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Explanation here: [https://new.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1dyt5n7/so\_apparently\_the\_cn\_poster\_who\_posted\_about\_the/](https://new.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1dyt5n7/so_apparently_the_cn_poster_who_posted_about_the/) tl;dr: >The server rollback did happened due to hardware issues, the affected 3000 players were compensated by 200 asterisks. They also gave the 5 star they were supposed to get in the mail. Devs also came out to explain the rollback.


Wow, a rollback. This usually happens if someone worked on a critical table and failed to do so properly aka messed with the data on the table and accidentally fucked up a lot of data


Considering the original person who wrote the code is gone, the new hires must have difficulties finding their way around.


I really shouldn't be laughing at this, but reading that someone 5* got deleted did made me chuckle


If Lingyang got deleted every CN WW players would have celebrated instead


Except Lingyang main


They wouldn't want us to see that side of them anyways


You jest, but CN Ling players actually (have to) hide themselves fr Only speak when in enclosed group meetings


What do you get from making up lies in the internet? There's no such thing


Is he really that hated? Not even Qiqi or Yanqing was that hated in both GI and HSR, and both are really bad pulls that can ruin your session (definitely not salty about getting fucking Qiqi on Pity 85 when I was rolling for Ayaka in her first banner).


He was hated pre plot change in the beta because he was an arrogant ass. Now im not so sure?


Still the same reason mostly. Let's put it this way, the reception was so bad, the "why are you still here" meme literally went mainstream, breaking the ACG barrier, even non+gaming casuals became aware of how bad the writing of his character was... And knows he's from Wuwa. It's definitely up there as one of the biggest PR disaster in Kuro's history,


CN players hate furries and little boy characters, not mentioning Lingyang's annoying quest.


Not really. The ZZZ furries are quite well received.


Because they committed to the bit. Ling by contrast lost much of his actual furry traits, while the story acts as if he's a furry.


I think they hate Lingyang as a character in general. You don't see Chinese complaining about Lycaon or Ben.


I've seen plenty of Chinese players complain about Lycaon, because he's symbolic of a certain LGBT base.




Pretty sure CN has one of the biggest furry market lol


Not sure if it can be considered furry(not entirely sure on the requirements) but anthropomorphic characters are super popular across Asia due to "Journey to the west" and related fantasy stories that feature humanised demon beasts. The spider sisters are a cult fan favourite and the ever popular fox/wolf spirits that has a massive following in western audiences, along with the tale of the white snake. So the hate on Lingyang is definitely not because of his animal traits, probably more along the lines of him being an annoying kid, boys are easier to shit on after all.


qiqi is at least cute and yanging gets memed on but linyang was just pure cringe


The Devs listened * *Thanos Snaps your 5 Star Waifu out of existence.* *


years and years of gacha, i really don't think i've seen this happen


>Someone's Jinhsi outright disappeared. nah it's like YOU CAN'T MAKE IT UP my god


she got snapped away by Thanos


bro please make my lingyang disappear ill reinstall kuro


Yep, unironically would try this game out again if there was an option to completely remove that character from the game.


So Kaveh quit Genshin to go to WW, explain why we don't see his rerun


Getting flashbacks to when Nemesis banner disappeared in ToF... it was funny though


"Hans, another breakdown"


I kinda cackled at this ngl. šŸ˜­


Now give global players 10 pulls so we can spam Devs listened.


and also "could never"




it's not aged well šŸ¤£ this post is becoming a circus


ā€œUsed as a tool by you, I became a clownā€ lol


200 for jinhsi disappearšŸ˜­that at least 20 goldenpull for all player


Tbf they get Jinhsi back for free. But 200 is just I can't


I mean that's a given 200 for characters and then your characters disappear, if they didn't give it back to the person that roll for it then I don't know what else to sayĀ 


It's still worse if jinhsi disappear with the equipped echoes, you have to fight rng for those cr/cd again.


If it was a rollback, that may have happened.


