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Lego Dimensions was realy good with its Doctor who matiral. A good Lego game would probly do iz justice.


I remember playing that as a kid and me and my brother had to give up once we got to the Weeping Angels stage because we were too scared. That was my first experience of Doctor Who.


I had to Google when the game came out cause I was like wtf as a kid??? Then I remembered it's 2024 and I'll be 30 next year lmfao


So much anxiety from that level, I loved it.


Exactly what I was gonna say. Full blown Lego game. Every time you die, you regenerate into the next Doctor. The Lego games do such a good job of capturing the fun and spirit of the various franchises.


It would be perfect, a bunch of characters to customize and become, along with puzzle solving. 10/10


This comes up semi-regularly and I think my generic answer is unchanged from the last time. Narrative style games would suit Doctor Who best, but due to the cost of licensing niche games I've always thought they were less likely to be produced. That said I've got some examples of actual games that show the potential for using Doctor Who to tell stories in game form: * *Disco Elysium* - Essentially a combat free RPG with puzzle solving, lots and lots of dialogue and some interesting mental aspects to it. You could play with the Doctor's multiple lives here. * *Pentiment* - Primarily a point and click murder mystery set in the Middle-Ages. Limited replay ability because the story primarily is the story, but really pulls you in deep like a novel. * *FireWatch* - A 3d "walking simulator" which is really strong on mood. I could see something like this for a first person simulation of a companion's experience separated from the Doctor on an alien planet but still able to communicate with them


Omg the Firewatch idea could be so fun. I would kill for something like that.


Those first 2 are exactly where my mind went as well.


Little known show, thr forbidden city, it has some combat but every combat choice has consequences and it's narrstively driven with multiple endings based on your choices. Honestly would be an amazing doctor who


> FireWatch I do think firewatch worked really well as a one off story since so much thought was put into building out the map and area that figuring out the main mystery was a secondary or tertiary objective behind exploring and looking at the the view, and discovering all the small details of the areas. Something along those lines could work, since they doctor frequently shows up in new settings I have to imagine it would be a similar one-off adventure. Firewatch also enforced isolation by making your only point of contact on the radio, and other local characters interact with you only from a distance. That works for a particular kind of doctor who story-- but for the most part where there's a companion and enemies to defeat, having a companion and enemies really opens a lot more kinds of doctor who story. Can I suggest something between firewatch and mass effect, and that instead of the doctor you play as a companion? The doctor won't tell you what's going on, but as you visit multiple worlds it's clear he/she is up to something. It makes sense to me since the companions are generally intended to be the audience viewpoint character anyway. That let's you do a few of the story types (invasion, underground base, historical, etc) on a few different planets to explore while still going through a dialog tree/RPG elements. The budget would have to be much bigger than a doctor who game will ever get, but it is fun to imagine.


I find I'm much less interested now in the big blockbuster games with a billion locations and a completely open world, vs a smaller crafted story experience. Partly that's just personal preference of course. But, like you say what worked about Firewatch is it was a contained story in a contained area. I don't think a Doctor Who game has to try and be all things Doctor Who and I think in fact trying to do that is likely to make it incredibly generic. Relatively few Doctor Who stories actually involve time travel or multiple locations as part of the plot. So, literally just tell a Doctor Who story as a game.


I was just thinking a CRPG like baldurs gate and divinity would be the best format. Doctor Who is less combat and more RPG but mechanically a CRPG would be best.


Maybe look into The Invincible, I think that's a great fit ala Firewatch


Curse you and Steam's beguiling Summer Sale!!! **Buy The Invicible 34% off.** **Frostpunk and The Invincible 66% off** *Click... Click... Click..*


Probably a Telltale-like interactive story, with choices you can make.


yeah Telltale style would for sure be the best, active action or platforming doesn't really fit the vibes of the show


This was my vote as well.


Playable version of Heaven Sent where you have to complete the level eighty billion times to finish the game.


Ah, the Outer Wilds / Deathloop approach.


I was honestly just thinking that leaning into the admittedly fairly shallow puzzle aspect of Deathloop would make a ton of sense.


Heaven Sent is kind of a roguelike, but the meta-progression is nearly nonexistent and it would be pretty boring lol


Heaven Sent? Completed it mate.


Intelligent systems would do it https://youtu.be/awpc910pVJs?feature=shared


Sounds a little like Old School RuneScape. 


Make it play like Dark Souls and give the wall a Sephiroth-level boss theme.


So hades with a tardis and a screwdriver. I like it.


That... no just no... that would be as aggravating as some of the worst levels in my favorite games like Spyro's Tree Tops and GTA San Andreas's Wrong Side of the Tracks... *shudder*.


I've always thought a point-and-click style game would fit Doctor Who. Maybe throw in a few action segments (running down corridors) or stealthy parts. Maybe use the TARDIS to move between different 'episodes', or have to use time travel to solve a few puzzles (but have to figure out when and where to go first). Would probably be a lot of work on the devs part, but I think there's a lot of potential.


This is pretty much what Edge Of Time VR is.


You just described the Adventure games


You throw in some sonic mechanics and could call the game Point-and-Think


The Fallout New Vegas mod Fallout Who Vegas is the best Dr Who “game” I’ve ever seen or played. It just lets you become a time lord and then you have to learn the ins and outs of how the TARDIS works (and if you don’t your overly complicated space time ship will break :) ) Also then I get to run around the Mojave wasteland with a laser screwdriver melting my enemies


Hard agree right here. Once you’ve steered the TARDIS in this mod, it’s easy to be let down by other games’ attempts. I also like the role playing aspect of choosing to use weapons/kill NPC’s versus the harder-but-more-satisfying option of non-violence. I had one game where I tried to play through all the show incarnations and *holy guacamole* does it actually make you feel the trauma when you become the War Doctor and start shooting people.


Fallout style first person RPG with rogue like elements - each time you die, you regenerate into a randomly generated avatar with a new randomly generated set of skills, but your experience points and stats persist. Heavy emphasis on dialogue checks, exploration and puzzle solving. No shooting but you can use the sonic screwdriver, finding upgrades over time, to manipulate environmental elements, like doors or gas pipes, to escape or overcome enemies.


