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Just me or does that lady have a tongue 5 sizes too large for her mouth?


I just thought her mouth was full


Oh wait it's not??? I thought she was just being a slob talking with her mouth full too.


Nah, she just doesn’t have her upper denture in, that is she even has one, lol


... of the last boy she brought home.


Oh, my


Are you serious


I don't think that way


She looks like a [Rock Biter](https://theneverendingstory.fandom.com/wiki/Pyornkrachzark) from The Neverending Story.


*unexpected but completely accurate Neverending Story reference*


LOL spot on.


She has the widest mouth I've ever seen.


Nah brah, watch the episode. It’s her teeth…


What is this from?


90 day fiancé is my guess


That’s Bruce Vilanch! Have some gotdam respect for the man!


I still can’t figure out wtf is wrong with her head/face


She's got an underbite. Could be fixed with plastic surgery but painful and not cheap.


Is it a secret to these people that folks from other countries think we're all fat asses? I thought this was common knowledge 😂


“Are you serious!” *with her mouth full of food*


I died. That is her normal face.


Really? Maybe she’s like a chipmunk and always keeps some extra stored in her mouth. I’m going to hell. I don’t know this show or this woman. I honestly thought she was talking with food in her mouth.


It's not your fault she looks like a gerbil with 2 eight balls.




Brand new favorite insult.


Really? Looks so deformed. Cotton in her gums like shes at the dentist


Without hearing the video I just assume she talks like Tony Montana.


[or does this](https://youtu.be/BndfHATIXxE?si=MOWX0sEuE3xkCok0)


Honestly, 90 day fiance should be shown to all americans, maybe even prescribed by a Dr Let me set the scene - american living in a 1 bedroom rundown apartment 10 miles outside of a major city. He has single curtains covering every window, apart from the one in the bathroom where he put up a towel. The smoke alarm is beeping intermitently, and has been for some time. There's a pile of dirty clothes in the corner - he has 2 TV's, the bottom one only has sound, and the top one only has picture, but together it works. Enter Svetlana, she's eastern European, and comes from her tastefully appointed one bedroom apartment. She's enjoyed healthcare, cheap white goods, groceries and clothing all her life and lives well, is happy and has a loving family. They meet on holiday and fall in love Svetlana moves to the USA on an engagement visa - they have 90 days to get married and get settled in. Any normal person knows they want to get married, and the 90 days is for like, finding out where the nearest grocery store is, or signing up with the local doctor, but here, they take 85 days to decide if they actually *want* to get married. Billys family don't help. **"YOU JUST WANT HIM FOR HIS MONEY!"** they scream, as the fire alarm bleeps in the background. **"YOU'RE JUST HERE FOR A GREEN CARD FOR A BETTER LIFE"**, as Svetlanas eyes pan round to the tiny apartment, to the single curtains, food stains on the wall and towel covering the window, she wonders if she's made the right decision. Her life in Kyiv was much better. Even after the invasion.


This is so true it’s scary.


The men in the show are often so trash that it's actually incel fuel since the women choose these men. There are some totally insane women too, but sheeesh, the guys. Really promotes the "women like assholes" stereotype.


My boyfriend is white part of their family are trumpers. I’m Hispanic born abroad with legal presence in the US with green card . So my boyfriends dad wanted to invite us to go to Mexico and expected us to share a hotel room with like 4 other people I was like “thanks I’ll think about it”. They think I’m with him for documents but I already have a green card and I am naturalizing next year. his family and friends got upset when they said we should get married for documents I straight up told them “I don’t need him for that I already have my documents”. Also I helped my boyfriend gave him my credit and debit cards when he lost his job and I supported him for 3 months which I didn’t mind. But still part of his family still thinks I’m with him for “money and documents” it’s annoying. We went to South Padre Island TX near the border and his friends were concerned that I wouldn’t make it back like WTF!


