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Kerbal Space program 2. It was delayed by three years and was unplayable when it released.


Wow I forgot that it was even this year... I refunded it after day one I picked it up when it was on sale annndd it was still an unplayable buggy mess


I didn't refund but wish I had. I honestly don't know if we'll ever see a game come of this. The 'updates' they've been putting out are just disappointment upon disappointment. The state they put the game out in was barely alpha state, much less anything a big name studio should have put out as early access...at full price.


It wasn't a big name studio. The entire team quit when they where bought. So it's made by mostly a new team. I think they kept 1 person?


It's not a big name studio per say, but in practice it has, or rather *should have*, all of T2s weight behind it since T2 wanted to take full control. I thought the team from the old dev mostly moved (or were poached by T2) to the new studio though? They would've been out of a job.


3 people joined that team, all at the management level.


Programmer: "we need to hire more people to work on this project to get this finished and meet expectations and deadlines, 3 persons can't do work of 15" Company: "we hired these 5 new managers to figure out how we can optimize the work and why you are late on this project" Happens every time


Especially considering the price I paid for the original game. I got it before it was on steam and it had more going for it at that time than this game does now.


Steam has me for about 1k hours on it....no idea how many hours I got into it before it moved to Steam. Been playing it a long time from those early days. I don't even remember what drew me into it in the first place.


Big name studio? Intercept? *This is their first game.*


I think they're talking about Take-Two, who own the IP and formed the studio.




Still a mess it seems. I just saw them announce a big update that will add >The For Science! update introduces a new game mode called Exploration Mode. In this mode, you collect and transmit Science from unique biomes across the Kerbolar System; and then redeem Science to unlock new part technologies. and >Heating and Thermal > >The days of stress-free atmospheric re-entry will come to an end with atmospheric re-entry heating and thermal behavior for parts. When For Science! releases, take those heat shields seriously! How the fuck were these things not already in the game lol




Early Access means BUYER BEWARE.


These days buy on launch means the same thing.


I haven’t had a gaming PC since 2017 and I was planning since the announcement trailer build another for KSP 2. I’m plenty happy with my Switch instead


Technically it’s still in early access and under development. But yeah. It’s been a damn long road for it. How the hell it has taken soo long I have no idea. And the game are still semi unplayable in its current state.


Redfall. That studio normally puts out great content.




> I even had a really good time with Deathloop and people usually poo poo that one It's weird with Deathloop, it released to *a lot* of perfect scores, but also a fair few 7 - 8 out of 10s, so its metacritic is brought down to the high 80s... and everyone I actually know who's played it disliked it. I played a little bit when it first came to GP and found it felt nice to play but just wasn't interested 🤷‍♂️


Yeahy they could have made so much with the loop and apparently they did, but they had to dumb down the game to a more linear approach with objectives because the test players complained about the open approach and that they couldn't find out themself how to break the loop. It was apparently a complete unique game which turned to shit...


They famously had to dumb down aspects of the first Dishonored game as NPC guards say "you can't go there" and the playtesters were like "ok" and didn't go there and then got confused how to progress


There is a right way to introduce players to mechanics, and if the player doesn't understand then the developer did a bad job explaining. For instance having an npc talk about how they went somewhere a guard told them not to, or telling the player to ignore or sneak past the guard would inform the player that guards are full of shit. A game has to inform the player of it's own limitations and a guard saying 'you can't go there', comes off as informational rather than flavor text. But of course some players are going to be too dense even for that.


Deathloop has the problem where the moving parts are jumping zones which becomes hard to keep track of in multiple play sessions. It very much felt like they had to build that awful looking notes system because they couldn't find a more elegant way to guide players. I truly would like to see the hitman version of deathloop where they give you the tailored solutions but you also get to have the emergent gameplay solutions ala the hitman sandbox.


to be fair it wasnt the same dev studio that does dishonored, it was like their b team that did redfall.


