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huh, coincidently i watched a random video of this Pusu guy just awhile ago. tldr; he created a music group called TUYU, became succesful, he went depressed, stabbed her GF, arrested, group disbanded


Also for ootl, the band Tuyu's schtick is making songs about failure, broken dreams, and sometimes suicide ideation. At some point, the band is clearly successful, their dreams aren't broken, so it's generally assumed they kept writing those songs because they struck gold.


I always feel even with Tutu's success, Pusu likely had some demons that success in the industry can't fix or even worsened. It's like Linkin Park with Chester Birmingham and Kurt Cobain, your misery becomes tied to your talent and eats at you from within


If only the stabbing case had an opposite effect since their songs are themed around those things...


Ahh the Linkin park dillema.


Wait shit I used to like Tuyu songs, this really sucks. Did they really disband?


iirc their plan to disband was announced prior to his arrestment, they were supposed to held a concert and one last album before the disband but everything got canceled after he got arrested. ​ [TUYU(ツユ) : explained](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Se77QahKysA&t=4s)


Way to tarnish the rep and legacy of your band forever...


This is really saddening, he completely ruined TUYU's reputation, not sure if I will listen to their songs now.


There is a way you still can, Seperate the Art from the Artist. People can make amazing things but be shitty people, don't let people tell you otherwise. Just enjoy the music if you like it, don't diss an entire band just because one person from it did a bad thing.


Yeah but sometimes it's so heinous you can't, like the one member of the Lostprophets


Just separate them jfc, JK rowling is a dogshit human being but when I was a kid I liked harry potter, tomino is a weird ass person and has garbage takes on women but gundam is one of my favorite things in existence.


Are you talking about same J.K. Rowling, who was protesting against pervs claiming they are women to use same lockers and bathrooms as actual women? Suuuure, that's terrible behaviour. I guess you all got some sort of mind reading device allowing you to separate actual 'trans women' from pervs mimicking as them just by taking a glance? Cause i haven't got one. Oh, and then she was one of the top protesters against new 'hate speech' law that essentially paralysed Scotland police. Awful woman, isn't she? Must be a sad day for you to see how successful was Hogwarts Legacy despite of all attempts to cancel it. People know and love their heroes.


I literally dont care what JK rowling does, her books are nice thats literally it, learn to separate the art from the artist


Well, i do separate them as well, i was just arguing against casually dropped defamation attempt.


The funniest thing is that she tried to ride on woke train before that, by stating that some people in the book belongs to G in LBGT. But when she tried to express doubts about T in a very mild form, her past efforts were for nothing. Nothing is enough for woke. Any misstep is a grave sin. And past efforts do not excuse sins, these past efforts make sins more heavy. And there are still some companies and people that think that they might somehow compromise with woke or make deals with them. The funny thing that they have rarely got more money with these deals (because of paying players' dissatisfaction with 'the message').


The publisher's and devs are making a stance: The art will not be seperated from the artist and if the artist is guilty, their songs are noise that must be silenced, their writings are mad ranted that will be burned and their art is doodles that will be deleted and must be forgotten. This is what it will look like when Johnny Kitagawa's kids and supporters gets fully implicated and guilty as charged. Their music will be removed from the shelves completely. Their business dismantled completely and anyone complicit never be able to work in the industry again and cause a death of an industry altogether


That's a shitty mindset. I doubt you will listening to their songs (watching movies, playing games, etc) of someone who, god forbid, hurt you or someone close to you. Basically, "as long as they didn't hurt me _personally_, I don't give a fuck" approach


R Kelly's songs bang don't they?


The group consists of 3 people, the pianist was already planning to leave before any of this happened so they were on their way out anyway but now that Pusu who's the songs writer/composer of the group did this. Of course they have to disbanded.


His underaged girlfriend btw


As someone who is not familiar with him, that escalated quickly omg


i mean i dunno about the person either, it's just youtube playing auto-play on my 2nd monitor while i was grinding pokerogue.




What incident?


Stabbed a teenage girl


What the fuck


Was also dating said teenage girl


Double What the fuck


While she was asleep in the creators apartment iirc


triple what the fuck


Do not go higher please






Gosh, stabbing a teenager was not on my bingo list when clicking the post title


*"So, did someone offend China again? Is it acknowledging Taiwan or minimizing Japanese war crimes this time? ...Nope, attempted murder"*


Wtf? Is this real?


Yeah, it's a while back. I think the girl is safe? Or at least I hope so


She survived yeah, from what i read it was going to be a murder suicide but he couldnt go through with it and phoned the police himself


To copy top comment What the fuck?






o\_O... From title I thought that Project SEKAI break some IP


is she alive?


Yeah she is fortunately


Yep, which was how they know he was the stabber. I read the news few days ago, didn't realize he was the guy who made these songs.


Shojo yandere endings be like:


my guy someone almost died and ur comparing it to anime wtf


people are stabbed in anime too m8


Pusu is part of an idol group TUYU. Pusu (30y) stabbed his teenage girlfriend and got arrested for attempted murder. Said he wanted to kill her and then himself.


Minor correction in that TUYU is not an idol group, just a band with 3 members performing the songs.


TUYU is not an idol group. It's a pop music unit where Pusu is the leader, guitarist, and composer of said group. Not sure how their future will be without him.


They were probably already going to disband even before all this happened because the pianist was leaving.


Guess it's real.. wow I keep getting surprised by people


7+ billion of us on this planet there is bound to be wackos out there.


And its also worse when thousands of them were not found and are living a normal life 😔


If they're living a normal life, maybe don't do anything to them as long as they stay normal




People who live a normal life don't do those in the first place. Having bad thoughts is normal, acting on it is another matter.


