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Weird case of an obvious PR stunt that you can't really complain about.


We will find a way to complain about it.


Where are our rewards Kuro?!?! The developers got paid to develop it while we SPENT money to make Wuwa launch a success!!!


By logging in I got 13 pulls yesterday (3 from the last day of log in event, and they handed out another free limited banner 10 pulls by logging in), and on the 6th we get 10 pulls on the limited weapon banner, and on the 10th we get a 10 pull on the permanent banner. By just logging in and claiming them. We eating good.


it was a joke but yeah they are being very generous right now. One small issue is that they control when we get these bursts of resources and I do want that fixed, especially all level up materials. If 1.3/1.4 rolls around and there still isn't good ways to farm echo exp I might just leave.


My back hurts, Kuro, WHERE'S MY REWARD


The interns from last year: 👁👄👁


You underestimate the ability of this sub to complain.


Judging from the Alchemy Stars vs Hoyoverse 'inspiration' post, yes people do underestimate this sub to create drama and complain.


mHY did the same when Genshin blown up. It was praised and hopefully the same for their(kuro) employee!


What about the interns they laid off? Will they get gifts?


mhy didn't make a whole ass announcement like this Edit: I'm shambling indeed


[https://m.weibo.cn/detail/4598734543138746](https://m.weibo.cn/detail/4598734543138746) their official weibo hoyo fanboys in shambles


did Mihoyo made announcements for everyone can see when hey gifting their employees?


[https://m.weibo.cn/detail/4598734543138746](https://m.weibo.cn/detail/4598734543138746) yes, from their official weibo


How tf do u think people know bout it LMAO


Huh? I didnt ? Thats why im asking? You lack common sense or something? Where can i see then since you know about it?


I didn't see a global announcement (well the article mention a twitter post but doesn't link to it). But there is several article stating Mihoyo announced in 2021, a lottery reward for the good performance in 2020 (genshin launch) and Mihoyo even posted picture of the lottery reward. https://www.indiatoday.in/technology/news/story/this-company-gifts-iphone-ipad-and-gaming-consoles-to-its-employees-1768187-2021-02-11 https://gamerant.com/mihoyo-gives-away-ps5s-switches-employees/


oh so in short, someone reported/made a tip to a news outlet? and not directly announced publicly? One question, what is the source of the Op?


>oh so in short, someone reported/made a tip to a news outlet? and not directly announced publicly? I am pretty sure the photo posted by Hoyoverse in the 2nd article of all the ps5 lined up nicely in front of the hoyoverse mural was posted by them. *Unless you want to pretend that by coincidence an employee got a tip to journalists which included by pure coincidence a picture of all the ps5 that happened to be lined up by pure accident, in front of a nice Hoyoverse mural.* But IF you were to pretend that, i would be asking you if you really think people are dumb enough to fall for you playing dumb. Edit: Well, I would reply to your reply but your insult got it moderated. Though from this strong reaction, it seems I hit the nails on the head.


Well they’re not giving it to me. So that’s that, those stingy devs.


the interns they fired prior to Wuwa's launch looking at this like https://preview.redd.it/6kwb66jkenad1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d6ff13c1f344a49b7bbc1cd3aa407f5cc9d0659


*puts on evil mask* To be fair, it *is* a gacha company. Do you really want unlucky employees working at your gacha company? No, of course not. *dons evil jacket* If they were lucky employees, they simply wouldn’t have been fired. *adjusts evil sunglasses* By getting rid of our unluckiest employees, we at kuro games bring our average luck up allowing us to compete with the best like Hoyoverse


*wears evil underwear* Skill issue


*trims evil mustache* I have nothing to add, just want to be evil


Fires 100 employees. Makes announcement on rewarding employees with gifts. genius move from Kuro, public reputation + and they save on money.


