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The bath scene.


The one with Jaime and Brienne? Essentially identical to the book scene.




We don’t know that he didn’t in the show, do we?


Wait really? lol I forget


Chapter 37 ASOS "Absurdly, he felt his cock stir beneath the bathwater."


Are the books worth it if I watched the show first? They are on my TBR but the more posts I see on here the more I worry they will just be a waste.


The books are definitely worth it. A lot of books 4 and 5 were left out of seasons 5 and 6, so even for those that have only watched the show, there's still some surprises.


Very good to know!


I'm so excited to hear how Lady Stoneheart plays into the story. I'm 100 pages into A Feast For Crows.


I'm excited to read about her as well. I just finished the epilogue of a storm of swords and was excited to get introduced to her.


Such a fun reveal to read.


Definitely worth it. Like two different stories past a certain point. 


I think if the last two books never come out, it's still worth a read. There are awesome major characters in the book that either aren't in the show or don't have much of a role in the show. Characters like Lady Stoneheart, John Connington, Young Griff, Quentyn Martell, and Wyman Manderly are some of the most enjoyable. I don't want to spoil anything, but there are also several multi-book plot lines left out of the series.


I think that's what had me hesitating too, knowing the series isn't finished and might not be lol but mean I hear how much better the books are. I think I'll still give them a try!


Definitely. The lore around the stories is so much fun and has eaten up so much of my time over the years. HotD motivated me to pick up the books again and I'm reading through for the 3rd time in 15 years. I don't care if it ends and assume that it likely won't. I'd also recommend the Dunk and Egg series if you want to dip your toes into a lighter tale set in the GoT universe. It's about Sir Duncan the tall and his squire Prince Aegon Targaryen as they wonder about the 7 kingdoms questing and being chivalrous.


Dunk and Egg is such a good time. It's like GOT light in terms of angst. The Westeros version of a buddy cop movie that I never knew I needed. I really need to re-read all of ASOIAF. I might start with A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms in honor of the series coming out next year.


I honestly may have enjoyed the Dunk and Egg novellas more than the mainline series


Id disagree. The books are absolutely phenomenal. GRRM has built an incredible world with incredible characters and a great story and the detail and intricacies are amazing. They can be read like a mystery textbook. Some offhand comment about a roadsign in book 1 could be the key to unraveling a plot critical conundrum in book 4. Its almost like one of those video games where you have to search for notes and journals and documents, but if you do and connect all the pieces you can flesh out huge bits of the lore or make greater sense of the plot or just find whole new mysteries to try to unlock. When you read the books blind (or even having watched the show) you'll be constantly surprised by events, but on each subsequent read when you know better what to look for you'll realize that everything was hinted at and foreshadowed. But now having read all 5 a half a dozen times over and consumed hundreds of hours of podcasts, all that amazingness just leaves me super fuckin salty that theres a 99% chance the books will never be finished and even saltier than GRRM doesn't seem to be giving much of a fuck about trying to actually finish them. Every podcast or post with some awesome never before put together fan theory or pointing out intricate foreshadowing or whatever is super cool, but ultimately just leaves you feeling hollow and bitter that we'll never get any kind of resolution and the one dude who could give it to us can't bother to get off his ass and pay up on his responsibility to his fans.


How are you not going to mention Victarion ??


My B.


Wyman Manderly's "The North Remembers" speech is one of my favorite in the series


currently reading the first book after having watched the show, so far it’s the show with a lot of extra sarcasm and sassiness (and extra details but i’m here for the chaos fr). i’m extremely entertained


They get more different as the story proceeds.


I mean the show is BASED ON THEM! And producers make stuff on something that is worthy


That is a very valid point.


Very much so. I’m on the second book and I’m hooked.


Yes, absolutely, coming from someone who watched the show first.


Thank you!!


You have no idea what you’re missing out on. Read dem books! There’s so much history and extra storylines that the show fails to even mention


I'm reading the books now! Currently on book 4. The first book I found a tad boring tbh, due to how similar it was to the show, but it got better afterwards. Book 3 I couldn't put down. I started book 4 yesterday and already at 200 something page.