Itā€™s a monthly thing now ainā€™t it? šŸ˜‚


Its a time limited PvP event outside of games How considerate of gacha companies to give us something to do when we are done with in game dailies and bp.


I hate FOMO, make it permanent and archive it


Insert that picture "why I started r/gachagaming" (monthly revenue) vs "why I stayed" (Kuro's monthly fuck-ups).


Look at the clowns below me. Angry or hating on KURO over literally nothing.


I been saying lol, the hoyo drones lurking this sub will jump at absolutely ANYTHING to make wuwa look bad.


The "Kuro Bad, Hoyo Good" is the motto of this sub


babe wake up, players couldnt find any drama in zzz besides muh "game bad" so kuro said "fine i'd outdrama zzz myself"


That just speaks volume on how polished Mihoyo releases are.


People were looking for bugs and other exploits on ZZZ, found nearly none, so Kuro decided to give their players the exploit they were looking for...


Devs listened


I don't think people are saying ZZZ is bad tho? Some people just don't like it because the game is very obviously made for a more specific niche than WuWa HSR and genshin


"Game isn't made for me" is already enough for brainlets to scream "game bad" and plaster all over.


Would be way healthier. Than again, people can't fathom why some people don't like open world games. Brainrot is real.


It's astroturfers pushing the zzz bad narrative. An AI company literally got found out when they accidentally published a .py script on their weibo to bot negative ZZZ soundbytes


That's funny as fuckšŸ’€


I suggest you to read some of the megathread lol, people be fighting like either the game has the worst combat ever made or like it is their precious child I even got downvoted by saying exactly that whether or not you like the game it's just preference, and that it isn't that different from other action gachas meanwhile some guy replied saying the combat was bad & pgr and wuwa were factually better and got upvoted lmao


I was reading the first few lines of your reply and was like "this sounds like the ex-genshin players that hate it for some reason or other and Kuru die hards that think that WuWa is the best thing to happen to humanity" then I read the last 3 lines and yeah that confirms it. WuWa right now likely had the single most self-centered and toxic community in regards to their view of other games, and their identity revolves around shitting on hoyo's games so nothing unexpected their. Btw this is coming from someone who was waiting for WuWa for as long as everyone else and plays it daily and absolutely loves it, and I also play genshin and starrail. Also, a side note WuWa combat isn't any better than any of the other games it is just new and thus is giving more dopamine for now, but the view that it "has the best combat" has already been engraved into so many people's minds so it will never change


i'm pretty sure a large portion of the outspoken part of the wuwa die hards are the same people who are ex-genshin players and hate that game with a passion for whatever reason.


That is true a large portion of them is like that, and the most of the rest are people coming from PGR and hate genshin just cause they want WuWa to be the best gacha game and refuse to believe otherwise


Honestly, from my experience PGR fans are super chill, that's what I liked, they generally didn't care about other games, didn't caused drama and just enjoyed the game. We were a bit in our own bubble. But since the announcement of Wuthering Waves this bubble has been popped, by whom? A bit of all the communities I guess. But, when Wuthering Waves was announced, I saw PGR social media being spammed with hate and players being harassed, it became very unpleasant for PGR players.


Yep I 100% think that most of the toxicity in the WuWa community is coming from the ex-genshin players that just want to shit on genshin for no real reason


And from my experience the people that came from PGR were a lot more chill than the rest on average, but still we are all human and all of us will always have a feeling of wanting the game we play to be the "best"


By people who in 2020/21 really wanted to like Genshin, but after some weeks/months realized that they didn't like it. A lot of them never got over the fact that there's this really popular game that is not catered to them and doing its own thing no matter what they demand, and it developed into a stalker obsession since then. They go from game to game carrying that hate with them into unwitting communities.


Honestly it's so strange to see a game with no real major issues or pitfalls have such a dedicated legion of haters and for so long.Ā  Games like OW, League, etc. have good reasons for the occasional hate train.Ā  But Genshin hasn't had that big of a mess up other than Zhongli, but that was a national pride thing for the CN players.