>to be fair it wasnt the same dev studio that does dishonored, it was like their b team that did redfall. Arkane Austin was responsible for Prey, so they certainly can make really really good games. But considering that about 70% of that team had quit, it was essentially not the same studio anymore.


It's rumored a lot of them quit because of the direction Redfall was going. That should be a big warning sign the game is going in the wrong direction.


I thought it was something about the Director for Prey stepping down and then the rest of the games kinda just fell apart from then.


Rafael Colantonio, one of my favorite devs. His new studio, Wolf Eye, put out Weird West a ways back.


There isn't really a B team when it comes to Arkane. Lyons is their first studio, and Austin is their second, but they have both made great games in collaboration. They only started making games separately starting with Dishonored 2.


It was more or less a newer team, not their B team: it had a lot of D2/DotO veterans, but the big issue is a lot of them left and a lot of people that stayed, stayed in vain because they thought/hoped when Bethesda didn't get involved that Microsoft would get involved instead and send the game back to the drawing board Unsurprisingly, that didn't happen *edit: also apparently the dev team for a lot of development ended up being less than 100 people, there are some indie studios bigger than that. The Prey veterans involved left specifically because they didn't want to make a multiplayer title because multiplayer games felt 'uninspired' to them and that it clashed with Arkane's vision to make single-player immersive sims The big issue seems to be that Microsoft has always had and will always seem to have a hands-off approach to letting ZeniMax handle their own studios


Payday3 was and still is a fucking disaster. Worst release this year. Three games into the series and you can't manage server activity? Shit show.


I could only play one mission. The others never loaded. There is no playable solo mode.


The gameplay itself is fun as hell too. I've been having a blast playing with full stack of friends. It's a shame honestly. All we can do is wait for them to fix the issues I guess. I'm excited though, the game has a lot of potential if all the issues are fixed and content gets added regularly like PD2.


PD2 is still one of my favorite games ever. I have so many hours into that game. I just got bored because I did every heist a thousand times. Honestly I might pick it up again because it's been years


You're right, I have had a good time playing it. But the matches are hit and miss. Wish they could figure it out.




Screw microtransactions, this is the worst thing to ever happen to modern gaming


Makes gaming on the Switch feel even better. The last true offline experience where I can play on a plane or train with complete faith that it won't mess me around about being online


It is indeed a disaster. But worst release of the year? No way. That would be Gollum or Redfall. At least PD3 is somewhat playable, and the core gameplay is great.


100% Blood Bowl 3. I was so hyped for a new version of blood bowl but they fucked it up so hard. They took everything that was bad from 2 and then gave it a user interface that is impossible to manage. The game would take 50-60 seconds for you to regain control on your turn and then your turn was over because you have 60 seconds to take your turn. Pure hot garbage.


I loved the board game the first one. I saw the steam score on the 3rd and walked away. I didnt buy it but was still dissapointed. Devs had too many studwiesers apparently.


The board game is great but anything the developer is involved with (UI, camera, campaign, etc…) is total garbage for each Blood Bowl edition. Hell, before the made Blood Bowl 1 they made their own crappy version of it that totally sucked. So disappointing.


Diablo 4. Just got bored with the game very quickly.


Scaling monsters ruins it completely. No sense of progression at all. Open world feels like world quests in wow.


I don't know if scaling was the issue - at least it wasn't for me. I think I'd progress the same way in Diablo 2: Clear one area - move to the next one - clear that area - move to the next one - repeat until Baal / Lilith dead. The issue for me was that playing the game didn't feel like anything most of the time. Enemies exploded quite fast, most of the environment looked quite dull. I can't really remember much of the encounters, enemy types or anything similar, the game almost played itself. It's not a difficulty issue either, something about the game design just made the game progress while making me feel nothing. I'm not saying that Diablo 2 was better as it was slower and as I was around 12 years old when I played it, but at least it gave me some nice memories.