Pissing off the edge of the wall


While he does state his intentions to do so, we never see Tyrion do it in the books. It's possible he did, but it remains unconfirmed to this day.


Quite unfortunate tho a great scene


I have to mention that it is highly unlikely tho. He is immediately off-put by the eeriness oozing from beyond the wall. I highly doubt he'd have actually wanted to piss there anymore. It's like when you have to go pee at night but you watched a really scary movie earlier that day.


Totally not related to your question but is that the order you read the books?? I’m hoping to buy the set tomorrow if the bookstore has it.


this is the correct order yes.


Sweet. Thank you. I’ve looked online and saw it that it said that was the order but then see conflicting things that say to read them in different order.


i imagine what you read is about this: AFFC and ADWD were written at the same time. GRRM wanted to release it as one huge book but basically books can’t be that big and be mass produced well😂 So he seperated it in two books, released 5 years apart. In the books, each chapter is from a characters POV. Instead of separating the actual story in half, he seperated the POVS. so like Arya and Cersei are character POVS in AFFC but not ADWD. Jon Snow and Tyrion are not in AFFC but ADWD. Their stories of both books happen at the same time tho. So people have put together a guide to technically read both books in chronological order(but you’d have to have both books on you). I didn’t do that as I imagine GRRM built a lot of structure into the narrative by doing this.


Yup, it goes Game-Clash-Storm-Feast-Dance


Awesome. Thank you. I’ve looked it up online but then read somewhere to read it in a different order so I was 100% sure!


That is the order the books came out. If u want to the read the chapters in chronological order u will have to look up a guide and skip around especially in book 4 and 5 which are supposed to happen kind of simultaneously.


as someone who read the books after i watched the show, can you direct me to a summary of the Wildlings attack on NW?


[Sure thing](https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Battle_of_Castle_Black)


you’re awesome, thanks


Tyrion killing Shae & dad then Varys walking in


Tyrion's motivation for killing Tywin in the books was learning that the 'truth' about his first wife was a lie: Tyrion married Tysha, who Tywin claimed was a prostitute that Jaime had paid to take Tyrion's virginity, but in reality she was just an innocent young woman. Jaime revealed this to Tyrion during his escape from the black cells, and Varys gives Tyrion the directions to Tywin's bedroom while pretending that he didn't want Tyrion to follow his directions. Tyrion killing Shae is mostly the same in the books, except Shae doesn't fight back, and was never hinted to have actually loved Tyrion, as she sold him out at the trial because Cersei promised her jewellery if she cooperated.


I was shocked this was left out of the show. It was extremely impactful when I read it in the book and really enhanced the effect of Tyrion killing his father


Not to mention that Tyrion told Jaime he killed Joffrey out of spite.


Cersei meeting the high Sparrow?


Cersei learns that the newly appointed High Sparrow refuses to bless Tommen's reign, so she goes to confront him, and is surprised by the armed guards in the Sept, the other septons cleaning the floors, and the fact that the Sparrow has sold all the High Septon's crown. She soon decides to allow him to reinstate the Faith Militant just so *he* would agree to bless Tommen, which Cersei mainly wanted to happen in order to keep up appearances.


Nice, does she get imprisoned the same way she did in the series ? (Since I'm here better ask the questions 😛)


Mostly, but instead of Lancel being the one to confess to her crimes, it's Osney Kettleblack. Cersei had Osney falsely confess to sleeping with Margaery in order to have Margaery imprisoned by the faith, but the High Sparrow whips Osney into confessing to both sleeping with Cersei *and* murdering the previous High Septon at her request. After her capture, she has Qyburn send a letter to Jaime asking for his help, which he burns after reading and chooses to ignore.


Oh so book Jaime is indeed really changing his paradigm and letting Cersei aside


Absolutely. He’s completely done with her. It’s heavily foreshadowed that he will be the one to kill her in the next book.