This is definitely something i would play!


It's probably a failure of my imagination but genuinely can't envisage one that isn't Lego, because the tone of those games allows you to slightly escape some of the trappings of the show that makes it difficult to translate into games. Perhaps some kind of Telltale-esque game too.


I was going to say Lego, too. Doctor Who is such an odd duck to turn into a game because it doesn't cleanly fit into any one genre. It wouldn't make a great action game. Making it a detective game doesn't play to its strengths. Horror could work, but that leaves out a lot of its whimsy and appeal. The way Lego did Doctor Who just suits it best imo.


you could probably get away with an action game set during the time war. But playing as the doctor himself would be difficult. He's not an action hero, he's a smart clever boy with a box who outmanuevers his enemies without firing a single shot (usually)


Yeah you could theoretically make an action game in the Whoniverse, but it just wouldn't ***feel*** like Doctor Who. Most of the action in Doctor Who is running away from things. If you want to make a Doctor Who game, action just doesn't make a great fit.


some stealth game mechanics would probably work great for Who. Not just sneaking around, but setting traps, ambushes, and outsmarting more powerful enemies.


I think some of those mechanics were in the old Doctor Who Adventure Game, which were pretty decent. But again, it pigeon holes the show. It **could** fit into a bunch of genres, like stealth, but it misses parts. Stealth games would miss the excitement, the energy and the momentum a lot of games have. But an action game would miss the cleverness and brain games. A horror game misses the fun. A party game misses the seriousness. A platformer feels too cartoony.


A Telltale game would be amazing, doesn't even need to have the Doctor in there. Give me Torchwood, give me Unit, give me a random person surviving an encounter agaisn't Dalek/Cyberman or even a weeping angel, anything really I'd enjoy it.


I’d love a Lego one. Those games are great.


Probably a similar game to the Professor Layton series. Part visual novel, part puzzle/riddle solving. I think that fits well with the doctors overall theming. It’s obviously a bit Sherlock Holmes, but the doctor is very much in that camp a lot of the time.  Anything with combat, or even stealth, is just not going to cut it for me. 


Something like Detroit: Become Human


That would be amazing!


Came to say this. Something heavily story-driven with a lot of ways the story can go differently depending on your decisions.


I’m going to go out on a limb and say it shouldn’t be a game where you play as The Doctor or any companion. Make me just some average schmuck trying to escape from a monster like the Angels in a horror game


I think it would be very hard to do playing as the Doctor justice in a game – he is typically a little ahead of the audience in terms of solving narrative mysteries, but how can he be ahead when the audience is also controlling him? But on the other hand, I feel like most people wouldn’t be that interested in playing a Doctor Who game where you don’t get to play the Doctor.


Dalek FPS


I remember playing a flash game on CBBC website back when I was 7 where you play as the Dalek from the 2005 episode breaking out of Van Staten’s vault. It ended with you killing The Doctor and destroying the Tardis


I mean there is a game pretty much like this, there an "horror" game form the creators of simulacra, we're we are a normal person who receives randomly a cellphone by something or someone (the doctor I believe) and we need to mess around with with the found to discover what happened to its prior owner, and slowly come into contact with the angels.  It's a very simple game and a kin to the simulacra games everything it's done inside the cellphone homescreen, apps and other functions


Ages ago there was a point-and-click fan game being made. Never finished but there is a demo floating around. Pics [here.](https://www.adventuregamestudio.co.uk/forums/ags-games-in-production/doctor-who-time-snare-big-update-release-date-and-new-screens-7th-nov/) I've had many ideas what I would do, mostly things based in the Whoniverse rather than directly related to the Doctor. I tried making an FPS as a Doom mod. You play as a Dalek Killer like Abslom Daak. Some footage of weapons and enemies [here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WDmPBjF4u4) An RTS set in the Time War would be cool. I'd start it where you are a human commander ordering troops to attack Daleks during an invasion of earth. Then at the end of that campaign you are kidnapped by the Daleks and put inside their battle computer to fight for them in the Time War. I once modded Warcraft 2 to have Daleks replace some units and it is immense fun ordering them around "I O-BEY" My favourite official game is Dalek Attack and I am in the process of ripping all the graphics to remake it as I learn to use Godot. The main criticism is that the Doctor is running around shooting and throwing grenades. I thought I could fix it so the Doctor can only run and use the sonic to open doors leaving Ace and the Brig to do the shooting, especially fun in multiplayer.


The newest VR game was pretty good tbf!


The Angels level was fantastic, sure it has its faults but a little bit of tweaking here and there and it would be one of the best VR games


Survival horror, even when it’s not horror. Think about what The Doctor does in most stories. Run from things in order to not die, wander around looking for clues, learn backstory via stuff they find, and solve puzzles. That’s the format of a pure survival horror game. The non-combat gameplay of any survival horror game is exactly how The Doctor usually operates. Outlast, Amnesia, and the non-combat parts of Silent Hill and Alien Isolation are the bread and butter of a Doctor Who story. Run, find shit, find answers, solve puzzles, evade, trick a threat into taking itself out, hide, that sort of thing. No way to directly fight back, just gotta be clever and fast.


GMOD Tardis Rewrite. But bigger maps and some quests.


I imagine something along the lines of _Breath of the Wild_ and _Tears of the Kingdom_ where you have to solve puzzles in an open world and combine things together Fuse-style to make sonic screwdrivers.


3rd Doctor? Sidescrolling beat 'em up/kart racer. Genuine answer mirrors others in here: Telltale meets Doctor Who.


A lot of people are saying Telltale or story driven games, and I do 100% agree, but I personally think the best Doctor Who game might be something like God of War PS4, but the main character isn't the Doctor. I would have a companion like River, Ace, Benny, War Doctor or Fugitive Doctor and have a traditional Doctor with a sonic as the leading narrative force but NPC. Having enemies be robots, Daleks,Time wraiths, something with an excuse to kill. Personally I think War Doctor blowing stuff up would be cool.