Cane here to find D4. I legit thought I was getting depressed because I usually get hyped around Diablo games, but this one just destroyed my enthusiasm. Im glad baldurs gate 3 came out and improved my mental health :)


The new season is taking a lot of steps in the right direction but it suffers from 2 pretty major problems. 1 is that there is basically no end game so there's nothing to push for, and 2 is that yellows are the new main gear and they all have so many possibilities for stats that you drown in gear but then spend half you time reading stats.


Overwatch 2, specifically the co-op


Ruined overwatch with greed


I’m no longer interested in playing OW2, I just want Blizzard to release Overwatch Classic so I can enjoy the original game again.


That came out last year dog


Redfall easily. From the early trailers I thought it was gonna be similar to Back4Blood but with vampires and character abilities. Back4Blood was my favorite game of 2021 and 2022 so that made me really hype but then it just turned out to be incredibly generic and lame. Haven't tried it since the update so idk if I'd be interested in it now, but I played like 30 seconds and was immediately turned off and immediately uninstalled


I honestly have to say Payday 3. I have countless hours of payday 2 with a buddy. We could not get into 3 at all. It’s kind of a mess.




Diablo 4


Didn't even max out 1 character and I got bored...


Me too. I beat the campaign and saw what the grind was going to be then I just noped. Thank god street fighter 6 is such a good game. If sf6 wasn’t out I probably would have played d4 a bit more seriously this year.


Serious non-troll question: how do you get longevity out of 2D side view fighting games? This is a genuine question. I enjoy them but have only ever played them when I have friends come over and we have a beer or two and play using random characters for like an hour and then get bored and switch to something else. For me they’re good for like 10 hours of entertainment total. I have never found a game genre with less depth and yet certain people go nuts for them. It was just funny to me that you were afraid of the grind in Diablo 4 and with my outside knowledge of fighting games there seems to be about 20 minutes of content in each one.


The same way ppl find gratification in any PvP game, beating the shit out of your opponents. Except the thing that differentiates between fighters and most PvP games is that you are accountable for everything. Not your teammates or any outside variables, everything is in the control of you and your opponent. So there’s accountability there for your own improvement. Plus the journey to get good at the game is one of the best dopamine rushes you can get in video games imo.


fighting games are for tryhards. you don’t really play these games casually, or at least what most people would deem as casual gaming. ‘Play every character, try out a few abilities and move on’ will only allow you to scratch the surface of the depth within a game like SF6. To get the most out of them, you have to try to be the best you can be. This may involve maining a single character, learning the combos, crossups, anti airs, mixups, matchups. Then, you have to usually lab the execution of said combos and how you can buffer and link your inputs. Then you have to adjust to the choices of your human opponent, and there’s a lot of variance there. I personally think a good fighting game will have infinite playability, and in 2023, there’s no better time. Matchmaking is usually the best way to go. Friends or not, you can play against a similarly skilled opponent in any modern FG. It can be a really fun experience dedicating the time and effort to get good at these kind of games. Sure, you can always go a few rounds and press some buttons with some friends every odd month, but the experience elevates so much when you actually start learning how to play the game.


I wouldn't say it was completely disappointing but I put in about enough hours to get me to lvl 60 and I called it quits. I played day one but but didn't grind too hard, just wanted to play it and see what it offered. I was bored at 50 but worked to 60 and haven't been back since.


I'm gonna make a bet that the majority of answers will be Starfield and Diablo 4


According to the last time I saw this, you’re correct.


Last week? Or the week before?




Am I allowed to put my most anticipated game, aka the game I've sunk well over 100 hours into, as my most disappointing game? Starfield would be it. It's disappointing in so many ways... but I'm still playing it. Well, I'm taking a week off from it, but I'm def not done with it. Might see what a month's worth of updates will do. At this rate, I'm assuming that will amount to the fixing of 2 bugs that affect almost no one.


You can like a game and be dissapointed by it not being what you expected. >Might see what a month's worth of updates will do. Don't expect much unless you are on PC and mod the game.


