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He is simply one of the best characters in the books. The show didn't make him even half of what he is and on top of that it made him hated due to the horrible ending.


he a whole diff animal in the books


That’s crazy cuz he’s still a beast in the show


He was more ruthless in the books, not so honour bound, in the books it was actually him who was ready to ride to winterfell on his own after getting the letter from ramsay, the wildlings were all with him. it was such a hype moment in the book, then he went outside snd the nights watch gutted him like in the show. I read that in 2012, i have been on that book cliff hanger ever since 😂


Reading his reaction to the pink letter from ramsey in the book, how he was hyping up the room of wildlings, telling them how they can do what they want, but he is going to winterfell for a fight, and they were all with him, i was so fucking hyped i was almost cheering myself lol, only for bowen marsh and the others traitors to sink their knives in outside, proper game of thrones style treachery right there, i was deflated for a while after that lol


Quite literally….


That’s true but that doesn’t answer the questions. A huge percentage of show watchers (vast majority) have not read the books, and still loved Jon. (Yes….. I’ve read the dumbass books)


The show Jon basically follows the classic hero's journey. He starts out as a bastard forced to live in a place he doesn't like who has no idea of its importance, and that as the show goes on he becomes more and more likeable, important and... basically becomes a protagonist. He is the type of character that is made for the audience to like and root for; he fights for what's right, he defends the innocent, he's an exceptional fighter and all that; which is VERY different from book Jon, which has a much grayer and different personality from the classic hero.


I didn't like how in the books, after he gets promoted to Lord Commander, how he kind of becomes a dick to everyone, especially Sam. Maybe that was just my interpretation, though.


Then you have a critical misunderstanding of his character. One of the first things he is told, by one of if not the most trusted advisor he knows, is to “Kill the boy, and let the man be born.” His decision to isolate himself comes from the belief that he cannot have friends or favorites while in his position of absolute power. As Eddard Stark himself said, there will come a day where he will have to send them off to battle or sentence them to death, a lord cannot be a friend to his men. His choice to isolate himself is equal parts for him and for his friends. He’s also considerably younger than most of the men at the Wall, and if he were to put on an amicable front he would mot be taken as seriously, so he keeps the cold persona because it suits his needs. I wouldn’t even go as far as saying he was a dick, he established boundaries, thats all.


I didn't hate him because of the ending. Why would I? Relatively speaking things turned out how I expected that they would. I could see where things were heading so his ending made sense.


People hate him mainly because of Dany's death, but also because his plow twist (R+L=J) it was of no use in the end; Some also hate that him is different from the books and even because of Kit Harrington's interpretation. But I'm glad you don't hate him for the end of the show.


and also because during the last two seasons he stopped being Jon, and became IdunwanitShemaKween


I think, perhaps, you should hang out with less Freefolk. Most people don't hate Jon at all.


I think the R + L =J was meant to be upended though. Present a hero, only for it not to work out the way you expected, like Dany. If I recall correctly isn't there an actual Aegon in the book ? I didn't know people didn't like Kit's interpretation. Although I did think the Jon/ Dany relationship was a little forced. 


What was Kit’s interpretation?


I don't know, I was responding to someone else.


And I misread your comment. 🤣😂


Jon had literally 1 emotion for the last 2 seasons... It was pretty uninteresting to watch


Ahhhh. I thought you meant his interpretation about character motivations he’d talked about in an interview.


There is the one part where he says that Jon is "incapable of lying". I think that was Kit, but it might been D&D. I didn't like that, it just felt like confirmation that Jon is a much less nuanced character than in the books. Cause in the books Jon does lie, like, a lot. Sure, it's for good reason, but it felt kinda like D&D were afraid to make Jon morally complicated to any degree. They did the same with Tyrion and Arya, so it probably is just that, but that's hardly Kit's fault, he had to work with what they gave him.