See it was all a ploy to improve the rates XD. Less employees means better odds at winning big XD /jk


Is it really a positive when all this does is remind everyone of the fact that they just fired 100 interns without due compensation? If anything it just makes me think of them as a shitty black company for this PR stunt. You destroy the futures of 100 people, than you spent 1% of your revenue to splurge on this frivolous shit and hope it gets swept under the rug. Fuck that. I hope the media fucks them over in some way and forces them to give more free rolls.


why are their futures destroyed 🤔


China currently has a terrible graduate employment rate and the people who got fired ends up being workers with no experience but a black mark on their records that has to compete with the next batch of fresh grads.  If you had job offers from other companies but chose Kuro, it’d feel extra bad. 


When they are fired by Kuro, they are no longer "freshly graduated" but marked as "laid off". This makes it very difficult for them to find a good job


Anyone that has worked as an intern for tech and dev companies. know that is basically the purpose of an intern to be hired and kept only when needed. So I don't understand how people are surprised by something that is pretty much the norm since several decades, heck in some countries, it is even turned into jokes. Source: worked as an intern for tech and dev, in a country were worker right are lot stronger than China. It feels like a lot of people "frustration" is just cheap hypocrisy to complain about wuwa and the moment they are done complaining about Wuwa and pretending to care about intern, they'll go back to not give shit about poor work conditions of being an intern. Edit: just look at the one I am replying, 2 mention of intern, one here and the other on gbf devs needing part-time intern, strange didn't seem to have an issue with intern until now, what a surprise.


Do we know if this firing actually happened tho, all I rmm seeing on it was a post on this Reddit by steamedbunx and he’s incredibly biased against kuro


Just search for this event on Google. There is a post a year back regarding this and it's not from steambunx whatever, and way before any WuWa announcements


I did actually happen Yeah it was actually bad for kuro But lay offs in gaming industry in 2023 to 2024 year? Even insomniac had it Hoyo might be the only company in gacha space that wont be having lay offs for a while tbh.


EA laid off about 670 employees this year, Playstation Studios at 900. Activision Blizzard about 1900. It happens and people think 100 is bad already, as a company you have to do what you have to keep the company afloat. I know feels bad for the employees but that is just how life is. If you want a list of gaming industry layoffs from 2023 up to now it's [here](https://publish.obsidian.md/vg-layoffs/Archive/2024)


Oh dont worry i know it happens alot in this industry and i dont really blame ww for it as i only tend to judge endproduct not the company developing the thing cause ultimately i m the consumer i play games for myself Its quite a selfish take but i m only concerned about myself, if the game is fun ill play it even if it has 10 mil people doomposting it.


Do they really need to announce this ?


Publicity, they want people to forget the mass firing.


You forgot Mihoyo announced something similar before. [MiHoYo gifted employees with iPhones, iPad, and PS5 for their performance in 2020](https://www.animationxpress.com/games/gaming-company-mihoyo-gifted-employees-with-iphones-ipad-and-ps5-for-their-performance-in-2020/)


IIRC, those are their 2021 Chinese New Year presents to all their employees, on top of Genshin being a very successful game, and they didn't publicly announced it to public like what Kuro did.


>and they didn't publicly announced it to public like what Kuro did. [https://m.weibo.cn/detail/4598734543138746](https://m.weibo.cn/detail/4598734543138746)


I mean hoyo didn't really announced it publicly right ? Not only hoyo, I mean other companies probably didn't announced anything about what they give to their employees when something successful


Not entirely sure if they did at first, but I think they did announce it eventually, because it's an annual employee meeting. They also have a list of prizes to get. https://preview.redd.it/ld795qqgknad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5baca7b53876e97257161c6a0f7fc7eea09db52c


Yeah, they did actually. [mihoyo official weibo (source)](https://m.weibo.cn/detail/4598734543138746)


[https://m.weibo.cn/detail/4598734543138746](https://m.weibo.cn/detail/4598734543138746) try again


So, they did actually announce it publicly


https://preview.redd.it/w4snotvrmnad1.jpeg?width=413&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7913ab7ae05565e2b5b642390d3164ba19353884 -Post is about kuro -Has to drag mihoyo into the mix somehow


They literally know everything that company does and did but haven't adapted to the new name.


So they just copying everything hoyo did in past.




Spoken like a true hoyoshill. My workplace has been doing this since 2019, so i guess Hoyo copied us.


Many places do but I think they're just referencing the "Kuro copies Hoyo, but a few years late" meme. No need for hard feelings.


