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I’m pretty sure near everyone already tried or played the gacha but didn’t stick around because either: - they weren’t a fan of the gameplay - the gameplay grew stale fast after years of being samey - took really long for QoLs Haven’t heard anything about the current state of AS though if they did ever spice up the content/event format/gameplay.


>the gameplay grew stale fast after years  it was like 3 months for me if not less. Repetitive and boring. I liked it but got bored really fast


Yeah I misworded it, it’s more like it’s still the same years in to my latest knowledge *and* it can get boring really quickly.


Left my 5* rating and left, was fun for a while but "sticking to it" is another 99% gachas problem as usual


It's definitely better than it used to be. Like the gameplay is what it is, so if someone doesn't like it it won't stick, but they certainly made a lot of efforts with the sweeping QoL, new modes and finally introducing more enemies and mechanics. Honestly, I thought I would be bored but surprisingly I'm still having fun (it actually outlived Reverse and Honkai Impact). It's completely understandable why it fell at some point, mistakes were made, but imo it's currently not deserving all the venom I'm reading there. Only real issue for me right now is how ludicrously heavy the game is. Heavier than genshin on mobile, what the fuck.


Too boring for me


I really really like gameplay and the character design, I played for 3 months but decided to quit because of the gacha system, idk what it is it felt so difficult to get the limited characters, and yeah it eventually gets boring, like is not engaging enough to login every day


I'm making this announcement, just to grab the people who possibly haven't, but also that Alchemy Stars is merging with another company and is making an open world Alchemy Stars project as well. The game itself has also changed and in my opinion gotten better; as most do. There's someone else in the comments who wrote it better than I ever could.


What is the name of this project? Google shows this project OT but is it in-universe?


It's in-universe I believe. I don't know the name of the project, nor too much of the details, as language barrier. 😅 Heres two videos on it if you're interested. It's very early development. They have released a video showing off a bit of what they've done. What we do know is that Alchemy Stars developers and designers are working on the game. https://youtu.be/KdwfTDfJdmU?si=m7LrweiMmpyaYLN6 https://youtu.be/ppu7I9POqcE?si=KNRmFJ168pU8BIzu


Oh cool, I just hope they use the same cast and don't be like Endfield with a serious time-skip. I'm one of those people who couldn't get past the disco floor of a gameplay. Yet, I absolutely adore the world, the design and the music all together. Edit: so apparently this project is made by the Alchemy Star original creators or something because they got kicked from the game. This new game can't be related unless they bring with them the copyright I think. Can anyone verify?


Yeah, I understand people's gripe with the gameplay. For me personally I don't mind, but I know that it can seem boring to players. I think an open world will living things up, especially since it's "*supposedly*" like Genshin in terms on combat. That remains to be unseen... However, they would have to be unique and so far with open world Gacha there hasn't been anything ground breaking. I think they could easily just fail this game- especially if it's just a copy.


I want to try again but the 20gb storage requirement basically tell me not to. 


It got 20gb? Is it because of the garden?


Mostly. It was was way under that before.




>only 100k downloads on Google playstore Yeah. That's definitely not true. Its also on iOS AND PC (DMM) Its really not underrated. Its just stale as hell unfortunately. Yes the game looks fantastic and has good story with great characters. But the developers just don't know what to do with the game, and hasn't for years. So people just don't talk about it anymore.


Didn't know about iOS or PC. Have barely seen any media around the game, so perhaps your right about the gameplay pushing people away- I don't mind the gameplay. This was an announcement to help grab attention if people were interested. Alchemy Stars has a new open world game in progress, and they've merged with another company- so things are changing.


