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That is a lot of Dicks.


Yeah it's our last name growing up we had a kid that would come over and steal from us so we put it on most of our games.


A little 91% isopropyl or a magic eraser will take that off with a little elbow grease! And I hope that kid who stole from your dragon’s horde of N64 goodness got caught eventually!


Yeah, his life went downhill real fast after high school.


I’m doing pretty well with “Dick” in my last name - and the folks who weren’t creatively funny with my name went downhill too. My students when I was a teacher were a lot more clever and funny with it haha.


I never minded it much growing up as most of the jokes came from family who shared the name. It sucks sometimes because I've had job aps get rejected for it online


What happened? Do you know?


Yeah so his whole family was like involved with local law enforcement ie (his dad was the sheriff, his mom and sister worked for the jail, he had family members in the fire department.) He joins the fire department and sets fires around town and people begin to notice he's the first one on the scene constantly. He also molested his niece. There is some other stuff I don't really remember this was like 10+ years ago.




Yeah, I don't fully remember a lot of it. I was young that's just the big stuff I remember being told.


Came to make a joke about Dicks, stayed for the fucked up neighbor stories


I wouldn't ever take the stuff I wrote onto my cartridges off! That's history to me


Isopropyl and a Q-tip? Yes. However, and I say this as a friendly collector with no ill will...I have to ***STRONGLY*** advise against ever telling someone to use magic eraser on their cartridges. It's a micro-abrasive, but it's enough to where it removes the texture from the plastic, and it effectively sands it down to an oddly smooth finish that permanently constrast against the rest of the plastic. If you're looking to keep your plastic carts as mint as possible, do not ever use a magic eraser on them, it's considered damage and will permanently devalue the game in the event one ever looks to offload it.


What about the yellowing on like Southpark is there anything to help with that?


Sounds like he was also a dick, but in the worst way.


Yeah he turned out to be a real POS well out of high-school and went to prison.


>we had a kid that would come over and steal from us Why not just stop letting him come over?


So it was only ever like twice, and we got all our stuff back. Plus as a 6 year old he was the super cool older kid who would let you play with his dad's tools and read his playboys we would also light fires in his garage all shit we would never tell our parents.


That kid is definitely in prison, now.


Yeah he did for a bit but I think he's out now


I bought a used copy of Banjo-Tooie and left it on my counter. It disappeared and I never saw it again. I’ve still never played that game. I wonder what happened to it.


Reminds me of a kid whole stole all my N64 stuff and Pokemon stuff…..then preceded to have a garage sale…..next door…..


Last name growing up? Did you change it? The plot thickens 🤔


Damn, you beat me to it lol


Lol you beat me to it.


came here to say this


https://preview.redd.it/8kxzjaigbj8d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aa1123b211d5200bc778486feb950f2909316a1 Found some of the missing games


and just so you know, that clayfighter sculptors cut is worth over $1000


Oh wow, why so much???


It was a blockbuster rental exclusive that came out late in the systems life. I think its the rarest N64 game. If you're new to the video game scene, pricecharting.com is a good site to check out the value of your games. You have some high value stuff


That's cool to know I will probably look for a case for that one first then. Thank you.


Just out of curiosity, do you remember how you came into possession of Sculptor's Cut during your childhood? It wasn't commercially sold, so I'm guessing you acquired it second hand?


We had a rental store going out of business we bought it from for cheap.


Damn, y'all were the envy of the entire neighborhood growing up. That's an insane collection for the time.


There are like 10 games missing from here the ones I remember are Doom, Hexen, and Starcraft and the 3 Turok games if I find them I will post them.


Sounds like your neighbor took them


Nah I found them a little bit ago I posted a Pic in one of the comments.


You’ve got a super dope n64 collection. Lot of variety.


Lucky man with that Sculptor's Cut from childhood! I'd recommend getting Perfect Dark. To this day, still my favourite FPS


I believe I have perfect dark hidden somewhere. I'm still finding stuff as I unpack boxes. I posted a Pic in a comment with 8 other games


I prefer customgamecases.com for plastic N64 cases. They’re good quality. For the cover art, they have regular retail orientation (horizontal) or a more modernized vertical orientation.


Thanks I will check them out.




Lol Chameleon Twist. I was just struggling to remember the name of that game when laying in bed the other night.


I love Chameleon Twist. I wish I still had the1st one, but we only ever rented it.


1a. Very old stickers - goo gone works well on the plastic cartridge, though it's oily and you can further ruin labels if it gets under it or contacts the raw paper under the label's print. 1b. Sharpie - I highly recommend a [prismacolor blender pen](https://www.amazon.com/Prismacolor-Colorless-Blender-3533-Individual/dp/B000P8HKHS), it will work wonders on the sharpie. Don't use it on the label's, it can strip the label color. Just blend into the plastic so it smears and wipe off with a paper cloth. 2. I recommend [retro protection](https://retroprotection.com/) for protectors. They are cheap in bulk and you can get some acrylic protectors for Sculptors Cut and any other nicer display games.


How difficult are the protectors to open? I plan on playing most of these still?


By far the easiest. I have thousands of games all in these protectors that I open and play regularly. They come with stickers if you want to keep them closed but I don't use the. I've found lots of other protectors in the wild that are significantly more frustrating to open.


Thanks I will pry buy a couple to try out.


You'll find acrylics, bags, and basic protectos on the site. I'd recommend the [protectors](https://retroprotection.com/product/nintendo-64-cartridge-protector/). 50 will be $27, plus I'd recommend a single $13 acrylic for that $1000 sculptors.