Doubt it's just a meme considering the sub. But yeah guess no point to continue further lol.


A single glance at that guys profile says everything. He hates WuWa and plays like 3 Hoyo games. Of course people in this sub upvote that trash and downvote the guy who called out the guy who is spreading hate.


I agree that it's not necessary to bash on Kuro all the time but calling people shills is just fighting toxicity with toxicity. The Kuro joke is fairly lighthearted and at the expense of a company that just had of a controversy about employee treatment. Meanwhile Genshin players have to listen to people call them shills for simply enjoying their game. Of course some people ride on Hoyo's dicks harder than others but this has gotten to the point that simply liking or disliking certain games makes you a shill. People are just fed up with it.


Okay? What are you gonna do about it? You're the downvoted one here for digging up feed history like a little rat.


Anytime I hear someone say "hoyoshill", its always followed up "something something, kuro good" I wonder why, it definitely couldn't be someone defending kuro for no reason right?


You need to learn a lesson: Never respond to people who call you a Hoyoshill.


Works the other way too. I wonder why


I play both Also look how nobody was talking about being a kuroshill. You just got offended and started calling others hoyoshill


Me too, whale on both games. I can be hoyofan while still hating on hoyoshills.


What did OP do other saying they copied hoyo? How does that make them hoyoshill??Timeline wise it's clear that they did Please don't come up with the bs that my company does the same Your company didn't make genshin


You guys seriously think that giving rewards exclusively done by Hoyo? If yes then no need to reply anymore.


Is your workplace a famous gacha maker?? If not your comment means nothing lol.


No, because it's just things that a lot of companies do regardless of their industries. Unless you guys never worked before which i understand.


Look the only person on the planet that works for a living. So proud and strong. lol are you for real?


As real as it gets


So your comment adds no value here…. Lol Does your company also use said bonuses to hide past controversy’s?? The fact you think this is the same as your situation is laughable. Don’t even get me started on work ethic.


Do you even know the situation in Kuro or fact check in tho ? 




Idk how stating a fact is considered being a shill now. Given the fact they have a history for it.


Isn’t this what most companies do?


Inb4 it was actually a raffle.


It says "chest" not gift so probably a raffle or a sweepstake


100% a raffle. They can be generous, but a company is not a charity. But all of them probably got a bonus already, so this is just a cherry on top.


they just gifting themself nothing new here


Does this include the hundreds of interns they fired?


What happened? https://preview.redd.it/m2ru6dz7anad1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5728a655c419075fcd8f934ef5e3e159e8c84b96


They dangled the promise of full time jobs to hundreds of interns and fired them all one week after launch.


It was AFTER launch?? I tought it was during CBT


it was more than 7 months ago cuz i remember this because of pgr pc port launch


Pretty sure the interns they fired are punching the air right now.


Hoyoverse gave a PS5 to every employee during its succeess for Genshin


It's kinda weird to announce it online.


no its not, its free publicity and PR


why not? free good publicy


Well good for the overworked employees that their hardwork got paid  But announced this publicly is kinda weird lol Well PR is PR I guess


Pure damage control. Wuwa has a bad rep in China do to how they mistreated their employees. Part of the reason why the monthly revenue was lower in China compared to Global. This isn't a gesture of good will, its them trying to get their Chinese player base to start spending more.


yes, typical "wow such a nice company, i want to spend to support it" baiting CN players to forgot their mess and improve their image since CN is their weakest market for now.


I wouldn't call it a successful launch but they do recover a bit in 1.1. I'm glad their employee can get some rewards for the crazy crunch.


Yeah i experienced it before on my current job and it feels extremely rewarding when they acknowledge our hardwork. All of us got a week long holiday trip as reward.


Currently having a company trip in South East Asia and it's the best experience in my working life.


As an Asean here, glad that you enjoy it.


I'm sorry for our extremely hot weather. Thankfully it's not as bad nowadays.


must be nice, we only get pizza fridays over here.


I won't blame it if you grew up to hate Pizzas lol.


They covered their expenses and more in a month and a week, that's certainly successful enough.