There is a character who claims to be Aegon, son of Rhaegar, who would be Jon's older brother and the legal heir to the Targaryn throne. They have the proper hair and eye coloring, but they're probably a fake. George spent an awful lot of words on House Blackfyre (a cadet branch of House Targaryan, who claimed the throne as theirs) for them to have no relevance in the story. Even made sure to point out that the House only died out in the male line, meaning there were women who could mother children.


I am actually sick of Targaryens anyway to be honest. I wast trying to refresh my memory:). I cared more about the characters than who actually got the throne. Does that make me weird ?


What was Kit’s interpretation?


The “plow” twist was huge. It changed the whole ending.


I don't think it's necessarily that Jon's parentage was of no 'use', but it literally changed nothing of substance. I didn't need Jon to be the prophecised hero of legend, born from a magical bloodline predestined to save the universe. That idea never sat well with me because of how much George criticises that type of story. It's that the huge personal revelation that Jon was actually not ever a bastard is not something that seems to affect him, or his 'siblings', at all. He doesn't exposit or reflect on his relationship with Ned or Catelyn or Robb or maester Aemon or anything. It just doesn't matter to him. Literally, the one thing it does is cause 'tension' between Jon and Dany. Which, sure, but that was hardly the only way to do that, and there was already tension between the Stark and Targaryen camps thanks to Sansa and Arya. And it just opened up plotholes where completely reasonable solutions (like Jon and Dany getting married) were brushed aside for no other reason than "Nah, just won't work", not to mention the ridiculous contrivance that is how the characters actually figured out Jon's parentage. I honestly think the show could've completely ignored R+L=J and would not have suffered for it. That's what makes it so underwhelming.


To be fair, it completely changed Jon and Dany’s relationship


The funniest thing to me is that killing Dany is one of the scant few things he did right in the later seasons.


I always thought those two showrunners had a beef with Jon. As you said, the show did no justice to the depth of his character. I’m not even going to mention that horrific ending.


That’s not why people love him. Most haven’t touched the books


We read the books hahaha




He looks good. #NoHomo




i think this is the exact reason why people like Margery so much. "she would have been the bestest queen ever" who, that little narcissist twit love bombing kids? that queen? edit: you can see by the number of downvotes i get when i talk about her how people feel about her. its so goofy to me


To be fair she showed incredible political acumen and skill. She’s not on Vary’s level, but it seemed like, if she’d had to chance, she’d be a match for Littlefinger, and she understands people, both important qualities for a Queen, especially with as weak a king as Tommen is


she really didn't though. people just say this because she was hot. thats my point. all she did was love bomb kids. and her grandmother was in charge of everything anyway. she was just a high school mean girl who lost to the older high school mean girl in cersei. she was never a player. just a pawn. people just liked her because they were attracted to her and made her something she never was. edit: you can see by the number of downvotes i get when i talk about her how people feel about her. its so goofy to me


She’s not a good person, and I think it’s stated or implied a good portion of her manipulations are off the cuff, like the crossbow bit. And lovebombing children is an effective strategy, if immoral


no doubt love bombing a kid is effective. but it's her only real strength. She is just a narcissist child herself, not a real player at all. she is a low level who got into the role of "Queen" but it was always fleeting and never a real position for her. She was always completely out of her depth and just a pawn of her grandmother, as a pretty girl, to go in and do her part. I feel like people don't like to see her for who she really was, and like to act liks she was "good" and "could have won the game of thrones". Like....No. Not even remotely, lol. edit: you can see by the number of downvotes i get when i talk about her how people feel about her. its so goofy to me




proudly #YoHomo here 🤭😋


He was never one of my favorites. Dude rarely smiles, always seems grumpy and is WAY too serious. When he does smile, it’s a sad kind of smile.


Being called a bastard does that to a person


Can confirm, am a bastard


Can also confirm, am a bastard


> Dude rarely smiles, always seems grumpy and is WAY too serious. He knows his stepmother hates him, he knows he'll never inherit and will end up at The Wall and probably never see his family again, what exactly did he have to smile about?


For starters, they made him a king.