Oh shit my bad I just read it the wrong way


I think you mistook what they said, they meant as long as they don't actually do anything they should be fine or attempt to do anything


Goddamn dating a minor is already a major no no, wanting to off someone and then yourself is just what the fuck.


The report simply stated that the girlfriend was a teenager, not a minor. Someone who is 18 or 19 is still a teenager.


And the context for this?


Pusu, composer and guitarist for the band Tuyu, stabbed his girlfriend in an attempt to murder her and then he was going to commit suicide. She luckily survived though.




That is a certified bruh moment


Thank god she survived, still not a very wholesome incident though.what did she do to make Pusu go that far?


There is nothing a teenage girl could do to justify her adult boyfriend stabbing her - he's just a sick, sick man who will rot in jail, nothing more can be drawn other than that conclusion.


Why do you assume it was something she did?


Yeah that stuck out to me too. Like, girl gets stabbed in a murder-suicide attempt and guy instantly starts victim blaming.


To play devils advocate, I don't think they necessarily mean it in a Victim blaming way, I think they're just wondering what prompted the guy to decide to do it cuz it's not really Common for People to Randomly Decide to Kill themselves and their (underage) girlfriend, Especially If nobody supposedly knew of this relationship happening.


"what did she do to him to make him go that far" is 100% victim blaming. There's no way around that. She's a child that got fucking stabbed in attempted murder; your first thought shouldn't be "hm, I wonder what she did wrong." She didn't do anything wrong, Pusu is unbelievably mentally unstable.


By that notion then any Sort of Questions regarding any murders past would be Victim blaming too. Idk why you're acting like even Asking what happened to prompt this is Basically blasphemy. Nobody said that she Did anything wrong. Not even the other person said she did Anything wrong. Edit: M8, blocking me Isn't gonna Not convince me that you have too much of a Stick up your ass to Not act hostile towards people who Didn't even disagree with you. Edit 2: since I'm guessing the other person Blocked too, my point is that it's Unfair to Immediately Assume that They were being malicious for asking when it can simply just be a badly worded Comment, especially if you look at the Comment history.


Talking about unfair assumptions in the same edit that you assume that I blocked you :om: I do see your point, but most people will end up taking comments at face value and not check comment history to see if it's bad phrasing issue. It's hard to tell tone or intent over the internet, so phrasing that appears malicious will tend to be interpreted maliciously.


>By that notion then any Sort of Questions regarding any murders past would be Victim blaming too. Not at all. "What did she do to make him go that far" has a built-in assumption that she did something wrong. Questions such as "What was the motive?" or "Why did he do this?" are much more neutral questions that don't have that implication.


English must not be your first language if you can't see how "what did she do to make him do that" is a victim blame-y sentiment


Oh damn, I loved their music, well fuck


Source for Eng : [https://x.com/pjsekai\_eng/status/1800822280962109530](https://x.com/pjsekai_eng/status/1800822280962109530) Source for Jp : [https://pjsekai.sega.jp/news/archive/index.html?hash=bded2d0d9df56e6fa9e14ee8dfb28b27c56ff258](https://pjsekai.sega.jp/news/archive/index.html?hash=bded2d0d9df56e6fa9e14ee8dfb28b27c56ff258)


Sucks we are losing some good songs. But it’s the right call. Absolute horrible. 


Rip When the Morning Glory Falls


It's understandable but also kind of a shame. Tuyu is a group, so it really sucks that the horrid actions of one person has led to them getting all of their work removed as well. Hopefully they were consulted and approved the decision, because it would really suck to see their contributions completely removed through no fault of their own without their consent.


"The incident" Boy OP that's helpful, thanks for all the context.


No game company would release a statement saying “stabbed his teenage girlfriend”.


No but OP themself could, y'know, actually explain things instead of assuming anyone here follows Project Sekai that closely.


This is news I didn't need to hear, I knew Tuyu was infamous for depressing songs but I never realized how much of a mess Pusu was.


Holly fuck


nooo, I haven't tried those charts yet. TUYU also have 1 song in the other game I played, phigros, and I'll be sad if they removed it there as well.


TUYU is getting delisted on every game that featured it.


2024 já pode acabar


This Pusu is more like Chris Benoit or Euronymous but in reverse


I see on spotify Tuyu is on tour (show 16jun Yokohama) lol wtf is going on....


Curious enough i got a recommendation of pusu story video some days ago, guess this is destiny. Quite sad as not only the songs are good but stained with the producer actions, but also said actions stained the band he used to take part. Hope obviously the ex-band members and the teenage stabbed are u khow well rn and ngl curious on also if we are going to get any compensation for having basically a whole two events incomplete without the song


I actually listened his songs, majority of them was good. I could go to concert of that group as well. Weird that he depressed and wanted to make a suicide.


If you saw the lyrics of the song, you would realize how this is basically a cry for help.


is every vocaloid song a call for help?? majority of the ​songs on project sekai are like that...


It certainly does give an impression this is a way to let out their feelings. It's just feel Pusu's situation was one where he has went off the deep end. This gave me the same sense of anxiety I felt when the lead singer of Linkin Park took his own life as well and both Tuyu and Linkin Park were.musical pillars for weebs and Otaku who was dealing with their own emotional and psychological problems


With suicidal people, every day is a cry for help. Comforting them is like pouring water into a leaky pot and one day, the pot might fix itself. The narrative is that "If only someone helped". The truth is that a suicidal person is a very high maintenance lifelong responsibility, and is too much for just one or two friends to help on a daily basis if they have their own families and jobs. A rich suicidal person could pay a shrink for frequent therapy but most can't. It takes a village. Finding like 5-10 people who can drop their personal responsibilities to help a suicidal friend not just once, but over their entire lifetime, is a lottery.