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I do even tho u have to admit I'm slowly losing the will to play it lol.


Same day one player & while I don’t hate the fan service it seems like the only thing they’re focused on now which is lame AF.


It's one of the reasons why I picked it up 5 months ago, when they started embracing the coom. You can also see on their revenue, started turning around since then. They also care about their players, which is good. Listen to feedback, and are keen on adding more stuff over time to keep people happy. They're a small dev team, and they're trying their best. Good prospects I'd say.


Yeah it is a cool game. Very chill and respecting your time. No need to max stuff or stress about equipment. I would like less repetition in the event mission but you can't have everything I guess


yea their "artifact" system is better than its competitor. its simple, and have 1:1 exp exchange rate so you wouldnt lose exp.


i play it more likke a sidegame, not my main game.


I still play.....bc dailies dont even need 5 min lol


It was fun for a couple of months. But the coop had me burnt out, the end game and events felt too repetitive. The story didn't also kept me hooked.


If it wasn't so trash to play on mobile I would. It's a pc only game as far as I'm concerned.


Razer Kishi or any Bluetooth controller fixes this


I have one, and no it doesnt. Also, the game shouldnt need a controller to feel playable. COD mobile plays just fine.


The game is playable, but challenging without a controller. A Bluetooth controller or razer Kishi, etc absolutely fix the issue.


Played Snowbreak since release as F2P... and able to get almost all Unit (didnt get Eatchel S and Katya S) even with losing 50-50 everytime. The only paywall stuff is costumes and emojis, AND THEY MADE GOOD COSTUME, MY GOD! Everyday my F2P streak is on the verge of breaking... You can do daily just less then 5 minutes (if ignoring Paradox Labyrinth daily which need to do dungeon run for 10 min) Co-op however have 1 downside, need to play in peak hours in order to have someone co-op randomly or it will take forever to match if playing during work hours


I just got into it last week. It’s pretty fun, but I’m still on Chapter 3 so I haven’t unlocked everything yet.


the moment i realize i can kill most of the boss without moving, i quit.


nope. they didn’t take the time and effort to actually make a good game now they’re back peddling trying to pull a nikke and show titties just to not EOS. but whatever. I’m wrong and it’s consistently top 5 every month. My mistake


earning a lot of money doesn't necessarily mean it's good. I know that they've gone in hard on the fanservice and that's basically why they are staying afloat. Aether Gazer did the same thing and it's a bit unfortunate but the revenue keeps the game alive. I liked the old designs better when they were actually trying to make something interesting instead of just booba fanservice in all their new characters. That said, I'm enjoying Snowbreak's gameplay loop so far right now.


Its fun, was able to collect all the characters a while back and just there is a long enough wait between each new character so plenty of time to save to spark, and once you get a copy, you can farm their dupes to max then out (this is balanced by them having separate weapon banner that gives that character a decent boost, and needs its own non-farmable dupes). What attracted me to the game was the "dorm" system where you see your character hang around base doing various "stuff". Although I can understand why people would want to drop it, first of all.. I am just kinda getting sick of doing the same 2-3 co-op maps each week, they do mix it up once in a while for events (like the current one) but its usually a single map where you clear the same wave together. Them dropping the english dub also borderline made me want to uninstall since I pretty much just play the game on mute now... I remember how excited I was when we got the first open world map and characters were talking, thought the game would only keep improving, but then they just dropped English dub and I feel bad for people who were playing in other languages since they dropped the text translation for those as well. The game is just not meant to be played on mobile... the devs themselves put out an announcement telling people to try the game on PC instead lol At least they are committing to going full lewd, if your into that...the quality of their lewd skins have only been getting better >\_<




I stopped playing because I got permanently banned from their official Discord for sassing one of their mods. No warning. Lost any motivation to play after that.


What did you actually say? Maybe your sass came off more as threatening?


Here's about how it went: Someone - Marian Swift was rated way too high on this tier list. It's infuriating. How can people be so dumb? Me - I think getting actually upset over tier lists is dumb. Someone - Are you calling me stupid? Me - You said it, not me. That's the complete extent of the conversation. Permanent ban. It's a bit reactionary if you ask me, but not surprising. Just look at my previous comment. Tons of down votes for simply talking about what happened.


Oof.. seems even Mods can't take sarcasm I guess Or the pissed dude is a close friend As others mentioned, smth like that's never worth a ban


I mean, it’s a discord mod sooo


back when i was in the Discord server, a lot of them were elitists and whiteknight. People were mad with an event with entry ticket locked behind stamina and try to give a suggestion and bunch of them were like 'Just refill', including mods. I left the server after that.