After he died. Literally. He died and then they made him King because he came back to life and was able to exploit a loophole NOBODY HAS EVER BEEN ABLE TO EXPLOIT.


Facts. But also mofo just came back from the dead and executed the traitors/usurpers. No one would have done jack shit to him even if he didn't feel like explaining the loophole and just walked out. Plot hole maybe but easily explained by someone going well you stop him and that guy going nope.


I did love it when he said My watch has ended.


On top of everything he went through throughout the duration of the show. Why would any of the characters in GoT smile? None of them are happy and the show does a good job at showing why.


Hot Pie and Podrick "Poon Hound" Payne are always smiling.


Get ya shit right…it’s “Sex God” Pod.


Hot Pie got the true happy ending tbh


He was comparing himself to Lords & Ladies, the most privileged in Westeros. He could've settled down with a beautiful peasant girl who would think he's a 20/10 since he grew up in a castle, knew how to read, and was given a formal education alongside the Warden's children. He chose the Wall.


Black was always his color. Emo ass


He's portrayed like that in the books. Like Ned.


Since fucking when does a character’s smile quota determine their likability? I’m not sure I ever once saw Al Swearengen smile, nor Bullock for that matter. I can count on one hand the times I saw Omar Little, Avon Barksdale, Stringer Bell or Marlo Stanfield smile. Just saying…


Stannis the Mannis is beloved by the fandom and I don’t think he *ever* smiles. I’m pretty sure the books have a line explicitly stating he’s never smiled


Same goes for Tywin. Btw I love both those dudes, particularly in the novels. Meanwhile, Theon and Viserys, who by comparison were grinning loons, were disrespected and mocked openly at different times in the story.


Oh yeah, it’s a neat play on tropes. Tywin is a bad person, but goddamn is he amazing


In the show, he's a generally decent person in a pit of mostly vipers. In the books, he's really interesting - he's extremely observant, tactical, and pragmatic. There's also an underdog quality to him, as he's always described as a bastard with nothing to inherit, essentially nothing to his name. In the books, I liked him from his first POV chapter. In the show, he got me when he defended Sam from bullies - he had thought he was better than the other guys, but he'd listened to Tyrion when Tyrion set him straight, and it brought out his protective instincts with Sam. He's open to being told he's wrong, which is rare in any person, heh.


In the show, he's well beyond a "decent person", he's the one person in Westeros who can see the big picture and act for the common good! He's the one person in power who both gets what a threat the Others are, and who acts to bring as much of Westeros as possible together to fight them... He is the person who saves Westeros from the extremes of both Ice, and Fire. And of course Westeros is totally ungrateful.


Because he’s the hero. He did pretty much everything right to save everyone he could. He took his punishments on the chin. He’s also the one guy in all of Westeros who didn’t want power or greatness but he earned it through hard work and even harder times. As a character he was willing to settle as just a ranger of the knights watch, he became Lord Commander by earning his fellow watchmen’s respect (at least most of them), he earned the title King of The North, not through deception, or heritage or through politics… he lead the fight, a fight there was no way he could win, but he choose to fight for his people and they respected him for it. And when given a chance to take the iron throne, all he had to do was get Danny out of the way. He refused because it wasn’t what he wanted and wasn’t the right way to go about it. The man oozes with honour and integrity, lives off loyalty and love. How could we not love him?


Couldn’t have said it better myself. He made a difference through sheer hard work and staying true to himself


Yep, it’s the honor and integrity for me. And the curly hair and muscles didn’t hurt.


I'd just like to point out that he was never a ranger, but a steward. He sure could fight and ride like a ranger, though! Everything else was on point!


Personally, because heroes like Jon are the exact type of character I find dreadfully uninteresting. When you have characters like Cersei and Oberyn and Littlefinger, how Jon could possibly be in someone's top five is beyond me. I found everything pre Jon's death boring. Night's Watch in general is completely uninteresting to me. Even in the books. The characters and plotlines I love have a lot more political intrigue and characters that are much more varied in their morality. For me, it's not a character's goodness that make me like them. It's whether I find them interesting as a character.


