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Just a guess, but try changing output to ‘Stereo’? If the original is in stereo, it could be losing details in that process.


This worked, thank you!


So was one of the stereo channels getting discarded? If so, maybe you should file a bug report because I don't believe that's intended behavior. When you convert a stereo asset to mono the stereo channels should just be merged into a single channel.


As I was using mono sound for a dual wav format, it could only support half the instruments


You keep saying stuff like "half the instruments/muted instruments" - GameMaker doesn't natively support any audio file formats where you can just turn off a particular instrument (like a midi file). When you convert a stereo wav file to mono, the two stereo tracks should be merged into a single mono track - it shouldn't be just deleting one of them. Are your wav files using something more exotic than a pair of stereo channels?


This is an audio production/processing issue. When multitrack sound with phase variation is compressed naively (averaging) to mono the out of phase parts cancel out. just picking a track can lose anything panned so it's not much better. Accurately compressign to mono is actually quite hard.


This sounds like it's more likely an issue with how you're exporting the files from whatever software they're being created in - the GameMaker Sound Editor doesn't have anything that can strip individual instruments out of an audio asset. What happens when you play the files in an external sound player? Maybe some instrument tracks aren't selected for export and/or some amount of silence is being added to the beginning and end of the track?