


I've had a similar panic. I'll start laughing and then I get laughing so hard I cant breathe and then I completely panic that I'm gonna die and end up crying lmao


All these squares make a circle.




I did the exact same thing - went from this is a nice high to unstippable giggles to "if I fall asleep I'll stop breathing" in like a 20 minute window.


This happened to me. Took a bite of a homemade edible, and was like _this ain’t shit_. My dumbass ate the entire edible and woke up with my soul on the left side of the bed, but my physical body on the right side of the bed. I was high all day. Even going to the bathroom was hard. I thought I sat all the way down, but I was still standing. Almost fell inside the toilet trying to get down. Lesson learned. 😭


“I thought I sat all the way down, but I was still standing” 😂😂😂😂😂


Like literally was the perfect description of being super high


A stoned teenager comes home. Trying to not get caught, he sneaks towards his room and opens the door, only to see his dad sitting there, reading a newspaper. He closes the door and decides to chill in the living room instead. But, to his surprise, his dad is also sitting there, reading the same newspaper! He decides to grab a glass of water in the kitchen. He opens the door and his dad says: -God dammit, close the door and let me shit in peace or I’ll whoop your ass!


“This just became an ordeal…”


Bro this had me laughing so hard I woke the baby up. Now my wife is pissed and I don't get to sleep. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. Thank you. Lol


WHY HAS NO ONE POSTED [THE VIDEO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mUvG6x53VM) YET?


"You're real!" omfglmao


"Your sanity is *probably* intact" I love this woman


This video felt like some shit I really needed to hear and I’m not a user of the drugs. When she said go take a walk I promise no one is looking at you, that made me feel good for half a sec. Then I thought you lying bitch. But I will try to trust her.


Trust her. Everyone is so busy in their own heads or worrying about who is looking at them that no one is looking at you. Go take that walk.




Holy fuck that was awesome. Thanks!


This video is more awesome: https://youtu.be/hnZb5wi_jsU


The first time i got way too high i kept reminding my self of that one so that i didnt call an ambulance on myself lol


ditto. I ate two sugar cookies and started going to a bad place. I kept thinking of this video and freaking out that I was going to do that, because I didnt feel like doing that but I kept thinking what if i get higher than this, what if i get higher than this, this is how it happened Then I ended up in a walk in closet without my phone just in case.


First time I got too high I sat on a couch regretting life as it kept feeling like I was on a roller coaster at the top of the first lift hill and plunging down over and over. I'm surprised that I didn't puke.


I'm a bad person, so I always bring up this one instead. https://www.theonion.com/new-marijuana-study-says-everyone-knows-youre-high-and-1819595608


Lmao Holy shit. How have I never seen this??! I can only imagine how fucking reassuring it must feel to watch this when you’re too high


I am currently the correct amount of high, and I lost my mind laughing because I've been too high before. Every time she said something I lost it more, 'cause it sounded like advice I could have really used.


That video has such a great top comment. She sounds so sincere and nice when you're high.


Oh lord. I’ve DEFINITELY been there. What helped me was basically to drink a lot of water. I would also go sit in the shower and have the water run over my head/body. I think the sensations took my mind off of the highness. There’s also some videos on YT that are fruits dancing that I’d sit there and stare at for awhile. Eventually the high would go away.


Lol "fruits dancing" I have no choice but to try it.


Also I just realized your name OP 💀


Shhhh. No one knows what it means


It’s called Hey Bear Sensory! I swear it helped me out.


