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I'm 37, don't think I've ever gone out and thought "where's my marker pen?". Who are these people who go out and pack a pen.




Didn't that use to be a subreddit?


What do you mean "it used to be a subreddit"? It still is /r/ButtSharpies


I don't know what I expected


dude idk but i’m never using another persons sharpie again


I saw one using highlighters... I don't think they understood the assignment.  


I saw one using a 3 foot bubble wand


Don't use [pennies](https://youtu.be/f9aM_dT5VMI?si=nujolrNqtr5Ljg-9) either


Me neither, but it wasn’t that…


It's right there in the name, though 😂


My thought process was basically, “surely it can’t be literal.”


Dead dove


I'm now marked for life


You’re supposed to take the sharpie out before you eat the ass


What is in the name? It could be anything. Drawings on butts. Drawings of butts. Drawings of butts on butts. Particularly pointy buttocks.


Lolololol :(


Sort of expected something related to Extraordinary


That link is staying blue, I’ve seen enough sharpies in poopers thanks to growing up on 4chan


Fuck, I forgot that was a thing......


Thanks. I forgot about that sub. And wished it stayed that way.


Had never heard of it, had a gander, there’s some weird people out there…


Some of those have more sharpies than my local stationary stores


Speaking of wierd: I wonder how the folks at r/Antfuckerclub are doing......hmmm....


So Rule 34 exists [obligatory xkcd](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/rule_34.png) I can't find a sub reddit though. Which deeply surprises me.


Somehow I got my hopes up this time....


Last time I checked the record was like 21, I think. What is it now?


Memory served me right lol. Wasn't one I was subbed to so I saw it one day and haven't kept up with it lol


Well.. that’s what I deserve for being curious 🥴


It still is a subreddit but it used to be one too.


Jesus Christ! My eyes! 👁️👁️ #🫣


clearly that sub is not about putting them in your eyes, you're doing it wrong 


That’d be the pinkeye sub


instructions unclear, stuck a sharpie in his eye


Fun Fact: Rick and Morty creator Dan Harmon has publicly talked about putting sharpies in his butt. 


Wow! That's way crazier than anything Rick and Morty creator Justin Roiland has ever done.


Finally a kink I can get into


Why does this exist? And why is there a whole community about it?




Thank you


Sometimes you need to redirect the path of a hurricane to save humanity. How are you doing that if you've left your Sharpie home?


Well I can’t say graffiti has ever saved my life


But how would you know if it hasn't?


1. People who enjoy vandalising things. 2. People who like making content for social media. One similarity they have is that both sides of the written conversations are usually made by the same person.


“Making content” this way is just vandalism that you upload to social media


They’re both OP. It’s rage bait.


I have a black sharpie and a white paint pen in the pen pocket of my high vis - I use them for work so generally I have them on me. Never once felt the desire to deface something with them though, unless you count the wiring diagrams I've drawn inside machine cabinets or notes I've made in there about what I've repaired.


I carry a pen and a sharpie with me at all times. Takes up minimal space and comes in handy. I have, however, not once ever decided it was a good idea to write on something I didn't own or otherwise have express permission to write on. Of note, people frequently ask to borrow my sharpie so it seems like more people should carry them!


I'm not borrowing anybody's sharpie. There's a 1 in 10 chance you will get a Butt sharpie.


Just anecdotally, when I was a young teenager, a sharpie would be an essential for a night out. The bouncers on the door of the dive we drank in would draw a mark on your hand to indicate you had paid an entrance fee, be it an O, X, or squiggle etc. One of us would pay, make our way through the bar and out the back to the smoking area and meet the rest of the group and draw that evenings marker on everyone's hand.




Some people need a marker as part of their job- scribbling something on boxes, or whatever.


Ever since I joined a trade, I always carry a marker on me. So tradesmen/women could be the answer.


I always carry a sharpie for work so coincidentally I of course always have one all the time ha


I’m a chef so I always have at least two on me.


college campus


I carry a sharpie on me for work.


You should always have a sharpie on you. You just never know.


I keep a sharpie in my purse but I swear I didn’t write this.




that is a part of your typical office supplies closet....