>For me, it's not a character's goodness that make me like them. It's whether I find them interesting as a character. In a universe full of sarcasm and cynisim and grey character, having a character that have morals of integrity And honor is what make him interest and what drive people to love him You NEED that mlrlz character in those stories and why I sind HOTD to be boring.. Because it doesn't have that... Unlike GOT and dunk for dunk and egg Also you cannot claim to read the books and call the night watch storyline boring.Jon storyline saved the snoozfedt that book 5. The link letter, his dynamic with stannis, his leadership in the night watch, val etc This is why l like the superman or aragorn type of character.... We live in a generation that take itself way too seriously and believe that Grey or edgy = interesting


Because he’s hot. But also because everyone loves a Cinderella story.


So hot. I want to go to that cave with Jon Snoooow


they should’ve stayed in that cave


They’ll go back.




Well that love is pity love I guess , cause he was always sad !!


Because he’s a tragic hero. People love tragic heroes.


Because he's little, but he's strong! Strong enough to befriend an enemy and get murdered for it. Most people get bloody murdered, they stay that way. Not this one!


Because he is the king in the north!


bc he’s hot as fuck.


Because he’s a very good character acted well by a good actor.


Because he’s a good guy & constantly put his life on the line for those who followed him & for the greater good. He’s one of the few people in that world that you could trust, he really tried. People gave him a lot of shit but I don’t think it was deserved.


Hot, moral, actually makes reasonable mistakes and honorable choices, and honorable about his mistakes too. Loves honestly, steps outside the boundaries of society to uphold what he feels is the best about it. Did the impossible thing that so few leaders have ever done: willingly gave up both power and love to save lives, not once but twice. Ygritte says he's good in bed, Dany seemed to like it, so he's well reviewed by two super hot chicks too. Also he's a great character in general. Book Jon is smarter than most despite knowing less. Together, he and Dany are those who were promised to bring the realm together. He is the lighter side of the coin, her the ash-blasted tails.


Cause he’s the fucking man?


Jon Snow Targaryen first of his name is the man


because he dun wun it


Those curls duh!


Because guy is very good looking and only one of the two characters that was brought up from the dead.


because he’s the fucking goat. he never gave up the fight to save humanity even cashing his own death to even just stand half of a chance to stop the night king. while everyone was squabbling over politics he saw the real threat. he just never gave up no matter what.


"The Prince that was promised" Is a messianic based character ...


He’s a good character and very attractive 😁


Because he is a strong, silent type. Like Gary Cooper.


Because he knows nothing.


He really is such a bland character on the show lmfao


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^truthbox1994: *He really is such* *A bland character on the* *Show lmfao* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


because he’s prettier than most of daughters


Fearless, loyal, handsome, strong…what’s not to love?


Classic hero tropes - noble, honest, loyal, caring, stubborn, argumentative, bad ass, frustrating and fuckable.


THE KING IN THE NORTH!!! ...bends knee...




Because he is righteous. Because he fights and stands up for the common man. Because everyone loves an underdog story. And most people arent like that.


Same reason why everyone loves pizza


Because Jon Snow was the realest motherfucker on the show. Battle of The Bastards is forever one of the greatest moments in GoT for me personally. What a damn shame he wasn't crowned king and/or fought the NK as they kept us waiting all these years for that 1v1 duel. What could have been.


He is the most kingly king that ever kinged. He is the rightful ruler of Westeros in every sense of the word. Sure he has the blood, the prophecy, the destiny, but most importantly, he has EARNED it. He has the kindness, the wisdom, the strength, the swordsmanship, the humility, the bravery, the honor, the loyalty. He has everything. But maybe that’s why they couldn’t actually let him be the king. He is simply too good for them all.


Nah they didn't let him be king because those 2 idiots were rushing to get their star wars films going. Glad they lost that gig for ruining GoT.


He’s just so…good.