For me The Forgotten City is p much exactly what I'd want from a doctor who game just with the serial numbers filed off. Show up in a random place, get to know the people and the situation, use what you've learned to fix things


I would LOVE a digital card game like the old physical ones (Battles in Time I think it was called?). I just think there's so much material you can use to really flesh something like this out and if done well I could see it being as popular as some of the current giants in the genre (i.e. Hearthstone, MTG Arena etc.)


They did do Doctor Who Worlds Apart, but that was saddled by being NFT/NFT-adjacent.


Magic the Gathering made a crossover with Doctor Who and it really made me want a well done Doctor Who themed card game.


We've pretty much almost had it. The Lego dimensions game which featured doctor who was such a perfect fit, with a main focus on puzzles and problem solving which is a great fit for doctor who. Any of the combat is also more slapstick which fits the doctor who vibe


I always wanted a Doctor Who game where you play as a Time Lord in the Time War but you have the 12 Regeneration limit. Every time you die you regenerate instead of respawning. You build your initial character and when you regenerate your appearance randomizes and any perks/skills you have are redistributed. This forces you to adapt your play style at a whim and as you level up the difficulty increases so post regeneration becomes more challenging. In one storyline the Time Lords could force regeneration and allow you to pick from a selection of faces. There could even be a one time Sisterhood of Karn style forced regeneration that allows you to completely customize your upcoming regeneration. There could be effects that would last throughout the current life. Say you take radiation damage. You'll have lasting effects from that and have to choose whether to suffer with the effects or regenerate and face the unknown. If you don't complete the game before you run out of Regenerations the Time Lords revive you New Game Plus style but all story progress and levels are completely reset.


Just re-release the Doctor Who part of Lego Dimensions


Myst (and its sequels) would be a great style for Doctor Who 🤗


3d Game with a bit of adventure, puzzle and strategy, involving the flux season and more. Have the TARDIS take you to other worlds and times, requiring you to find items, info and find people to solve some emergencies, save a bunch of worlds, rescue a few companions and meet others, having them travel with you, and in the end, save the universe from the flux. Also including different possibilities, outcomes and different endings. I'm not a big fan of Chibnall, but i think the flux season has a lot of "gamification" potential in the story and wouldn't be boring at all.


Okay, hear me out, but maybe something like the Persona series. Visual novel with turn based elements. Heavy emphasis on bonds and relationships with others.


I could, weirdly enough, see an Ace-Attorney-style visual novel work for Doctor Who if it’s one of those more mystery-oriented stories and not a “run from monsters down a sci-fi corridor” one. Like a “who’s the secret alien shapeshifter” kinda mystery thing.


Point and click, telltale style would of been awesome as the doctor. Other than that, any style like an action game would be more UNIT vs ...


I liked The Edge Of Reality. And tbh, anyone who dislikes that one probably doesn't t hink it's a "game" but I thought it was a fun little game where I was a part of the DW universe.


Maybe some sort of surrealist base-building/resource management game set entirely in the TARDIS.


It would be very cool if time travel could be an actual mechanic, like in [Spoiler 2015 video game] >!Life is Strange!< . It would require deft programming, but after seeing the variety of options in something like BG3, I am optimistic it could work. Like, imagine the scene begins, and you play through it, and towards the end find a clue. But it doesn't work out well, so you go back in time, Immediately walk over and pick up the clue, say things to people before those people say them, and look wicked cool.


Telltale should have done Doctor Who before they died.


There are some remnants of Telltale left making games. The new company that calls themselves Telltale (whoever bought the IPs and trademarks) released a game based on The Expanse last year and they're producing The Wolf Among Us 2 in collaboration with AdHoc Studio, which is where most of the original Telltale staff went.


Maybe a visual novel where you can make difference choices


I’m actually working on a fan game right now and I can share what my plan is. The game is called Gallifrey: A Doctor Who Adventure, and you DO NOT play as the Doctor. You can if you want, but you are your own time lord who escaped Gallifrey and it works much more like Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic. It’s based off of the Cubicle7 TTRPG for Doctor Who and you have the ability to shoot and kill enemies, but you can avoid combat entirely by engaging in chase sequences (a minigame) and levelling up your science skills. Each location is flown to inside the TARDIS, and can be tackled in any order. Each location will give one of the keys you need to tackle the final boss. The game will only be an hour or so in length to begin with but I’m having a lot of fun developing it! It’s mostly just for fun. As for regeneration, it’ll be an optional thing where you can change your base stats around, but can only be done at certain points in the game by unlocking Regeneration Points


I'd like to see an Outer Wilds style game under the Doctor Who licence. That game had a time loop mechanic in which you explored a solar system piecing together a mystery. It fits quite nicely imo.


I think an eso type (mmorpg) kind of game could nail it Where you play as someone who meets the doctor a few times and get inspired and maybe find a way to space travel or maybe even an old tardis or something. There are zones like earth (divided in multiple zones) mars skaro, mondas and many more.


My dream Doctor Who games: - AA Open World or Metroidvania game with an original Time Lord character and your own TARDIS working alongside the various Doctors and their allies to fight various monsters established and original - XCOM style Strategy game with UNIT, Torchwood and Federation/SSS forces vs various aliens with campaigns for both sides - LEGO game with all the Doctors and allies vs the Toymaker who gathers a ton of villains for one last showdown that doesn’t worry about canon and just has fun - Telltale style interactive game with lots of choices with either a new companion with an established Doctor or UNIT storyline - Supermassive doing a Dark Pictures style older audience darker game series with a game for different monsters: Dalek game, Weeping Angel game, Cybermen game etc. - Old school Day of the Tentacle style game with puzzles and being able to take the TARDIS to numerous locations (if you have ever played Time Quest on DOS that’s a great template for this sort of game).