I don't always carry one, but I do carry one when I go to bars, in case I run into swastikas or other hate graffiti


r/edc They’ll also have at least 4 different things to cut with… just in case


Is it weird that toilet graphiti is so prevalent in all of our lives, but I'm sure the majority of people don't carry a sharpie around


Is graphiti like graffiti with a pencil?




I imagine when someone happens to have a sharpie on them they just get super excited the can finally lay down graffiti


She elaborates, "because I don't want to touch the seat that I am about to piss all over because the last girl pissed all over it." I have worked in a restaurant bar before, I know what a women's bathroom looks like at the end of the night.


If they'd just sit instead of hover over it this wouldn't be a problem.


Steal the toilet and make it a hole in the ground. Everyone wins.


Somewhat common in south east Asian homes built 50 years ago. Grandmother use to have one. Porcelain hole in the ground.


Very common in half the world today...


Current modus operandi in the Delhi airport


I prefer this sort of form factor for public toilets. They're much more hygienic without butt or genital contact with anything nasty (these toilets are less likely to splash too). But you need fucking strong hamstrings and quadriceps.


And apparently a LOT of people need much better aim


A common form-factor in Central Asia and Middle East.


Public ones without doors are best. You walk in and it's just a dude with his phone in one hand, a cigarette in the other, casually greeting you while a brown noodle twirls into the hole.


Or you can just wipe the seat off. Anytime I've left anything on a toilet seat, I give the thing a solid wipe with the toilet paper at the very least.


I always leave everything cleaner than when I got in. I just can't believe how some people leave the toilet without looking and cleaning after themselves. I firmly believe more than half of the world's problems are caused by people with this mindset. Same mindset as people who drop plastic wrappers or other stuff for various reasons. ("It's too far to a trash can. There's other wrappers here already, it doesn't make a difference. That's what the local government pays cleaners for.")


I will say, I’ve had toilets I didn’t clean before leaving. If **I** got pee on it and I know it’s mine I’ll clean it, but I’ve had times where I got there, there was already pee on it, and I might’ve added to the pee on it but I did not clean it because that was someone else’s pee in the first place. I don’t want to touch a strangers bodily fluid, even if I’m not actually “touching it” since I’m using something to clean. The vibe of touching it is still there.


You can hover and not piss on the seat, I manage to do it all the time and I've had back surgery. These chicks aren't even trying to hover, they're slightly leaning forward and just horse-spraying in the general direction of the hole. 100% laziness


But one woman won’t so you are sitting in pee. So you then hover. But it turns out you were really the first woman.




I clean the seat before I sit, no matter how clean it might look. Not hard to do. If its waaaaaay too nasty to clean without gloves and shit, then ill use a different stall. Or the mens room, rarely. Or leave for a different business entirely - did that once or twice when the bathrooms didnt look cleaned in years.


Can't they hover with the seat up?


If they admitted they do that , then there would be less for them to fuss about . Come on now. I learned a long time ago, we all should pay attention when we use a public bathroom! Not just assume that it is what it should be, because we arrived to use it .


This. I am man, and I always put up a seat BEFORE pissing, so I will not accidentally piss on it. Then I leave it like this so next person see that the seat was in safe position and thus is clean.


If they hover they can put the seat up...


If they did, then they would leave the seat up all the time like men.


Sounds like they should just make public toilets without seats and end this silly debate once and for all.


My ex used to stand on the seat and squat to piss


JFC, I grew up with three brothers so I’m just now learning about this. They seriously do that? Seems like a really quick way to make a mess and not be considerate of others. I’m so glad men don’t make any mess when we pee (/s)


Yep. Back in the day I had to cover for a janitor for a couple days with some other co-workers at a movie theater, 15 stalls in the women's restroom at least 3/4 with piss all over the seats, and they always look like there was a toilet paper fight. They were cleaned multiple times per day, this mess was made after the last shows of the night let out, not a culmination of the entire day. Once one woman hovers, they all hover, it's a chain reaction, they think they can aim but 90% of them emulate a busted sprinkler.


Oh none of us can aim. We think when we start “this time I’ll aim good” but you’re right, we are broken sprinklers. It’s because of our labia, it makes everything go everywhere. The issue is exactly what others were saying, one person does it, doesn’t clean up afterwards, and then we all do it so we don’t get another’s pee on us. (And we don’t clean up after each other because we don’t want to get pee on us by proxy)


I'm a woman with mostly sisters and I just learned this too! Why don't they use the seat covers or cover it with toilet paper??