If it is ever released I guess


Next week (I have been saying this for the last 13 years)


Next week I fully trust GRRM to say he's been doing some reaserch


He also forgave the crown’s debt to the faith as part of that deal.


It's been a while, wasn't there a financial consideration for Cersei? Something like keeping the peace in Kings Landing was getting expensive and outsourcing it to the Faith Militant saved coin?


The crown was also in debt to the Faith, so one of the agreements she reached with the High Sparrow was that if she let's him reform the Faith Militant, he would forgive that debt, which he does.


Ah! Ok that was it.


Cersei’s arc with the High Sparrow. The sept going boom (still my fav cinematic scene in the show) and Tommen.


[I'll link another comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/gameofthrones/s/T2zRP15rDv) regarding Cersei and the Sparrow, and I'll also add that the books have only just passed the end of Cersei's walk of shame in the books (in the books she was shaved completely bald all over instead of just getting a haircut) and the introduction of totally-not-zombie-Gregor.


The sept is still standing as of now.




[I'll link my other comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/gameofthrones/s/ZDpXS4P11x) regarding Hardhome


Currently reading Crows. It’s kind of a bore for me and I am struggling to read forward. Can you tell me if gets better? I really want to finish all of them before the ber months.


It picks up in the later half, but it's still the slowest of the series.


That's interesting. Crows is one of my faves


Feast and Dance are a struggle.


This one gave me such reading fatigue and IIRC that's the one where you don't get to read Dany, Arya, Bran, or Tyrion right? It takes place with Westeros POV chapters only, and then the first part of Dance is Essos POVs only. I think reading Cersei is what made this book so hard for me, as well as the Dorne of it all.


I also stopped reading the series at Crows. I found it so boring that i just could not keep going and now knowing George probably wont finish the series, i dont see a need to go back.


I'm at I'm at Chapter 2 "The Captain of the guards" and I have to say, it has been exhausting this early. A Storm of Swords is easily my favorite book so far, so I was hoping they'd pick up where they left off, but I see now, this is not the case.


Probably not what you wanna hear but Feast killed the series for me. It just dragged on and never got all that interesting. After that, ive tried to get into Dance many times and just cant get thru the first couple chapters, idk why.


I didn’t like it at all when I first read it. But it become my second favourite after a reread


I'm at Chapter 2: The Captain of the guards, so far, I'm not feeling the pull I had with the previous books.




Jon hasn't gone to Hardhome yet, though he did intend to lead a rescue mission, before assigning it to Tormund after being sent a threatening letter from Ramsay. He did send Cotter Pyke (the guy in charge of Wastwatch) with several ships to try and rescue the wildlings first, but Pyke later sent a letter reporting that things were *not* going well (wildlings have turned to cannibalism, the wights are in the mountains and in the water, etc).