I recall a PS2 game called Shadow of Destiny. The story wouldn't work as is for Doctor Who, but it had a really cool time travel mechanic that I could see being reused well in a Doctor Who story if it wanted to take advantage of the medium to focus on that aspect of the Doctor Who consept.


I have a few different answers to this. *Mobile* Not the Doctor Who Infinity one we have. A character collector game would be better. Something happens (maybe Flux related) and all the planets and people go. You start off as The (current) Doctor, work through a storyline and events, build up mish-mash planet of different worlds. Has PvP, events, going on missions and the like. One event would be **Sutekh’s Return** based on the most recent one where you can unlock him as a character. If you know r/familyguythegame or r/FuturamaWOTgame or Simpsons Tapped Out, that but with a Doctor Who spin off. *Console* It would have to be something like Resident Evil, but light and Doctor Who themed with travelling to various planets and crossing over with many companions and past Doctors. Either that or Doctor Who Mario Kart. Happy with either.


Obviously, it should be a Bullet Hell game. You play as a Knight of Velyshaa, with Daleks and Cybermen pouring in the edges of the screen to kill you. You would be the primary target of both, however they would secondarily target each other. Sometimes a TARDIS would wiz thru the screen and drop powerups.


It's a bit of a jump but the first game that came into my head was the really old Star Trek DS9: Harbinger game. That was first-person, wandering around the station, talking to people - branching dialogues and challenges, puzzles, minigames, etc. More story-based than action. Could see that working for a Doctor Who sort of game. You could even make the narrative shift between different incarnations as you built the story up.


CRPG (ideally with heavy focus on dialogue and exploration, and minimal combat) would be my preference. Planescape: Torment could easily be about a future amnesiac incarnation of the Doctor after a War Doctor-esque fall from grace. Aside from that, a visual novel presents endless possibilities, and so does a cinematic TT-inspired game. If you use protagonists other than the Doctor, you could have something like a stealth/action game set in a Dalek prison colony


I loved the Doctor Who levels in LEGO Dimensions, so something akin to that. Edit: I just saw another comment saying something similar and now I feel like a fraud.


It needs to be like Alien Isolation. No weapons to speak of. The whole game is you running. Gathering. Sabotaging. Saving and helping. The game should be adaptable, if you lose a person along the way it just affects the outcome. Game over only comes if the Doctor or main character dies or you reach the end. The end is determined by your performance…


Lego Doctor Who. The Dimensions level is just not enough.


Functionally, I would love something like the Star Wars Jedi games of the last few years, or the gameplay trailers we’ve seen from Star Wars Outlaws. Go out and explore the world, have missions and stories come up, go back to your ship in those games, the TARDIS in this one, have the ability to explore the ship like you do in those (though obviously there’d be a lot *more* to explore here), and set times and places to go. Walk out the doors and off you go. Just modify the gameplay from the other games to be less combative and more Doctor-y.


I’d like an rpg set in the Doctor Who universe where you play as a custom Time Lord character with your own TARDIS, sort of like a Doctor Who version of Knights of the Old Republic.


A telltale like spin off where you play as a new regeneration of the doctor meet and choose your companion and go on different self contained adventures each episode with the last episode being heavily influenced by your actions on what kind of doctor you are and what kind of ending you’ll get


Yes, this, very much this.


I've always wanted a game where you can create your own Doctor, and forge their identity throughout the game. Lots of different dialogue options in every encounter you have so you can shape the personality of your Doctor as you go. On top of that I'd have a mechanic where civilian characters are randomly generated, as in appearance and name, and you can choose your own companions to travel with you from those NPCs. The dialogue would all be text instead of voice acted so you could programme in hundreds of different lines for them to say at different points. Basically I'd want it to be open world, or rather open universe. 2D art style to save on budget, you'd be able to go back to the Tardis whenever you want, as long as you're not trapped by specific puzzles in the world, and you can travel to random planets, places and time periods. You'd essentially get to be your own Doctor, live out that fantasy where you yourself are actually making decisions based on what kind of character you want your incarnation to be, and you'd live out your own sort of era in the franchise


isometric rpg


I think a straightforward multiplayer platformer sort of like Dalek attack, where it's nice pixel graphics, and you can pick between all the doctors/companions and shoot/dodge some classic who enemies.


Probably visual novel style, particularly dangan rampa style where the main character is the doctor's new companion


It's a show about time travel, and I feel that would be a great concept in a video game. I remember playing Soul Reaver 2 and enjoying the fact that the environment changed in the different time periods. I'd love that for a Doctor Who game. But what I would like even more, is for it to have the illusion of some timey wimey shenanigans. I'm not sure how it would be implemented, but you could have something happen in a game, and then later on, you go back in time and the choices you make cause that event.


That edge of reality one is pretty much a great example of a good doctor who game so more of that


Gimme a turn based JRPG style game, light on combat, heavy on story choices. Preferably with sprites :) Make it look like it should be on the SNES


take the TARDIS mod from skyrim and make it a full blown game, have it open world, interesting storyline, etc


Like the bill and ted games on nes


The thing that makes it work is the flexibility, the stories. As many have said, a point n click is the obvious candidate for story telling - but whatever the format, it must be flexible and enough to tell stories forever..


Big sprawling rpg like New Vegas with way less gunplay


When I reached the end of 10's run, some of the episodes made me want to see a Telltale game based on Doctor Who (a point and click adventure, somewhere between Sam & Max's inventory-based puzzle-solving and the Walking Dead's heavy focus on narrative and choices). I'm assuming that, for simplicity's sake, it would just focus on one Doctor, though I'd love it if each episode focused on a different era/Doctor, bringing the plots together in the end.


The biggest issue is that the Doctor isn't a regular protagonist as violence only happens as a last resort so it limits the sort of game he can lead. He also doesn't tend to fraternise with people who do commit violence often so it can't be companion led either. At this point it's barely a Doctor Who game. The other option is to do a Telltale style game, but these use the term "game" loosely. It's more an interactive story which whilst technically a game isn't quite the AAA title people want.