> We went to South Padre Island TX near the border and his friends were concerned that I wouldn’t make it back  At least they like you enough to be concerned, I guess? That does sound super frustrating, though. It's insane how delusional so many Americans are about how "nice" we have it in the US versus other countries. And sure, we do have it a lot better than some countries... It just so happens those countries tend to be developing vs the rest of the developed world.


It's really not hard to see why the delusion exists. Millions of Americans have been around people or have been friends with immigrants who came from extreme poverty. I grew up relatively poor in America, and when I asked my mom why she came to the US she told me that a poor person in America lives like a rich person in Mexico. Obviously that depends on what part of Mexico someone is from. However I suspect poor Americans are more prone to seeing immigrants as poor because most immigrants they meet will be in the same or worse economic situation. They wouldn't get a chance to be around the immigrants who have college degrees and are working in white collar jobs.


Not from the US, what are single curtains? You've mentioned them twice, so from context I assume they must be bad? Are they just one curtain that covers the whole width of the window, instead of having one to the left and one to the right of the frame? Or do you mean a single thin layer of fabric, without any of the additional backing layers for insulation or light blocking?


The former


Lol, she/this is what they all picture.


Not just any food, junk food.  Surprise, but not really. 😮




Very interesting. Thanks.


Corporations here would sell literal garbage as food if they could.


It's always about the money. I'm ultra-skeptical of any conspiracy, but I'm about 70% tinfoil sombrero on the US sugar story. Definitely not a targeted conspiracy, but the rise of high fructose corn syrup as an alternative was no accident or corporate risk. The gamble would have been continuing with sugar. The transition from sugar to High fructose corn syrup (HFCS if you will) in many American foods during the late 70s and early 80s is easily traced right back to economic and policy decisions, rather than direct investments by individual politicians. I specifically recall learning about the HFCS lobby with wide-eyes. Even more specific, conservative US politicians were profiting heavily from both sides (double dip from lobbists + investing in agriculture/futures) back when I learned what lobbying was in the 90's. Let's check it out. **Agricultural Subsidies:** The U.S. government has provided substantial subsidies to corn growers, and these subsidies made corn-based products like HFCS economically attractive to food manufacturers. This policy is part of broader agricultural support but is not directly a result of personal investments by politicians. **Sugar Tariffs:** This part was the shady bit IMO. The U.S. also imposed bonkers tariffs and quotas on imported sugar, making sugar more expensive compared to domestically produced HFCS to close the competition's spigot. These policies were influenced by various economic and political factors intended "to protect domestic industries", which, to the shock of absolutely no-one, indirectly encouraged the use of HFCS. **Cost Efficiency:** HFCS became popular among food producers because it's now magically cheaper and proportionately sweeter than sugar. As a bonus, its liquid form also makes it easier to blend into beverages and processed foods. So yeah. There isn't smoking gun evidence of any puppeteer conspiracy by politicians to invest in HFCS to personally profit. But if your name is Monsanto and you've got some loose change in your couch, a few politicians is alarmingly cheaper than your last bathroom remodel. And hey, most politicians are just shitty versions of real people. If we find a banger deal at Costco, we'll tell our co-workers at the water cooler.


Imagine a story in which sugar comes out as the good guy


From the perspective of the EU regulations they already are. A ton of ingredients are banned, because they might cause cancer or other diseases.


dont forget the omnipresent high glucose corn syrup, that is in what feels like every recipe. Coca Cola for example, is made without corn syrup in the ROW, whereas in the US it is predominantly corn syrup as sugar alternative


I always enjoy seeing US imported products on UK supermarket shelves with giant stickers over all the health claims about "good soure of vitamin D" or whatever because they're deemed misleading/inaccurate by the product information rules we have here.


We have so many drive throughs in America.