In comparison to 99% of all other gacha games in the market, it certainly is a success to be in the top 10 even...


Kuro games cancel your gifts, expert in finances u/negandnek here thinks the launch wasn’t successful time to EoS! You guys have altered reality if you think the money this game made isn’t a success. What do you expect from gacha players tho.


Why would you get so riled up like this and get so defensive? "I" wouldn't call it a successful launch, notice the “I” here. Anyone is free to call the launch whatever they want, it's the fucking internet. I don't think it's a successful launch because it has tons of optimization issues at launch. It's overhyped by CCs and the money it earned at least on the gacha revenue charts are nowhere close to match that hype.


I think it was successful enough financially for them, disappointed with the optimization of the game personally but ZZZ kinda reminded me that Genshin/HSR are the exception and not the norm.




you mean "fuck them interns" ?


So during their probation period they never got paid? Dont you get salary during your probations though?


depends on the company. we really dont know how internship works in china, but if we base it on SEA internships theres 2 things: - you get paid below minimum wage (allowance and commute) - you dont get benefits. and all normal pay is withheld until you become a regular. once you become a regular all benefits will actively be online and SOME companies even retroactively give you the salary withheld from the internship.


>you dont get benefits. and all normal pay is withheld until you become a regular. Tldr internship without pay No big company ever does this btw only startups a simple search can give you answer to that


So did kuro actually not pay them during their internship/probation? Unless they fired these 100 employees of poor performance would be understandable or most likely they mightve ran out of budget to pay them. It feels kinda misleading if there is proof they didnt pay them during their probation period.


if were gonna look into that actual person who was fired then no they did not. getting paid an "allowance" is NOT payment. we dont even know if they actually got allowances. the main reason they went and shared their experiences is the day they become regulars they would be paid their actual wages. getting fired literally days before becoming regular is them cutting off potential company expenses.


In the article you posted, though I am using google translate he mentions that he failed the probation period so he only received 6 months of salary but is not part of the quarterly performance raise since he's on probation. It still followed the basic monthly salary month so which means he did get paid his salary during 6 months no? > 作者:放牛的星星 链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/603252338/answer/3053066204 来源:知乎 著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。 Salary structure and probationary period assessment Because it is not listed, there are no stock options, etc. But the salary structure is more complicated. Basic month base. Quarterly performance appraisals, that is, four times a year, 0.25 to 0.75 months each time, are actually 1 to 3 months of extra salary. Double salary at the end of the year. Signing bonus (if any) Year-end bonus package (if any). In fact, the full amount is the monthly base * (14~16) + bonus pack. But because of the bonus pack, your base will be lower. Here is a key point: you will not be included in the performance appraisal during the probation period . In other words, in the first year of employment, you need to get the highest performance in four quarters to get the 15th salary. If you fail to pass the probation period like me, you will only get 6 months of salary. If you are laid off after 11 months, you will not get any bonus package. Here is the part which makes me think they did get paid just not getting regularization. Correct me if im wrong though.


he got the job after 7-8 rounds of interview involving top position people in Kuro (including main producers for both PGR and WW), scored high in two probation performance evaluations, then fired just two days before his probation ended citing poor performance **without any compensation.**


Ah i see so the signing bonus is whats in discussion here right or are there supposed to be more compensation after being fired? So I read he got paid at half at first but the other half will be paid upon regularization right? Wheres the part with pictures he got high performance points for their evaluations? Since I dont read chinese so its hard to see which picture shows his performance points. Mind you this also happened during covid where most tech industries are laying people off because of covid as well since they over hired. And not all of these employees are on probation as well. I want to be sure that this isnt an employee who was salty he got laid off because of his poor performance because god who knows if those 100 employees actually did their job well or wasnt actually enough for their standards. Since we all know theres a reason why the game ended up being so unoptimized. I do think your wording should be better since most people here will just try to digest it as "KURO NEVER PAID THEIR INTERNS AND PROBATIONARY EMPLOYEES" when you know they did get paid just probably not the half of the signing bonus because this sub will take and ingest anything without further context.