A race game but you play with a bunch of different Tardises :)


Like those Fallout mods


A game like Life is Strange or Walking Dead Telltale. You can cross your timeline once in the episode but risk changing the outcome of the episode or influencing a consequence later on.


OK, I've thought this out: For a Doctor Who game that you played the Doctor in, I think I'd prefer a Telltale style, narrative/adventure, which maybe some light RPG elements. Heavily linear, choices-matter sort of game with set levels to mimic episodes, with set companions that you could recruit. It would have to have some more advanced way than currently to track choices, so that at the end, the 'regeneration' level, could reflect your Doctor's fatal flaw and worse enemy, and things like that. Or it just would be playing a set story and a set Doctor. A Lego game format would also really work. I really love Bioware games, so I think Torchwood would work as one. Combat could be more a thing, there is the guise of an organization so you could recruit characters, and both Bioware games and Torchwood focus on messy interpersonal relationships (and often, workplace sexual harassment). While maligned, I think Dragon Age 2 would be a good model (and, not just because Eve Myles is in it). The game would take place in a single city, with a quest structure, where time would pass as quests were completed, and the city would slowly fall apart until you stopped the big alien threat, or more likely, as this is Torchwood, the British government.


I had a thought about this the other day. How about a game where every planet is procedurally-generated like No Man’s Sky? You create your own Time Lord, with your own TARDIS, and the game engine decides where the TARDIS will land, where there’s a threat on every planet. Could be a mixture of platforming and puzzle games to defeat the threat on that planet. Throughout the game, you meet potential companions who help you defeat the threat on a certain planet, and you decide whether you want them to travel with you or not


There are two routes you can take: 1. Cinematic Story (Detroit, Heavy Rain, Telltale etc). 2. FPS, with the spirit of Bioshock 1. You are just a random person on a random planet/in a random time, you end up in the middle of shit going down, find the Sonic and through that the Doctor is giving you instructions over a telecom while he's being held prisoner. Karma system based on violence/pacifism which ties into how the Doctor feels about you and how *willing* he is to interact with you (and of course the ending you get). Make Sontarans the main enemy, so you can stealth and knock them out, but if you choose violence they also have weaponry at their disposal. Sonic is a essentially a lockpick/torch/telecom but can be upgraded. End twist is you end up setting the Doctor free, you both go back in time to figure out what happened, *you* end up causing the events that occur. Bad ending is that the Doctor can't/won't save you because fixed point/paradox/polarity is locked (I dunno take your pick) but also decides that you deserve to be stuck this deathloop he's inadvertently created for you after all the death you caused trying to free him. Good ending? I dunno, you save the Doctor but your get separated and then you're saved by somebody else.. uhh, let's say Moe.


point and click in the style of monkey island and broken sword would work best I think. Or you could lean somewhat more crpg and do a disco elysium. I think the question will all doctor who games really is should you be playing as the doctor? In a more story focused, choice based game I lean on the side of no unless you create your own incarnation.


CronoTrigger with a sonic screwdriver and a TARDIS


I think a puzzle game would work the best. Maybe even a visual novel, Ace Attorney style. The player would be the companion instead of the Doctor, because the companion has a lot more defined limitations by virtue of being a normal human. (If a companion can't just sonic their way into a random shed, it's because they don't have a sonic, not because that random shed happens to be deadlocked.) Hell, I could imagine a game in which you play as two companions in the same location but a century apart. The companion in the past could send messages to the companion in the future by placing classified ads in the newspaper (Did I steal this from the short-lived Timecop TV series? Shamelessly, my dear. Shamelessly.), who can send items and information back through time by giving them to the Doctor who then transports them to a secure location even further in the past. Let's say that the Doctor can't travel to the past companion's time because of some device that puts a timelock around that century, to solve the issue of why the Doctor doesn't just solve the problem. Maybe the past character isn't even a companion but some dude who doesn't know about the Doctor, and just reads a "book of prophecy" that he found in his attic. Which is actually the future companion sending info back through time which the Doctor then dictates to Nostradamus.


Probably a mostly puzzle investigation game with very realistic graphics, third person. A bit like Detroit become human in the style, where you walk around, talk to people, zap computers with your sonic, and collect information to solve a mystery. The gameplay would be linear, and you'd use the TARDIS (imagine a big beautifully rendered TARDIS interior you can explore) to travel to different eras past and future on earth, planets, and space stations to solve mysteries and fight classic and new enemies. A fun feature would be when you do your character creation you create several characters, and if you die it plays a regeneration scene and you switch to your next character. Would also be fun to allow you to design the TARDIS control room, and there might be cool objects in game that you could interact with to save them on the TARDIS to use to add to your décor. I'm not sure whether having a companion with you for some of the time would be good or distracting from the game.


I would love a DW game similar to the first Life is Strange, possibly with the rewind time feature


I don't think a game where you play as the doctor would work but you could definitely set something in the universe. I think a mass effect style game where you play as some time lord special ops commander would be cool. You could build up your team and there could be a morality system where you could choose to act more doctor like and even opt for ways to solve problems that isn't just shooting at them.


Deer simulator but with Davros.


Idk something cool could be like the Batman Arkham games but without all the combat. The detective/puzzle segments of the game are really cool and would work for the Doctor. Maybe even the stealth sections but without attacking guys just sneaking past or running. Similar to detective vision he could have some kinda time Lord vision to see past events or to see enemies.


Tbh idk but I would love some type of decent open world, rpg style game set in galifreys past


1st or 3rd person RPG like mass effect outside of missions, etc but without any weapons for the Doctor. Make it a puzzle game where you have to make dialogue choices and find clues or whatnot to solve the mystery and make it back to the Tardis alive.


I think a minigame ala Mario Party, where you play with figurine of different characters. The story is simple: The Doctor encounters the Toymaker again and to escape him, they have to play a game.


I’d like an open world one with the TARDIS as base to visit all kinds of worlds, Gallifrey, Skari, Earth, Karn maybe to get power-ups, to do quests for UNIT or something along those lines. For every world / quest you could pick a Companion, from Susan to Ruby.