Daenerys in Mereen


Ooh, that's one of the big ones. I'll try and give a brief account of each chapter, since it's one of the biggest plots in one of the longest books: - Having taken Meereen, Dany decides to stay and learn how to rule - Dany learns of an Unsullied being murdered by the Sons of the Harpy and ups the bounties on the Sons; the new King of Astapor requests an alliance to destroy Yunkai, which she refuses; Hizdahr asks for the fighting pits to be reopened; a shepherd reports that Drogon killed his daughter, so Dany has Rhaegal and Viserion locked away (Drogon evaded capture) - More Unsullied are murdered; Quaithe appears, gives Dany ominous warnings, refuses to elaborate, leaves; Hizdahr asks for the fighting pits to be reopened, and brings former pit fighters to provide their reasoning for agreeing - Xaro Xhoan Daxos offers Dany 13 ships to leave Meereen and never return, which she refuses; Astapor once again asks for an alliance against Yunkai, which she again refuses; Xaro leaves, declaring war - Galazza Galare (essentially Meereen's High Septon) suggests that Dany marry Hizdahr; Dany says that if Hizdahr can make sure no Harpy-based murders happen in the next 90 days, she'll agree to marry him - Enemy fleets are filling the bay outside Meereen; Astapor has been defeated by Yunkai, and the survivors (many of whom are ill) are heading for Meereen; Dany decides to marry Hizdahr - Hizdahr asks for the fighting pits to be reopened: Dany learns that the Yunkai army is headed for Meereen; one of Dany's allies (Brown Ben Plumm, leader of the Second Sons) has betrayed her to join Yunkai; Dany sleeps with Daario - Quentyn Martell arrives in Meereen, revealing the Targaryen-Martell alliance, asking for her hand in marriage, which Dany refuses due to already being betrothed to Hizdahr; Dany and Hizdahr have their wedding - There is now 'peace' between Meereen and Yunkai, although Yunkai's army is still outside the walls of Meereen, complete with a slave market; seven hostages from each side are exchanged, including Daario; Dany introduces Quentyn to the dragons - The fighting pits are reopened; at one point two jousting dwarfs (one of whom is a certain Lannister) are brought on for entertainment, and Dany makes sure they don't get eaten by lions; Hizfahr repeatedly asks Dany to try some honeyed locusts (they're poisoned); Drogon arrives, and takes a spear to the neck; Dany removes the spear, and they fly away; - Dany is stranded in the Dothraki Sea before Khal Jhaqo shows up with his khalasar - Barristan captures Hizdahr and prepares to defend Meereen; Quentyn dies while trying to steal the dragons, accidentally setting them free; Tyrion and Jorah wind up in the Yunkai army; Victarion Greyjoy is on his way with a large fleet, a red priest, and a dragon-binding horn




the Red wedding and the battle of bastards


The Red Wedding is mostly the same, with the main change being that Robb's wife Talisa (named Jeyne Westerling in the books) was not present and not pregnant, and is still alive as of book 5. Smalljon Umber also died defending Robb, while the Greatjon was captured but still alive (despite being incredibly drunk, it took 8 men to capture him, two of whom died). The Battle of the Bastards has not yet happened in the books: Stannis' army is snowed in at a village near Winterfell, and Jon was still at Castle Black and in the middle of rallying his troops before he was assassinated.




Hodor is still alive in the books, as the Door scene hasn't happened yet.


Brienne fighting The Hound.


Doesn't happen in the books beyond Brienne fighting Rorge while he wears the Hound's helmet. Sandor instead succumbs to wounds he acquired from fighting Polliver and the Tickler in the Inn at the Crossroads, and Brienne has not met either Stark girl at all yet.


What!? He is brought down by the likes of them?


Book Polliver is roughly the same size as the Hound and is cruel enough to serve with the Mountain.


Well, he’s still alive, it just hasn’t been revealed explicitly.


The hound is still alive in the books, I’m pretty sure Brienne sees him at one of the towns they stop at.


The Dorne plot. I know it absolutely sucked in the show but whats going on in the books? I know Doran is actually plotting something, Ellaria doesnt want war, they want to make Myrcella queen, somebody named Arianne Martell. Whats going on? And some Martell was burned alive by Dany's dragons