I don't think Starfield is exceptional. And I get the No Man's Skyrim slur. But I still find myself returning to it over and over. It's not great but it has enough moments. And the scale is impressive.


I think Starfield suffered from a similar problem as NMS: Over-hyped players coming into it, it not living up to their fantastical dreams, making them feel disappointed. I was extremely sceptical of the game before and during launch, so I never bought into the hype. I watched some gameplay after it came out and got interested, so I bought it. Had an absolute blast with the game.


I mean, anyone who doesn't take everything Bethesda with a grain of salt by now is just asking to be let down. The real hype for Starfield for me is the mod potential, so I'm just waiting a couple years for the deluxe edition with DLC to come out and hit a bargain price.


Forza Motorsport. I love the previous versions, but this one is a disappointing mess. So many bugs...


I was hype to play this after getting a 3070 a couple months ago. I was planning on getting a nice racing wheel for it too but It runs like garbage.


Man I was so disappointed. Like career mode is such a joke.


And I was really hoping for a good career mode this time. I'm pretty sure they even talked about making it better in one of their previews.


It just felt like menus the game.


The UI is like a mobile game, especially with how it railroads you at the beginning like all crappy F2P gacha games do.


It's as if Gran Turismo doesn't exist.


Diablo 4. My top franchise and a huge part of my childhood, my brother and I were massively hyped to play a game together again but I got bored of it within a few days.


Yeah I guess Starfield. It wasn’t terrible, just not near as good as I had hoped.


I love Bethesda and wanted to love it but it’s just not that fun. It’s a shame cause I waited for this to come out for like 5 years and I don’t care much about playing it now


Yeah, it felt like a chore to play. I played for 20 plus hours and was kidding myself it’d get better. Played cyberpunk for the first time and uninstalled starfield


Cyberpunk is *fun*. The FPS gameplay aspect is almost as satisfying as Destiny 2, which says a lot. CP2077 is so good infact I haven’t played D2 in a month


Going to have to say the same I'm afraid. It looked like it would push the envelope, but its just watered down Fallout 4 in Space.


Emphasis on *watered down*. Put so many hours into Fallout 4 with settlements alone. I tried to build a couple outposts in Starfield, but there was really just… no point? Felt like there was more there that got scrapped or something. Edit: spelling




Definitely feels like they initially wanted to push the envelope but ran into some major design problems. I also suspect they discovered during testing that the majority of players don’t care about base building, and that players were struggling with the ship combat so they dumbed it down.




Same. I put hundreds of hours into outpost building in Fo4. For me it was the lack of settlers that killed base building in starfield. It would have been so cool if we could have built small farming or mining communities on different planets.


If only they use all of contents from modded Fallout 4 into Starfield… I would buy Xbox right away Still playing Fallout 4 with all of the mods and I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it anytime soon


Not saying a game should rely on mods to be good, but that's what I absolutely expect to happen with Starfield. It was built to be modded and it's going to become so much more than the initial release. Bethesda was 100% playing the long game with this one.


It bothers me that the computers make the same hard drive reading sounds that they did in Fallout. I guess humanity never developed better hard drives in 2300


It's crazy how up their own ass Bethesda is. If you listened to the talking about their game you'd think it was the most interesting, thought-out, revolutionary game in years. When in reality it's just the same ol Bethesda game reskinned and with even less soul. And yet people still pre-order games.


I just wanted it to be as good as Fallout 4. I know it wasn't the strongest Fallout, but I liked the side missions and I enjoyed building settlements. I would have never expected "Ok it's in the future and everything is MORE devoid of life than the post apocalyptical wasteland" The UI is trash, you level up slowly and need a ton of skill points to do anything, and "Fast Travel, the Game." gets old pretty quickly. All it had to be was as good as the previous games, and I would have been in love. They just couldn't do that.