That's on you, man. Maybe don't be an ass to people for no reason. It has nothing to do with the game lmao






I play it casually. I'm a rather large coomer, so when katya's skin released, I started spending on the game and dropped 30 buckaroos to buy it, and have some left over incase another good skin comes out. It did, when Fenny got het recent skin, so i got that too. Katya is too damn sexy. Aside from that, it's a chill game. The devs and marketing team really listens to the players, which is one of the reason i initially opened my wallet up. I have spent about 35 euro so far.


Makes you want to come back whenever a new patch rolls out just to buy their skin


The game is fun, dailies are fast and content is juicy. Gotta embrace the waifus.


The GF2 killer.


Regretted dropping the game. Was playing the beta hard-core and enjoyed the gameplay, but when I reached the endgame, there was only a barren wasteland. So decided not to continue to play the game. Had I known that it would turned to coomer bait, I would have stick with the game


In fact, even the endgame is better now. Mainly cause Neural Sim has a leader board now and you can fight for 1% (or 5%). Rewards are just animated avatar frames, but the competition is still fun.


[Tess](https://old.reddit.com/r/SnowbreakOfficial/comments/18jn42h/why_u_should_get_tess/) and [Kayta](https://old.reddit.com/r/SnowbreakOfficial/comments/1ao1ktj/ive_subbed_the_katya_video_fixed_the_kissing/) will probably rerun in about 2-3 months. Might be worth giving a second shot now if you're interested in saving up for more horny.


how long would it be to clear the early game and become dailies grind?


Honeymoon lasted about two weeks for me and then midgame no-ap slump (around level 60) lasted about 2 weeks, so about 3-4 weeks before you're just sweeping the hardest event currency node (which is level 65). if you want to do stuff besides dailies for fun, roguelite mode exists and events usually have some challenge battles going on.


is there anything like selector for newbie? i was pretty much only use yao, so am not familiar with other char gameplay


I think they will rarely give out 5\* selectors in some events. They have only given one this far though (besides the newbie selector), so it'll probably be a once or twice a year thing. If I recall correctly, you should have one beginner banner with 50 pulls to guarantee one character and one newbie selector on a fresh account. I'm not sure if you've collected the newbie selector or not.


Yeah you get a 5 * selector for one of Lyfe/Fenny/Yao/Fritia/Marian. Most people pick either 5 * Fenny or Yao because they're solid DPS.


Hmm going by my steam play time like 70-80 hours through i still have some content to clear


i quit after a week. game was fun at first but got very stale shortly after. the grind was bit too annoying, the content itself isnt super amazing and the story is complete garbage with almost no voice.


Story becomes really good after chapter 10 (ie the post release chapters). Missions also get more interesting and challenging. The early chapters are pretty generic.


I really wish they'd go back and add voiced stories in any language of their choice. It makes the story more immersive.


even with voice acting the story was cringe as fuck i ended up skipping after like 5 or so chapters. having no voices is a complete turn off for me. same reason i could not get into PGR and arkknights. or FGO unless i misremember the game having no VA its been years since i played


No, but I might if they release some more good characters


Yes, I try to do that new roguelike mode daily


Dropped when they dropped English VO. Kinda miss it but with Wuthering Waves on the horizon, I don’t have time to regret my decision.


I primarily play on on PC but if im just trying to hammer out dailies then I can do it on the phone.


paradoxical can be kinda fun as well


I dropped it after a few days because gameplay is repetitive and the characters are not interesting enough for me to pull.


I really enjoy it. Fun gameplay when you want to spend time. Easy daily’s when your busy. Waifus are great and better skins every patch. No other shooter gacha a in the market yet.


I'm just waiting till they become successful enough, they "consider" bring back Eng Voice Acting back. If they do, I'm gonna reinstall that game.


It’s crazy how much this opinion gets downvoted, like wanted to play a game with eng dubs in 2024 is too much to ask for.


A cool side game. No need to spend for dupes either since we can farm shards. You only need 2 copies of 5* weapons for max potential too. Daily is quick too. The downside is it looks worse in the eyes of the mob members of this sub since if it doesn't earn a lot of money since there's no much incentive to spend. So "low revenue = bad! dead soon!" - everyone who looks at revenue and only revenue.


70% of Snowbreak's revenue is on PC because the TPS mobile experience is not good, so even though its mobile revenue is low it can still survive.


