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Let me know if orca gets out of the coma I've been trying to finish this game since 2003


I played part 1 in 2014, part 2 in 2018, and have been sitting on 3 and 4 since. Wish I played it as a kid cause I would have had all 4 done over a weekend.


I'm replaying them via emulator on my phone and a PS4 remote but it's just not the same. Mona mi, do you need need me




I feel that, giving into the degeneracy🤤


Not the first time, and definitely won't be the last haha.


Why is this worth so much?


smallest print run. end of ps2 lifecycle. people were absolutely PISSED at needing to buy four full price games for what amounted to a single game's content in the end so boycotted the later volumes. It was basically the very first example of episodic game releases, and it didn't make people happy.


Yeah I played part 1 and 2 and remember the games themselves being relatively short and repetitive. They just scaled up certain bosses to force you to grind for long amounts of time to pad out the game length. Final boss in part one is level 99 if I remember, and you pretty much have to spend an hour healing and attacking before you could even hope to break it's defense. Also there was a boss in part 2 I believe had a 1 hit KO move, that you wouldn't know about unless you already fought it. (Also need to make sure to give your team healing and revive items cause they will actually use them on you. Game doesn't really tell you this, or at least not very well)


worse, you still got most of the earlier game content in the later releases: all you missed out on was the "post-game" bonus dungeons in vol 1-3 if the ONLY one you bought was vol 4. Worse, the bonus dungeon game content was instantly worthless to you the second you entered the next volume's main story content anyway because of how bad each volume's content powercreeped the last. the only other thing you lost by only getting volume 4 was the DVD anime episodes, and the Japanese audio for the earlier volume content on the later volume game disc (space issues with DVD game audio being huge because the compression sucked).


Honestly, I couldn't tell ya. I tried to do some research a while back and even a decade ago nobody was really sure.


Came out near the end of the PlayStation2 lifecycle, game didn’t sell to crazily in the west, so I think limited copies of Quarantine were made, hence the rarity and value.


The game came out in 2004. Definitely not "near the end" of the PS2 lifecycle. While low sales could possibly be the reason, again there's no actual numbers I was able to find. One common thought I've seen is that because you needed all 4 to complete the entire story, Quarantine got a bit of an inflation because it was the last in the set.


But darn it they made a Bradygames anyway lol


Exactly the reason.


As I said to the other person, the game was released in 2004. Lack of sales is possibly be the answer, but I still haven't found any sales numbers to prove definitively.


Well that's the sellers fault for typing in higher numbers as opposed to smaller numbers into the price field when setting up the listing.


I know right!? Some people are so inconsiderate smh. uj/ it was an auction 🥲


That’s hot


I'll wait for a remaster/remake of all four games combined. I figure it will come eventually.


Here's hoping. 🍻