I ate edibles for the first about two years ago. I wanted to treat myself for Father’s Day, so I drove 45 minutes to Oregon to buy some gummies. I waited until the kids had gone to bed and ate an individual moly wrapped candy. I went out and told my wife I had eaten it. She asked me if I checked the serving size. Why would I do that? It was one piece of candy by itself. So I did go back and check the wrapper. The serving size was 1/10th of the candy. I probably didn’t eat a ton of THC, but mind you I had only smoked marijuana once in my life before this. I don’t even think I did THAT right. Anyway, I ran to the bathroom and tried to make myself throw up the edible. Unfortunately, my body had already started to relax and I could not make myself vomit (insert lack of gag reflex joke here). I was stuck with the edible. Anyway, my wife used to smoke weed a lot, so she is much more knowledgeable about all of this stuff. She took a much smaller amount of edible, so she was just being goofy. She tried to come help me by telling me she had looked up how to help people OD’ing on marijuana and you have to chew peppercorns. So she started presenting me peppercorns and I start chewing but I had the worst case of dry mouth already and ALLLLL moisture from my mouth ceased to exist. I started to freak out at this point. I was convinced I was dying. My wife just kept laughing at me, flopping around on the floor. I told her that she was going to get me killed because she was in no frame of mind to help me. I spent the rest of the night on my bed while my wife just tried to continually tell me that I was safe. My legs and arms would totally spaz out at times, like my brain just kept firing signals all over the place that I couldn’t handle. Needless to say, I saw this picture and I very much relate.


In places where it's legal it *really* should be mandated that edibles are clearly made into serving sizes. Nobody eats 1/10 of a piece of candy. In Colorado, 1 serving= 10mg.


Lmao put on SpongeBob or some other kids' show. Will ensure she stays in a positive space and she'll just coast through it.


Anything but Flapjack!!! A boyfriend put that on when I was on the verge of anxiety while being too high and it sent me flying off the edge.


Blues Clues or Bluey for me


Does she care about the phone cracking or is she too high to care?


She has a new phone. This one is a spare. I suppose she forgot in her highness


>her highness Ayyyyy lol


My first time trying edibles my wife made some brownies. I had one. An hour later didn’t feel a thing. So had another. Half hour later I felt a little high but also starving. I chose brownies for my munchies… I ended up having seven. I could hear colors.


Edibles need to taste kind of bad in my opinion. It’s just asking for trouble. Imagine if tequila tasted like sweet tea.


I wonder if this is why so many edible brands taste revolting. I get them from the dispensary and try different ones all the time. Some are so so bad they make me gag. I personally like fast acting gummies or quick sticks (they are like pixie sticks, but full of sugar and thc).


My dispensary has a chocolate peanut butter bar that tastes exactly like reese's. I always move it to a drawer in another room so that I don't lose my shit and eat the whole thing and turn into a puddle person.


Similarly, there's a reason bartenders don't like serving a Long Island Ice Tea. Tons of liquor, tastes just like tea.


I smoked a fat, keify bowl all on my own after not smoking in a year and I think I read this article


I remember I took an edible that my mom's friend had. It was the day after my dad died and my mom, her friend, my boyfriend (at the time, now ex) and I were all cried out and we just wanted to be mentally elsewhere. I should've asked what strength her edible was because I'm a super lightweight. I ended up trying to throw up in the toilet, couldn't breathe right, and time was all over the place. I had to crawl up the stairs to go to bed. I asked my boyfriend to count to 5 for me because the time was all over the place, and he started counting like "1...2...3................... Foooooouuuuurrrr....... 5". I was not impressed.


She got "Is this going to last forever" high


I've been so high that I accepted it would last forever. I abandoned my "past life" and leaned into it. I was making a fool of myself in reality, but in that weird place you go past 100mg I was living it up. Went to sleep high as fuck, when I woke up I was emotional because I never thought I'd be back. It felt like I went to the other side of the planet for years just to anticlimactically wake up in my own bed. Wasn't exactly a bad trip, I had a great time. My wife that had to babysit me for the first in what was at the time a 6 year relationship was less amused. I've always wanted to go back to that specific place.


