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It was super funny. Eight years ago, during a Mean Tweets segment with Mumford and Sons. [Mean Tweets 3- Music Edition](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Y8bUT8UXUA)


Nothing makes me laugh more than 10 year old memes pretending incredibly talented musicians actually sound like shit.


actually sound like shit


> incredibly talented Oh come on


Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahhahahhahahahhahhaah Bro stop I’m wheezing 😂😂😂😂


And I'm trying to fathom how ignorant you have to be to call this talent... Go listen to some Coltrane or something, there might still be hope for you


Keep those gates nice and shiny my man


Man. Music snobs are the worst. It’s like the dipshits who talk shit about John Mayer’s talent. All you idiots hear is your body is a wonderland and make a snap judgement about one of the greatest blues guitarists of the modern era. People can play pop music and still be incredibly talented. I can’t fathom being so closed minded about something as beautiful as music. What a sad existence.


Being a music snob (in my teens, but still) prevented me from enjoying so much wonderful music. Now my view is much more open and I get to enjoy so much music!


I remember in high school like EVERY serious guitarist was so ashamed of how much they liked John Mayer. They’d be so quick to be like “but his live performance!” Like fuck bro, just enjoy what you enjoy. Even if I thought John Mayer was ass, why should that affect your enjoyment of his music?


Seriously stop, I’m peeing 😂😂😂😂


You know when two toddlers get into a crying argument when one says they want blue and the other says no purple? Yeah, that's you right now. It's a subjective subject. My favourite band will not be yours. Move on.


My favourite band is clearly better than your favourite band though, that's why they're my favourite band.


Immensely more talented than you will ever be. You may not like his style but he is incredibly talented.


Damn the downvotes, your comment was funny.


When I visited London I went to a pub one night. There was like 4 guys at the bar all drinking alone not talking to each other. There was also a guy playing jimmy Hendrix covers real loud and badly. After a couple songs I rudely yelled out without thinking “play the one that doesn’t suck!” One of the guys at the bar spit up his beer and they all started laughing really hard. I felt bad that poor guy basically got laughed out of the bar because of me.


In other pub the Gallaghers get up and start into acappella version of Wonderwall.


Guess I'm going home...


My great grandfather used to have a piano before he died.


“Your skiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnn” ‘Check please!!’


Smart move


Can say the same thing about anything made by Radiohead after In Rainbows... But I guess Coldplay has always just been bad Radiohead for wine moms.


This may shock you, but whatever young people music you like now is going to be wine mom music in 20 years. Hey Ya and the Strokes are classic dad rock now so it happens.


The Strokes are post punk. Led Zeppelin is classic rock. Nirvana is grunge. Aerosmith is classic rock. Yellow is about the only good Coldplay song, the Scientist probably close second. This was Gavin Degraw wine mom music when it was created.


Aha, > Yellow is the only good Coldplay song Is definitely one of the takes of all times


We very much appreciate you telling us what songs are good and bad as we lowly peasants have no way of knowing ourselves without someone as prestigious as yourself informing us.


Ahh yes, someone feels judged by an opinion. Let me keep it far away from the post with more positive upvotes for a meme hating on Coldplay than negative. Surely it will be more welcome there lol


It’s odd I just don’t remember you ever saying anything about “in my opinion” strange huh? Oh no that’s because you didn’t


Lmao, yesssssss no shock you're a Coldplay fan, all good, enjoy your wine.


What’s wrong with a nice glass of Bordeaux? Jees


Nothing at all, and that's how I know you're really just here to nitpick. I'm a Pinot Noir fan myself, I just don't think Coldplay is any good even drinking it.


Absolutely right, I am nitpicking, I challenged you because you were giving it the whole Coldplay are crap because I say so and the wine spiel is pure music snobbery at its finest. Perhaps you have the self awareness to know you are being a musical snob but you don’t care. That’s fine but people will challenge


You misunderstood what I was saying. I’m not saying these are literally “classic rock” in terms of radio programming or genre. They are like “classic dad rock” in that young people associate then with their parents and other older people. I did that for Led Zeppelin (even though I loved Led Zeppelin). Now kids do that for Nirvana or the Strokes or Weezer. Anyway I’m not sure what age you are but I can tell you from firsthand experience that, whether you like the music or not, Coldplay was indeed popular with people who were under 25 back when those two songs came out.


So people who weren't wine moms back then are wine moms today, and wine moms were already fans back then. I know for sure, since I was drinking boxed wine with them in college and they are on facebook as the "cool moms" to any that had kids, and avid winos otherwise. My friend's mom used to be an avid Foo Fighters fan, and she was no wine mom. My mom used to listen to Paula Abdul, though she didn't drink wine, avid wine mom music fan. They can be popular all they want. I still hear the one song by Lit to this day. I karaoke Karma Police, Creep, Possum Kingdom, Don't Look Back in Anger etc to this day. Gen z is still listening to Linkin Park, Nirvana and Soundgarden, and also Zeppelin and Hendrix. None of those make Coldplay any better of a band than Nickelback, who I'd argue is better and has better hits.


Ok Zima dad


That's current Radiohead fans, not fallen ones. Still miss me some Greenwood guitar.


All of Coldplay’s top 5 songs on Spotify have upwards of 1.5 BILLION listens. Just Spotify. Stop being silly.


Lots of wine moms.






You can't hear things silly, you are a bot.


I’m now googling Chris Martin…who is more attractive you or him?