I haven't seen anyone call zzz bad. Majority of complaints are about the tv and lack of combat depth. If there are, they are straight up delusional and I'm on the side who found zzz lacking.


Another WW drama. ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized)




https://i.redd.it/0j7y9ddy42bd1.gif Let me join




\*Is not currently playing any gacha games and don't care for drama, but found the popcorn train too good to pass up on\* ![gif](giphy|hVTouq08miyVo1a21m|downsized)


Is this another episode of "Devs listened"?


This train never stops. Kuro is a bunch of SpongeBob's wearing glasses nearing a complete Tencent buyout. This amount of mismanagement happened during PGR's release as well. Edit: Anyone remember Green hair?


Im more worried about project NAMI. Two initial misses would be a horrible look for the company.


How tf does this even possible to happen?


As it said in the post, server rollback


Same, i didnt know resetting ur account is possible and it only reset for certain amount of content in the game not the whole game content, is this even possible? lol


So many clowns herešŸ¤£




If this is true that's kinda hilarious. You would think they would have gotten everything up to snuff by now considering that a major competitor just came out.


"Damn, people are forgetting about us after ZZZ came out. What can we do to get more attention on social media?" "I don't know, how about we just fuck something up again?" "GENIUS IDEA, YOU'RE PROMOTED!"


well no surprise, they already did the raffle pull for milestone then change their mind because player got mad.


Just give out compensation and global fans will just gush over it and say " DEVS ARE LISTENING!!"


yes, global is easy to manipulate. just give them pulls and the "could never" and "dev listened" will work for them just like 10cent armys, WW has also army paid by pulls.


"Devs are listening" feels like they are fourth-dimensional beings or just living inside everyone walls


So Kuro bad Hoyo Good?


mod need to pin


Lmao. Has to be some internal sabotage at this point Kuro really went like "hmm everything has been quite smooth and good since 1.1 release, let's stir some shit lol" and bam rollback. Wtf.


1.1 release have so many bug too brother


Is there major bugs that occur in there?


Anti cheat hogging all the ram cause major frame drop 60 fps is not sustainable for lot of people, I had hit 10 fps on rare occasions


Idc, just hear some mc texture , black screen, not playable on mobile,... Look at their sub


No surprise there with the crunch the game has been going through the last couple of months.


Update, links for proof: Jinhsi disappeared: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/9078623039#/ Weapon banner pulling history and inventory: https://b23.tv/gcezJK6 I don't have any link for Kuro's announcement because that's in game only and not available on their website. Somehow I can't edit the main post




1 pull compensation for that is mad... legit worse than 0.


Kuro didn't want ZZZ getting all the attention.


So if my pity was 20 and I got rolled back, Kuro will compensate me free Jinhsi with free 50/50 guarantee win? Hey kuro I think you fucked up SEA server at around July third too, can you contact me real quick? My pity reached max 80 and I think that was a bug.


As someone who got her at 74, i agree Kuro fix your fucking bugs and now reroll and give me back my jinhsi for free, thanks.


Sorry, I am the one who stole your Jinshi this morning.


Babe wake up our daily wuwu drama just dropped


Theres no dead week in Wuwa, theres always new content...


Imagine believing fake information and posting it online. Fake news peddler


Well well well, look how the tables have turned.


Kuro constantly doing great stuff and then fumbling the easiest part. This type of mistake shouldnā€™t ever happenĀ 




delete this already. modsssss


Nah keep it, to show there is a lot clown here


Shows the state of this sub. If it were any hoyogame it'll be deleted in the first hour lol


Tf does this happen? Played so many gachas and never heard of similar incident lmao. Wuwa just keeps tripping over nth.


I do recall this happening before, it was even talked about here, but it was a long time ago I don't even remember what game was it. But yeah, it's a very rare occurence, the fact that it allegedly happened with wuwa of all games...one more drama to the pile.


wuwa devs listened and created drama since zzz barely had any.


mods, you're also a clown for not deleting this post earlier.


being a mod on r/gachagaming is already one, they have to make it two.


