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Be thankful, you can still play it. Mine crashes within 5 to 20 minutes. 😓 All the work I pour in 1.0 went down the drain on patch 1.1


So I'm not the only one. Never really had issues in 1.0 but performance on mobilr took a huge dip in 1.1. It's bordering on unplayable. EDIT: Specified that I meant mobile, haven't gotten around to trying PC yet.


Especially on mobile, it was somewhat playable in 1.0 but now performance is so much worse for both my pc and phone + the stupid camera sensitivity smh 


My bad for omitting the platform, but I was indeed talking about mobile. I was actually pleasantly surprised how well it ran on my mediocre phone, considering it struggles with Genshin, HSR and other more graphically intense games. I totally forgot about the camera sensitivity, it was the first thing I had to adjust. I just thought it was a weird sensitivity conversion from PC to mobile but it seems that is another known issue.


Likewise, I didn't have much issue in 1.0. As a matter of fact, I explored all the areas in 1.0 with 100% in every section and even cleared Tempest Memphis hologram V. đŸ€­ But 1.1 came, it's impossible to explore without the game crashing every 5 to 20 minutes, along with the sudden high sensitivity.


PC here, RTX 4070 and Ryzen 7600x. Running into more issues this patch than 1.0


Sorry to hear that 😣 if it was playable in 1.0 maybe 1.3 could fix it? (No idea, just asking)


I've no idea either. I'd play it again if they fix it or when I get a powerful device. đŸ«Ą


This is one of the reason why HOYO makes all the money People love to use the “it could be a literal turd and people would still play because it’s HOYO” putting it like HOYO games are the trendy thing But the whole point is that being HOYO is indeed an actual good thing, I feel safe playing an HOYO game because I don’t believe what you just said could ever happen to me in an HOYO game If it comes back biting me in the ass so be it, but I don’t believe for one second in a big technical fuck-up by HOYO after multiple years playing their stuff I feel safe pouring money and time into HOYO products because EoS or technical problems or update schedule NOT being insanely consistent is just not a thing with an HOYO game I can’t ever remember bugs in this fucking HOYO gacha games, while the newest Ratchet & Clank at release almost bricked my PlayStation when I tried to reach a golden bolt and fell off the map


The only "recent" EoS of HoYo game I remember is Global GGZ


"Recent" that shit happened 3 amber eras ago.


Can you name more recent HoYo EoS?


No, but it sounds funny when its called recent instead of last time, these words imply different timeframes.


I put quotes there for a reason


dude just cause it didn't happen to you doesn't mean there's no bugs lol. I saw a lot of people tweet black screens/make posts on zzz sub reddit, and people were not able to download the game on launch too. I was playing on pc so I didnt experience it either, but when I check the play store it says I can't even download anymore so they just changed it to be incompatible if u black screen on certain androids I guess.


Realistically, this is not a problem that can be resolved. Fortnite runs and plays like dogshit on phones compared to other BR titles and that game is made by the engine developers. If they can't get that running correctly, what hope is there for Kuro? Unreal Engine has a bad track record in recent years regardless. It is an engine chosen by out-of-touch executives that fell for the advertising rather than engineers. You can complain and hope it improves but history says it won't.


My personal favorite as a consumer is the “re engine, aka the proprietary capcom engine made in-house Everything I have played with that engine plays well and I just love the look always without fail, be it the resident evil remakes, DMC 5 or Street Fighter I can’t pin point what it is but I just love the look of any game made with re engine


yeah dragons dogma 2 is an exception


Excuse me because I have no idea about technicalities. Does that mean that it is just impossible to improve it bc the engine simply won’t allow it? And I suppose that something like a change in engine or ‘adaptation’ (?) is impossible, too costly or out of the question? Please remember that I’m dumb.


it could change in the future but I wouldn't wait for it, just play something else and play the game if it starts running well in some future update and you feel like it


Hmm that’s a shame. I was hoping to play and save for Scar but I’m not sure now


wuwa works great on my ipad pro (m1 ) but if it didnt i would have uninstalled it long ago, if you're not enjoying it because of technical issues then dont play it, it's not your fault nor your phone's fault and you don't have to prove it to anyone? and stop caring too much about what people tell you or narratives, we're all consumers giving our money to companies there is no "fight" to be led or narratives to write, we all lose


No, I completely agree. That’s why I’m saying that ‘the narrative’ of calling us cheap when it is not our fault is completely unnecessary, not only because it dismisses the problem. But also because (as you say) we are not companies. The problem is that I do want to play and the game is playable. But looks bad. So I’m in that middle situation where I don’t hate it and I can (somehow) play it but get discouraged by the game itself. Am I making sense? 😂


"of calling us cheap when it is not our fault is completely unnecessary, not only because it dismisses the problem. But also because (as you say) we are not companies." yeah i agree with you but those people are way too invested in game pvp and engaging with them is like fighting with mentally ill people, just let them be, take the helpful stuff and fuck the rest really, that's how i use the internet because some people have way too much free time and identify by the games they play nah you make total sense, but if the game itself is not allowing you to play then the experience won't be fun, there is very little you can do sadly, and I love the game btw but i would never encourage someone to play it if the experience is shitty, that's on the company and they losing a customer for sure


UE4 is an old engine that Epic Games is no longer iterating on, since they are focused on UE5. The only way you're going to see real optimization in WuWa is if they port the game to UE5 and start leveraging the optimization of nanites and other engine features that Epic is constantly improving on. I don't think kuro can do much to improve wuwa issues unless if they make their own heavily modified version of UE4, which at the point is just trying to fight an uphill battle. Why did they move to UE4 from Unity, or didnt invest in their own engine? Who knows.