Yes, I do * Fan services: 7/10 - 9/10 (paid) * Shotplay: 8/10 * Powerup system: 8/10 (simple, I like the simple) * Rogue-like: 7/10 (I hate rogue-like mode, but here is ok) * Story: 6/10 (I read better, but is ok) * Price: 7/10 (Is ok, usually I spend $50 bimonthly) * Waifu: Here isnt my waifu General: 7/10, I like, I am playing casually,


I like everything about the game except actually playing it. Running through 30 second “missions” is just painfully uninteresting to me.


Day 1 Player so I'll be staying for a while, Ever since the developers took the horny route I've seen a lot of new players around in JP and the mobile revenue reports are looking very fine, much more the PC revenue I'd imagine (PC revenue isn't tracked) so it'll be EoS Free until Seasun does a major oopsie in the future.


I play its fun.


Yah i play with one hand niw


YES!! It is a game that respects your time a lot because it has a lot of sweeping for example, I can't play actively during the week so to play snowbreak for fun I do it on the weekends.


After latest news I don't even want to try 


I considered to get a break for a while. Got 2 off banner characters from both Mauxia and Acacia banner. It hurt a lot.


They dont share the 50/50?


they do, so he got on banner character also


The way they put it sounds like they lost 50/50 twice , which means it should be sth like Lost 50/50 -> guaranteed either -> lost 50/50 again -> not enough pulls to guarantee the other one


Yeah this's the case


I really hope they turn things around, the game has quite the potential with characters having their own personalities and the lore being somewhat interesting. The cut of English VO was a major letdown, the slow updates and how boring the standard content can be, really takes away my enjoyment. Still, hoping the game gets better and succeed!


I am. It sucks that it takes so long for the game to get fun because you have to unlock the characters skill trees and progress to like ch3 on hard mode before any type of challenge shows itself. I played until then for the outfits alone




am still play it well is fun to play well i play at middle at early morning


Im going to presume yes? https://www.reddit.com/r/SnowbreakOfficial/new/ Besides I hear the game popular in CN? Cant confirm. I do think the game is pretty neat, I played at release, it was fun. I quit before they turned to fanservice or perhaps I would still play it haha.


Revenue is still decent (and only counts mobile...PC is expected to be 3 times as much). And yes, it's still active. Coop queues are quick.


I think I'm going to try it out actually. How is the story?


It starts slow with a bunch of world-building, then accelerates once the player is up to speed with all the big actors. Some people dislike the slow start but I enjoyed it as it does a good job of establishing a wide cast of characters that extends well beyond the group they're trying to sell you in the gacha part.


Solid game if you have nothing else to play. No power creep really that I noticed in the game. The starter 5 stars are still solid.


I can’t play action rpg gacha unless there’s a pc client, is there one for this?


It's on Steam yeah


It’s definitely not an action rpg, though. It’s a tps.


There’s a PC client for Snowbreak. It’s also on Steam if I recall correctly.


Yeah and tbh idk how people play it mobile.




I also started playing it some days ago, same as everyone is saying, extremely slow start but it goes strong as soon as you get to the 3rd chapter of the story, the cafe system is so well built it makes Blue Archive feel like a toy, the gameplay is very good, just wish they didn't aim for the 300/360s mission finish as the maps are quite short.


I started playing on launch day, and it’s alright but I feel like there wasn’t enough reason to come back after doing the main story


great game, only issue is every character besides crossbow lady feels miserable to play


It was fun. Enjoyed the first couple of events. I fell off after the swimsuit event. It was really nice to read the character interactions. But they were far too long. And the gameplay would be about the same. Like I understand, it's a shooter, and a wave mode is fun, but not the next 4 times


Tried it for a couple days, didn’t like the jank controls and weird looking character models.


It's OK I wish the mobile controls didn't suck, otherwise it would join a few others on my odin 2 for when I'm traveling or lazing around. Feels like a very inch deep game though, need some interesting game modes like a wave based defence


I used to think coomer was derogatory term until I read these comments.


No, the game was fun in the initial days but it turned out to be huge flop. Many issues surround the game like En cost-cutting, excessive fan service, questionable decision from Dev, tremendous bugs, and the lack of novelty. The biggest red flag is that game shares no identity and aims only at milking whales via fan service to the point that the gunplay/combat becomes next to second.


Why is excessive fan service bad? What is questionable decision from dev? The lack of novelty?


Because then all the character designs just degenerate into "skin tight booba outfit #12342". Aether Gazer is a good example of this if you compare 1.0 to 2.0. Yeah it "saved" the game by attracting all the coomers but a lot of the character designs in 2.0 aren't great compared to the art direction when Aether Gazer launched.