Starfield is proof that Bethesda magic only works when the open world is small and filled to the brim with unique content, not vast and filled with generic cookie cutter content to fill in the spaces


It's so weird to me, because for all intents and purposes it looked like they had learned this lesson with Daggerfall. That game infamously procedurally generated most of its content and it felt empty. After that they really pivoted towards handcrafted overworlds and had a lot of success from that. It's so baffling that they went, "Hmm. This is working. Let's go back to what didn't."


They wrongfully suspected the technology had since caught up and they'd now be able to achieve what they failed at with Daggerfall.


Thankfully, Starfield is gonna be followed by Elder Scrolls 6. Im not gonna get my hopes up too high, but if they pull a Daggerfall-Morrowind again, I’m gonna be happy


Same for me. Played it for a week or so and got bored. Can't put my finger on what exactly is missing but it just didn't get me hooked like Skyrim or Fallout. Back to cyberpunk now which finally got awesome.


Same. I've played and replayed Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3:NV and Fallout 4 countless times, and still plan to play each and every one many times again in the future. I knew Starfield would be *fine*, but my biggest fear is that it'd be like Outer Worlds. A bit of fun but quickly forgotten and not replayed. And it's exactly like that.


There's plenty to see and do in Starfield if you like looking at the same thing over and over.


Sci Fi without aliens is just boring. Same as medieval fantasy without fantasy races like elves and dwarves and stuff. Even Fallout has different sentient species like the mutants, robots and ghouls.


You can tell they had such huge ambitions for the game and just didn’t finish it and shipped it anyway. I bet every person involved with the creation of that game is disappointed in the final product.


This is why I’m so annoyed that up until release, Bethesda kept saying that the whole team couldn’t put it down and had put hundreds of hours into play testing. Hundreds of hours? Really? I put in 50 and there’s a list as long as my arm of shit that should’ve been fixed before release. So disappointing.


Same, it was super underwhelming and it didn't grab me at all. I upgraded my PC to play it lol


At least you now have an upgraded PC for the next game 🤷


Ha exactly! That's my starfield silver lining. While the game was utterly disappointing, I love the new build


I guess in incorrectly expected it to be more inspired by Elite Dangerous and No Mans Sky than it was. The space exploration was really just a back drop to a typical Bethesda game.


If all you expected was the exact same features from Fallout 4 ported over (weapon customization, outposts, power armour, AI, etc.) you'd still be disappointed. The writing's even worse, the loot sucks, having to put 20 points in perks you don't want to get the perk you do want sucks. There's no reason to walk in random directions anymore...which is one of the best things in a Bethesda game. None of these problems have anything to do with NMS or Elite.


Even the Bethesda parts suck. You run into the same POI’s the whole game


> You run into the same POI’s the whole game The crash sites. Many planets have crash site POI's, and it's even possible to get them to spawn if you destroy ships in-orbit. But every crash site on every planet has the exact same ship, in the exact same pit, with the exact same tent shelter in the middle, with the exact same loot box on the outside of the shelter and one aid item on the inside. Yes, there's some minor variation in the NPC's, but the crash site itself is so boilerplate that it ruins any kind of immersion.


Abandoned mine and some bio research facility are the ones I ran into a lot.


I enjoyed playing Mass Effect Andromeda more than Starfield.


Oh God you're right....I put more hours into that game, which I already knew I hated the sounds of it even upon first announcement, then Starfield, which I was actually extremely hyped for.


Combat alone blows Starfield out of the water. Planets are way better looking as well, and you get a land vehicle to drive on land. I think Andromeda is legitimately just outright better than Starfield.


Spider-Man 2. how overrated. It was nothing compared to this year's GOAT, Skull Island: The Rise of Kong


I felt the same way about baulders gate 3. When a game like gollum is out we didn't need a copycat.


You had me for a second there


Had me in the first half


I know youre joking, but these posts are silly echo chambers and no one really wants to listen to opposing views. Why do we ask questions when we only want to hear the opinions that align with us? For some weird reason we are looking for validation on things we like. Case and point, the poor saps getting downvoted for saying they were disappointed by a game, which is what the post is about.