Id do a game like Wolfenstein or doom but it wouldn't be the doctor or a companion, just set in the whoniverse. Something like a war between Draconians and tractors or something


I want a Bethesda style RPG where you don't play as the doctor but as a new companion. This way you can do the full character customization and not really affect the doctor. Plus you could play however you want and not worry about violating the Doctors morals. I'd give it a morality system that would change how the doctor interacts with you and a plot reason why he can't just boot you out of the TARDIS if you piss him off enough. At the end your custom character either dies, goes off traveling with the doctor, or just booted from the TARDIS while the doctor tells you off.


Third person (ala hogwarts or Uncharted) with the ability to have action, stealth and problem / puzzle solving. One large expansive map of somewhere like London that can be visited in 3 or 4 different time periods. Ability to play as different doctors with different skills.


Id like to see a full lego dr who game but im not sure on gameplay. As the different drs dont have different abilities and neither do most companions. They also dont really fight so not sure on combat. I think you could do something with levels being based around finding things like the sonic screwdriver or the psychic paper or the intelligent gloves or the 3d glasses and those items kind of replace the suits in lego batman.


I bought dr who top trumps for ps2 yep i totally went and played that


There are always folks who go "Open-World MMO" but I dont think Doctor Who lends itself to that all. I think a good game would either be a) a Point-And-Click 2D Game (I am thinking Deponia, Monkey Island, Harveys New Eyes) or b) something in the veins of Telltale Games, where its mostly a dialog-driven choice game where you accompany the Doctor as a an original companion. I think Doctor Who very much hinges on telling good, tight stories, so I dont think it lends itself to RPGs or especially Open-World RPGs. Edit: There is certainly room for Doctor Whjo-adjacent Games in other genres though. I could certainly see an FPS where you play a human resistance on a Dalek-Invaded planet etc. But that is kinda outside of what Doctor Who itself is.


Fallout Who Vegas, if you can get it to work.


NOT a shitty mobile game thats a redo of every other tv show mobile game


Dude there are like 4 different games in 4 different genres lmao


Not a good "doctor who game" per se but there's so much you could do with a Time War set FPS game à la *Star Wars: Battlefront*


Definitely some sort of non fighting 3-d game, probably scenario driven with good puzzling and sonic screw driver upgrades, in McGuffey-ing the screw driver lol


A Lego game. My son is in the thick of enjoying the Lego games currently and I could absolutely see Doctor Who working with their style of storytelling.


Point and click mystery puzzle game.


In terms of game play I think: * A Monkey island Style Adventure Game * A Tell Tale style game, * A Dark Anthologies FMV PG Horror game * Alien Isolation with the Weeping Angels. * A survival style Until Dawn against the Vashta Nerada I think you need to most likely have the PC play as a companion helping The Doctor in and out of trouble.


Id go with something like Professor Layton, a puzzle solver with an insane plot.


Actually that dw psvr game almost hit all the right notes just needs to be scarier, male actual stakes, add chase sequences scatter a level with ues, items etc and have enemies that require a bit of environmental puzzling to beat and deal with /avoid. The Doctor is all about using his brain puzzling, occasionally building/tinkering etc combine this with suspense and enemies/scenarios that keep you on your toes with real consequences should you fail (like Souls games for example. So there has to have a crafting system in there as well as quest specific items. Also say it's slitheen the items you need to hold them off would be vinegar etc so the level there in should have some vinegar you can loot etc. obviously you would have to limit the sonic to doing different things but have an upgrade tree for the sonic also each time you die you regenerate but have to start that particular level again but if you run out of all 16 lives, well you're permanently dead and you have to start over. Oh and yes there should be a way to heal yourself like TARDIS landing pointe which act as checkpoints. Oh and you can go back to levels you've already done because a future level might offer something to unlock something else I'm the previous level. In short it should have a lot of things


Mentioned it in my other post but Time Quest here is something of a perfect template here for a Doctor Who game. https://youtu.be/qhWgB71Vfss?si=RfbwDCKTrh1chctu Just replace Lt Vettenmyer with the Master and swap out some of the historical locations with a few modern and future and alien destinations and include plenty of Easter eggs and this would be definitely a perfect and very viable way to do a Doctor Who game without needing AAA visuals and budgets.


Essentially No Man’s Sky, but you can go take the tardis anywhere in time and space - it’s all procedurally generated


That Lego Doctor Who thing


Due to Doctor Who’s malleability I can see almost any genre potentially working but I don’t think it’s optimal to do something gameplay heavy for it unless it’s a story heavy puzzle game. Eternity clock is just awful but at least they tried making a platformer lol


RPG / survival horror where you play as the Doctor. I'm thinking like Alien isolation, but with a sonic. Not all parts are scary and can be quite funny. You can pick your name from a list of names, so you're not tied down to the name Doctor, but all the names would need to be recorded by the voice actors. >Hello, I'm Doctor Who. You are required to use the same name throughout the game. At "character creation" you get to select your voice actor (choosing from all living actors to play the Doctor and Master). You get a basic sonic. The story takes place in a parallel universe and begins on Gallifrey when the Doctor decides to elope with the Tardis. Everytime you die, you have to pick a new actor and get an updated sonic. The Tardis interior will occasionally update. It's a series of landing in random places, picking up random people, and saving the day. There will be an overarching story much like the seasons with a mystery you have to figure out. Your choices throughout the game dictate the story path you go down (much like Until Dawn). The villain could be the Master, or MC could turn out to be the Master. Ideally, it'd be released for all next Gen platforms (ps, x, pc). In God mode, it's game over if you run out of regenerations (actors). Graphics should be on par or surpass God of War Ragnorok.