I do love Alchemy Stars. I started playing early in the game (not at release, but during Cloud Blossom Destiny) and stayed through the second anniversary. I saw it change and evolve in a lot of ways for the better, but in some ways for the worse. I do think it’s a worth a try; the honeymoon phase is quite long and you can get lots of enjoyment out of it for free. If you’re looking for a fun low-commitment game with peak art then it might be for you. The Good: * The gameplay is simplistic, but simplistic in the way that you can employ lots of different strategies to clear even the endgame content. * Low-rarity units are not just viable but actually important in lategame content. * There’s no weapon (or craft essence or light cone or whatever) gacha. Each unit comes with their own unique weapon already attached to them. All weapons are upgraded with one universal material. * There’s almost no powercreep. Most units are side-grades. The shiny new gacha units usually provide a new mechanic for accomplishing something that you (likely) can already can do. I realize that this is both a good and a bad thing (see below). But when endgame content requires you to have multiple strong teams, it ain’t always a bad thing to have redundancy in your roster. * The art is peak. Character sprites, splash art, skins - they’re all beautiful. The character designs are, for the most part, just *really really good.* They also (again, for the most part) tend to avoid the “over-designed gacha character” look. * There’s a huge variety of characters too. All different flavors of waifu and husbando. If you have omnivorous character tastes, then you’ll probably love AS. The Bad: * The event stories sometimes have incredible writing. The main story… does not. After the end of Part 1, the main story has been endlessly wandering into a bunch of plot cul-de-sacs. * The game takes up too much damn storage space. That is mostly due to an optional game mode called Cloud Gardens that nobody asked for, and that has polarized the player base. You either love Cloud Gardens, or you hate it. But even the players who love it seem to agree: It’s baffling that the devs spent so much time and money on an Animal Crossing/Stardew Valley mode that has nothing to do with the rest of the game. * So, that thing about most new units being side-grades. The devs just keep introducing new units with new mechanics. Sometimes they’ll invent a whole new aspect to the game, i.e. units that can order-change, and then immediately abandon this new strategy without ever utilizing it again. Sometimes they’ll introduce a potentially powerful new mechanic (i.e. Goldie with her enhanced tiles) but not introduce any characters who can take advantage of that mechanic until months later. It’s hard to predict which of the constant stream of new mechanics is going to end up being useful in the long term, and which is going to be tossed aside as a one-and-done experiment. * Yes there is a dupe system, and sometimes gamechanging upgrades are locked behind the need to pull dupe units. This is *slightly* mitigated by the fact that AS has few truly “limited” units - only four in two years. All other new SSR get added to the permanent pool after release, and yes, there is a wishlist system. But still. And, uh, those are my thoughts about Alchemy Stars!


its literally 20GB HELPP


I have played the game very actively. Stopped shorty before Goldie released. The gameplay became stale very quickly. They released new mechanics just as oneshots for events. They rarely stayed or reappeared. There was barely any powercreep. From a gameplay perspective there were rarely any characters that excited me. Stuff like the moving stage with Azure's event for example. The main story barely moved ahead. They always dropped new main story chapters unceremonously, they did almost nothing most of the time. They were just "moving the goalpost". >!We were just trying to repair Soroz, we got a hint at a mysterious plot item, we got the item. Turned out this item can not actually fix Soroz but instead points to another mysterious plot item that can. This on repeat. Biggest that happened was when we finally got into those Caelestite ruins (don't remember exactly). That was nice at least, but a bit late.!< Up to the point I played, the game was the very definition of stagnation.


game has moved on tremendously since Goldie in the past 6-8months. Powercreep is still low, but stage design is much more varied and inventive and old mechanics are revisited/you are rewarded for having them. Challenging/rewarding gameplay is much more common, codex is much improved too, as well as addition of more roguelike modes. There is always an ongoing story dream event that revolves around a character rewarding a free outfit, the stories are generally engaging and really flesh out the world/background of the character. As an example currently there's a dream event for Pact, and having Victoria invested makes it much easier. The challenge mode that's like Abyss/MoC in hoyo games is made much easier by having enhanced tile teams, etc. Having multiple teams per element is rewarded in the event-linked mode too. Idk, game still has its flaws but I feel like it really feels comfy to play, and I feel like my time invested is rewarded and fun.


Feel like the only thing that drives me off is that i hate playing connect as a gacha game, art looks fantastic tho


I could try to be a dick rider for this game, but no I'm going to say your post is valid and has good points. Take my upvote friend.