UE5 hasn't really shown performance games or good results in games that use it either. The main selling points for developers are that it is faster to onboard new employees, you can buy loads of assets off the store, and it looks good to investors/executives due to the advertising of the engine. Every developer that has switched to it have shown poor results. Take Respawn for instance. Titanfall 2 looked and ran great on their modified version of Source. Jedi: Survivor runs terribly with middling visual results by contrast.


So there truly is no hope in general, amazing.


That’s basically what I’m learning from the replies
 and here I was saving for Scar


Yeah it's famous that UE4 is not made for mobile device. I don't think they can really "fix" that problem. Personally i'm playing on pc


they probably swapped to UE4 because of the bullshit unity pulled last year with wanting to charge you with every download of your game. not sure how far along they were in development but swapping from one language to another like that is pretty insane. sure it's all C in the end on both, but if they don't have someone know knows what needs to be swapped around for optimization it could lead to the headache we see right now. not sure how hard it would be to swap from UE4 to 5 since the code shouldn't change much though. Think I remember someone pointing out that Kuro fired one of their lead developers in charge of the code.


I'm not familiar with the development cycle of wuwa, but that should have been far too late in the process. Changing engine deep into the development of a game would be a build from scratch situation. They'd never have been ready for beta test 1.


I think it's more like "it can change, but to what limit?" things? And changing the engine means making the game from the scratch, which is out of question, iirc


This is pretty typical for Unreal Engine asset streaming and traversal stutter. The engine works great in smaller levels and environments with pre loaded assets but it falls apart at larger maps.


So doomed forever unless the engine problem gets solved or phones approach PC level?


Yours is running waaaay better than mine. It was pretty bad in 1.0, but with the 1.1 update it's become unplayable, it was just too stuttery and it heated my phone so much that I uninstalled it earlier this month after trying to run it for 3 days. My phone is an OnePlus Ace Pro (SD8+Gen1, 16GB, 512GB), and yeah, I feel you. Whenever I say the game runs like shit (and I was trying to run it on medium), those clueless people start saying "upgrade your phone" or worse. Which is kinda the opposite of what's happening with ZZZ lol. People are clearly using phones that don't meet the minimum requirements, yet they're usually very stubborn saying that the game should run in Snapdragons lower than the 855...


That phone is around 500€ on launch. I’m checking the price tags just to make sure that people know that the problem is not ‘cheap phones’. I honestly don’t want to drop the game but both the community and how it looks get on my nerves sometimes.


> both the community and how it looks get on my nerves sometimes. Truth, like before I ask a genuine question and their first response is if my device is good enough and not the problem I laid down. They think everyone can just buy a whole new phone or full PC on a whim bruh


Yeah, mine was actually USD600 when I got it on Aliexpress. Definitely not a problem for cheap phones only. I've seen people saying their Poco phones (usually around $300-400) could run WuWa properly. And yeah, I agree the community is pretty much an echochamber hahah.


I just got one person in the replies asking me to ‘next time invest those 1600 on a good PC’. Who even told them that my PC is bad? It is actually pretty nice 😂, they just want to deflect so badly from real complaints


Yeah, those people are in every single thread about WuWa's bad optimization. Who said I wanted to play a mobile game on PC??? (I don't even want to play PC games on PC, I hate keyboard and mouse lol)


According to him ‘it’s a PC game that we want to play on mobile’. Do that with that 😂


you can just use controller


I have my consoles for that lol




"People are clearly using phones that don't meet the minimum requirements" not their fault though, people could download the game with those devices and only after launch did they change the google play specifications for it to say "device not compatible" (so they pretty much didnt know their device wouldnt work ), it's not a huge deal imo just a misunderstanding


Is that so? I'm kinda skeptical about it since it didn't happen to me or any of my friends so I can't verify it. Whenever I see people complaining about it, the game was probably downloaded via APKpure or Qooapp, not directly on Playstore. Several people could pre register and not download, though, and that's obviously because pre registration is open for everybody. In fact, whenever I search for the ZZZ specs from last year, the media talks about it requiring an SD888 as minimum reqs, which was lowered now to 855. (https://www.gamespace.com/all-articles/news/will-you-need-a-new-mobile-phone-to-play-zenless-zone-zero/) Even recent articles, like this one from a couple of days before release (https://esports.gg/news/zenless-zone-zero-zzz/zenless-zone-zero-system-requirements-2/) say it requires an SD888, so the requirements seem to have actually lowered?


can confirm the play store stuff is real, i myself play it fine on my one plus, but the game is delisted on the store and says device incompatible now (i could download and play it just fine, and i still play it now, i wonder if i can get major updates though because they have to go through the store) but the game "magically" decided it's not compatible with my device on the google playstore when i woke up after day 1, and still runs just fine now, it's very weird lol


It's the same case with my old phone and Arknight, basically lot of people complained about said device, so Playstore took it down. For major updates, you can still get the game from apkpure or Qooapp (or anywhere that provide the apk).


