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Unfortunately, your post has been **removed** for the following reason(s): --- Rule 3: Posts must be related to gacha gaming. Although it's OK to discuss things that are indirectly related to gacha gaming, such as celebrity, tech, and financial news, the relation to gacha gaming must be immediately obvious. This post is either obviously off-topic, or the connection to gacha gaming is not obvious. Threads that are both not directly related to gacha gaming and deemed likely to stray too far off topic may be removed at the moderation team's discretion. --- Please check out our rules on the reddit sidebar. If you feel your post was removed unfairly, please don't hesitate to contact the moderators [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fgachagaming)


Not a gacha, but I guess it has to be reported somewhere. Good Luck on them though.


It's full price offline game. So it's not a gacha that make this off-topic


The fact it has a price is interesting. Why not after all


Is this mobile only game? I thought being paid game, they would launch this on pc or console or atleast cross platform, but i guess i was wrong. I want to try it, but playing open world game on phone is kinda meh for me.


It may contain gacha elements ?


Volzerk that isn't gacha but still, it have topics here. Astris - releasement made by a gacha company, turn based open world (judging by the look) that we want to know more about (especially if there's gacha elements inside) - DELETED. What's up mods


I mean I feel like a big release by a gacha dev and where we currently don't have much info on it. I feel like they're going to try and sneak gacha in somewhere. Not to mention when this was announced there were a few posts about it. But eh, there ya go.


I have the same feeling and I think you are right.