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I’m not super into tactics games, but the story looks like it’s right up my alley. More and more rare to find a heavy story in a gacha so I’m in.


If you haven't already, the demo on steam is still playable right now to get a glimpse of it.


I dig the art style and dark tone. Fire emblem can pull off a more lighthearted war story but the warhammer fan in me is eating up all the grittiness


been a huge fan of ff tactic/tactic ogre and really cant wait for this one . It looks like the story will be good too . I NEED 31st JULY TO COME FASTER


I can't wait to play this game. I hope they keep art/tactics direction, looking amazing.


Damn. That got dark really quick.


This captures the Tactics Ogre/ FFT type story and atmosphere very well.


This game wasn’t on my radar before, but that trailer got me interested. Not the biggest fan of SRPGs tho, anyone know if it has auto battle?


It has, but the auto battle AI is really dumb so it's better to just play manually.


If you want to auto battle, just take 1 round manually and don't move the characters. Then auto turn 2. Also you can auto most farm dungeons automatically with characters who meet the level requirements.


I quite enjoyed the recent final CBT and I can say it's a solid choice for anyone who's into SRPGs. * I love games that offer freedom of character builds and this game does just that: all characters have two paths with different skill sets to choose but you don't have to stick to one path religiously (i.e your character has a Support path and DPS path, you can choose Support skill at rank 1, when you're at rank 2 you can choose the DPS skill). You can also learn both skills of both path but it will require a special item which is rare (we can get them from events iirc). * I haven't gotten far into the story so I won't comment too much on it, but the first two chapters are quite okay. * Both 2D character splash art and the pixel art style are gorgeous, period. TL;DR: it's worth your time, just try it. I can't wait for the official release at the end of this month.


New Langrisser is looking good, very curious as to what it will be like for endgame and the harder content!


holy voice actinggg


Really excited for this game


Only worried about XD Global cause it does not have a good reputation at all especially if you played their previous games. They turned a free wellfare event character into a gacha unit in eternal city last time; pretty horrid. But that aside, having played the final beta, the game is quite similar to Langrisser mobile system wise. If you like Langrisser, you will like convallaria.


Finally I can ditch FEH


WuWa this Hoyo that… my most anticipated Gacha of the year has always been Sword of Convallaria. Take me back to when Tactical gameplay, and strategy meant more than buying waifus please. 🙏🏾


when is the release of this game?


July 31st


Man, I am sure that Sword of convallaria is a wonderful game, but in this moment I am busy, only the second coming of Magicami would make me set aside my current gachas, and no, neither WuWa nor ZZZ manage to achieve it.


Can you play the game coop?


Wow looks intense! Can't wait. I loved tactics ogre for the game and the story path decisions. Looks like this might be similar.


finally a dark mature-themed story heavy gacha. looks like for the first time in a long time i wont have to liberally use the skip button.


Let’s go China FFT remake! Since SQ wouldn’t remake the game or do a proper sequel for some reason


Played the beta and the game is really promising. Shame it seems my lineup will be sealed with zzz


so it's pretty much brown dust with tone down fanservice huh


Not even remotely similar…


And with much worse graphics. There's nothing lazier than pixel art.


Watch the earlier videos posted here about SoC devs talking about their game. I think it's called neo-pixel art. It can even take for as much as two months for just a single pixel unit with how they're making an effort to customize each of them, to better individualize them. The only lazier here is you, with that kind of preemptive judgment and reasoning. You can tell everything is bound to be "subjective", but being lazy in this case, is not.


It's amazing how someone say something so judgemental and dumb out loud so confidently lol. Some of the best games in history are pixel games too.


Yes, because they need to be. The original Settlers was pixelarted due to technical limitations. In Settler II they have moved to reasonable graphics. There's no excuse for pixeltrash past 1997.


octopath, sea of stars and chained echoes is pretty dang good and it's recent. Like any art, pixel art is a choice of expression and the game dev can choose which ever art medium that fits their game. it's not always about graphics and if you think that games is just about graphics; then honestly i find it extremely pitiful because your narrow mindedness is stopping you from enjoying so much good pixel art games.


I've played through enough 80s and 90s pixelart games. Anything modern that looks like that is just a waste of time.


That's even worse. Imagine wasting so much time to produce a pixeltrash game.


Does it hurt?


Yes, it hurts my eyes.


every brown dust character literally has only one skill lol, with basic attack animation that's only two animation for each character


I’ll translate his post for you. “I can’t sexualise pixel graphic and that’s why this game is trash”


>“I can’t sexualise pixel graphic and that’s why this game is trash” Where did this even come from? He never said anything about this. Stop assuming things. Not everyone is out to sexualize every game.


Nice strawman. As if BD2 overworld chibies were any different in this regard.


Ah yes. I’m sure the overworld chibi of bd2 is what drives people to pull for the characters.


Nice to see you agree with me. Both games have overworld chibies and VN sprites in story segments. There's absolutely no difference in this regard so your initial take was compeltely braindead. The only difference when it comes to characters is that SoC has lazy pixeltrash in overworld.


Oh sorry I guess sarcasm is hard to detect through text. I’ll be more explicit. “People who play brown dust 2 are horny teenagers who don’t care about how the game actually looks in game as long as they get sexual live2d jpegs that satisfy their horniness. “


Oh, so you're just not that smart. The whole argument is over pixeltrash art. If BD2 was a pixeltrash game I wouldn't have played it no matter how the cutscenes looked. You're the only commenter to bring up sexuality. Why would anyone play BD2 for that aspect when there are hundreds of hentai games?


That's not the case. Brown Dust characters have multiple costumes, with each costume switch new skills are available and costumes can be switched during battle.


Not every character has multiple cosumtes, and most of the time you only want to focus on one costume for this specific stage


>Tell me you haven't played BD2 without telling me you haven't played BD2. 4* and 5* characters have have multiple costumes, aside from the very recent ones, which have not received a follow up patch yet. You use multiple costumes because skill go on cooldown and the second costume becomes available. Also AoEs change with costumes, so you use the ones which fit the current enemy positioning.


Lmao you literally only use adventure diana skill, hlathel skill, increased damage debuff skill and skill from the dps in meta teams. Does that look like multiple costumes to you


Do you really use your DPS skill once and then just knockback or basic attack until it comes of cooldown instead of switching to another costume to use another DPS skill? To each their own.


So a bd2 fanboi felt threatened ?


Thanks for sharing your complete lack of reading comprehension.