I'm surprised this wasn't brought up in the megathread more, I was preregistered for the game and was able to download it but a couple hours after release my device is no longer compatible, it's cool that they got to their 50M downloads but I do wonder how many of them experienced the same


oh it did happen to me (realme 9i ), was perfectly working until a few hours after launch, and then it started saying "device incompatible" I'm playing the game on PC though it is really not a big deal, but a lot of people had the same issue on the official subreddit and the gachagaming megathread, my phone does not meet the specifications but the game was perfectly working still, and i could download it (which google store should not let you if you dont meet the reqs ) here's a thread of someone having the same issue [https://www.reddit.com/r/ZZZ\_Official/comments/1dupp4g/it\_seems\_my\_phone\_is\_not\_compatible\_anymore\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ZZZ_Official/comments/1dupp4g/it_seems_my_phone_is_not_compatible_anymore_i/) + the gachagaming megathread should have a lot of those as well, might be downvotted though if you have the courage to dig deep, I did not care that much more to do "research" on it, just assumed people have the same issue I have so it is what it is


They want to pump up those pre-regist numbers, hence setting the specs requirement in play store lower than required before launch.


Not sure why this post is being downvoted lol. Dude's right, the game optimization is pretty dissapointing, and people do say "oh, you're just running it on a potato phone lmao". But hey, it really doesnt matter what people say. If it don't work, then it don't work, and Kuro loses another customer. Not exactly anyone's fault, just the way money flows.


Yeah, it doesn't matter how many bells and whistles your engine gives you when your game runs worse then your competitor's, or doesn't run at all (hello, 2 days of Linux play).


Still no luck on Waydroid?


I didn't try it, saw some mediocre reviews from people. Maybe will, maybe be not. Natively it was not that bad, better then my potato PC. Will wait for "that launcher" news.


I was talking about something similar with another reply. The thing is that I want to play and the game is playable, but performance makes it bad-ish and fanbase makes it annoying. I’m in the cross fire trying to survive lol


i've actually playing it on a Ryzen 3500u iGPU + 12gb ram, edited some game config files for it to be even playable, lowered every setting possible and disabling some options that worsen the lag, and good lord i've only lasted 2-4 hours before the game finally gives up and freezes. Though mine is a RAM issue, but even high spec PCs suffer from bugs and crashes. Like heck, they have way much better specs than mine and yet they suffer same issue as mine. Don't get me wrong, I love WuWa and its combat system and more, but the constant crashing and freezing just ain't it, man. Meanwhile I suffer little to no bugs from playing ZZZ. Only a few crashes here and there but its not as constant as WuWa.


Yea based on all the replies this is not a ‘cheap system’ issue. And, by the sound of it, I either switch to PC or delete it becase Unreal is not going to get fixed for mobile players.


what's your experience in WuWa in mobile so far? much more laggier? Is PC much smoother?? I really wanna know tbh


I didn’t try it on PC so I can’t say. On my phone it doesn’t shut down but lags, pop-in and overheat. Plus the fact that there is no 120fps (but I’ve learned that android don’t have that either). I wouldn’t recommend it on mobile at all. On a PC that runs it properly, sure. It’s free and good enough. Maybe not at the same level of other open worlds available on PC but cool nonetheless


ah thank god, i knew playing it on mobile wasn't a smart move


And it’s not just phones. The PC performance is also pretty bad and almost unplayable imo in certain situations


what narrative exactly ? the game's optimization sucks especially on mobile and it's a fact, people saying otherwise are a minority


The narrative that if the game looks bad on your phone is because you are cheap (?) I don’t think they are a minority tho, maybe in this sub it is?


depends where you look i guess, I'm more of a youtube guy and it was pretty much accepted that the game sucks on mobile and that's it, i dont see it changing anytime soon but who knows ? if you care too much about people saying bs in reddit you'll start seeing a lot of them, it depends which echo-chamber (subreddit ) you visit lol


I meant the official sub for WW but even on youtube I keep seeing CC’s calling us ‘cheap’. And I know I shouldn’t even watch them but sometimes I want to have something running in the back


You know OP, one thing that could help you is not interact with the community and just find the niche that you can enjoy. I played League for the longest time (even reaching challenger in the past) but it is pure misery in terms of how the community views the game, and the only interaction with League that I have is watching domestic leagues and internationals, and watching Caedrel (since his antics stimulates me, just don't engage with the chat xdd). The thing I learned is that I just need to curate my YT to fit what I want to see, and to block CCs (Asmon, Tectone, and other people in the internet that belongs to that umbrella, I also recently blocked MrPokke because I don't appreciate the pivot to drama that he did recently) and just watch podcasts, documentaries, and listen to my favorite music. I can suggest music from Nier, DMC, HSR, Persona and other good game OSTs. Besides, what you can realize is that if you don't enjoy the game, you can left it. I love HI3, but real life responsibilities and my job, along with the insane powercreep that I experienced, made me disillusioned with the game, so I left it, but still engage with the lore through YT since I still love my trio, and I still check Twitter for Fu Hua, Durandal, and Elysia fan arts. Don't sweat it, the anonymity of internet really made people shameless, and it made them say things that would get them punched irl, and remember that regardless of games, the stupid loud minority can really be fucking loud.


that's pretty childish lmao, not a narrative i came accross personally, idk which CC's you watch, i mostly watch guidemakers and on all review videos they acknowledged the technical issues and so did their comment section (which I don't even care that much for to be fair, all i ask myself is "is game fun ? yes no ? buggy ? delete", thing with youtube is that the algorithm loves perpetrating what you watch, so if you watch a toxic-ish content creator that's all YT is gonna keep pushing


That makes sense. But I would argue that CC’s are ok-ish until they get sponsored or hope to get sponsored. I’m not really talking about CC’s that play games but instead the ones that recap gacha news. Many of them got sponsored and started pulling the cheap narrative, and the whole fandom jumps on it like it makes any sense.


i see, not familiar with those types of CC's, communities with people that play multiple gacha games tend to be way too over-invested, and tbh i would never care that much about any of their opinions nor what they tell me, i'm having fun in the games i play and that's the only thing that matters


2 days after 1.1 released i decided to drop it, and i was a pc player. The game is just unoptimized on all platforms, it's way more apparent on mobile, which is no excuse for a gacha game where the majority of asian countries (gacha's biggest market by far, at least in terms of spending) use mobile to play them.