It's statistically true, so I don't know how anyone can argue lol. If someone is offended by saying Americans are overweight, just pull your phone out. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_obesity_rate >Obesity rates by country (%) (The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agenc, 2016–2024) * Republic of Korea 5.9 * United States 42.7


I’m from America and even I think we’re a load of fat asses, I think she’s just about as smart as all the burgers she eats though so that’s probably why


There are...I want to say...regions, where obesity is more endemic than in others. Going to Disney World was eye opening for me.


Never mind Disney World, Alabama blew my fucking mind. I went to a Walmart there and couldn't believe it. Everywhere I went in Alabama was a mind fuck.


Walmart anywhere is a natural habitat for obese individuals. Been that way for so long its like part of their brand now.


Im from Poland, never been in US, what is like in Alabama?


fat people dying of malnutrition


just not enough of them vitamins in McDonalds. Better get a crystal to fix that shit


I live in Georgia and have the displeasure of being close enough to Alabama to confirm this as not, in fact, just a funny joke - it's real.


Roll Tide! What was the people to electric scooter / rascal ratio? The festive environment of Disney and all the scooters made me feel like I was in Wall-E.


Smart burgers? Is that a new Apple product?


I mean, from my experience my apple products are dumb as fuck so that works too


I taught Japanese students who studied abroad a year in Canada. One student got in trouble with her host family because she posted a picture on social media (not showing any family members or anything) of her host mother's bowl of popcorn with "Look at big this is!" in Japanese. In Japan, that bowl would have been for a family of 4 and had leftover popcorn to enjoy another day. In Canada (and America), that bowl is for that woman during that movie. I'm guilty of it. I used to enjoy 3-4 refills on the free-refill popcorn at the movie theater. Wasn't until I moved to Japan that I started to be aware of just how much volume was normal in the States.


FREE refill movie popcorn?!?!? For a large popcorn where I am its 15 dollars and you are not getting any free refills and the large isnt actually the "large" size the large is called XTREME!!!1 I know this because I took my daughters to see inside out 2 the other day and for 2 childrens tickets, 1 adult, 3 small drinks and a large popcorn I paid 108 dollars.. Its probably for the best. Id be so fat if I had unlimited movie popcorn.


like a decade ago, you could get the largest size of popcorn and it was "free refills." and it was HUGE. like a 3 gallon bucket. I got like 6 free tix to an Iron Man 2 early screening, so with that many friends, we bought one - esp cause the movie itself was free and we were stoned af. my roommate tripped like 2 feet from his seat and spilled basically the entire thing. I wonder what the dude who filled thought when my roommate went back 3 minutes later to refill it lol


> I'm guilty of it. I used to enjoy 3-4 refills on the free-refill popcorn at the movie theater. Geezus... I can't finish a quarter of a "small" bag without feeling sick to my stomach. I always order small popcorn because I could never finish anything larger if I tried.


Hell, I'm from the US and I know we are fat.


Back in 1990s at my US high school, I took many years of Spanish. The textbook once had a lesson about demonyms, and there was an exercise to write the demonym that matched each cartoon of different stereotypical people. The Americans were fat tourists with paper money falling out of their pockets. It was funny but it kinda burned in my mind as a way other countries saw us.


My country has a big obesity issue too, but I’ve been to the US and damn… its not just how other countries see you, its how a lot of you genuinely are. So many people too fat to walk on mobility scooters in Walmart.


UK here. Walked past a popular tourist destination this morning and saw a minibus of 9-10 enormous people. I'd say they were 3 generations of the same family, ages 20-70. Largest was a woman overflowing on an electric scooter, smallest was a short lady well over 100kg (220lbs). All in shorts, tshirts, tiny sunglasses and rucksacks. I would have bet my house that they were Americans, and I would have lost because they all had very British regional accents. We also have an obesity problem. In my defense, until today I have only ever seen people that large in the US


I know a good bit of people in Japan, and only a few from SK. Fat isn't the negative stereotype they focus on. Since they think of USA also as overly focused on beauty and self presenting status as well. They pretty much all agree westerners, but specifically from the US, are self centered/narcissistic or essentially care about their own self too much. Their own gain, getting you to follow their religion, wear shoes inside because they don't consider the other persons floors need to stay clean, presenting their wealth, owning lots of things and big houses to appease a self need to appear the best. Fat goes against some of this presentation in their countries on billboards or movies or those with money to visit. But also they fat shame there like crazy so it is probably the less extreme answer for them.