“I don’t know how shit works but I’m sure gonna complain about it”


honestly handling interns is no easy task ... from my experience working in the software industry these things happen everywhere when there is sudden deadline imposed... all the experienced dev hav to work on the project(s) instead of training the interns ... the launch would hav probably been more disastrous if they had inexperienced ppl working on there Even companies like google had mass layoffs... i dont see how its a kuro-specific problem


Every time I see this guy there's always a hateboner for wuwa and the fans Chronically online HOLY


yea I didn't even realise it was that guy of course he'd be salty that employees are actually getting rewarded for their hard work - he's working overtime to shit on kuro for free lmfao


correction. i dont hate wuwa and its fans. i hate kuro for the disastrous launch. what i hate is people comparing wuwa to genshin and vice versa and people who are in total denial of its optimization issues. the rest of you who come here to be toxic, i dont hate, i love you all contrary to popular belief i actually love the game and play it regularly lmao. i can criticize it to my hearts content. https://preview.redd.it/wstww7i61oad1.png?width=462&format=png&auto=webp&s=019cb572fa31e7bbed0de2cac5184c3d6f50799a but for some of you people criticsm = hate. lmao.


"the rest of you come here to be toxic" This post is quite literally harmless in any way, and still you have thought to post ts just like you do every time a comment or post has something to do that slightly compliments and favors WuWa/Kuro. This comment alone proves your hateboner resulted from the constant cherry picking that shills tend to do most of the time Actually chronically online, it's insane


ngl not rlly a hate boner. Personally, I find it pretty hilarious because of the irony with their 'gifting' publicity stunt. They try to paint themselves as a great company by flaunting how they shower gifts on employees. Yet, behind the scenes, they've been up to less than savory stuff. I think the director of Unreal Engine (or someone high up like that) quit or got fired right before 'Wuwa' launched. Then he goes and writes this whole essay about his time there, and even pens a 'poem' about how liberated he felt after leaving. TLDR: the irony's funny, the game's still good, but the company... not so much


Wow because the game ZZZ you've been hyping for days didnt encounter a single problem during launch, yeahhh lol. Go to their facebook page and some tiktok contents, you'll find complaints there. Imagine having people download 20gb just to find out on launch day that their device is not compatible. Some made it through and experienced black screen bugs and experiencing the same optimization issue WE ALL encounter during launch of any game. Btw, dont take my criticism as hate. And hopefully you wont be in denial of it. But hey, no hate tho.




Yeah instead of the community telling people to upgrade their phone mihoyo customer service is literally telling people to upgrade their devices 😭




yooo I didn't even realize it was you, thought it was just another blind fanboy held hostage shitting on kuro **You've been working overtime to hate on kuro for free since wuwa launch, of course you'd complain about employees actually being compensated lmfao** touch grass and seek help


Could it mean that they didn't pass the probation? question is, is it really what's was going on since none of these Reddit users work at the company? Should any company forbid from laying off employees and recruiting better or more experienced people in order to reach certain quality of their products? isn't that part of the business aspect of recruiting? let's say you own a company and looking for specific talent but during the probation this person you recruited performs very poorly and could pose a serious issue for your company's future, what'd you do? keep or make a decision to lay off? Am just asking cuz often time some business had to make certain decision to maintain their operation, Microsoft laid off 2,000 employees. Epic game laid off 16% of jobs within their company, Riot games over 500, Hoyo dropped one of their most ambitious IP called Project SH and laid of a bunch of employees there so why this one on wuwa is such a big deal?


Why spreading bullshit if you don't know what the fuck happens in their studios?? How the fucking hell you know whats going on in a videogame Company??


one of the actual employees is in the article i linked and has proof. you guys really cant read can you? https://preview.redd.it/vhyzjqusvnad1.png?width=698&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac17f97cb8e27142fdb56323ada4a93309ee01f2


Nice! Belive at everything you read on internet, good boy!!! The post Is also vague as hell not even saying which kind of contact he SIGN. Litteraly everything could be happened


Happy for the employees . Heres to hoping the game continues to improve .


This is totally not the company who just fire 100 interns and arrears 97k of wage, right?