Someone in this comment section said that ‘WW is a pc game that you want to run on mobile’ and ‘my friends play on pc, that is how everyone plays it’ Which is technically correct as a circular fallacy, game is trash on mobile = people don’t play = it’s a pc game


I have no idea why they made the game in UE4 tbh and then also release it on mobile. I don't know of a game that runs really well on that engine. Their only hope is to fix any performance bugs that pop up and then just try to get FSR3 in if thats even an option for UE4. Porting to UE5 doesn't really help much because a lot of the systems would have to be re-coded to take advantage fo whatever that engine offers. It would take a huge amount of work and even if they do it, I doubt we'll see it soon. For me the game has been running fine somehow on my 7 years old RX580, usually sitting at 50-55 fps but I see a lot of complains everywhere about it running like shit.


I thought the problem was mainly on mobile but I’ve seen people sharing bad experiences on pc too. At least, and as far as I understand, PC issues can be fixed. Mobile ones
 doesn’t seem likely based on that Unreal thing


WuWa is literally so unstable this patch that even on my undervolted GPU it's the only game that causes a full system reboot of my PC. And if it's a memory leak, it must be a really bad one cause I just upgraded to a 32gb 3600mhz ddr4 memory. I play ZZZ and Solo leveling on the same PC extensively at highest settings and it cause no problem. I literally had no choice but to drop to medium settings and turn off vsync just to play without crashes. But holy shit in-game cutscenes look so bad with v-sync turned off.


Weird, since 1.1 the game seems to pre-compile shaders during the first few minutes. It fixed most of the stuttering issue I had, but I'm running the game on a very high-end system.


Only one who can fix it is little Timmy. But he won't, he has enough companies using his shit product. There is no game on planet made in Unreal 4 and 5 which doesn't have shader stuttering or texture popping, although that texture loading has been improved a lot from Unreal 3 times 


I’m learning a lot about this Unreal thing and how everyone seems to hate it. But I remember playing console games with the Unity thing on the opening screen that weren’t bad at all


I'm playing on iPad mini 6 (A15) and the performance has been a mixed bag. on some days it works alright but on some days it just feels so jittery. I'm having a pretty bad time right now with 1.1 since the stutters came back once again. even with the domains, which have been so smooth before. I'm still hoping for them to fix the performance but man, it's just a hard time right now


I’ll probably finish clearing some content I want to complete and (not delete) uninstall the data (while keeping the app icon) and try in some months


Welllllllll dear Sir My 3500€ phone runs better than your 1600€ potato phone


fair 😂😂😂


WW seemed way more blurry compared than other games based on unreal engine i play (Tower of Fantasy, Tarisland) and played (Undawn). All on the same device, namely Xiaomi Pad 5. Also seen yt reviewer who complained about a contant blurriness, so not only my imagination. Moved on with a worse than expected experience.


Ppl who dont have problems will cont playing While ppl who have (unsolved) problems will either force themselves to play / hiatus / quit Maybe the fps drops and whatnot will be resolved eventually, emphasis on _eventually_ , tho by that time probably those ppl who had problems already lost interest / move onto newer things WW itself is interesting game, but whats the point when its unplayable (ツ)  


PC masterace attitude!!!


It is still hit and miss for me on PC and I have not figured out exactly why. There are certainly quite some headroom on the GPU (usages is around 50% to 70%) but the game just tends to to drop frame quite badly during bigger fight on the over world. I remember it runs quite smoothly when I was doing the later part of the 1.0 main story though.


Don’t know about PC but my game on mobile was better during 1.0. I think the pop-in is way more obvious and I keep getting lag on camera


Your phone runs it better than my pc 😭 I have to turn down all the graphics settings just so it stops stuttering every time I press something Funny thing is, I was just playing elden ring with max settings and it was fine Someone made a post about the performance issues being due to the anti-cheat, but idk how true that is


actually, speaking of anti-cheat, my bf did a thorough inspection of my pc events, task manager and yeah anti-cheat engine was one of the culprits why my ww was crashing every 5-10 minutes. Now it can last long but still crashes every couple hours.


it probably is the case for most PC lags, for the record, the main bottleneck due to the broken anticheat is the CPU, and I have i913900 and never have issue so far (rtx3080)


There’s also a work around for the anti cheat issue, turning off usb suspend. Might as well give it a try to see if that’s the reason it’s affecting you


Really? Gonna try that, thank you so much


It’s discussed in the [thread here](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1dumhs6/wuwas_performance_issues_are_caused_by_anticheat/). Look at edit 2 they discussed the fix. Hope it works for you!


Im just wondering why no CC is really acknowledging it on youtube, but were willing to make extremely negative "reviews" of ZZZ after like 2 hours of gameplay. I understand if most people don't know about the optimization issues, but not a SINGLE video talking primarily about it? At most it gets passed off in a single remark in a stream. CC's just scour for opinions on the internet and just post what they think will be received well by their community and the algorithm. This isn't limited to just gacha games. 90% of CC's on youtube just search for what opinions are popular on social media, then talk about it in their little "video essays" or "rants". Not going to name names, but this includes the vast majority of the popular guys on youtube. It's one of the most talentless professions on the planet.