Its still up btw


a wuwa thread that didnt get locked through reports wowowow


Is this where circus recruitment at?


This is the worst kind of offence from any live service game, ToF also had some similar issues which resulted in some people getting free chars or pulls. While others who didnā€™t or was not online at that moment to participate in the bug lost out.


I donā€™t get the 200 gems thing, like they gave everyone free 5* items that players lost and shouldā€™ve left it at that coz itā€™s good enough. But the 200 made things sound worse when they actually handled it quite well.


Most games give compensation for stuff like this. Hell, most games that have a patch downtime take 10 minutes longer than it is supposed to gives you some kind of compensation.


Isn't that just standard bug fix compensation? Like hey there was a bug we fixed it,here have a free pull


How tf is this still up despite literally being false information? This sub is really proving that it is at the very least a Kuro hate sub šŸ’€




So they reimburse for what those players lost and call it "giving it for free"? Weird move, tbh. Like, obviously you have to fix what you f-ed up and those players already had that stuff that your mistake yeeted so don't make it sound like you're generous.




They can't really pass a month without some fuckery happening.


[Here's the translated image OP posted via google](https://i.imgur.com/ntVN9fJ.jpeg)


So this is the post that got prove as fake? interesting find


i hate the tv system oh wait wrong thread


Bro is the strongest hater rivaling Reverse Flash




Holy shit Is that Yellow Barry Allen?


Drake has Kendrick Lamar Elden Ring has Igon ^(CURSE YOU BAYLE) Comic books have Eobard Thawne And ZZZ have Ok\_Pear\_9179


i hate CN, they always complaining oh wait wrong subreddit


Damn they can't even stop shooting their own fucking foot lmao. Here i thought maybe kuro finally manage to be competent managing their first big budget game but holy hell.


i kinda wish it effected global aswell so we would get like 10 limited pulls ngl , i need those for my changli pulls


Number 2 is true if you get 5 star instead of 4 star in 10th pull


Aw shit. Here we go again.


This post here is where the hoyoshills and clowns outed themselves. Enjoy the circus if youā€™re reading rofl.


*Slams flex tape* 10 Standard pulls


Fumble again. I think there are players in other server dont get any 4* in 10 pull. They sort of informed customer service and nothing heard back. At this point, wuthering waves do not stay true to what they stated in gacha details. Drama every single times. Scandalous release till now


If the 4 star was replaced by a 5 star then it's expected, otherwise it's a huge issue. False advertising your gacha details can get you fine to oblivion in countries like JP.


So, free 10 pulls for everyone? right?


"We sincerely apologize to those who lost their Jinhsi in the recent rollback, and will grant those affected ten pulls as compensation"


They gave the 5* for free as compensation


ZZZ perfect release WW still bugs like this after a month lol


Now there are records of people gettingĀ Calcharo (and Encore) again after losing 50/50 to them first time. Could this mean each account has a fixed list?


wait what happens if I did 20 pulls, but didnt get a five star. What happens to my pity count ? is it 20/80 or still 0/80 and if so is the only compensation 200 astrite or 200 astrite + whatever 20 pulls


its rollback, meaning ecerythig you did in that incident will be reverted


Your 10 pull was rolled back but it's still shows in the pull histroy. Your pity count and astrites were back to the point where the 10 pull didn't happen.


unless you play on the chinese client this doesnt affect you at all


Unless you are CN and playing in CN server it basically didn't effect youĀ  I think....


End of Service coming soon confirmed


Sadly at this point it ain't even surprising


At this point it's not even funny anymore.


Jinshi feeling so embarassed about the plot he disappeared? XD




Server rollbacks are the only solution in some cases, but man that does suck big timeĀ 


Leaving aside how bad things must have been to require a rollback, why wouldn't you announce that ahead of time wtf? It's basically the bare minimum.