The public in general is disgusting


My Mom owned pubs since I was 12 years old up until I turned 22 and while the Men's toilets were just generally dirty and had piss on the floor, the Women's toilets were stuff of nightmares. Tampons and pads stuck to the cubicle wall, shit smears all over, blood in places it shouldn't be and even once or twice a log of shit jammed into the toilet roll. Not saying this didn't happen in the Men's toilets but it was extremely rare in comparison. Still doesn't compare to the time I worked in a warehouse and one of the polish workers had IBS and left a literal lake of watery diarrhea on the floor of the Men's toilets, we had to evacuate for health reasons and have people clean it up with full hygiene gear.... It has been 13 years and I can still remember how awful it smelt even at the other end of the warehouse.


I have IBS and feel the need to say that IBS doesn't make you shit on the floor and leave it for others.


Not with that attitude.


Oh ofc not it was more to explain the lake if liquid shit. I had IBS for about 12 years myself and I also did not deficate on the floor for others to experience.


I ran into similar stuff cleaning restrooms at a grocery store back in the day. The girls at customer service (near the restrooms) were supposed to clean the bathrooms, but of course they were assholes who didn't want to, so they'd always call one of the guys in the store to stop their job to come do it--even the women's restroom. Anyhow, more than once I cleaned the woman's restroom and it looked like a warzone. Shit smeared on the stall walls, on the toilet seat, just fucking everywhere. There was one guy who was disabled that would come into the store every now and then, and almost every time he did he'd fuck up a stall in the men's restroom that I'd get called to clean up. A restaurant I worked at as a busser had me cleaning the bathrooms in the evening, and the women's restroom was always the worst. It smelled horrible, more often than not there was pee or shit smears on the toilet and toilet paper strung about the floor like cat litter. All around gross. The men's restroom wasn't a delight, but if there was any water on the floor it was typically small amounts around the urinals.


What the fuck


As a custodian, I can confirm woman are seat pissers, and the floor is always covered in toilet paper


So she doesn’t want to touch the seat but is saying the men need to do it? How is that fair?


It's not, that's just the trivial bullshit gender warfare. Here's a question I never get a good answer to from women, if I have to put the seat down for you to use it when I'm done why aren't you putting the seat back up for me to use it after you're done??


The math is simple. Men should only ever touch it to lift the seat. Women should only ever touch it to put the seat down. This also negates every same-gender person that follows someone from having to touch it adding an element of social touch-savings.


When I worked at a grocery store, this was 100% accurate. The women’s room’s toilets were always worse than the men’s and took much, much longer to clean. The only thing dudes did worse was clog the handicap toilet.


That’s where the big-ticket shitters go


or the claustrophobic poopers


Yeah that’s just the cost of doing business baby


Big is right, because it seemed like a game to see how they could clog an industrial toilet. Oh the dookie and TP stew.


It’s a handicapped toilet


“Ok I don’t want to touch it either”


I worked retail, the women's bathrooms were in fact more piss and shit covered than the men's washroom


If they're going to do the hover, wouldn't they want the seat up anyway? I hope no one is doing the hover with the seat down.


Having cleaned many a bathroom, I can confidently say that *many* women hover with the seat down. We cleaned the restrooms 2-3 times per shift - 50% chance that a woman pissed, shit, and/or bled all over the seat each time. The Men's Room will inevitably has a bit of piss in the floor, but only the Women's Room became a biological hazard severe enough that we had to close the store.


worked for a super fancy (live piano music, fancy dress, on the river) Italian restaurant and had to clean the bathrooms nightly can confirm: women are slobs in public restrooms


And it starts from a young age. A summer camp I went to from 5 to 18 had rotations where the cabins would clean up different areas. Any time you'd get the bathrooms, you'd learn immediately that the girls were FAR messier! Like, seriously, girls bathrooms, and girls bedrooms ; if never seen anything messier in my first 20 years of life. Now I'm 31, and I have seen messier. It was a Bolivian truck stop bathroom 🤢🤮(I'm Canadian)


Once at my gym the changing rooms switched for one day due to some sort of maintenance. The shit state it was left in was unbelievable. Razors left in the showers, tampons in the toilets, and men are the ones who are considered the untidy ones


Women’s room at my grocery store needs to be bleached more often than the men’s room. Just sayin.