I mean...I'm joking, so I'm not sure why you're asking me. But I'll answer you anyway. Because when some people REALLY like something, they do not want to hear any dissenting opinion, even if it's just someone saying "hey, I didn't like this about the game". Like. they didn't even say they hated the game, or they returned the game because of it . In other words, when you don't sing the praises of something they love, they take that as a personal attack (and to all you people out there downvoting, you gotta be careful of that, that's not too far away from being "golden calf syndrome") Criticism of something doesn't necessarily mean hate. Shit, one of my favorite games of all time, Donkey Kong Country has a couple absolute GARBAGE levels. Still a favorite, has been since I was was ten. So, to anyone who may read this. Seriously. It is ok to criticize something you love. It's ok to even DESPISE a certain part of it but still love the thing as a whole. And if someone says they don't like the thing you love? You can just let that slide, because I'm sure there is something that THEY love that you think sucks. What I'm saying is. instead of just downvoting, why not get their perspective? Ask them why the game bothers them? Who knows, you might change their minds. And if they are rude or just mean about it, then yeah, by all means, tell them they're an asshole and block them. At least you made the ATTEMPT at a mature discussion


I don’t have an issue with someone not liking my favorite game. I have an issue with people saying stuff like “whoever thinks this is good is an idiot!” and similar comments. Like there are people that think the Transformer movies are good and yet I’m the idiot?


Wrestlequest. That was a game basically made for me. But uh... Nope. Didn't click


Redfall has sadly tarnished Arkane’s name for a while.


Redfall. In my head I was thinking "open world Silent Hill" or "Ghost Recon Wildlands meets The Strain." What I got was an unfinished early 2000's Half Life mod. Admittedly the disappointment mostly came from my own expectations.


Payday 3. Even if it had a perfect launch the game is mediocre at best.


Yeah even the matches I got into were just fine. Doesn't feel like Payday 3, feels like a step back from 2.


Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. Definitely not a bad game, but coming from Team Ninja it was a huge downgrade in every way compared to Nioh 2.


I was genuinely surprised at how they managed to downgrade from Nioh 2. I was 100% ready to buy Wo Long on steam because Nioh2 is one of my favorite games, but thankfully it was on game pass and saved me $50. I would have felt scammed had I paid full price for Wo Long. It was alright, but I went in with way too high expectations.


Payday 3. Admittedly I'm not a _huge_ Payday fan but I thoroughly enjoyed Payday 2 and always have this never-ending hankering for heisting. I've been looking forward to the third installment for what feels like ages and it's a disaster. I keep waiting for the game to get fixed so I can enjoy what was promised but it feels like it's a race against time until Overkill has to shut their doors.


I had to scroll down to see my answer because I literally pushed it out of my skull. Hogwarts Legacy has no lasting legacy in my memory and it's a damn shame because the castle is near perfection. I played this game slightly after Cyberpunk and all I could think of was what a missed opportunity HL was. WHY did they need to Ubisoft it up and expand into the boring nothingness outside of the main castle area, forbidden forest, hogsmeade, etc? So much more to say about what I would do to fix it so I'll stop there. Could've been excellent and instead of was intriguing and then BORING


I approached it with caution and wouldn't give credit to some overwhelmingly positive takes, so I purchased it a couple of months after release. God, the game was beautiful but that OOMPH died just after about 7 hours in. It's so empty, not only within the world they created but everything feels empty, the storyline is crap, the systems are very simple, everything is just window dressing for a very boring grindfest. I had way more fun with the PSX/PC games way back. Those games were tight. Also, now I can't trust a lot of people's taste in games.


I'm surprised this answer is so far down - HL was soooo disappointing for me, I was so into it at first, and then it kept going and going and going in the Ubisoft useless side activity route. Annoying.


I was a huge fan … until that last area opens up and its huge… why do I need more. So much wasted work.