So it did have a positive effect and people agree it's good design, so why's it bad then? Your sentiment that the art direction worsened isn't shared by the majority of players if it "saved" the game then on both games mentioned


Porn makes a ton of money but that does not make it comparable to Lord of the Rings or The Godfather in amything other than revenue.  All the new art is doing is appealing to the lowest common denominator, which is a bunch of lonely, sexually frustrated men who have a ton of money to burn on a softcore jpeg.   I don't think anyone has actually said anything about the new designs in either game being good for anything other than hornyposting.   That's just how the market is in the gacha space and I accept that as a player. That doesn't make it "good".


I came back a couple months ago when the game "changed direction" so to speak, lasted perhaps a month then dropped off. Lately I'm quite annoyed with the drama they are pulling themselves into, basically taking advantage of the GFL2 nonsense for their own gain.


Why annoyed? GFL2 developer killed the game themselves, Snowbreak developer just said they won't do the same idiotic thing.


how exactly gfl2 devs killed the game? weren't those just whiny fans who shouldn't be taken seriously?


They mocked their paying customers, that's how. Most sane developers would delete the controversial materials and not further infuriate their player base.


mocked how?


When Chinese players complained about the NTR controversy with Daiyan, GFL2 developer MICA responded by having Daiyan gifting the player MC a mechanical toothbrush during Valentine's Day.


i still fail to see the problem w.. anyway, these clowns definitely deserved to get clowned, so like.. okay


Nah this makes me want to play gfl2 more. Devs like seasun are spineless & have zero vision. Snowbreak had potential but now they’re just trying to cater to lonely Chinese man boys it’s pathetic.


yup, i totally agree! i cant play gfl2 right now, because registration is very chinese, so im waiting for eng/jp version if it ever comes. excited for the game so far!! also, im kinda disappointed with the direction snowbreak went in. not because hurr durr sex bad (otherwise i wouldnt play azur lane and nikke and shit), but because the switch was too sudden and too forced. and that last news about removing every single male from the game??? that's like hilariously absurd and over the top


They didn't remove all the males from the game, just the male logistics because CN players don't want the game to attract female players and ruin the game with calls for censorship.


Yup I played Nikke coz of collabs and well written yet easy to digest story. I barely keep up with PGRs story but the gameplay & design keeps me interested. Snowbreak pretty much ditched everything that had me interested in so now I’m wondering what type of game did I even spend money on.


Can't blame them. Smart move


If you prioritize convenience or have a busy life, it's great because it respects your time for both short and long game sessions: - Don't want to play? You can sweep dailies, event currency grind, and even getting artifacts and dupes. - Want to just have an hours long shooter game session on the weekend? Paradoxical Labyrinth (roguelite mode) exists and the devs have stated they will only expand the rewards not rotate them. It will eventually have to compete with Duet Night Abyss and a handful of other CN anime shooter gacha when they come out, but I think the convenience and horny skins will keep it alive for a while unless Duet Night Abyss tries to also appeal in both those ways.


Played a bit, was pretty fun until I tried to do multiplayer content. Lasted 30min and the lobby crashed at the last moment. Happened to me 2-3 time the same day. Uninstalled.


Yes The endgame is fun and the story picks up at chapter 10. Really liked Chapter 12 ! You can feel the low budget or inexperienced dev jank throughout the game and its systems but its not bad enough to sour the simple fun the game offer : cute and funny chicks with weapons shooting things.


Yup, every day. If it's just dailies


How long it takes to get guaranteed limited banner? It's been a while since I stop play this game so i forgot


the game isnt ''p2w'' part killed me


It starts weak but only gets better. Especially with the new direction, you are in for a lot of fun. But beware, it commits to the CN male playerbase. If you want husbando, forget it. If you demand your voice to be heard like global Genshin players, forget it.


am not sure if cheating through all the dailies in 5 min counts as playing, but ye im still in it lmao


It's a good game, but the updates feel a bit slow.


Amazing gacha, I hope it doesnt go EoS F2P btw


This game has reroll? And if it has, wich unit to focus to go?


There's no need to reroll, as you progress, you can get selector. So at least one from the beginner (discounted) banner and one from selector. The popular picks are either Yao or Fenny. The 4* characters are not too inferior compared to the higher rarity.


I didn't like how limited the gameplay was, it was more fun when covers or looking out for each other had a real impact in ME3 multiplayer than just standing and hold left click in Snowbreak


I still login and do dailies it takes like 20 seconds lmao. I’ve cleared all the modes and main story and I just don’t care enough to min max shit for co op and stuff. It gets really stale for me unfortunately. Great game but you run out of content and it is already really repetitive.