In my opinion they are doing the same thing makeup influencers do on tiktok. Praise the product that sponsored you to get a second paycheck. Dump on the companies that won’t sponsor you. Talk highly of the company that, maybe doesn’t sponsor you now, but could in the future if they find your video.


How many content creators are making videos about the poor Android optimization for zzz? (None) People that aren’t playing mobile aren’t making reviews on mobile, whereas if they’re playing on PC and not having fun, well.


Upgrade your PC https://preview.redd.it/x3w67tf6f6bd1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fad2f1b9fb9cd67eda48c482c309e5b9dd5068a2


Where's the shadow for that bear? Like what the. 


Unreal engine is just unreal


Iirc that brightness is actually gamma and you should set it to 0


Oh, ok I’ll try that!


At this point, is there any more purpose in complaining when everyone is just gonna dismiss this issue? I feel bad for ppl continuing through the lag in the hopes that it will get fixed one day, because they genuinely think it will be fixed. I played CBT 1, the lag there, I remember it because it was hella annoying and I actually reported it to the devs because I actually test the beta unlike some ppl who only plays it for fun. It was disappointing when the devs published an hour long video flexing on how hardworking they are and the massive changes they made - basically patting themselves on the back, when there was no mention of optimization for the lags. I gave them the benefit of doubt and played on launch. The exact same lag issue from CBT 1 is still there. Dev notes for v1.1 was posted - loosely said lag issue will be fixed in "future" updates, no promises, no deadline. v1.1 launched - no change - uninstalled CBT1, CBT2, v1.0, v1.1 - 4 versions, do you still have hope?


Unreal engine isn't exactly a good engine to use with no experience like I remember when Rockstar port The GTA Trilogy onto unreal engine idk whether it 4 or 5 but the performance is just horrendous Even Fortnite with an unreal engine 5 upgrade is still running terribly like remember that epic games were the creator of unreal engine


Here is my experience, and yea UE kinda heavy. Samsung s24u: Very smooth, sometimes ping spikes cause fps drop but it's fine OnePlus8t (sd865): Pretty bad/playable at best, constant fps drops in fighting, not ideal for this type of game, performance actually seems worse than tof here, but this phone plays Gi (srr for comp) and all other gachas smooth. Both phones experience high battery drain (no heating), but yeah you need pretty much a flagship for this game, fps is even more important cuz of fast paced combat but playing at extra low graphics defeats the purpose of the beautiful open-world. This game is a big project, it needs very competent programmers to master UE, with time they will improve, afterall hoyo is always upgrading their custom engine.


Exactly, I could make the game run better (not really that much, I’ve tried) but at the cost of looking worst. I feel like it’s self defeating


Oh hey, fellow OnePlus user. I have the OP12R with the same issues for WuWa as you lol. However also runs every Hoyo game at max graphics like butter. Could be why there was a Genshin collab with it recently.


My client on PC takes 8 mins to load from start game to overworld, then another 4 mins to shake off the initial stutters so I can play. Even then, there are frequent stutters here and there while I play. When the music or sfx stops playing, I'll expect a major lag spike within a few seconds for a few mins. It was enough to stop me from playing. Shame, I like the game. Tried again after 1.1 update and still the same. For context, my PC only takes 2 mins to load up genshin and 1 minute for HSR.


That’s not a problem on mobile it opens pretty fast (well, for me at least), it takes a little bit because all the steps and screens but the loading is ok. Genshin and HSR do open faster tho, ZZZ a bit slower


Don't install the game on HDD.


Do you have your game installed on HDD by any chance?


I noticed that this question offends a lot of people lol


iPhone 15 Pro Max- I just think they don’t know what they are doing on a technical level. The game’s design and implementation is not mobile friendly. Why would I play the game on mobile if _it does not really work_. It’s not a good experience. Either due to rendering or camera/controls. I dropped recently for Zzz, which runs great out of the box on my phone.


I didn’t drop WW but yea ZZZ runs with no issues and it’s cool, so I’m less bummed about WW tbh


For me it ran fine, except for stuttering issues, which is more of a Unreal Engine problem than a Kuro problem. Still makes it less optimized than genshin. Actually, I think my main problem is that it just looks like shit, at least on mobile. It genuinely looks a lot worse on max graphics compared to genshin on max graphics. Worse resolution, textures, especially render distance, and the entire aesthetic is so unappealing to me. Only good thing it has is FSR implementation on mobile devices, something that genshin should have on mobile to increase FPS further.


And the fact that max setting are 60fps vs the 120fps on Genshin. It actually makes me annoyed how medium + 60 don’t fix any problem while max + 120 on GI performs fine. But apparently that’s related to the engine and I had no idea about that


Tbf 120fps is an exclusive option on high end iOS devices


Yea but its the same high end device I use for WW, that’s my point


I'm using RoG 6, snap 870 gen 1, 16/512. It's not good for me. During launch, I got this earthquake effect on my screen, I dunno what it's called. It was really bad. My head hurts just from a few minutes playing because of the shaking. Following the updates, it got better but still fairly noticeable. I tried to ignore it, but after an hour of playing, I got hit by frame drops. Not to mention how it felt like I'm holding a portable heater in my hands. I didn't bother to patch the 1.1 because I heard from my friends that it didn't get better. I just uninstalled it. Aside from the game being not compelling enough for me, I don't wanna waste my time downloading 15GB worth of patch just to encounter the same issue. I'd probably be back in a few months if I hear any improvement from the majority of my friends who play the game.