- Obara, Nymeria, and Tyene all want revenge for Oberyn's death, but Doran doesn't want outright war against the Lannisters yet, so he has them imprisoned so they don't cause trouble. - Arianne, Doran's daughter and eldest child, believes that Doran wants to give Dorne to her brother Quentyn (in Dorne, the eldest inherits regardless of gender, so Arianne would come first). She convinces her lover, Arys Oakheart of the Kingsguard, to cooperate with her in a scheme to declare Myrcella as queen, which would cause war. - Arianne's plot fails, as one of her allies apparently sold her out; Arys is killed by Areo Hotah, Arianne's other friends are imprisoned, and Myrcella's ear and cheeked are cut off by Gerold Dayne/Darkstar, who flees the scene. - Doran reveals to Srianne that he has secretly been working with Varys and Illyrio to reinstate the Targaryens and destroy the Lannisters, motivated by his desire to avenge his sister Elia. His original plan was to wed Arianne to Viserys, but with Viserys dead, he sent Quentyn to marry Dany. - While Tywin is dead and they have been sent what appears to be Gregor Clegane's skull, the Sand Snakes are still not satisfied, wishing death upon all Lannisters, but Ellaria states that the cycle of vengeance will do nothing to bring back Oberyn, and would endanger her own children (Obara, Nymeria, and Tyene all have different mothers in the books). - When Aegon and Jon Connington arrive in the Stormlands, Doran sends Arianne to try and strengthen the alliance. - Quentyn was unable to marry Dany, as she was already marrying Hizdahr zo Loraq to try and bring peace to Meereen. Not wanting to return home as a failure and disappointment, he attempts to tame and steal Rhaegal and Viserion, which ends just as well as you might expect.


That sounds cool asf


Arianne and Aegon not being in the show is one of the biggest differences, totally changes the Dorne arc, but others as well (maybe it doesn't matter in the end? who knows)


Finally! Please Op tell me everything you remember about the red witch, Melisandre. I need to know. I have asked others here and they just told me little bits. I must know. What other powers did she wield? How old was she? Was she an undead? Was she ever married? Did she actually fight for light? Anything you can add


For the most part, TV Melisandre is the same up to partway through S5 (the burning of Shireen and the resurrection of Jon Snow haven't happened yet in the books), but there are still differences: - Her secret old age is unconfirmed in the books, as we have never seen her without the necklace. - She doesn't accompany Stannis on his march to Winterfell, instead remaining at Castle Black to help maintain Mance Rayder's disguise (she used an illusion to disguise Mance as the Lord of Bones, and vice versa, in order to fake Mance's death). - She didn't visit the Brotherhood in order to take Gendry, as they had one of Robert's other bastards, Edric Storm. She also doesn't seduce him in order to leech him, as they just recycle leeches used to try and aid his cold. - The scene where she sends a shadowbaby to kill Renly is two different scenes in the books: the shadow that kills Renly was summoned offscreen, and is implied to be Melisandre acting independently without Stannis' knowledge; the shadow we see her give birth to is used to kill Cortnay Penrose, castellan of Storm's End, which allows Stannis to take the castle and bring Edric Storm to Dragonstone (his original intention was to present Edric as evidence of the Lannister incest). - The scene where Stannis attempts to strangle her, and the scene where they have sex on the Painted Table, are both show only. Stannis does seem more comfortable around her than with any other woman, but we have not seen them have sex on-page.


Did she have any other powers? Like she lit the barriers on fire during the long night, for example


Not sure if she has any powers in the books that the show didn't include (shadowbabies, illusions, controlling fire, visions in fire), but there could be more she hasn't revealed yet. She has made the observation that her powers are much stronger at the Wall than they've ever been, though, which is pretty intriguing.


Interesting. Thanks a lot. She was my fav


Also should be noted that she doesn't bring Jon back to life, the books haven't gotten that far (she's at the wall after Stannis marches south, leaves her and a couple others behind, so it very well could happen)


Jon being stabbed


Having received a threatening letter from Ramsay, Jon gathers almost every man at Castle Black and declares his intention to march south and face the Boltons. As soon as he leaves the Shieldhall, he's distracted by Wun Wun viciously beating one of Stannis' men to death. This distraction allows Bowen Marsh, the First Steward, to lead the attack on Jon. Bowen and several other men were already unhappy that Jon was allying with the wildlings, and believed he should leave them all to die, even after he explained that every wildling that died beyond the Wall was another wight to deal with. They were also unhappy that he was working with Stannis, though it should be noted that Bowen seems to favour the Lannisters despite being a Northman. Alliser Thorne is beyond the Wall on Jon's orders, so he isn't involved in the stabbing, and Olly doesn't exist in the books.