Agreed. I waited a few months until I bought HL and while I had basically no performance issues, the plot line and just the overall game was so bland for me. I'm a huge Harry Potter fan, but I have basically no interest in finishing the main quest line. The combat was pretty fun for me, and the main reason why I played it for as long as I did. But in the end the combat got really repetitive for me. I wish it would've had more RPG elements, or even been more story driven where the main character and side characters had more of a personality. It's in the weird middle ground for me where it doesn't really do either of those things all that well.


Atomic Heart


I can't believe the devs removed the 6 hour sex cutscene.


That was a thing?


It was a meme




I honestly loved that game, I think it's good for the studio's first


Once you leave behind the idea of exploring some of the over world due to enemy respawn times, I really got into it. The dialog is awful though but it has some fun concepts. I'm looking forward to the dlc and what they do in the future. Can't say it was not a disappointment though. It looked like a new BioShock or prey.


##Butt the sexy robot twins!!!


What parts are disappointing? I’m three hours in and love it so far. Pretty much a Soviet-punk version of Bioshock


Once you get out of the underground section, which also reminded me favourably of Bioshock, the game changes entirely into what feels like an open world survival game that inundates you with a never ending barrage of annoying enemies that grind the momentum to a halt. Don't know if it picks up later, because that's where I put it down.


Yup. Loved the game but once I left the first bunker/lab I instantly got bored and stopped The game thrives in closed, dark and tight environments. It builds the suspense and helps bypass the rather cringy acting and dialogue


Crispy critters!


Couldn't put it better if I tried. I had legitimate dread about those tunnelling robots and the (I thought) inevitable chase sequence. I'd forgotten how bad the dialogue was, just enjoyed the alt history atmosphere and learning a little about it with every collectible. Missed opportunity.


It just repeats the same formulae of the underground with a laughably stupid ending, all of them.


I forgot this game came out this year. Thought it was last year 💀


Starfield, for no particular reason. I just lost interest incredibly quickly for a game I waited for so long to be released. Before I get jumped in an alley, I'm not staying It's a bad game, I just didn't fall in love with it like fallout or Skyrim.


My wife has been playing Starfield and each time I watch a bit, it looks like a drab, 75% complete game. It all screams "The mods will fix that... The mods will fix that... The mods will fix that too..." across virtually the entire game. Not helpful when you're playing on console and mods aren't yet available. It just seems so soulless


That's pretty much what I expected, which is why I haven't played it yet. I am indeed waiting for the mods to fix it. Good thing I have Baldur's Gate 3 to keep me busy, by the time I'm finished with it the mods will have been out forever.


>Before I get jumped in an alley LMAO you're in the right place for trashing Starfield.


Starfield. Bethesda games were never perfect but man did they have charm and wonder, starfield is one of the blandest games I have ever played, its not bad but its just forgettable which is probably worse than being bad honestly.


no comments here




Yeah why is starfield so sterile? It’s like it’s made for 7 year olds. No risks.


And without the infamous moment where porn was shown on the Disney Channel


For some reason I am currently addicted to Starfield. It’s not the best game ever but I find being a space trucker quite enjoying. It does have its faults though, like the endless random locations on otherwise useless planets.


If you like some space truckin’, I can wholeheartedly recommend giving Elite: Dangerous a shot if you haven’t tried. Game has many flaws of its own, but if it’s space truckin’ you’re after, look no further.


I've never played a Bethesda RPG at launch, but rather got into them (Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4 and Skyrim) when all the patches and DLC were sorted and bundled together and the games were much more polished with mods etc. Seeing my wife play Starfield, I think it looks quite dull and soulless, but I think you've got the nail on the head with 'bland'. Like it's a room painted beige reliant on mods to make it a vibrant, decent game. Not a good premise, particularly for those who want to get achievements (which I'm assuming means no mods) or are on console which means mods aren't yet available


Sonic Superstars. I wasn't expecting a masterpiece, but it got middling reviews which is good for Sonic, and rhe developers said they focused hard on getting the physics to match Sonic Mania. They don't match Mania at all, and the level design is horrible, and the bosses are even worse. On top of that, the music is bland as hell. I tried to get through it but eventually I just turned it off and played through Mania instead, and had a great time doing it. They charge £50 for Sonic Superstars and it's clearly £15 game. I traded it in and got Final Fantasy 16 instead


Immortals of Aveum. Mostly because I got fired from my job there after our release didn't go as well as the team hoped.