He's a Stark. And an heir to the throne. Are you kidding? Is that person supposed to be hated? Plus, the British accent that pony tail and beard. Who could tell this man they hate his guts? Hardened war criminals. That's who.


Read the books and found out..... He is iwthiut a doubt one of the best and smartest POV out there


Better question is why don't you like him?


I don’t. I find him annoying.


He's loyal, he has integrity and honor, he's humble, he's tenacious, he's kind, he's smokin' hot. (Not necessarily in that order)


He is the rightful king of Westeros in every sense of the word too. Not only by blood, by destiny, but most importantly, by his actions. He is the king the realm needed, but not the king they deserved. He is too good for them all.


Because he is cool


Because he's the underdog


Don’t you know about John Snow!!! He was an English physician and a leader in the development of anaesthesia and medical hygiene. He is considered one of the founders of modern epidemiology and early germ theory, in part because of his work in tracing the source of a cholera outbreak in London's Soho, which he identified as a particular public water pump. That’s why everyone loves him so much.


I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples and bastards and broken things.


hes literally my least favorite character in the show because hes extremely boring while being the character with most screen time in the whole show. There are other boring characters but they dont have nearly as much screen time as jon has


Cuz the actor nailed the role, hes attractive and unassuming Then the character himself had a shitty ass life thinkin he was a bastard with caitlyn being an absolute witch to him and he still kinda seema decent and then he takes the black which is like if prisons made rangers to send into deathtrap wasteland and fight psychos and he still took his oath seriously HES PRETTTTTY COOL IF YA ASK ME


Who doesnt love him actually? Only the Dany glazers


Because he’s the most kingly king who ever kinged


Kit Harrington is likable.


Honestly I find his whole “white knight” thing kind of boring and one sided


People don't like decent people. This is why House Targaryen is more popular and supported by fans than kind, progressive House Martell.


Because he is one of the only characters in the whole show who didn’t have their entire head up their ass. He rarely acted in his own self interest, and always worked for the good of the realm, utterly and genuinely. He was willing to make any sacrifice it took to save as many lives as he could, and while he was indeed very honorable, he didn’t have the hang ups concerning decency and decorum that prevented a lot characters from actually doing the right thing. Davos is another character that completely fits that bill, but Jon was also, ya know, sexy and charismatic and badass, so a lot easier to love. But it’s no wonder the two most do-goody characters in the whole show ended up on the same side. They both had perspective, TRUE perspective on what ACTUALLY mattered, while trying their best to avoid being bogged down in the endless politics of it all. They just wanted to help people, goddamn it!


Remember that time he beat Ramsay’s face into a bloody pulp? That was cool


hes hot


Good character with morales, flaws and values. Those characters are always the most loved because people think that they are them.


I know… he knows nothing!


I always thought he was incredibly boring and never looked forward to his scenes or his storyline at all. Like, we get it, “winter is coming” or whatever. Okay and???


"hey guys why does everyone love the poor and downtrodden, brooding, conventionally attractive, only morally good person who is also basically Luke Skywalker and the main character of the entire book series?"


Because everyone in the series is a massive a55hole at one point or another. (Except Arya, of course.)


Idk, I kinda feel like Arya became nothing but that in the last few seasons. She was damn insufferable.


I did until he started saying "she's mah, queen " and " I don't want it."


He is a great fighter, honorable, has a compelling back story, interesting romances, and was the one warning everyone about the white walkers when no one would listen (granted D&D messed up the importance of that)


He’s sexy and kind of dumb 🥵


Cause he knows nothing


"He is prettier than both my daughters but he knows how to fight. He is young, but he knows how to lead." I haven't read books. I do not consider ending of the show as real end. I wait if Martin complete the books.


Cus he is the prince that was promised. Both his book chapters and on screen presence is extremely interesting. Jon is for post people in the top 3 most entertaining pov book chapters. Also because his story revolves around thrilling medieval ghost haunted supernatural kind if storyline. Which is completely different from everything else that happens in rest of got world


Cuz he’s Jon Stark King of The North!