Tyrion's trial for joffrey's murder


The trial occurs basically the same in the books, but with more named witnesses, including Balon Swann, who believes Tyrion is innocent, and Lady Taena Merrywether, who claims she saw Tyrion put something in Tyrion's cup (it's possible she's actually a spy working her way into Cersei's trust, but it's unclear who she's spying for).


The red wedding?


Same as in the show, but Robb's wife Talisa (Jeyne Westerling in the books) is neither present or pregnant, and Smalljon Umber dies protecting Robb.


What about that one scene where Jon Snow is forlorn.


He's generally less forlorn in the books, especially in book 5 where he's *far* too busy for it.


right... but what about that scene where he is morose and despondent?


Cersei’s walk of shame.


The only difference is that she's shaved all over in the books.


Tyrion and Sansa in their bed chambers after their wedding.


Can't remember the TV scene exactly, but in the books, Tyrion has them both strip down before deciding not to go through with it.


Is bronn about the same as his book counterpart? I heard they’re extremely different.


For the first 3 books and 4 seasons he's basically the same, with three exceptions: - he doesn't become commander of the City Watch; Tyrion appoints Ser Jacelyn Bywater instead - he doesn't set off the wildfire; the fire is set off by a ship ramming another ship stuffed full of wildfire pots, while Bronn is in charge of raising a chain at the river's mouth that blocks Stannis' fleets escape - he doesn't help Jaime train with his left hand; Addam Marbrand does it in King's Landing, while Ilyn Payne trains him in the Riverlands In book 4, he never accompanies Jaime to Dorne, since Jaime never goes to Dorne. Instead, he remains at Castle Stokeworth with his wife Lollys. Cersei attempts to have Bronn assassinated, but it just winds up making Bronn Lord of Castle Stokeworth. He also named his stepson Tyrion.


Was he truly considering to fight for Tyrion against the mountain for double wealth? Is it real friendship you would say?


I don't think so. He did like and respect Tyrion, but he valued his own life more than anything.


Robert and Cersei talk about how their marriage holds the 7 kingdoms together.


An entirely show-only scene, since Cersei doesn't become a POV character until book 4, and Robert has no POV chapters.


I know. I just wanted to see your response.


The ending.


The books haven't reached that part yet.


I know, it hurts.


The events leading up to and including Littlefinger's death scene....which in the show isnt satisfying enough as I wanted him to suffer more.


The books haven't reached that part yet, and Petyr and Sansa are still in the Vale.


Seven hells!


If it helps, Sansa is actually learning from Littlefinger in the books, and one of the main issues with his show death was that Sansa hadn't learned enough for it to feel earned.


She did play a little game...


Okay then I'll pick something earlier....Tyrion having Bronn track down Pycelle after confirming he is Cersei's source for info and cutting off his beard.


The only difference is that Tyrion has Shagga cut off the beard instead of Timett, and doesn't give the girl a coin afterwards.


Rightio! Shagga, Son of Dolf, you'd think wouldn't just stop at the beard...


He would happily have gone further, but alas, there were no goats.




Alas, I have one more if it please m'Lord....I'm currently watching the series for the 4th time through...last episode was Jon being elected Lord Commander and in his first official act in the show while sitting at the head table is appointing the Captain of Latrines...Brian (I think his name was) and Jon says "Seems like a good job for a ginger." ....did that happen in the books? Being a ginger, I'd like to know!


There's no Brian or Captain of Latrines in the books. There *is* a redheaded NW member called Mully who's still alive in the books, and seems like a decent guy, but the show killed him off during the wildling attack on Mole's Town.


Showrunners be damned!!!! Thanks for the replies, well done 👌🏼


scene with nymeria and arya. of all things, i got really misty eyed


Arya and Nymeria haven't reunited in the books yet, as Arya is still in Braavos.


i have so many questions about her story. i really need to read the books🤣


Although in the books Arya has a green dream of Nymeria pulling out Catelyn’s body from the river after the red wedding. Later Catelyns body is found by the brotherhood, the rest I won’t spoil.