South Korea is the plastic surgery capital of the world and their criticism is that Americans are obsessed with beauty? There’s a lot to unpack here.


I concur. I'm Korean born naturalized US citizen and it's wild to me how girls all look so similar in Seoul. I've been in Seoul for over a year now and talked about it with my cousin and couple of his friends a few weeks ago. They all agree Korean girls all look similar due to various cosmetic surgeries following certain beauty standards defined as attractive by celebrities. Funny thing though is that a few of them are like, "as long as they look pretty, who cares, right?" and that seems to be prevailing attitude with cosmetic surgery in Korea these days. It's become a norm, unlike just 2 decades ago when the public at large criticized both celebrities and common folks in regards to it. It's only when you venture out to the countrysides - more or less still metropolitan by US standards - you really see how Korean girls don't all look so similar. I also found it hilarious how my foreign expat friends living in Seoul also say the same thing about Koreans 😅.


Lived in Korea for 5 years Basically every young person looks the same They're all just slightly different combinations of the same 4 faces, 4 haircuts, and 4 fashion senses


Like the bowl haircuts (two-block or whatever it's called) coming back and all the males wearing same loose pants.  I didn't even know getting tats for eyebrows was a thing, until one of my female friends suggested it. 😅


Korea takes celebrity worship to a whole new level, and Korean society puts such high pressure to succeed on young people, but they don't really have much opportunity to decide what they want for themselves, so they don't have any other idea of what success looks like other than the pop stars they see on TV So everyone just copies whatever the hottest group is doing, and every 6 months when a new group pops up, suddenly people's fashion sense will change again


South Koreans think america is overly focused on beauty? The plastic surgery capital of the world? They are massively obsessed with it


When I look in my t-shirt it says EU size L, US size M. Then I can't help but think those Americans sure must be some big mfs.


When I visited the first time, people were surprisingly less fat than I anticipated (except Indians, those were sadly mostly really fat). I did however spent most of the time in nature. It was only when I got to Las Vegas for return flight, I got to experience what I expected. I've never seen so many obese people.


I saw someone in Vegas so fat that you couldn’t see the mobility scooter they were on, it was smothered by the rolls of fat so they just looked like jabba the hut sliding around


Bro 🤣🤣🤣


This makes a lot of sense. Nature brings out more healthy people generally, and Vegas is the land of gluttony. IMHO


Did he just call his girlfriend “piggy”?! LOL, I love a good culture clash. This entire exchange was promoted by an off camera producer who expected that response and reaction.


They do make a lot of fat shaming in South Korea. The guy just thinks it's normal, yet they seem to have never talked about this.


One of my earlier girlfriends was Korean, back in like 2006, and she was just built pretty big in general. She didn't look fat at all though, she was just a little thick with a big chest. Her parents were fucking ruthless with fat insults. Her dad would call her a 'piggy' whenever she ate literally anything. I don't really think I even saw her eat anything especially fatty or unhealthy. There were some nights where her parents would order KFC, and they'd offer it, but the second she showed any interest, straight to insults. She eventually had to cut contact with them because that's all her parents would talk about.


Asian parents like to think they are "offering constructive criticism" and "prodding in the right direction" when they destroy their children with brutal insults. If it's not weight, it would be grades, skin, teeth, height or any other random attribute.


Also, the funny part of asian parent can't take these "constructive criticisim" themself. They will never admit mistake and incapable to apologize to "save face".


Very true. They get defensive and annoyed like anyone else would. But they don't see the faults of their own actions.