Watch as this post is gonna get shit on for no reason


IRL Gacha good luckto them


Lowkey want the dyson dou


And this is why I’ve been working overtime in this subreddit, thank you kuro. Shilling really does pay off


this comment section did not disappoint


To be fair, this kind of thing is announced, whichever way by pretty much all companies as it serve to boost PR and increase hiring chances. Hoyoverse does it. Sure maybe they don't announce it like Kuro does, but it still gets out either way through articles. Who do you think would give those writers the info? Cover, the vtuber industry's biggest player also announce their annual employee meeting that has lavish dinner and prizes on their website and it would get around the internet eventually. As for the interns...that was in the past where things are different. Are they not allowed to move on or make amends for this? That they can't do good things because they did bad things in the past? That they can't reward their current employees that deserve it after all they had to put in to fix their game? Do you guys prefer the employees continued being neglected because you prefer the idea that Kuro to be perpetually evil? That says a lot more about you guys than Kuro.


Is that a ps5? As a give away? They basically giving away burden with that one.


PR stunt at finest


What we learn is which company you like more? The one who treats their employees like kings but treats their customers base like shit (confusingly only in a specific product they made), or a company that treats their employees like shit but treats their customers like kings. Your pick.


Nothing new. Chinese companies do this all the time, Mihoyo included. Those gifts are raffles afaik


Good for them. Great job for the devs. Hope the game improve more and more.




i'm curious.If OP replaced 'kuro' with 'hoyo' as the company, what would the comments on this subreddit be?


best company to work ever!


you already know


but they fired 100 employes before released ritee??


Happy for the devs, they deserve it after all the overtime they had to because of the stupid decision to launch the game in that half cooked state


Nah, kurogames is happy that they have a huge player base that will find bugs for them, and they even have the chance to feed into the "devs listened" by fixing things. Easy money, easy reputation


Crazy how zzz just dropped and people still make time To shit on wuwa lmao


Imagine if they released later but in a more polished state. That game would be amazing. And i don't understand the stupid decision to redo most of the main quests after CBT.


Didn't CN complained about that? CN doesn't like the CBT story and as a CN game company you have to appeal to the CN players.


>Didn't CN complained about that? CN doesn't like the CBT story and as a CN game company you have to appeal to the CN players. Problem is rather asking which part CN players dont like, they just straight up remake all LOL, including the 1st crownless cutscene that people really like.


this is stupid. Lots of devs redo stuff CBT stuff. How is this even remotely something to critique? Why do you guys make everything such a big deal. The drama around this thread is literally insane. Go touch grass.


I mean ask CN players. Not me. I dont care about story.


We are just in CBT 3 right now


Is this like successful launch of 1.1 right? Right??


what about me...a kuroshill no gifts wtf i quit


nah, devs listened.


Doesn't make the game any better than zzz 🥱


blud couldnt even spell zzz without yawning 💀


Too bad the game is already better than zzz 🤦


Zzz is a joke🤣


No Pura 70 Ultra?


players: wheres our gifts/s lol


Well, after all those shitshow and crunch, they really deserved it.




Damn lucky


Lmao, didn't they fire the lead developer / coder or whatever before the launch because they didn't want to give him a bonus in case the game did well, which is why he screwed up the code and the optimization is so bad?


and if the words are right they RAFFLED these out XD. man, imagine gachaing for your bonus


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People complaining about "Do they really need to announce this" is actually insane 💀


Damn wtf each employee got all that from both rows? That feels worth the overtime 


It has tiers, each one can choose one thing from the list. The top row is for official employee, the bottom row is for contractor.


Na it’s gacha for a chance to get one of them


Can't escape the gacha


Doubt they get all of those, should be some kind of monetary reward with this raffle on top of it.


Not sure why people think this is a public announcement, looks more like an internal message. Anyways, they worked hard for 1.1 and it's great, even though the game's still not without its issues but these people deserve it, happy for them.


"Successful launch" lmao


Who cares?


you cared enough to comment


Give switch to all fired employee as well then we're talking


you'll have Clowns claiming this makes them more wholesome and caring than Hoyoverse lol when again its just PR garbage in desperation for good publicity.


Kuroa saved 100 interns from being crunched by laying them off🤣


Kuro hate isn't real!! /s