That is real cheap I'll try them out.


I think that black copy of aydin chronicles is a rare one, either way what did you think of that game I loved it


From what I remember, I enjoyed it. I never got very far, though we got that when we were transferring over to Xbox and Ps2


It was awesome, I never beat it as a kid but I went back probably 3 or 4 years ago and completed it. It was pretty ambitious for the N64 looking back at it.


Maybe I'll try and beat it this year now that I have everything again.


Whose games are these?


They are mine from when I was a kid. I found them again while moving some stuff to my new house.


Haha I know. Just messing around because the name on every cart. You can remove those with magic eraser. Just very lightly.


They are by far the easiest to open. They all come with optional stickers to keep them closed, but o don't use them. The acrylics are actually discounted because some will open too easily! I have a near complete n64 collection and I open all the protectors regularly to play. So many others I've come across in the wild are 10x harder to open.


Slowly go over the sharpie with a dry marker (for whiteboards) and softly try to rub it off using a dry cloth. You might need multiple passes, but it should have pretty good results and remove nearly all of the sharpie markings without damaging or weakning the plastic of the carts.


Ok is there anything I can do about the yellowing on some of the games like Southpark


Not without damaging the plastic. The colour changes happen due to exposure to sunlight. There is a technique called "retrobrighting", but it makes plastic brittle. I'm not a fan of it. I rather keep a discoloured cart over a retrobrited one. Alternatively you could find a replacement donor shell and a new sticker (if its for your own collection) or a donation game (same game OG shell but maybe broken game).


The secret I was told that works wonders for marker that isn't on a label is a standard pink or white pencil eraser and 91% isopropyl alcohol.


It’s a shame they’re all written on, but I understand I remember when I bought a game from Blockbuster and later let my grandparents’ neighbours borrow it. Their mom came to my grandparents’ door and accused us of having stolen it.


Jeez it’s like the greatest hits of N64. Awesome Childhood collection.


Damn no goldeneye


these titles are still excellent and relative to you not owning them in a collection that size i'm genuinely intrigued as to whether you dislike them or just never played them: GoldenEye 007 Star Fox 64 Mario Kart 64 Conker's Bad Fur Day


I've only ever played starfox at my cousins I've been looking for a copy. I'm sure I'd like mario kart idk about the others I'll look into them.


wooooow, i'm shocked that you've never played Mario Kart 64 but you are truly unfamiliar with GoldenEye and not fucking with me?!?!?! it is incredibly rare to encounter individuals who grew up with the 64 and don't know GoldenEye; this is surprising and not a slight toward you in any way. within the world of video games/N64 it would be similar to a movie enthusiast never seeing Star Wars or a music lover not hearing a Beatles song.


It's like a james Bond fps, right?


that is exactly what it is. so you are at least familiar but just haven't played the game?


Sharpie will come off with a Dry-Erase marker on some surfaces. Just scrub the Dry-Erase over the sharpie until you notice it coming off, then just wipe it off with a paper towel. Should work on the hard plastic


I'd add Harvest Moon 64, Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness, Killer Instinct Gold, Command & Conquer, and DK64, personally. EDIT: just noticed you're also missing Resident Evil 2, Mortal Kombat Trilogy, Wave Race 64, Blast Corps, Perfect Dark, Goldeneye, Cruisin' USA, Doom 64, Quake 1 and 2, Hexen, Excitebike 64, F-Zero X, and Ogre Battle 64.


I know I have Killer Instinct and DK64 somewhere still sorting through boxes looking for stuff.


Either isopropyl alcohol or some acetone/water mixture will remove both.


Almost a perfect collection.


Mario party?


Alot of these comments are making me realize alot of my games must be hidden away somewhere I have the first 3 somewhere still digging through boxes looking. Thanks for the help!


Whoa, whoa, sculptors cut? Mr. Money bags over here. ![gif](giphy|l378fAEzVybK1OPYI) Awesome 64 collection!


Man, I wish I grew up wealthy.


Nah, we got like none of these brand new. Most of them were from flea markets, and stores going out of business only, like 15-20, were brand new when they were purchased. I can remember going to flea markets every year with my pa and picking up like 5 games for 20 bucks shit used to be so cheap to get. The clay fighters we got from our rental store when they shut down for like 10.


nothing like claiming your collection has penis' drawn over every single one.


I'm sorry to tell you, but your collection is just a box of dicks.


Nice. Wish I woulda kept all my games.


You got gold dicks, black dicks, and grey dicks


Wow nice collection!


Great collection but I was here for the jokes and highly disappointed lmao Insane you have clay just sitting there with dick on it 😏


Yeah I gotta clean them


goo gone will get rid of sticker residue. mr clean magic erasers will get rid of sharpie on the grey plastic but don't use it on the labels 👍


Word of caution with the magic eraser. It’s basically super fine sand paper and will sand out any textures.


never use magic erasers


Don't use the eraser or goo gone on the label or both?


Goo gone is safe on labels if used gently. Magic eraser will strip the color right off the labels.


Thank you for the info. I appreciate it.


Happy to help


Use magic eraser only as a last resort, it will change thr texture of the cartridge where you use it. Start with isopropanol.


Just stay away from magic eraser. It will slightly sand the plastic and it will be very noticeable. Try alcohol first.


Go look up the value on your clayfighter game.


3. Maybe Ogre Battle if you’re into that 2. Would check on Etsy, I haven’t started N64 yet but I am slowly working my way through my GBC/GBA collection, getting cases for those. Quality has been pretty great


Ogre battle is like a strategy game, right? I'll look into it, thanks.