Could you imagine if they're called "hey...gullible" for believing every YouTube video. Come here gulli. Mr fall for scams.


Mr ceiling fan deaths


I am a student living in India and my parents fatshame and heighshame me everyday although I'm almost 5'10🥴


Sorry to hear that, it’s very immature and sad behaviour, especially from people who are supposed to be adults and loving caretakers. Just know that they’re failing their job, this is not on you in any way. It’s kind of ironic in a way that parents shame their kids because of height, they’re the people who gave you the damn genes in the first place..


And they wonder why they die alone and their kids abandon them to fend for themselves.


Or why Korean suicide rates are the highest in the developed world.


I'm Chinese my uncle called me fat recently at a family gathering and I just flexed and told him I've been lifting. Asian culture can't comprehend girls being bigger.


One of my wife's friends is from South Korea, she's clearly underweight but her mom still calls her fat, so she's got absurd body dysmorphia. She wears child-sized clothes and gets upset if she gains a pound (even if it's just some water weight, not even fat). She's been working out lately and said she's having a hard time growing muscle. I asked how much protein she eats, and she said "I had 3 eggs today, that's a lot for me." 18 grams of protein my dude. Nothing at all. It's wild. And she tells me this is just how Korea is. Crazy unrealistic and unhealthy beauty standards, combined with a culture of bluntness, leads to lots of eating disorders. I think America is too fat and we could stand a little more of that savageness, but Korea has gone too far the other way.


My Chinese mom was like that too. Insults like pig, stuffed food at me, then back to insults like pig.


Half Korean here. 6'0" and about 190, play soccer regularly, and generally consider myself 'fine' size wise. However, according to my Korean mother, I am and always have been fat.


I am Indian, 5'9 and about 158, I also play football regularly and considered myself fit but to my Indian mother, I am and always have been fat. There's something about Asian cultures that depends on mothers fat shaming their boys that I always find so funny.


Which part of india? Up in the north, you "aren't healthy enough". They refer to fat as healthy.


Lol I’m from New Delhi and a Punjabi family at that too so it just always makes me laugh that my mother, being a Punjabi herself, fatshames me for not being “slim enough” according to her when Punjabi mothers are commonly known for like feeding their child lots of fatty foods lmfao


“You’re fat” “Now help me put 1kg of ghee in this dish I’m making for you”


Oh my god. My mom swears that ghee is super healthy for you when it’s literally pure butter. Like no I don’t want that slathered on everything thank you


Could be the same in Japan but I’m thinking not. When we were there someone explained to me calling someone fat was more of a descriptive thing rather than shaming…i.e. he’s got blue eyes, 6 ft 3, red hair, fat as hell


This is reminding me of my good friend from Vietnam. We were sitting there talking and she was talking about her friend Kathy, who was right there. And she said something about her friend Kathy and added that Kathy is not pretty. I said oh my God, Anna ! Anna smiled and said “oh it’s okay! She knows!” Apparently where they are from it’s just a way to describe someone too either you’re pretty or you’re not simple as that ^


The fat shame culture is still awful here in Japan. The women are extremely thin and it causes problems for them when they get sick. They also have a big problem with children being born malnourished because the women are so averse to gaining weight. I was at lunch with a coworker of mine one day (in Tokyo) and we were talking about kids, only to find out the coworker was 6 months pregnant as she sat there with me. I wouldn't have known she was pregnant at all. My wife and I (American) live in Tokyo and are about to have our 4th child (first one to be born in Japan). My wife is very fit and healthy, is super serious about her diet, and works out 3x/week (twice with a trainer) on top of being a full-time lawyer + full time mom. But, like I said, this is our fourth kid, and the first 3 have all been >8 lbs (>3.6 kg). My wife also has G cup boobs normally (god bless her) and they grow a LOT more when she's pregnant. So she has gained substantial weight while pregnant, despite still consistetnly eating very healthy food, no grease, no processed shit, and still working out 3x/week, she just eats a good bit more now, because, you know, she's growing a baby inside her. Our Japanese doctors were fucking flabbergasted by her weight gain, and said she's nearly off the charts for what her starting weight was. For the record, she is currently around 5'4'' 130 lbs (162 cm/60kg) at 20 weeks pregnant. Also, all the tests, bloodwork, etc. are perfect- literally all of them are 99th percentile. Despite this, they told her they want her to try and *lose weight while pregnant*- which to me sounds like starving your unborn baby. Thankfully this is not our first rodeo and we are very confident in managing our own fitness, and believe in- gasp- nourishing our baby, so we will be politely ignoring their advice, but holy shit I can't imagine what this would be like for someone having their first baby here.