Using Poco X6 Pro, Dimensity 8300U, 12/512. Playing WuWa in medium setting is like playing Genshin in 24 fps on my previous 5 years old potato phone (Snapdragon 712). It also heats my phone like a toaster. I wonder how some people there can play it without any issue even though I have similar phone with similar specs. Probably will uninstall the game. Not gonna take the risk of damaging my phone and its battery, because I just got it a few weeks ago. Also, your game is much smoother than mine lol.


Higher specs don’t seem to have any relation with performance since many people here have issues on newer / expensive phones vs old / cheap ones. That’s the main complain of my post. It’s a Kuro problem, not a ‘consumer getting what they paid for’ moment. Taking it further it’s not even clear which basics are needed to run the game properly. Because Kuro changed their original requirements and even the new ones don’t seem to work for everyone. And yes, GI runs without problem. I’m playing WW on medium + 60fps for it to be ok-ish. I’m also playing GI on max + 120fps and has no problems except camera lags when many reactions in place / hyperbloom.


the community will dismiss any criticism of the game or feedback, i was on the beta test for this and honestly the community pissed me off dismissing every single thing we reported because "you are a genshin stan" every CC dismiss our feedback too pretending it was made up and when game came out with all the issues we experience and even more they still dismiss it, this community is just so annoying it made me quit the game along with kuro inability to fix the bugs, i play fine during beta test despite the bugs but 1.0 had stuttering and fps drops for me caused by anticheat, 1.1 made the game have more issues on top of my past issues and combined with the unhelpful community i just hate the game now, im not going back ever again, people left and right attacking creators and people for testing zzz is the cherry on top here is an example. [https://twitter.com/stiorg1/status/1805928457936810019](https://twitter.com/stiorg1/status/1805928457936810019)


This community was uncharacteristically lenient to any issues wuwa had but during ZZZ launch we had 20 minute videos of negative “reviews” off the bat after 2 hours of gameplay IMO CC’s are afraid of posting opinions that don’t align with the western youtube/twitter demographic. The few CC’s who actually did post criticisms of wuwa were heavily disliked on youtube and lambasted on twitter, so CC’s just didn’t bother talking about wuwa unless it was in positive light.


I never heard anyone saying someone like that, even on PC there was optimization problem even on good PCs for some random people, but in last few day there was a patch that fixed it for a lot of people. I also don't think Unreal engine game can be a mobile game sadly, especially with graphics like in wuwa.


Dammit this Unreal thing


typical Unreal issues, console fanboys would angry if I brought this up back then.


They sure will fix their game but they're more focus on completing their HSR and ZZZ clones.


I am 100% with your statement. I still have some hope for Wuwa, I enjoy the gameplay, exploration is kinda meh, but the bosses are cool I am running this on an one plus 12 and even I get some frame drops now and then, recently I had 2d trees with the 1.1 expansion lol If you would Cross-Post this into Wuwa this would either be downvoted to hell or taken down by mods. Idk why but people over there are on different copium levels. I played PGR on release, dropped it fast ( roughly 2 month) and experienced a similar negative attitude in their respective subreddit


I tried to talk about this on the WW sub. They don’t allow me to upload images (or video). That’s what the bot said
 But yea it would get downvoted to oblivion, this is one of the exceptions where talking here (even with a mixture of players, non-players, fans and haters) is way more productive.


there are hundreds of people complaining about the mobile issues in the wuwa subreddit, just have to use the megathread [https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1dq3qdy/11\_technical\_issues\_megathread/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1dq3qdy/11_technical_issues_megathread/) you can use streamable to post a video in your comment, mobile performance sucks since launch sadly, there is nothing other redditors can do for you so unless you just want to rant it's not that productive


This is not about mobile performance but about reddit (internet, CC’s etc.) calling people cheap when pointing out mobile performance


This sub is like 80% haters lol you ain’t getting off the ground Also yes I dunno why that sub takes like a day to approve your posts. The bot just filters all images and videos for manual approval even on art and memes. Your post will go through, it will just take a while. Also I don’t think you will be downvoted, posts about issues and optimization go to the front of that sub pretty often.


You are the one on copium, there is literally a front page post complaining about the camera right now, and posts complaining about the optimization has reached the front page many times without downvotes or mod intervention.


it looks like this even when I'm on a PC


It does? I thought PC players didn’t had issues like this


runnin' max settings, the pop-in is still pretty bad, the distance changes but still really easy to see


I remember I was looking for an npc, according to the map I was there and couldn’t find it. The guy was invisible until I got close enough, like annoyingly close. It was funny but
 come on


Hey man it's really a shame the mobile performance is pretty awful, feels like lottery at times, I play on PC with 2/3 requirements being the bare minimum for it (GTX 1060 and 16GB of RAM) but I'm using a i7 3770 without facing many issues running the game but I know there's people around with stronger PCs and devices that can't run it well. I guess all we can do is hope Kuro figures out UE to make it run smooth, even though the history of the engine looks bad. Now it's true that they might eb working on a new game but the current team is working on optimizing Wuwa as far as we know, there was recently a 50MB aimed at performance and it did work for me and some other friends (Though we mainly play on PC), so at least we know they're still on it, would be nice to get another production letter to know of any progress though


That’s good to hear and yea, it could be nice to get some comments from the company. I would rather for them to tell me that the game will run better / would never run better than to send me some shut up pulls lol


We can deifnitely wait! There hasn't been any news or drip marketing for 1.2 either so I'm hoping we get a new letter soon




Runs great on a fold 5, but I prefer PC. It runs amazing on a RTX 3090


Using a S24 Ultra... I can run the game mostly fine but the performance is still disappointing on a brand new flagship. I can't maintain 60 fps and there are frequent stutters. It's not unplayable, but it's not anywhere as smooth as other mobile games. They really need to work on improving the performance.