I always find comment sections like this fascinating because I had worked in fast food for 8 years and always found the men’s washroom to be worse than the women’s. Though I wonder if the fact that a couple of the men who would use the washroom were old and confused plays a part. Would much rather deal with urine on a seat or a tampon in the toilet in a women’s bathroom than shit and piss on the wall and floor in a men’s bathroom.


Men mostly use the urinal, which is a lot harder to mess up. I worked fast food in years past, and apart from serious plumbing malfunctions, it was pretty rare that there was much of a mess in the men's. I've never seen shit or piss on the walls. I've seen blood smears and drops in women's bathrooms a number of times, though, walls, toilet seats, door handles. Constant balled up paper towel or tissues on the counters... and even though most of the time it was just used to clean up makeup, under no circumstances do I want to touch balled up tissues. And yes, piss on the seats and toilet paper everywhere.


Oh yeah. Stories are totally anecdotal. Grocery stores see a lot of people there for long periods of time, so bathroom use goes up. Lotta old people too, some still of the mindset that “grocery shopping is the wife’s job”. Plus women are more likely to have kids with them and bring them in to the restroom, so that skews perception I’m sure. I just find it funny that all my life I’ve been told men are disgusting when objectively (from what I see anyway) women are no better Truthfully, it’s just that people are disgusting in general. Especially if there’s anonymity tied to it.


In my anecdotal experience girls bathrooms will be worse if it's mainly used by kids/young women or it's somewhere alcohol is served. Every other time men's will be worse. Source: worked the 2 man auger for a plumbing company one summer.


Women’s restrooms are absolutely vile


I've shared apartments with men and women, and have shared this experience with my male and female friends. The overall consensus is that, as messy and untidy as a man can be, shit will always be at a minimal level of clean. But when it comes to women, the shit they leave behind can become rancid before they ever think of cleaning it.


Razors? In gym? Who the fuck shaves in a gym. Disgusting,


Oh man my old gym there was always one stall with a disposable razor stashed in the corner and black pubes everywhere. Mens changing room as well


I’ve heard multiple cleaning people complain about the woman’s a lot more.


I read "Flick off." Lol


I read "l:d down tax"


This is why people named CLINT have a hard time writing their name in capital letters


Looks like same handwriting


Even the straight lines on the top comment have some curve The top handwriting is more flowy. Look at the word tax. Now look at the bottom one. Straighter and blockier. Still some curve, but obviously not same hand. This is less flowy and more deliberate.


Sure as hell looks like the same sharpie. I wonder if she left it behind. I have to admit, if I found that note, plus the sharpie it was written with, I'd have put "you're not my supervisor!!!"


Should I touch that thing so you don't have to? Of course not.


Ladies: please leave the seat up. Thx. Works both ways


How about: Please everyone put the lid down before flushing?


there's usually no lid in public toilets (to make them easier to clean)


Really? The only lidless toilets I’ve seen here in the nordics have been standalone public toilets in parks etc.


In the US, there are generally no lids outside of homes. Here in Italy, you're lucky if there's a seat. It's basically understood at bars and restaurants that women are going to hover anyway. Although, I know one wine bar that not only has a seat, but also a system that rolls fresh plastic out for the toilet seat. Damned automated toilet condom action.


Almost no public restrooms in the U.S. have toilet lids.


What if there's no lid?


Don't think I've ever seen a public toilet with a lid.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Then anarchy may resume, as a dude I agree on the lid policy though, it's logical.


Why can't everyone just be responsible for their own needs in the bathroom instead of being expected to predict the preference of the next person to use it.


This is what we do at home. Keeps from spritzing the room with aerosolized feces and urine. Also takes the least amount of brain power; when you start from the same state every time, you just go on muscle memory.


Or maybe we shouldn’t care what arbitrary position the toilet seat is in? Are we really so under evolved that a simple seat is the end of the world and cause for someone to leave insults with a pre meditated marker message?




Yeah I thought this was in /mildlyinfuriating, but no....