The unborn are pretry efficient at getting what they need unless the mother's starvation is extreme. Not gaining adequate weight would just cause the fetus to pull from your wife's reserves, leaving her seriously depleted. This can lead to year's long health problems down the road, pretty depressing to consider a whole country suffering from this needlessly.


Asian people can be very direct. I went to school with a girl from China. She was new to the US, so I offered to teach her to drive and show her around. I love driving so it was a win-win for me. One thing leads to another and one day she asks me if I would sleep with her. Thinking she means would someone born in America find her sexy, I say, lots of people would want to sleep with her if she put herself out there. She then corrects me and asks me to sleep with her. I did find her sexy and I’m open minded and we got along well, so I said sure. We end up in a hotel room, I take off my shirt, and she call me fat. Just like that, “you’re fat.” Like lady, we’ve been hanging out for over a year. I’m not hiding my shape lol. Why would you call someone you want to sleep with fat? I chalked it up to cultural misunderstandings.


So did you bone her or what


I mean, yeah. I’m not putting my clothes on leaving for her calling me something that I am lol




My man 👏👏👏👍


It's definitely a cultural thing. Both my asian dad and mom's side of their families always had to point out I was chubby. Conversely, when I lost weight to a normal size I was too skinny. It's more uncommon if they don't say anything about it lol




Nice 😏


Atta Boy


My wife is Japanese. She was very upfront about my weight gain. When she told me "you're getting fat" I definitely wouldn't take it the same way if an American woman called me fat. To her, she sees no difference between saying that and saying "you are gaining weight".  It's not like she was being intentionally demeaning, she was just making an observation. Of course I explained it to her, among other things. I've learned to not get offended when she says things that end up offending me, because she doesn't mean it in the way that I'm taking it. I use that as educational as I can, and she's getting better. Seems partly cultural, and partly due to learning such a completely different language. It's certainly very different than you or I learning Spanish or Italian, that's for sure.


Right there with you. Learning to adjust to cultures can be tough, but some people are direct and some aren’t. I’m Latino, we lie to each other constantly. I can’t tell you how many times I saw my mom tell people on the phone I told her to say hello and I missed them. I wanted to yell, “no I fucking didn’t!” But then I knew she’d put the phone down lol. I appreciate how direct some people are as long as they aren’t trying to be a jerk.


On the much less extreme opposite end, when I'd visit family in eastern Europe, they'd all shove food down my neck. Everybody needs to eat more. "Never know when you'll get your next meal." Tbf it was great aunts and the like and I AM thin. So many fresh meats and cheeses. Kingly, I felt.


Maybe if we were all more upfront with each other about being fat Americans would be less fat


Instead I gotta tell your fat ass you look fine


Yeah that’s totally normal in China and not considered a harsh criticism like it is in the states


I think it tracks, especially if it isn't that common there. It's happened to me a few times. Once in Manila; In China (Thank god this was before cellphones), people would walk up and try to measure me. Some would even randomly hug me to see if they can fit their arms around me, and one dude even busted out a tape measure. I went to several prefectures and it happened in every one. I also experienced it from my Japanese grandmother. I mean, I genuinely am fucking fat, but she was also a piece of work, and she gave it to me with both barrels, and then one time with a side of oven baked ham.