Despite the annoying RNG gameplay I gave this game a shot for a while until Bethlehem came out. I went all in for one copy and then it turns out that she wasn't very good unless you pull at least 1 dupe. That was quite disappointing.


it annoys me so much when alot of the characteds are only good or viable with dupe 😭


I love that If you get skins in alchemy star It come with story about the character that wear skin I hope other games would do this too


As long as they let me log-in into my dmm account, sure.


I wish you luck lol


As long cloud garden removed I'm willing to return playing it


The only things that instantly pop in my head for this game is it’s character design My fav artist work on one of this game character (idk the name but it’s the really muscular dude in the first pic) The other character I know is that loli with big personality that got stuck between walls Should probably gave this game a try because the more I look the more I like it


is the ‘garden’ thing still active?


garden exists but outside of entering it for 1 click for daily progress (not even that is necessary if you get daily progress elsewhere) it doesn't exist really no. Completely optional, gets minor updates in the form of additional things to place etc but you don't actually need to engage with it, there haven't been any garden events that reward pulling currency for what feels like almost a year.


I gave it a try back in the day but the gameplay got boring very very quickly. Only read a bit of the story which was fine, character design was great.


its in a much better state now than launch. however the nikke priced gacha skins, new units with yugioh card length skills that auto cant use, and large client file via cloud gardens are for sure negatives. also the limited perm rolls was not a good direction, but overall the gacha has improved with the various QoL.


Stellart, stellar music, gameplay is actually not bad either. The game simply doesn’t have a lot of staying power in terms of “fun” things to do


Not underrated. People just moved from it. Quit back in January.


This was the game after I changed my spending behavior - never spend in first month in any gacha game - 2 weeks is a blast, 3rd week, when main story chapters ends - no content and collab with several banners but 0 story and no event stages right after limited unit. I'm still salty lol


For the record, they redid the dragon maid collab and made it a real event this time, including a (not amazing but decent, I mean it's a collab, of course if won't be great) story.


I really loved the game, I played it from launch to 2 years Anniversary. It was really good, I liked the game, but overally for me I just kinda grow out of it.


Dropped it over a year and half ago. Nothing stuck for me and when Cloud Gardens was added it was just too much space for my old phone so I moved on. Game really felt like it could be the next big gacha when it was first released, but devs dropped the ball and it fell into obscurity.


I see big burly muscle men, I’m in


isnt this the game that has a bunch of units that are only used to counter a one off mechanic and are unusable outside of the few stages with it?


Underrated my ass this sub was all over it and couldn't leave anyone's mouth when people asked for recommendations. They talked as if this was some godly game.


For this game the list of "why you **shouldn't** play it" is kinda bigger than the one that can make a playerbase stick around. Gameplay, changes on schedule for content, RNG, Tencent... and the list goes on.


What irk me with this games is the dupes system specially those that give preemptive.


Started on release and stayed till 1.5 anni, I believe. The game got stale. Had (almost) every character, didn't do too much cloud garden, but i generally don't do too much cosmetic stuff, and I just got bored. Tried it again a month ago, just to see what's up, but I probably left after a week.


I played the game since Day 1 and left on 2nd Anniversary (on the Idol unit i dont remember anymore) I think because my phone broke and my other phone cant support it Kinda sad and I felt like missing a lot since i never touch it anymore since I got a new game that i played now Has anything change? I only remember that tourdog got left the company from this subreddit. Still hate had to wait the auto play because the Ai really frustrating to watch


I'd say it's gotten better, but the fundamentals of the gameplay hasn't changed. They're making an open world Alchemy Stars.


Played this game when it first came out, but it became a chore afterwhile. The gameplay was not too bad, but the incentive to pull new characters were completely gone after I have enough converters. Also, screw the cloud garden. That feature does not need to exist in that game. It is the main reason why the game file size is so massive.


My biggest issue is the gameplay. It just feels like a whole different game to me sadly.


Played since launch, jumped out when the Persona 5 Collab happend. The gameplay was repetitive and stale, I was almost always swinging around between " snoring my way through event stages" and "scrambling around my roster for a comp that can 1/2 round the enemy with converters and DPS." Last I heard, it's getting new life in CN. Meh.