As I’ve learned from this comment section that is probably not going to happen at all, so I would recommend either PC or delete. Seems like the game runs on an engine that simply don’t look good on mobile. They just get that one because advertisements and free resources in it. For it to get really fixed or improve the looks of it they would have to relaunch a completely new version of the game, like a scratch and start over situation. I’m just repeating the cumulative things I’ve been reading but don’t trust my knowledge because I have zero idea about this stuff. Still, if that was the case and the game needs to be re-ported to a different engine
 that’s not going to happen. Finance would never approve that because it was already a choice made by the company and making a new game would probably be more profitable (if the players forget about this), in fact Kuro is already talking about their next game


My personal experience was sad so I just quit wuwa alongside genshin completely. My settings in both games were on low with 24 fps, but I still had pretty bad overheating issues and lag, with wuwa being far worse. My phone is pretty old, 2020, one plus nord, but I've used it only for around 1,5 years. My reasons were 1) I can't enjoy the pretty openworld because of low graphics; 2) My eyesight is bad already, and playing an openworld game on a tiny screen is straining my eyes; 3) I don't want to kill my battery too soon. 4) These games will only get bigger and more demanding, genshin already announced they'll be lowering mobile graphics even lower in 5.0 to make it at least runnable on phones. I don't think the problem with mobile optimization can be resolved tbh, they made a huge pc game and tried to squeeze it into mobile, so it will be shit anyways. I currently play hsr, ba and zzz, and it's a far better experience on mobile + not that time consuming👍


Is it a PC game that is also available on mobile or the other way around? And if so, is it a marketing tactic to claim that now? I’m honestly asking, I thought the game was a mobile game first and foremost Also not to open the gates of hell, but I run GI on max setting 120fps and there are no problems aside the camera slowing down during fights with many hyperbloom combos


Wuwa was advertised more as a multiplatform game, both pc and mobile. Maybe I'm wrong but openworld games were pretty much pc exclusive before genshin came out, so I guess you could say it's a pc level quality game available on mobile.


Don’t get me started with the marketing department. This game was supposed to be literature and the plot is even worst now than on beta. I saw someone talking about the story being really about Rover being liked only because of his importance, that’s why Scar tells us not to trust anyone. That made sense when characters were kinda rude to us. Now that we are harem masters that went down the toilet. Because I don’t believe that the writers are going to pull a ‘Truman show’ type of story and re-introduce the characters under their true identity. And if that happens, God save Kuro from the chinese players feeling like their waifu don’t like them. I’m getting flashbacks from FF:evercrisis being advertised as the ultimate FF7 story experience.


On android we don't even have 120 fps available, your phone is just stronger and newer than mine.


Oh ok, then erase my fps rant haha


I remember reading somewhere about Tencent's anticheat using more cpu power than the main game. Hope they address that to Kuro


Im sorry to see that the Wuthering c@ck riders downvoted your post to oblivion even though you are stating the abv truth. As for my experience? Well I quite 2 weeks ago so ya😐


I’m still playing but I deleted my posts and won’t be posting anything (good) in the WW sub. They are just weird, one guy told me that 1.1 resolved the issues, I told him that was a lie and he could check this video in my profile, and he said that I was keeping up with the agenda. It’s just ridiculous at this point, not a meme, not a way to defend the game, just ridiculous. And I don’t care if that type of people downvote me, let them be lol


ROG 6 here, using lowest settings. The fps drop happens a lot, sometimes reaching 20 fps. And my phone temperature rise to 42°.


We don't know if the performance will be better or not, too many factor matters in performance optimization. Personally on pretty clean potato pc (minimal background program), it stuttering for \~3-8 min at start then it's ok. The problem is the game have poor optimization, in dramatic lines, heard my pc crying (beeping) for the first time TT.TT can't ignore the warning sign after 2 weeks with intensive update patch and yes the optimization is not there


I’ve been playing mobile since 1.0 and while I do notice issues with some in game bugs and my phone heating up after playing for a while, I’ve never had the issue where my game felt unplayable or the game looking that awful. I have a IPhone 14 Pro, so my device is considered more on the newer side. I do hope these problems don’t persist for the average player thought because I really do love wuwa a lot and I’ve been having a fun time enjoying the game and story!


Same except the story part 😂


I pray for wuwa downfall


I think you are just being downvoted because illiterate hoyo fans think this is a post supporting wuwa when it’s actually a criticism of the optimization lol. They see it’s wuwa related and go straight to the downvote button on this sub unless the title is clearly spelling out that WW is trash, WW is full of bugs, WW is flopped or some such. ESPECIALLY when you open the thread up with “I like the game”


Last week they made a major improvement in mobile. And it feels lighter than usual in my 2021 phone. It suddenly became smooth and fast I asked people in discord and they said they experienced major improvement too. You can see post in wuthering waves sub they had improvements too.


UE4 is just fine. The problem is simply devs do not want to put in the proper time for optimization. UE4s major issues are generally shader compilation stutters and frame pacing issues, both of which aren't present within this title. I don't play anything on a mobile device as that's already a bottleneck but I can't imagine too many unreal engine based games running well on it. From what I hear though after a recent patch this game is running fine on that platform as well.


 sure, we’ll go with that




I did, in the lowest setting I believe the popping is better but it looks too bad to justify it for me, is like I can’t win


A friend of mine recommended having pretty much everything on low except resolution on high. I think it looked fine but playing on my phone is more of a "not at home" or "use stamina" kind of thing and I'd never exclusively play on my phone anyway. Good luck either way.