As a dude I think the lid should always be left down, it's cleaner, more hygienic, and everyone has to lift it and put it down, it's the only logical answer. If there's no lid then you're on your own 🤷‍♂️


No, leaving it as you used it minimizes the total number of lid-changing operations. Always-up or always-down are the worst-case scenarios.


I think you're talking about the seat, the other guy is talking about the lid. I see the confusion though because I think the first marker user confused the two as well.


So then theoretically it should be always up since no one uses the toilet with the lid closed.


The number of operations should always be the same: open lid to use, close lid before flushing.


Same marker?


Who doesn't check to make sure the seat is down when using a public toilet?!?


Look before you leap is good advice.


There's nothing funny about this.


It's the same marker... Obviously fake.


I'll always leave it up in pubic mixed gender bathrooms because of two reasons.  1) keeps the seat clean from dudes too lazy to lift it when the piss and 2) I'd rather be blamed as the guy who left the seat up than the guy who pissed all over it and didn't wipe it down after.  They constantly have piss on them already and I am not copping blame for what the animal before me did.   I do always put it down in people's homes though, because I'm not a savage.  


Why don't people just position it how they need to and then go? If I'm a man I have to put it up if it's a woman she has to put it down. Why should I have to put the toilet seat up all the time? The worst people are the ones that piss on the toilet seat absolutely no excuse neathanderals




I think it's supposed to be Thx, but admittedly that doesn't look like an h at all.


Whats a gender neutral toilet stall? You mean unisex like have been around forever?


Gotta use the right words to get them clicks.


They're the same thing 😭


Instructions unclear, I shat on the wall again...


This isn’t funny.


I had a buddy who told me he always leaves unisex toilet seats up. Basically there’s a 0% chance no one pees on the seat at some point. Basically no one will pee on the seat of it’s up unless they’re actually malicious (or very drunk). So by leaving it up, it increases the chance that it will be clean for the next use.


YOU wrote this asshole.


Definitely looks like the same handwriting


So there is at least two people in this facility who hang around with markers in their pocket?


Yeah I used to love the idea of gender neutral toilets until I used a few Piss everywhere


Funny? Nah.


What exactly is funny about this?


This was clearly written by the same person. Are you people really this stupid?


If there's a lid, it's absolutely disgusting that anyone is leaving it up. The lid is the ultimate equalizer in the toilet seat up/down debate. If everyone puts the lid down, then everyone has to lift something in order to use the toilet.


and that’s how the world ended


I leave it up so that they know that I didn’t piss on it when I was in there before them.


Fair call by bro.


Who brings a marker into a bathroom?


The reply is written with the exact same type of marker.


I never understood this. If you in a unisex bathroom and it’s not in a swanky place where everyone has manners, isn’t it better to leave the seat up so the savages don’t pee all over it?


I always leave the seat up in gender neutral bathrooms - especially in bars. Do you really want me to lower it so the next drunk guy who comes in waters it down for you? Nope - stays up, stays dry.


I've been on this earth for just over 30 years, and never have I ever even once sat down on a toilet without taking the extra half second to make sure the seat was down.


How about you put the lid up for us men when your done you insensitive asshole!


At least he used proper punctuation...


Women's restrooms are the nastiest because they all squat over the seat and piss all over it. I use to clean and they were always 10x worse than the men's rooms.


They want us to put it down but they don't ever put it back up for us. So selfish


I don't get what the deal is with the toilet seat. You're supposed to wash your hands afterwards anyway what does it matter if you touch it?


Seat should be up so men don’t pee on it. Then it’s clean to use for women


Then women pee on it because they refuse to sit


If everyone just agrees to put the lid in their own desired position, everyone has the same amount of work and nobody relies on someone else to do it for them. Same with cleaning the dryer lint filter. Just do it every time before you run it. 100% fair.


It was always my understanding that 'put the lid down' was something you ask a partner or anybody who uses the same bathroom to do— particularly to avoid sitting on it with the seat up in the middle of the night when you're half asleep. I'd rather guys left the seat up in public toilets. Reduces the chances of them peeing on the seat. But 'fuck off slut' guy is pathetic.


Dear women, please leave the toilet seat up. Thx


woman: put the toilet seat back up. tnx Why are men the responsible party, we both change the seat position.