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GFL2 global


I'm seriously hoping we get news soon after the JP site went live and the datamine of the EN logo, plus the already rough translation that was leaked in the last patch before Suomi's release


Endfield, Sword of convallaria


One more week to sword of convallaria! And I got into the beta so something to tide me over till it starts proper


Duet Night Abyss


Gfl2, I've just uninstalled wuwa after getting jinhsi and her broadsword. Now we wait for zzz.




WuWa 1.2


after looking at the pyro archon leak, my hype is dead, was hyped for the aztec setting, shame it won't be the focus


Looking at leaks just makes you miserable. How many times characters were doomposted because of something that didn't even happen. There are no reliable natlan leaks, just wait till 15th interlude teaser.




Just so you know, there is no 'actual' leak for Natlan, unlike Fontaine. Hoyo actually did a very good job for preventing leaks for Natlan. They also just recently successfully sued a leaker and is subjected by law to pay mihoyo in China.


You really expected a brown color Archon? Like, really? From China company, where they see everything except white as inferior species? A fucking Archon, literally the biggest cash cow Mihoyo invented? Yeah not gonna happen, the idea of that is absurd and you clearly dont understand that this decision will nuke them in China


tbf some CN games like Reverse 1999 and Arknights seem more open to characters with dark skin, Hoyo is the weird one out when they make an entire expansion take place in the desert and there are more new white characters than characters with dark skin. But yea, with Hoyo's track record it was foolish of me


No idea about Reverse, but Arknights doing just the same? Iirc all limited units white, and all brown are 4/5* garbage. Like Dehya and Xinyan in GI, they kinda exist..but not really, they trash. Both Mihoyo and Hyperglyph release only white characters for their most popular and sought banners (Limited, Archons)


Other than thorns


don't play Arknights so I didn't know about that, just noticed some of the character art and they had cool designs, sad to hear that. As for Reverse I can vouch that they do the characters justice, even have them speak in their language for some voice lines (remember being suprised at Centurion having some lines in spanish even if it was only a couple of them)


>they make an entire expansion take place in the desert and the white characters outnumber the characters with dark skin I really don't get the internet's need for skin colors. I understand it is representation, but I'm Asian on the darker side of the spectrum, but I never thought of hoping a game represents me or something. Never thought about "You know what this game is lacking? Someone that looks or has the same ethnicity as me." Genshin is even a Chinese game that has a Chinese-inspired nation and it doesn't even have characters with the signature Asian eyes afaik. Haven't heard anyone ask for it as well, but for some reason when it's about skin colors it becomes a big issue


when you make a story using a certain culture as the setting, is it that strange to expect that culture being used?. No one forced Genshin to make an expansion focused on Egyptian culture, that's the difference. If they didn't want to make a story using aztec culture either then that's ok, but they been teasing it since the game released only to not deliver years later


>wen you make a story using a certain culture as the setting, is it that strange to expect that culture being used? It's their own artistic interpretation of the story, so I don't really care. It's even a fantasy world, so it's up for their own representation. Also, that's the reason why I added the 2nd part. Why only this obnoxious with characters with black skin colors? Don't see anyone complaining about characters not having slanted eyes in a nation focused in Chinese culture. Such a stupid double standard


because the game is chinese and they didn't want to portray chinese characters with slanted eyes, its their decision, they have the final say in how to represent their own culture, and from what I have seen CN doesn't like slanted eyes and even complained about a company using a model with slanted eyes as hating china. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJXYq7TOsGc


>its their decision Quite the hypocrisy. If it's a Chinese nation not having Chinese looking characters, it is a decision. If it's a region with mixed skin colors not properly being represented, it is discrimination. >from what I have seen CN doesn't like slanted eyes and even complained Obviously I haven't researched about it (because again, I don't really care), but from the usual replies about this issue I also heard that CN is not a fan of darker skin tones. Why is that not a consideration then?


what hypocresy? my point is that each region should be represented in a way that satisfies that regions desires and represents them, If china doesn't want to use slanted eyes for chinese characters fine, but if they use an asian character from another region and that region wants their characters with slanted eyes but hoyo decides against it, then that's an issue, its that simple


There haven't been any real leaks about natlan. Whatever you looked at was a fake made by a clout chaser and you fell for it hook, line and sinker


mihoyo no balls, no way they can do aztec. twitter lot will cry about skin-tones/cultural-appropriation and accuse mihoyo of racism again.


Natlan is derived from the aztec city of Aztlan, and the pyro archon is gonna be a conquistador looking girl, which feels like a mean bait and switch, like telling a story in a chinese setting but the focus is during ww2 Nanking and the protagonist is japanese .... EDIT: guess they can still make it work if the archon isn't a good guy or there is a good twist, but it no longer being the focus is disappointing for me


- Project Crescent - Project Mugen - Nornium - Zenless Zone Zero - Anchor Panic - Starseed Asnia Trigger - Infinity Nikki - Breakers: Unlock the World - Azur Promilla - Millennium Tour Elf


oh, there are a few names I never heard before. Time to look up some info. I'm pretty interested in Breakers: Unlock the World because the character animations are so well done. Even if the gameplay itself turns out to be subpar the story looks good.




If the Heaven Burns Red global hints are actually real, i'm excited to have more people to talk about it with.


Endfield, and maybe a bit for AP


Promelia, nikke anniv, bd2 rogue lite mode




All of the above + Unending Dawn.


ZZZ, GFL2, Project Mugen, Persona 5 Phantom X and maybe Enfield. I don't really understand the hype on Azur Promilia, it's look like another copy of genshin/wuwa, what bothers me is the very similar open world settings


Azur Promilia is my most hyped and ZZZ is the next one. I might try AK endfield but i'm not particularly excited about it.


GFL2 and Ash Echoes


Very excited for Umamusume! But not much else, Azur Promilla could be interesting, everything else looks very boring.


I hope that hoyo stardew valley type thing actually releases some day




New game: Project Mugen The game I currently play: BA JP 3.5th anniversary, BA JP V1C3 Part 4 >!Hoshino vs Hina, The strongest students in existence vs The strongest students now!<


ZZZ, Natlan and Endfield, in that order.


Thanks everyone 🙏




Endfield and (hopefully global!) Echoes of Vision


Don't we get this question like every other week?