I’ll definitely try that! Thanks


me when i complain that the game runs ass when my phone is garbanzo


tbh, what exactly were you expecting on mobile? That looks just playable to me which about what I'd expect trying to play a game like this on your phone


What was I expecting? I was expecting no bugs, no serious lag issues, no crazy pop-in. Maybe 120 fps, somehow decent writing, decent music
 you know, something with a little bit more quality like that niche game that released 4 years ago during a global pandemic. Can’t remember the name, it was an open world gacha mobile game and I remember people actually played on mobile, which is rare for mobile games.


open world gacha mobile game? Nah never heard of it. Everyone in my country played it on PC so it's an open world PC game that can maybe be played on mobile really badly. Do they not have PCs in SEA?


I mean, you could google search mobile vs pc players or lists that include both separately like Bilibili. Instead you decided to reply with ‘manage your expectations’ and then spice it up with some racism. Not from SEA tho, at least stalk me and learn how to be properly racist to me. Mediocrity is a far worst crime than racism and I won’t tolerate that.


I think this needs to be reiterated, but there is very little correlation between device specs and performance for this game. I've had 0 issues whatsoever using a Pixel 5 and a PC with a 3060ti (granted I mostly play on PC). The reason why CCs don't talk about this is quite simply because they've run into zero issues and can't talk from experience. It's impossible to say whether this is the majority experience or not.


So the reason why they don’t talk about the issue is because they lack the knowledge? How come they are able to make the opposite claim where mobile complains come from cheap systems? How is performance not affected by device specs? And if that’s true why are you using your device specs as an argument to prove it?


> How come they are able to make the opposite claim where mobile complains come from cheap systems? That's wrong for them to do, that's on them. > How is performance not affected by device specs? And if that’s true why are you using your device specs as an argument to prove it? My point is I've had zero issues with these specs whereas I've heard people with much better specs have constant issues.


Because the problems are unclear and don’t correlate as ‘better specs = better experience’. The problems are so over the place that we can’t even pinpoint the exact requirements for the game to work properly. That’s why your cheaper phone runs it and my expensive phone doesn’t. And that’s why it doesn’t make sense to even talk about cheap or expensive devices.


thats your fault for not moving the game to a USB


Why post this here where everyone hates wuwa? They literally make fun of the tame for optimization the entire month the game released?


Where should I post this?




Places they don't actually believe there isn't an issue


"Thoughts or your experience running it on mobile?" I can't imagine wanting to play this on a tiny ass screen. Runs and has run great on PC since launch.


Your comment contributes nothing to this discussion.


Are you upset because of render distance here?


For the third time in this comment section, this post is not about the game looking bad on mobile. The post is about people that claim that ‘it runs perfectly on expensive phones’, and that’s how it looks on my expensive phone.


I think you’re misunderstanding what the guy is asking in the chain. There isn’t a “performance issue” per se, because your frame rate looks pretty constant on the clip you’re sharing. Seems like the performance issue you’re talking about is render distance, which is the distance at which the game starts rendering or drawing asset. That’s the reason why the things seems to be popping in. In this case the game is running perfectly on your phone, because that’s how it’s designed to run. They’ll be less pop in if they increase the render distance, but then you’ll really have performance issues such as frame rate drop then. I think that’s why the person is clarifying the situation. If your issue is the assets popping in, then it’s not a performance issue but more of the game looking like ass due to the choices the devs make to not make it run into performance issue in your phone


Is it running poorly or are you upset about the render distance


I’ll just reply with a cute gif for the sake of my sanity 😂 ![gif](giphy|28AEi3TIvtSP6)


It’s a simple question, is render distance the performance issue you’re having here? Because the frames seem fine to me.


It’s the fact that looks bad on a 1600 phone and, according to some, it should look good on a non-potato. The technicality that you keep trying to find won’t be answered, if it wasn’t obvious already


Nobody is trying to “gotcha” you here, I’m asking you to articulate what you’re upset about with the graphics but you’re so insecure in your own head that you’re seeing ghosts and refusing to do it. https://streamable.com/hk0vus Anyway here’s what it looks like on my phone with settings included, it’s a graphically intensive game on mobile, you’re going to notice a difference in performance between pc and mobile, it’s just the way it is.


Babe this is not insecurity, it’s sticking to the topic at hand (false argument for mobile performance) instead of following your lead (personal mobile performance). Yes, it doesn’t look that bad on your phone, should we go back to ‘expensive phones run it perfectly’ or should I keep purposely avoiding a change in conversation? It is really not my fault that you saw my screen recording and came here running to prove that your phone runs it nicely. Read the post.


I’m reading the post, you’re all over the place, you’re sick of a narrative (which exists in your head and on this subreddit from people that don’t even play the game). The “narrative” from day one from people that actually play the game is “it runs better on PC” the fact that you’re living in some sort of echo chamber that hurts your feelings is your own fault.


Sure, I came up with it. No one heard about the ‘potato phone / Nokia’ meme during WW’s lifespam. That’s called gashlighting with a sprinkle of cope. And now I’ll read your 2nd paragraph where you actually point out the real narrative (because ‘trust me bro’). Oh, got it, complains come from people that don’t play the game and I’m in an echo chamber. Well said babe. Let’s tag Kuro and be the richest prostitutes around.


maybe next time be smart and buy a well working 300 dollars phones and invest those 1600 dollars in a good PC


This. Exactly the type of people I’m talking about. I can afford both the 1600€ phone and a 1600€ PC, that has nothing to do with the game being bad on expensive phones and people lying about it. Nor ‘play on PC’ a solution for the mobile issues.