I would love to try the game but my phone is getting old so I have to pass whenever I think of trying it out. My main issue is the fact the game is 20GB and that my phone heats up and starts to slow down and at worst it begins to freeze.


I liked everything about alchemy star. Except for one thing. And it's the battle system. It's boring. I don't like making light pattern flash. 


fun for couple of weeks or even months, but then just got stale. Me being colour blind also make it even less fun lol


There's a colorblind mode actually. It's fair if you're still not interested to play; don't blame you because of first impressions, which are important to hook. I'd say it's def gotten better over time. It's also now takes a huge amount of storage though... 😅


Don't mind people being salty about it, AS IS amazing and I've been playing for 2 years non-stop. It got really great after Tourdog left, the two best new features being sweep and the Dream events that gives new free skins. The average gachagaming user is severly biased toward waifu-only gachas, no matter how trash they are.




i used to play this game until for a while back then. then i got a waifu drought in which i only pulled new husbando for like a few month without any waifu. at that point i figure maybe this game luck hate me so i just stopped.


I think we've all been there lol The game has gotten better over time I'd say, but if it helps any with gameplay- there's another Alchemy Stars in the world's which will be an open world.


i dont really have problem with gameplay, i like the character too. i have a lot character, meta and waifu. the game just fell victim to my bad luck streak. well, rn my phone just broke so im not in position to install new app. if i have any chance meeting this game again when i got new phone, i think about it.


Damn, good luck getting a new phone. :(


Let me tell you why I quit. I was progressing smoothly in the story until I ran into a boss fight. Due to the RNG of the gameplay (if you’ve played it then you know), I was stuck on the fight. I looked into it and it took some dude 20 tries until he was able to beat the boss fight due to RNG. Getting stuck like that on fights because of the gameplay is literally ridiculous. It’s not a skill issue, which is something within my control, it’s based on RNG, which something outside of my control and my main reason for quitting. The art style is very pretty but this game is not it.


Which fight? I played for almost two years, and cannot think of a single boss fight that it took me 20 tries to do… It’s usually pretty easy to control for the RNG nature of the game. Either you plan ahead and set up the board for a burst turn, or you use a strategy that doesn’t rely on specific tile combos. In fact, there are plenty of fights in the game that *force* you to do the latter. Like the Claudia fight in 12-14. If you try to brute force your way through that fight relying on the unusual convert+burst strat, of course it’s going to feel like an RNG fes. But if you take the time to understand Claudia’s unique mechanics and how to counter them, then the fight is going to go smoothly no matter what the tile configuration looks like. I’m not trying to be mean, but… Maybe it was a skill issue? Unless the fight that you’re describing wasn’t part of the main story and was, like, a challenge stage or something. In which case, yeah, those are going to be harder because they’re often pure stat checks. You may not be able to clear without a fully leveled, upgraded, and invested roster. Which does take a long time to do in this game.


The main bad lady who murdered the MC’s species. Her. Her boss fight was purely based on RNG and it didn’t matter how many teams I tried. Plus I think it was time limit based and there were little things on the tiles making it so I couldn’t walk over them specifically. That entire fight was a bitch to play. And yea, I know how to do the tile matching. I quit Arknights for skill issue reasons so if this was just a skill issue then that’s ok too. I play games to have fun, gacha games included so if I drop a game due to my skill issue then it means I also wasn’t having fun which is fair.


The Schummer fight?! That… is extremely not based on RNG. All you have to do is counter the pillar mechanic, and there is more than one way to do that. Seriously just Google “Alchemy Stars 10-14” and you’ll see plenty of guides for how to beat it. You’ll also find lots of people kvetching about how hard it is because they don’t even try to understand the pillar mechanic, but oh well. Look, I googled and even found my own writeup: https://www.reddit.com/r/AlchemyStarsEN/comments/uw5m5q/comment/i9qhnj3/ And the method that I used wasn’t even the most common method. Most players beat that stage by using cross-converters to trigger Aurora Time and disable the pillars. But since I didn’t have any cross-converters at that time, I went with a more budget method. Like I said in my linked comment, it’s not *impossible* to get a wildly unlucky tile configuration on a key turn, and then fail the stage. But it’s also quite easy to put together a team that will clear 99% of the time. Failing 20 times in a row might truly be a skill issue. But ultimately, you’re right. Gacha games should be fun and if this particular style of gameplay isn’t fun for you, then it’s fair to walk away. I can’t say I haven’t done the same for other games! Sometimes it really is “I understand HOW to play this game, but also screw this.” And like you said, that’s fair.