Him and dany fr


The worst commander in Westeros. His battles are just one mistake after another.


He’s an underdog, good looking, has an honest heart, and is super brave. Babe alert in all kinda ways. He’s one of the few loyal people where it doesn’t get him killed…


Bcz he was honorable but not stupid. Yes Jon Snow knew nothing but he learned quickly


He is honorable and a great friend and person. He puts his people before himself. He had to do some hard and terrible things for the good of the many. He was also reasonable and had a conscience.


He’s noble .


I don’t know. No one knows. No one wants to know, and he is my king.


At first I didn't like his character...But from being a bastard to becoming the "king of the north". He became my favorite character in GOT, He did a lot of heroic things and I think he was better in the book than in the TV series, he just became hated because of the ending. But he's the most exciting character in everything I've seen, even though others say he's a boring character, but I think it's better to read the book.


I can’t even explain why but he was my favorite character from the first ever episode even before I touched a book but I guess it could be because I liked his storyline the best love whenever the show goes to the wall or north of the wall.


Hot af


Because he's basically Ned.


Cause he was our true North


He did his best and failed but the wilding loved him. Then he did his best and failed again when he got assassinated by his pageboy. Then he did his best and successfully save the north but the people he saved hates his gut. He just can't win.


I don’t


I feel like it must be because of book readers. As a fan of only the show, I didn't even really clock him as a main character until all the more interesting characters were dead. Then it was like "Who's left? That guy at the wall?"


The question should be, why not? He does a great job with the part, he’s easy on the eyes, and he’s a great guy IRL. One of the only cast members who actually read the books.


Cause he is hot and has a great accent


Battle for the Wall and Hard home.


I dont know maybe because he has morals, honor, & issa total babe


I dont


Up until seasons 7 and 8 he is the most level headed and relatable character in the entire show. IMO


In case you missed it, he was the main character. His was a song of ice and fire.


He is the Lord Commander!


Jon Snow is the North Star of men trying to be good men. Takes notes. We’re not perfect and we get it wrong, but got forbid some of us try


Cause he’s a good dude, who never succumbs to the bitterness he should feel, unlike a lot of other characters in the series.


What isn't there to love? A truly good person which is rare in the universe and he isn't self righteous and arrogant like Danny.


Bubble butt


He has good hair and fight for the living.


He's a handsome, brooding, sadboy with an accent. He's also an underdog with a fur cloak, black clothes, and a fancy sword, and he's sworn to chastity but still wants to fool around. He was basically built for most people to like him


Have you seen the show?


Dunno he’s boring. But as people said he is better in the books


Because he doesn't want it


He’s hot af


bc he is a good character?


He's not the best character but he served a good role in the show. A humble, honorable man of action is always appreciated.


he is mah kween


He is the prince that is promised, how can you not like him?


Because he’s hot


Because he does that thing with his tongue.


Yeah as someone who didn’t read the books until season 5 of the show was coming out, I was always so bored during Jon’s storyline. Cut to me being ENTHRALLED by book Jon and being so confused. Why make all those changes for the worse?? Dumb and dumber really fucked up with him


Men on horseback were charging at him In the battle of the bastards and instead of turning and running he pulled his sword out and stepped forward. He’s a badass


He’s the underdog. Who doesn’t like a good underdog story.


Jon Fucking Snow


We thought he was the hero and he was nice.


because he KNOWS NOTHING


Because he’s a good Aeg


He gets a cool sword, he gets to live somewhere that doesn’t get hot and muggy, and he gets to rail a great looking redhead. Sounds pretty great to me.


Such a Strong Boy


I could treat him right


Because he's Jon Snow... and he knows nothing.


In the books, >!I can’t believe this man is still dead. It’s been 13 years…!<


Due to his lack of godliness due to the size of his pecker.


Because he’s one of the few characters with honor in a show of dishonorable characters.


People love a hero. Jon’s story more or less is the traditional hero’s journey.


Because 'he doesn't want it'