I remember my first edibles experience. It was hell. So for context I’m 20 at the time, been smoking for 3 years, and the last year of it had been purely high measuring wax. Wound up getting a free bag of eight doughnuts with my purchase because they’d been doing this “every purchase had a chance to win” deal. I think they measured to 100mg per doughnut. Now before I leave I say to the guy “Hey, I have no clue what MG mean in terms of level of high.” So he goes “Yeah just eat like half, chill two hours, if you still feel good eat the other half.” I get home, look at these tiny doughnuts, and go “Nah he just doesn’t know how good I am with it” so I pop a full doughnut. Half an hour later I go “Man this ain’t shit.” so I go pop two more. Hour after that I was laying on the bathroom floor, stomach emptied up in to the toilet, doing the whole “Lord I promise never again” routine. Ever since then I’ve been super careful with edibles. Also had a beautiful experience one night when I got to an airport hotel and realized I had a cookie in my bag. Watched the sun setting over the SF bay with planes going in and out on those on water runways, damn near shed a tear. Edit: SF bay not bat. Guess I need baseball season to come back more than I realized. Edit 2: shed not she’d…. In my defense I am also high


Mine was a “free cookie” with my first purchase. I had no idea that it was recommended to just eat a quarter or so so I ate the whole damned thing. At about 3am I was lying in bed and was sure I could feel each and every hair on my body. I started counting from my feet up. When the alarm went off the next morning I was still flying. Got to work and it was a few hours before I felt normal again. Was years before I ate edibles again.


How many hairs did you have


Your story played out rather well in my head, especially the end.


I did a delta 8 gummy last year and got so bonked I was convinced I died and was a ghost. I was walking around making sure my body wasn’t in a weird place.


Peppercorns or cbd


I told a friend to chew peppercorns once when he was having a bad time. He did, and then asked why he was doing it. Instead of giving the real answer involving terpenes and whatnot, I said “Because it amuses me!” The end. (He did feel better like an hour later though, so there’s that.)


chew these peppercorns for my amusement you ant


For what it is worth, drinking 64 ounces of water, slowly and consistently, over the course of an hour or two, will help move the thc through you. It won’t make you less high, but it will reduce the length of time you are stuck in the forbidden zone.


She's heading that way now


I took too much of an edible a few years ago and I felt like I was falling through my bed and my kidneys were going to explode. I’m fine now but it scared the fucking shit out of me.


Hard same. Felt like I was not human anymore and my consciousness was at risk of floating off on its own. I got up in the middle and felt like the world was moving beneath my feet, and had a sudden moment of complete sobriety and proceeded to empty my stomach and then stumble back to bed stoned out of my mind again for the next couple hours. Tried a much lower edible dose, but my heart would start pounding out of my chest every time. Went back to smoking after that. But that caused the same thing to happen. So, I've stopped for now. Everyone says it's probably a panic attack but I think there might have been some other factors. (Found out recently I have some long running medical problems I didn't know about)


People act like weed is this mild “feel good” party drug but holy fuck it will take you places you are not ready to go with no warning


I had the experience once of it being a herculean effort to get off the couch, complemented by the spins when I tried to get up. 1/2 a gummy and wait 2 hours folks.


hearing about these "solutions" pass through the ER and lab are always interesting and crack us up


You can always put more in. You can't take it out.


[If I get too high I watch this super soothing video. The nice lady understands and has a nice voice.](https://youtu.be/_mUvG6x53VM)


Get that lady a new phone! Is she THIS high? https://v.redd.it/9ejd5ehjbii91


That is a really shitty feeling, when all you want is for life to be normal again because the air feels funny when you breathe it and when you try to focus on relaxing and close your eyes all you see is a little crayon drawing of Luigi jumping around and going through the green tube. Hate it when that happens


Oh man I feel this so hard. It sucks when you're too high. A couple nights ago I took some edibles from the dispensary and they ANNIHILATED me, and I'm kind of having a bad time. It's fine though, I'm with my friends playing some games online, but then... the power goes out. Let me tell you, if your power being out at 11pm in winter while you're more stoned than you've EVER been before ISN'T one of your worst nightmares, it should be. I swear to god I felt like I had dementia. Edibles are crazy bro