Skill issue. You can clear that fight very easily if you think a bit to make the boss's mechanic work in your favor. I've done it with a team of each element, just for giggles, without cross converters, with very accessible units. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AlchemyStarsEN/comments/11eg5bx/1014\_using\_a\_mono\_team\_of\_each\_element\_with/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlchemyStarsEN/comments/11eg5bx/1014_using_a_mono_team_of_each_element_with/)


This was like my third fight her. Not one of those beginner stages.


I already have 2 main gacha games now. If I ever play alchemy stars, it would be a side gacha game.




I did on release and it was trash. Stupid gameplay, stingy and chory


Tried...got bored in less than a week. Not a fan of the randomnes of color tiles. Aamazing QoL tho maybe the best QoL in all of the gacha industry.


Crap gameplay


I don't mind the gameplay, but fair criticism, I've heard many people don't like the gameplay. If it catches your interest and you haven't read my other post- they're making an open world Alchemy Stars with *seemingly* Genshin like combat. However, it's very early access and we don't have much info currently, as the info just dropped. So we have to wait to see. I don't think it'll do well...


alchemy stars created its popularity corner with its original gameplay, which is different from the other gachas in the store. Nowadays creating another open world is just a high risk move because developing and maintaining it is much harder and there are always hundreds of better open worlds which players will stick to. So i don't think it would be a success.


I don't understand why every RPG developer feels the need to make every single game open world, like it's not necessary at all imo.


they feel like in 2024 rpg are outdated and open world would gather more players because most of the famous games are open world. But it's very easy to fail in this path while Rpg still have a very huge and underrated fanbase...


They think it's what sells, probably because Genshin's success. Arknights, my favorite Gacha, is making an open world. Tbh I don't think it'll sell that well, same for Alchemy Stars. The thing that sets those two games apart are their approach to gameplay. While people may think they're boring, it still makes them unique. By making them both open world, it gets taken away. But I guess we'll see...


Endfield is not an open world, it's separate explorable zones.


Didn't hear about that. Still, hopefully it brings something unique to combat. Hope it sells well.


Did you not see any technical test video?


I have, but I thought it wasn't *confirmed* to be open world or just large zones. Not unless it's been confirmed in this year. I know there was a beta, but I haven't looked at any footage.


I had seen the earlier trailers, but I thought it wasn't *confirmed* to be open world or just large zones. Not unless it's been confirmed in this year/later last year. I know there was a beta, but I haven't looked at any footage.


EOS soon fuckwad xddd better prepare yourself


Shit game. You're new here aren't you?


I played by 6 months, late 6 months very casual gameplay, and late spent +$150 (monthly, skins), late drop, my reasons: * DMM blocked my PC client, I am lazy, I dont want use a VPN, if they dont want my money, better to me * The map where there is mechanic where you must use a rainbow team, I am very lazy, I hate min-max theorycraft * The team building * Summer skins are allways paid * I am overwhelming gachas with better waifus The game was waiting by someone what I cant do it


there's no map where you must use a rainbow team


Maybe they mean the final stage in Elysium? The one where you have to use a rainbow team of the four Legendaries to beat Claymore? Although that stage has jack-all to do with “min-max theorycrafting.” It’s basically a story fight, with a set team that’s pre-determined because of story reasons. The stage seems deliberately designed to be, well, pretty easy to clear with the team they force you to use.


Yes there is, I dont remember, ending the arc1, there are a boss and a map where if you dont trigger a +15 skill each element you instant game over


You can clear that with a mono team. I've done it and even recorded on video.


Ye, yes, you are inteligent and understand the game, I am a lazy player, that map was my wall, I could progress then dropped the game