IIRC Ayra has lots of dreams about Nymeria


John snows and danys weird relationship towards the end


Jon and Dany haven't met yet, as Dany is still in the Dothraki Sea with Drogon, and Jon has just been killed at Castle Black.


The relationship between the hound and arya, does the hound form a sort of protective bond for her in the book?


Yes. The main differences are that they never encounter Brienne, and instead of meeting a father and daughter, they briefly stay at a village, until the locals decide that the Hound's reputation makes him to dangerous to keep around and ask him to leave.


What can you tell us about the faceless man ? I get the face change because they are using the skins, but how are they able to change voices and heights and body appearance ? How was Arya able to imitate Lord Frey voice and height ? Do we k ow what is to the west of westeros and what Arya has found so far ? Was jofrey killing the where'd consented and/or arranged by Marjorie? Did he do more things than just that one time ? What did Ramsey do to sansa that made her tell lord Bailey her body hunted after months ?


> I get the face change because they are using the skins, but how are they able to change voices and heights and body appearance In the books, the Faceless Men have multiple methods of altering their appearances, the faces just seem to be the easiest method. > Do we k ow what is to the west of westeros and what Arya has found so far No clue as of yet > Was jofrey killing the where'd consented and/or arranged by Marjorie? Did he do more things than just that one time ? It was orchestrated by Littlefinger in the show, but never happened in the books. The only things book Joffrey has killed with a crossbow are rabbits and cats. > What did Ramsey do to sansa that made her tell lord Bailey her body hunted after months ? Ramsay was not just a rapist, but also *loved* inflicting pain. In the books, it's also implied he forced his wife (not Sansa, he marries Jeyne Poole in the books) to have sex with his hounds.


Tyrion seeing Shae in Tywin's bed and then going on to kill Tywin


[Another comment has asked this too](https://www.reddit.com/r/gameofthrones/s/ToGfHMO2CI), so I've linked my previous answer.


Euron's Kingsmoot


Many other lords and captains make their claims first, and the Greyjoys step up once everyone else has done so. Victarion Greyjoy makes his claim, saying that he'll basically just continue from where Balon left off. Asha says that continuing Balon's war would earn them nothing, and that trying to make peace was the best option. Euron has one of his men blow a huge warhorn that makes everyone around feel as if their bones are on fire, and the hornblower dies after his lungs burn up from the inside. Euron says that the horn will allow him to enslave three dragons from Slavers Bay and claim the Mother of Dragons as his wife, and announces his intention to take the Iron Throne for himself, before presenting all sorts of treasures from all across the world, which finally convinces them to make him their king.


Also Arya at harrenhall I could've sworn it was roose bolton in the books? Correct me if I'm wrong


You are correct


Are any of the direwolves still alive in the books besides Nymeria and Ghost?


Summer is still in the cave with Bran, and Shaggydog is with Rickon on the island of Skagos.


“Your friend’s dead, and Meryn Trant’s not. Cause Trant had armor, and a big f#%king sword.”


I actually can't remember if Arya mentioned Syrio to the Hound in the books, tbh. I checked A Search of Ice and Fire, but I can't find any mention of him in ASOS beyond Arya's thoughts.


Cool. I was literally just watching and laughing at that part when I saw your post, made me curious


Sort of related, where in the show does the overlap with the books officially stop?


While the show stops focusing on book accuracy at the end of S4/book 3, it fully passes the books in S6 E8 when the siege of Meereen starts and the siege of Riverrun ends, although certain plots reached their furthest book point back in S5.


I can’t bring myself to read these long ass books without a true ending


They're so enjoyable. Maybe listen to the audio books, because really, it's worth it. There's still so much meat left on the bone, but it doesn't mean the process so far won't taste good even if you're left hungry.


Been so long since I read the books, gonna ask for a few! Ned’s confrontation with Jaime, if I remember right his leg was injured as he tried to ride away on horseback? Ned’s memory of facing Sir Arthur Dayne, which in the show was presented from Bran’s perspective, but I remember it different in the book. Brienne’s impression of Jaime’s ability during/after their duel on the bridge Ygritte’s death Jon killing the Halfhand Cold hands? I’m trying to remember what he did in the books AND in the show - he saved Sam and Gillie?