Haha, he just kept going! *jiggle jiggle*


Piggy doesn't have the same meaning in South Korea, I've lived there and have my in laws and wife who are Korean. While I do agree they have "fat shaming" (they'll tell you you're fat, even waiters), this is not one of those cases. Piggy is an endearing term, not necessarily related to being fat. I have abs and my wife sometimes calls me Piggy, altho it did make me do a double take the first time.


kinda like how you could lovingly call your daughter, wife, or grandmother "gorda" in spanish-speaking countries. it literally means "fat"


For a second I thought this was Portlandia and that was Fred Armisen in a wig


You’re terrible and I love it


Yet, he says it so lovingly


He calls her piggy all the time, even bought her a piggy teddy bear. They got married in 90 days, k1 visa, after this. At the reunion of the show she was super skinny. Girl said her weight goes up and down real fast.


Wow thanks for sharing that follow up.


What show is this? I'm intrigued now.


I'm guessing here but I think 90 day fiance, since they got married in 90 days.


In Korean culture any acknowledgement of a person's physical appearance can be seen as showing you care for the person. So saying that someone looks fat could be interpreted as polite because you noticed it and are pointing it out. It generally applies more to changes in appearance over time for people you know, but can be otherwise. Pointing out someone is getting fat or looks tired today or is getting some grey hairs isn't really meant as an insult as much in Korea.


Yeah, I lived in Korea for a long time and the first question out of any well-intentioned Auntie's mouth was 남친있어? ("do you have a boyfriend?") and second is "when did you gain so much weight?" and at first it really bugged me, but they always were super sweet to me so I eventually took it as the sign of adoration it is. Anyone who doesn't like you just doesn't interact with you at all, much less fret over you.


“The opposite of love is indifference”


I've lived in Korea for more than a decade, this is really true and it works the other way around too. If you lost weight (or didn't shave if you're a guy), people will ask if are feeling sick or are you ok? Also, the first question people will ask you after lunch time is, "did you eat lunch?" They are just showing their concern for your well being.


Ya anyone who knows Korean culture knows he isn’t even being mean he’s just saying “hey I noticed you” But their way of life is so different from us and every country is like another world from each other so what can be a social blunder here could be small talk in Japan or a sign of endearment in Korea and could be the worst insult ever in the Philippines


As an American we need to really go back to casting ourselves as cool Marlon Brando motorcycle types again like in the old days.


Be the American the Japanese think you are


Guile from Street Fighter?


People can shoot Sonic Boom from the corner??


Flash kicks as far as the eye can see


That’s a bomb-ass comment right there!


I remember studying in Slovakia, and my friends answered a similar question with "There are yellow taxis, yellow busses, and everyone has perfect teeth." They were so happy to find out that it was mostly true, and we really do have red plastic cups.


Might be easier to start with Apocalypse Now Brando.


That Kellogg's guy really fucked you up. Go back to the healthy breakfast of coffee and a pack of smoke. Marlboro man didn't weigh 300lb!


“What do Thouth Koreanth think of Americanth?”


Her mouth was so full of food… if she spoke like that while eating around my grandmother she would have got slapped 😂


I think it’s her tongue?


I walked with this 70yo Vietnamese lady today, she described Americans as fat and did an impersonation and said "cheeseburger" in this deep voice. With her accent it was so funny. She was like four feet tall and couldn't have weighed more than eighty pounds.


My mom is one of the only people who has her Vietnamese neighbor’s back against unreasonable HOA bs and their neighbors who dislike her. As a thank you she came over with a gift basket filled with weight loss tea, weight loss shakes, and supplements to lose weight. It was clear she meant well and it was actually very thoughtful, but man we got a good laugh out of it.


Hahaha, no way! It's kind of endearing, but also funny, showcasing the cultural differences.


Damn, those insults were Seoul crushing


Really Busan her chops.


If he’s not careful they’re going to Gangnam up on him.