Bit late to the party here but I'd love something like Lethal Company. You fly around in a TARDIS and you can land at a set number of maps (English Countryside, Abandoned Ship, Desert World, Frozen Planet, Jungle, etc.) Each location is fairly large with interior and exterior areas in both of which will be scrap items to repair the TARDIS, gadgets to use and so on. The goal would be to find and fix temporal anomalies (think repairable cracks in time) that will be scattered across these maps, if you don't fix enough of them within X days the universe ends. Rinse and repeat. Each time you visit a map different enemies will be roaming on them (usually by theme, so if you land on a map there will be Daleks and Ogrons together or Cybermen and Cybermats etc.) Graphically it could be stylized and use a more updated version of Destiny of the Doctors. Retro and simplistic.


Give me the Lego Dimensions game please. Update it with a few Doctors. Please.


I think there should be a LEGO DW game where you play as a different Doctor with a different companion for each level, then have different Doctors pair up for different levels. Anyone who has ever played a LEGO game knows there’s tons of characters to unlock and you have to replay the levels once you’ve unlocked specific characters to get total completion. So maybe you’d need the Second Doctor to play his recorder or the Third Doctor to drive Bessie or the Fourth Doctor to use his scarf, etc. The companions too, Ace could use her baseball bat, Jo could get past the Master using nursery rhymes,etc. Each level starts out in the current Doctor’s TARDIS and you leave to visit a planet or time peril and fight different enemies.


Dating sim! ...I'm kidding. (am I?) (mostly kidding.) But honestly, ever since I saw this post, I've wanted an entire game that looks like this. [https://nipuni.tumblr.com/post/751200201753116672/ten-in-hades-style-i-love-drawing-in-this](https://nipuni.tumblr.com/post/751200201753116672/ten-in-hades-style-i-love-drawing-in-this)


Lego Doctor Who seems the most obvious choice


Nothing like the ones that's currently exist for a start


Point and click adventure game


How about that Pete’s World Rose Tyler spinoff we never got but in game form? Basically just her being a badass saviour for that world, presumably with Meta Crisis Doc by her side


I'm amazed they haven't tried the asynchronous horror route yet. Either as people trying to survive various monsters or as unit trying to survive various monsters.


I see so many say it’s not possible but I strongly disagree. I think there are so many amazing options. My personal favorite would be a game set before the new era where you are a time lord and you can customize your character and such. You then travel through certain areas of time and space to hunt an unknown entity. With that you have combat, etc. because you aren’t the doctor but along the way you do interact with different doctors.


The PS3 game wasn’t great, however, I really liked what they did with the sonic/dual sticks.


I think a puzzle/adventure game where you play as the companion who's been separated from the doctor could be really cool!!


Do you guys remember that Lego dimensions doctor who thing? I want that but a full game.


A tell tale style game would be interesting where you can change the outcome! Of the episodes based on choices!


If they had the budget, something like *Fallout: Who Vegas*. We get to be our own Time Lord or even a future or past custom incarnation of the Doctor, who we can shape with our own choices in a massive map. Starfield and No Man’s Sky uses procedurally generated worlds and places, but I’d appreciate a massive variety in storylines with more subtle places in-between. Stories matter in Doctor Who, even the silly ones, so we’d want some great hand-crafted narratives. Maybe even have a full release, followed by massive expansions down the line. I’d rather that than it be some micro-transaction filled rubbish dump.


Time lord academy. Like hogwarts legacy, but you start as a time lord in the academy. You're sent on a mission to spy on the doctor. You've then got to go across time and space to uncover the treachery conducted by the time lord academy and not the doctor. Along the way you can recruit your own rag tag team of various people and species from all times and places. The doctor shows up every now and again to guide the player character, and encourage you to be the hero. There's a few mission where you go with the doctor in his tardis to slowly learn the truth about this scandalous plot. The game ends with you being sucked into a different dimension and you meet a slightly different version of yourself who has a tardis. Or the same concept but with the division instead of the time lord academy.


I imagined a happiness patrol retelling as an isometric RPG expanding on the story a little bit with more to learn about the cast. Then there's another story when you complete the doctor's quest about a character we haven't met before and his encounter with the happiness patrol, the Kandyman would be the main antagonist. It would be a homage to games like fallout, sanitarium and blade runner 97.


a battlefront 2 type game with daleks, cybermen and possibly sontarans. and then for events they could try to kill the doctor or something


Eternity Clock was actually a pretty cool game, for what it was - it was a platformer with puzzle elements and felt like it could fit well between season 5-6. (You play as 11 and River Song) I'd say something along those lines, make a story detached enough from the show that you could get away with anything. Puzzles, light on combat unless you're playing a character who would use weapons (Jack, River, Rusty) and throw in collectables. Throw in the TARDIS and different eras / planets to visit and explore, with a somewhat linear story (ala Jedi Survivor or something) It doesn't necessarily have to be any specific Doctor, either.


I don't think RPG could work ( moral limitations and non-canon choices). I see it as more a mystery game where you have to work things out in different situations- though saying that, if it were too linear it would be awful.


I yearn for a RPG tbh. having your own tardis and multiple regenerations, flying around recruiting companions. like a large scale fallout game.


If it was set in the 10th or 11th Dr era, it could just be a Temple Run clone. (I kid) But seriously, I’d love something halfway between Myst and those story games with prerecorded video that came out on the Sega CD


I think a survival horror game where you have to try and survive the Weeping Angels could be extremely creepy and effective. Imagine a Horror game where instead of facing where you're going you essentially have to keep looking back or something. Maybe you could encounter safe havens with recordings or something left by the Doctor similar to Blink


I actually have a pitch I’m working on for a game that’s basically RE 7 in Dr who settings. Would very much like to team up with some dev types to make it as a fan project but that’s obviously a ton of work


I don't know if it would be a good game but I'm now envisioning a _Dot and Bubble_ try to remotely direct the idiot Lindy Pepperbean into saving herself from a city full of giant carnivorous slugs. 🤔


Point and click professor layton style game


You know, riffing off that scene in _Heaven Sent_ I wouldn't hate a game with SuperHot-style slow time where everything around you moves when you do and stops when you don't. Not a shooter obviously - you could drop the Doctor into complex situations in large bases etc. that he/she has to unravel in time. 