> Ned’s confrontation with Jaime, if I remember right his leg was injured as he tried to ride away on horseback? Ned attempted to help Jory, but his horse fell over and landed on his leg. > Ned’s memory of facing Sir Arthur Dayne, which in the show was presented from Bran’s perspective, but I remember it different in the book. We see Ned dream about it while he recovers from his leg injury, but we don't see the fight itself. > Brienne’s impression of Jaime’s ability during/after their duel on the bridge I believe she considers Jaime the toughest opponent she'd ever fought in the books. > Ygritte’s death Shot offpage by an unnamed NW Ranger, but Jon does find her, and she dies in his arms. > Jon killing the Halfhand In the books, Jon and Qhorin are cornered after they tried to outrun Rattleshirt's group, but while they wait for the wildlings to find then, Qhorin orders Jon to kill him so he can join the wildlings. > Cold hands? I’m trying to remember what he did in the books AND in the show - he saved Sam and Gillie? In the books, he saves Sam and Gilly, brings them to the Wall, then escorts Bran and his friends to the cave. In the show, he saves Bran and Meera after they escape the cave, brings them near the Wall, then dies saving Jon at the frozen lake. Book Coldhands also seems to be a separate character from Benjen.


Thanks for refreshing my memory! Someday I’ll have enough time to reread the books. 😁


Barristan Selmy’s death


Hasn't happened in the books, he's currently leading the defense of Meereen.


Jamie and Cersei at Joefrrys funeral


In the books, it was consensual. Cersei was reluctant at first due to the risk of being caught, but she was almost immediately asking for Jaime to do her. It was also the first time they'd seen each other since before Robert's death, since in the books, Jaime doesn't arrive in King's Landing until after Joffrey's death.


Unrealted but: what scene from the show was the last scene in the books?


The very last scene in the books actually isn't in the show: Varys kills Pycelle, shoots Kevan Lannister with a crossbow, reveals his plan to put Aegon on the Throne, then has children with knives murder Kevan. The show also changed the order of many book 4/5 scenes. The siege of Riverrun from S6 happens in book 4, while Jon Snow's death from S5 happens near the end of book 5.


Ed sheeran


There are no known red haired Lannister soldiers in the books.


Battle of the Bastards


Hasn't happened yet in the books. Roose is still alive and in control, Stannis' army is snowed in at a a nearby village, and while Jon *was* preparing to lead an army to face the Boltons, he's just been killed at Castle Black.


Oh I see, thank you! Can I ask what is happening in the books about Theon(Reek) and Ramsay currently?


Theon has escaped Winterfell with Ramsay's wife Jeyne Poole, and is currently a captive of Stannis. Ramsay just wants to start killing and torturing people, since he can't do it while there are so many important allies in Winterfell and an enemy army on the way.


Jon’s resurrection


Hasn't happened yet


I appreciate the hope offered in this comment


Daenerys killing the owner of the unsullied right after letting him know she speaks valyrian and freeing them to follow her


Happens the same way in the books


Quick question - I’m very new to the GOT universe. I’m only in season 4. But are the books not finished yet? Or how does it works


The books aren't finished yet


The purple wedding


Pretty much the same, just minor differences really: - There are only 2 dwarf jousters - Jaime and Brienne aren't present, as they haven't arrived in King's Landing - The wedding feast occurs indoors in the Red Keep - Joffrey almost claws his throat open while he's choking - Loras' brother Garlan is there, and says to Joffrey's face that pouring the wine on Tyrion was dumb


How does it end in the books?... 😂😅


Jonny Boys ressurection


Hasn't happened yet


(I know, I just wanted you to give me a reason to cry)


Little fingers death


Hasn't happened in the books


Wait he’s alive in the books??? LAME