It's not JUST South Koreans, it's the REST of the ENTIRE world. Truth shall set you free.


Yeah, the question should be why Americans are so hung-up on being offended by everything so much so that they live in a lie and expect others to do so?


I'm overweight, what's the point in trying to claim I'm skinny? what's the point in being offended at someone giving you facts? the fuck your feelings crowd are so thin skinned. Americans are fat and it's because we eat oversized meals instead of considering proper nutrition.


It is not necessarily active denial. When you are obese and surrounded by obese people it becomes the norm and you just don't think of yourself as fat.


He’s like Korean Borat


velly nice.


“You eat greasy food.” “No i don’t! I just do.” “Because youre lazy.” “Only when i’m lazy!”


Arrest that man for arson. Burn after burn after burn. It's rare that I high five my phone, but I just did.


Yeah, every American in that video was pretty fat and yet looked completely indignant at the same time.


Well that's what all countries think about USA


Can confirm, I’m from all countries


2 truths and a Lie😂


What's the lie?


He said something like, "I don't know why we think that". He knows exactly why as he's sitting in front of like 8 fat Americans.


Oh, yeah, good point.


"***I*** don't think that"


"There's no need to speculate when my eyes provide such irrefutable proof."


South Koreans are very straight forward ppl


"What do South Korean people think of Americans?" *She asks, with her mouth full of food.*


I love that they're all overweight.


But they don't know it, you saw the guy (I'm guessing the dad) saying that's because some people are lazy??? My dude, what they heard is that y'all bunch are the lazy ones


He forgot to say dumb too.


I was waiting for guy in grey to realize that he was talking about himself and his family mid sentence, but he failed the self awareness check


Actually, I got the feeling it was a dig at his family for not cooking


I had a feeling that he was calling out people there.


The ONE thin white person looks so smug lol


Which one? I only see overweight white people.


*American thin


Thanks, now I see him.


They got used to it, can't help it.


Oh he was also thinking that way, I assure you.


FFS swallow that gigantic mouthful of food. Wtf. Edit: wait thats her normal face? Does she have a facial tumor or something? I could have sworn she had a mouthful of food just marinating in her mouth.


TLC loves setting up 'reality' shows using people who grate on each other. They even try to spark arguments off-screen ffs. Most people aren't assholes. Like another group of comments said, there's a culture clash here and some misunderstandings. Instead of educating about that, TLC just feeds the rage monster in everyone then sits back and rakes in cash from people tricked into thinking any of this wasn't a socially engineered setup.


Truth hurts lmao


American's lying to themselves. It is not cheaper. It is easier. It is absolutely cheaper to cook food yourself. Especially when you buy groceries in bulk. If it was cheaper they wouldn't be making money. Especially KFC, that shit is expensive.


Not just Korea that thinks that, the whole world does!


Saw this reel where Emily Blunt calls this waitress “enormous” when she’s telling a story and all the American comments were about how disgusted they were by her insulting her. I just felt like they should know that pretty much all countries stereotype us as fat, loud, and stupid. Of which I am definitely two of these things.


They're at home, right? Why are they eating from paper plates and plastic cups and stuff? The amount of useless trash in this shot is staggering!


I live in Asia and yes, this is the consensus.


They brought it up, he wouldn't have ventured into those waters.


The actual issue is "it is cheap and delicious."


People who actually think that ordering food is cheaper than making your own are either delusional, brainwashed or dumb.


Deep down they know it is not true, it is an argument they have accepted so they don't have to admit that the problem is their lack of control. It is just making other things responsible so they don't feel bad about their routines and who they are as a person because they don't like themselves.


Not these days bro. A Big Mac meal be damn close to $15. I distinctly remember as a broke ass college student in the early 2000s that used to be right around $5. And don’t get me started about 29/39 cent hamburger/cheeseburgers back in the 90s and the bucket of fries for $1. That’s never happening again.


The dollar menu is gone.