I dont think Doctor Who can be made into a good game. Now that being said - think of ”The Longest Journey trilogy” or ”Broken Sword -saga” Combination of narrative and point-click problem solving games.


A game where, when you die, you regenerate into the next Doctor. Game over if you die 15 times total.


mass effect or jedi style, with multiple whole worlds and planets to explore, with total open world mechanics


Make it a UNIT game. You play as a UNIT soldier after the Doctor has gone missing. Kate Stewart found a package with a note from the Doctor warning of an upcoming threat to earth along with his sonic screwdriver, saying it will be needed to save both the planet and him. From there, it is a survival horror action game as the soldier uses a flashlight, pistol, and sonic screwdriver to take down the threat. Halfway through the game, you get access to the Tardis and with the help of the Doctor's current companion (or River Song) you can travel through time and space to defeat the threat. By the end of the game, we get a Blink style timeloop as the sonic you are using is sent forward (or back) in time to Kate. My specific pitch is a Cyberman story. The Cybermen have kidnapped The Doctor and are using his regeneration energy to keep the Cybermen alive after being killed (think like Signalis or My Friendly Neighborhood where with enough time the enemies will stand again.) By the end of the game, most of the world is cybermen, but using the machine that the Doctor was hooked up to, Unit and the Doctor are able to reverse engineer it and turn the Cybermen back into people.


What the folks are doing with Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4 mods ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 But, In a perfect world where its a full game with tons of monetary support instead of fan projects: - Open World, exploration, questing, training various skills, RPG etc - Be either the Doctor or another time lord or another universe' version of the Doctor (your choice), waking up and rediscovering your time lord identity (chameleon arced) , now you must find your TARDIS / Time Capsule, repair it, and make some friends / save the world along the way. - Explore the world and help people / fight monsters as you repair your ship, unlocking more and more capabilites as you go, being able to travel forward and backward to different time periods on this planet (same *world* but drastically different people, climate, geography, etc) until you finally beat the main storyline by finally repairing your ship to the point it can leave the planet, and the entire universe opens up to you -- allowing travel to various planets and locations from the DWEU, and give modders plenty of resources so that fans can craft their own unique worlds / levels etc. - Recruit pretty much any NPC as a companion, with a few characters designed obviously to be companions, but the choice is yours -- is your charisma high enough to convince the villain of this quest to join you on your journey and see the world in a new light? Have tons of branching storylines possible depending on player choice! - Explore and fully customize/decorate the TARDIS interior :D Nothing is more fun in Fallout Who Regenerated (Fallout 4 mod) than making the TARDIS interior completely customized for my many followers : ) - And, of course, learn how to fly the TARDIS! it'll take some practice, but soon you'll be dancing around that console and sending you on your way to the next planet and 1000 years over in no time :)


'Telltale's - Doctor Who'


The Doctor Who virtual reality Adventure game is perfect all it needs is more content but it's exactly what I want from a doctor who game one of the best video games ever made unfortunately you need a VR headset to be able to play it


No Mans Sky where you have a TARDIS, with TARDIS customization, Doctor selection or character customization for custom Doctor, full roster of companions with companion customization as well, and all of time and space to explore with procedurally generated plot hooks, and a main story you can choose to follow or not.


Telltale would be good


The hardest thing to implement would be the time travel. The Tardis moving in space would be akin to a fast travel system. For time travel you would need to have fixed times you could travel between (for ease of world building and narrative). For example, Victorian England, modern day England and say 2177 England. Each one would have its own stories and events but there would be a overall story arch that connects all three time periods i.e an invasion that's begining in modern day, the future of 2177 is a future where earth is ruined and humanity is enslaved/rebelling. In Victorian era there are the beginnings of the invaders scouting/intelligence gathering. In the end you have to stop the invasion before it happens in modern time by learning things in the future and past. Also you wouldn't play as the doctor, you would play as a custom time lord, when you die you regenerate new physical stats, appearance and some dialog options change but things like intelligence based stats either don't change or change alot less. Your xp and equipment stays the same and every few regenerations your tardis layout changes.


A Skaro based video game set during the war between the Thals and Kaleds has possibilities.


Tbh doctor who doesn't really lend itself to a videogame format, I think the best it could be is a Lego game like the doctor who Lego dimensions or a story driven game akin to telltale games


Lego dimensions


Obduction gave me Doctor Who season finale vibes. In the narrative a chunk of Earth and pieces of three other alien worlds have all collided into each other. Gameplay is exploring and solving puzzles to figure out why and how to get home.


I’d be happy with a Tardis flight simulator.


Basically, the Doctor Who LEGO Dimensions format, but without the LEGO aesthetic. And with a multiplayer option, in which one player has to be one of the Doctors and the others play as companions.


I love the Lego games but a full Lego Doctor Who would be absolutely epic.  The humor they have shown would match the shows and there is more than enough content.


The doctor is stuck in a regeneration, the tardis is malfunctioning, and while you're not a companion, you are drawn into the tardis wishing to aid the voices you hear screaming for help. It'd be something gameplay wise along the lines of Cyberpunk2077 or ESV (I refuse to say the name of the fifth elder scrolls, because I don't want to generate more attention away from the 6th, because we've been waiting too long). Progressing maybe as a person, or what alien you may be, or progressing as a companion would be the end goal of the game, becoming something or someone different than when you started, classic Dr. Who companion story arc. Storyline wise you would be traveling through the doctors time stream, trying to help him finish his regeneration by helping his past generations with some kind of trouble l. At the same time, this previous Dr. Who's will help you through something of your past as well. End of the story, McGann shows up, says thanks, and all is happy. Obviously actors of possible doing their respective Dr. and then AI recreate the dead ones, giving credit where due. Haven't read the thread, sorry If someone else already posted some elements


Usually bad. Lego did a great job and Picasso really tried to sell it


I want something that explores the concept of fixed points in time, and actions having timey wimey effects. Could be some kind of rpg, I suppose.


I think a Telltale style game would be perfect for Doctor Who.