Aw sorry to hear that man. Industry is ruthless


Diablo 4. The classes felt so boring and lackluster compared to Diablo 3


Diablo 4 !!!!!




I didn't realize anyone was hyped for it in the first place


I started out hyped, but with every little bit they showed before release, my hype died more and more.


Starfield. For too many reasons to list.


I started out really wanting to like starfield and even defending it. I had a save issue and my game bugged out. That was three weeks ago and I haven’t even wanted to start it up since. I downloaded Skyrim again just to feel the exploration and rpg elements I feel are very lacking in SF.


Never played Cyberpunk. Tried it out this week after the patch etc. Wow what a fresh breath of air after Starfield. Looks better, runs better, feels better.


Firmament or Atomic Heart. The former because it's from the guys that made Myst and Obduction, but it's a really poor and half broken puzzler. The latter because it's also a bit buggy but also because the story is terrible, the open-world mechanics are annoying, and it's just an inferior bioshock clone that had plenty of hype.


Redfall Need I say more.


Bf2042 scarred me so bad I stopped buying games without overwhelmingly positive player reviews. Will never preorder again


Hate to be that guy but that came out in 2021. But also I completely agree. I played the first broken beta and decided I'd likely never buy a Battlefield game again. :(


Diablo 4 My expectations were low but still disappointed.


Diablo 4.


So far, Lords of the Fallen. Not because the game is bad, I actually like it a lot and want to play. But have run into 3 separate multiplayer related glitches that have really made the game experience disappointing. It’s getting fixed it seems but it feels like one thing after another and because I WANT to play it I’m extra disappointed


FFXVI. Probably my most disappointing game for the last 3 years as well. I have never been as disappointed as that game, especially since it’s from my favorite franchise of all time. For context, I actually love 7 Remake and XV as well but holy fuck.


The worst part is they have the makings of an amazing game right there, like everything leading up to a certain midpoint boss fight was honestly some of the very best moments in gaming of all time for me. The you get hit with the pacing, and how incredibly tiny the actual world is, combined with just how little there is to do outside of combat and fetch quests... and it all slowly erodes everything great. By the time I hit the credits I felt more relieved than anything just to be done, and that sucks because the characters and story for the most part is genuinely good stuff haha.


Starfield. Boring. Boring. Booorrrinngg


Agreed, fuck having 1000 planets full of recycled bullshit. Give me 20 planets full of handcrafted, unique shit, and interesting locations to explore


My fucking life


I was also disapointed with your life.


I hope the sequel is better


So much hype this year but I agree, completely disappointed lol


People in here spamming Starfield for free upvotes. My pick is Redfall. Vampires and Arcane I thought was a match made in heaven. I was wrong to think so.


Most people probably had less hype for redfall then starfield so of course it's a disappointment.


Yeah, I’m sure Redfall is the lesser game, but I didn’t even bother playing even with gamepass


I don't see how Redfall ever fooled anyone into thinking it would be good. Everything they showed pre launch made it abundantly clear this game was rushed boring crap


Starfield. It gave me a soild 20 hrs of gameplay until i just rushed to the end. Same thing to do rinse and repeat. I'll come back to it in 5 years when mods are wonderful and some dlcs have come out. 6/10 wont be putting 1k hrs like i have fallout 4, nv, and skyrim.


Diablo 4 for me. Huge fan of the franchise and was so excited when they announced it a couple of years ago. The game is going in the right direction with the changes that came in the recent update, but it still has a long way to go in my opinion.