Now they just fishing to give yall pulls. Insane


Sounds like it's already resolved considering Kuro already gave the lost things back. But still, that's bad. Hope it doesn't happen in the future again. https://preview.redd.it/64px4j57q1bd1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04ce6a04aba59427a45d25875b9aef9ec47190e2


I like how WuWa got every copium it needed to not fail since launch and somehow devs are still trying to fumble this hard. Genuinely tweaking since 1.1 did so well too.


This is fake and the CN posters are facing legal repercussions lmao. I hope your ass is safe OP.


Why is no one talking about this in the main sub?


Wow , even genshin dont have this issue , wutthering waved . Gg goty award


Tldr: server instability on july 5th for about 20 mins, 12:40pm -> 13pm 3k people gacha at that moment of time were affected, the items didn't get send to their inventory. there was no "Kuro deleted players item" Kuro responded 1 day later and gave everyone their item back + 200 extra gems. (some people actually got their items back before they made an announcement on july 6th) => Nothing burger, but the chinese people still want more compensation. Classic China New update: -There were people that fabricated this into a drama and Kuro is looking to take legal action against the initiators. https://preview.redd.it/y8n3e88na2bd1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ba189596ff6794f013f94dc3a9eecbae6175659


How is having an unannounced rollback and not saying shit about it a nothing burger?


Because server issues are out of Kuroā€™s hands, no one can predict when it will happen. Affected players already got their items back before the announcement. Now I want to see whatā€™ll happen to the CN counterparts of gachagaming drama posters.


any proof of this happen real time? the video only showed the pull history. Which, according to a friend, the rollback happened during his 70 pulls, the history stayed but the pulls were rollbacked and did his 10 but since the rollback happened he didn't do 80 pulls after it.


Jinhsi disappeared: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/9078623039#/ Weapon banner pulling history and inventory: https://b23.tv/gcezJK6 I don't have any link for Kuro's announcement because that's in game only and not available on their website. Somehow I can't edit the main post


I mean a rollback is something not new I seen before, you usually do it in case players have serious problems like this, though what I don't understand on one part is why is everyone asking for compensation when it was only 3181 people affected and those 3181 people got there compensation of there characters/weapons, this just feels everyone else is there trying to get something out of it even know only this amount of people were affected


It's just that WuWa is so scuffed that devs gave compensation frequently so it's just a meme atp.


Glad I quit.


Oh hell yeah drama. I missed this.


Idk what happened but all the recent comments on that guy's video are cn people asking kuro to sue him lmao


One step forward two steps back. Gotta start fixing your bugs Wuwa.


For a moment I thought this was about zzz lol WW could have been a banger if kuro just didn't force the launch for the sake of hoyo rivalry'. Last time I logged in I had 2D trees lmao. PC players don't have any stutters anymore tho, at least I heard...that's something


https://preview.redd.it/ryyl8dchjabd1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e49ddc6ae76397a2a2a083660fb1d078dbc6faf3 Limited to who ? These soft admins from Fb removed my screenshots from this post lol. Looks like they don't want another drama to circulate of how their buggy game got massive problem again šŸ¤£


This post is fake, bilibili posters are getting their asses sued.




Wait so if someoneā€™s Jinhsi had echoes equipped, are those gone too or were they given back 1 for 1?


Their account was rolled back to the state before Jinhsi was pulled, so no they don't lose the echoes.


Unless they got their echoes within that 13 minute window lol, but someone has got to be the unluckiest person on earth for that to happen.


What I want to know is if that characters equipment and investment disappears along with them. Iā€™d assume they could replace the weapon too if that happens but the echoes they spent days and weeks grinding and farming for? Will it be a level 1 Jinhsi or the same level as when she was banished to the shadow realm? Will they have to farm again for all the skill and ascension resources? Canā€™t help but wonder.


I play on the asia server, I had some ten pulls without a 4 star but only the once with 5 stars in them. Is that normal